

GB/T 1039-1992塑料力学性能试验方法总则

plastics--General rules for the test method of mechannlcal properties GB1040 塑料拉伸试验方法

Plastics--Determination of tensile properties

GB/T_1041-1992 塑料压缩性能试验方法

Plastics--Determination of compressive properties

GB/T 1043-93 硬质塑料简支梁冲击试验方法

Plastics--Determination of charpy impact strength of rigid matericals GB/T 14153-1993硬质塑料落锤冲击试验方法通则

General test method for impact resistance of rigid plastics by means of falling weight

GB/T 14484-1993 塑料承载强度试验方法

Test method for bearing strength of plastics

GB/T 14485-1993 工程塑料硬质塑料板材及塑料件耐冲击性能试验方法、落球法 Standard methods of testing for impact resistance of plats and pats made from englneering plastics by a ball(falling ball

GB/T 15047-1994 塑料扭转刚性试验方法

Test method for stiffness proporties in tirsion of plastics

GB/T 15048-1994 硬质泡沫塑料压缩蠕变试验方法

Cellular plastics,rigid--Determination of compressive creep

GB/T 12027-2004 塑料-薄膜和薄片-加热尺寸变化率试验方法

Plastics--film and sheeting-Determination of dimensional change on heating

GB/T 2013525-1992 塑料拉伸冲击性能试验方法

Test method for tensile-impact property of plastics

GB/T 11999-1989塑料薄膜和薄片耐撕裂性试验方法埃莱门多夫法

Plastics--Film and sheeting--Determination of tear

resistance--Elmendorf method

GB/T 10808-1989 软质泡沫塑料撕裂性能试验方法

Cellular plastics--Tear resistance test for flexible materials

GB/T 11546-1989 料拉伸蠕变测定方法

Plastics--Determination of tensile creep

GB/T 11548-1989 硬质塑料板材耐冲击性能试验方法 (落锤法)

Standard test method for impact rest resistance of rigid plastics sheeting by means of a tup(falling werght

GB 9641 硬质泡沫塑料拉伸性能试验方法

Test method for tensile properties of rigid cellular plastics

GB/T 9647-1988 塑料管材耐外负荷试验方法

Test method for external loading resistance for plastics plpes GB 10006-88 塑料薄膜和薄片摩擦系数测定方法

Plastics--Film and sheeting--Determination of the coefficients of friction

GB 8812-1988 硬质泡沫塑料弯曲试验方法

Test method for beuding of rigid cellular plastics

GB 8813-1988 硬质泡沫塑料压缩试验方法

Test method for compression of rigid cellular plastics\

GB/T 9341-2000 塑料弯曲性能试验方法

Plastics--Determination of flexural properties

GB/T 8805-1988 硬质塑料管材弯曲度测量方法

Determination of deflection for rigid plastics pipes

GB/T 8324-1987 模塑料体积系数试验方法

The methd for bulk factor of moulding materials

GB/T 6671-2001热塑性塑料管材纵向回缩率的测定

GB 6344 软质泡沫聚合物材料拉伸强度和断裂伸长率的测定

Polymeric materials,cellular flexible--Determination of ensile strength and elongation at break

GB/T 5478-2008 塑料滚动磨损试验方法

Plastics--Test method for wear by rolling

GB-T 3960-1983塑料滑动摩擦磨损试验方法

Test method for friction and wear of plastics by sliding

GB 3354-1999定向纤维增强塑料拉伸性能试验方法

The method for tensile properties of oriented fiber reinforced plastics

GB 3355-2005纤维增强塑料纵横剪切试验方法

Test method for longitudinal transverse shear (L-T shear) properties of fiber reinforced plastics

GB 3356-1999 单向纤维增强塑料弯曲性能试验方法

Test method for flexural properties of unidirectional fiber reinforced plastics

GB/T 1843-1996 塑料悬臂梁冲击试验方法

Plastic--Determination of lzod impact strength

GB-T 15598-1995 塑料剪切强度试验方法穿孔法

Testing method for shear strength of plastics by punch tool



GB/T 1039-1992塑料力学性能试验方法总则

plastics--General rules for the test method of mechannlcal properties GB1040 塑料拉伸试验方法

