

in a people's countries to promote a hub, and this is virtue. -- montesquieu

people did not like zoushou alive, it should be the pursuit of knowledge and virtue. -- dante

not to small to do this evil, not good but not as small. however, yin wei tak, can be served in person. -- liu bei

is not a problem of non-respect, and germany is not suffering from chong; buchi paul was not gang, and shame unwise not to blog. -- zhang heng

soil can help walls, as thick and ji-de. -- li bai

to a good thing, he tairan, an daishi bank, qin ying baokui. -- god-han -

into the sludge rather than with, sugar-coated bullets from the erosion of the bourgeoisie, is the most valuable revolutionary quality.

-- zhou enlai

one of the most sad thing without too much conscience simie. -- guo moruo

shy fear is fear of humiliation or emotional, such sentiments can not stop people committing certain despicable acts.

-- spinoza

should be enthusiastic and committed to act as moral, ethical and not empty words. -- democritus

feelings are greatly encouraged by force, therefore, it is all the important prerequisite for moral conduct. -- kai luofu

not a great character, not great, not even the great artists, great actors.

-- romain rolland

higher than the rational mind, thinking reliable than feelings. -- gorky

communism not only in the fields and sweat of cross-flow of the factory, it also manifested in the family, the table next to the pro -

qi, and in mutual relations. -- mayakovsky夫斯基

the reason why people have a moral virtue, but only by less than the temptation of this is not because of their monotonous life

stereotypes, because of their expertise xinyi yi towards a goal next to no time and lab. -- duncan

human beings have been given a work that is the spirit of growth. -- lev tolstoy

in the wisdom that should be excluded on, the moral should be innocent and should be physically clean. -- dmc

he cardiff

by the conscience of people all the knowledge and way of life to decide. -- marx

law-abiding and conscientious person, even if there are pressing needs will not steal, but even if the millions of money to the bootlegging

thief, he also can not expect children not steal from not steal. -- keleiluofu

the spirit of the moral strength to play its potentials, it has raised the banner, then our patriotic fervor and justice

in the sense of reality in both the power and fulfill its role. -- hegel

"virtue" teach your children: virtue is the people's happiness rather than money. this is my jingyanzhitan. at

i support the distress of a moral, i did not commit suicide, in addition to the arts is beyond moral. -- beethoven

if the moral hazard, the fun will certainly decline. -- diderot

i would like to prove that all acts of kindness and noble people, and can therefore play a distress. -- beethoven

the decoration is also incompatible with virtue, because the moral is the