Plastics--Determination of tensile properties

GB/T_1041-1992 塑料压缩性能试验方法

Plastics--Determination of compressive properties

GB/T 1043-93 硬质塑料简支梁冲击试验方法

Plastics--Determination of charpy impact strength of rigid matericals GB/T 14153-1993硬质塑料落锤冲击试验方法通则

General test method for impact resistance of rigid plastics by means of falling weight

GB/T 14484-1993 塑料承载强度试验方法

Test method for bearing strength of plastics

GB/T 14485-1993 工程塑料硬质塑料板材及塑料件耐冲击性能试验方法、落球法 Standard methods of testing for impact resistance of plats and pats made from englneering plastics by a ball(falling ball

GB/T 15047-1994 塑料扭转刚性试验方法

Test method for stiffness proporties in tirsion of plastics

GB/T 15048-1994 硬质泡沫塑料压缩蠕变试验方法

Cellular plastics,rigid--Determination of compressive creep

GB/T 12027-2004 塑料-薄膜和薄片-加热尺寸变化率试验方法

Plastics--film and sheeting-Determination of dimensional change on heating

GB/T 2013525-1992 塑料拉伸冲击性能试验方法

Test method for tensile-impact property of plastics

GB/T 11999-1989塑料薄膜和薄片耐撕裂性试验方法埃莱门多夫法

Plastics--Film and sheeting--Determination of tear

resistance--Elmendorf method

GB/T 10808-1989 软质泡沫塑料撕裂性能试验方法

Cellular plastics--Tear resistance test for flexible materials

GB/T 11546-1989 料拉伸蠕变测定方法

Plastics--Determination of tensile creep

GB/T 11548-1989 硬质塑料板材耐冲击性能试验方法 (落锤法)

Standard test method for impact rest resistance of rigid plastics sheeting by means of a tup(falling werght

GB 9641 硬质泡沫塑料拉伸性能试验方法

Test method for tensile properties of rigid cellular plastics

GB/T 9647-1988 塑料管材耐外负荷试验方法

Test method for external loading resistance for plastics plpes GB 10006-88 塑料薄膜和薄片摩擦系数测定方法

Plastics--Film and sheeting--Determination of the coefficients of friction

GB 8812-1988 硬质泡沫塑料弯曲试验方法

Test method for beuding of rigid cellular plastics

GB 8813-1988 硬质泡沫塑料压缩试验方法

Test method for compression of rigid cellular plastics\

GB/T 9341-2000 塑料弯曲性能试验方法

Plastics--Determination of flexural properties

GB/T 8805-1988 硬质塑料管材弯曲度测量方法

Determination of deflection for rigid plastics pipes

GB/T 8324-1987 模塑料体积系数试验方法

The methd for bulk factor of moulding materials

GB/T 6671-2001热塑性塑料管材纵向回缩率的测定

GB 6344 软质泡沫聚合物材料拉伸强度和断裂伸长率的测定

Polymeric materials,cellular flexible--Determination of ensile strength and elongation at break

GB/T 5478-2008 塑料滚动磨损试验方法

Plastics--Test method for wear by rolling

GB-T 3960-1983塑料滑动摩擦磨损试验方法

Test method for friction and wear of plastics by sliding

GB 3354-1999定向纤维增强塑料拉伸性能试验方法

The method for tensile properties of oriented fiber reinforced plastics

GB 3355-2005纤维增强塑料纵横剪切试验方法

Test method for longitudinal transverse shear (L-T shear) properties of fiber reinforced plastics

GB 3356-1999 单向纤维增强塑料弯曲性能试验方法

Test method for flexural properties of unidirectional fiber reinforced plastics

GB/T 1843-1996 塑料悬臂梁冲击试验方法

Plastic--Determination of lzod impact strength

GB-T 15598-1995 塑料剪切强度试验方法穿孔法

Testing method for shear strength of plastics by punch tool



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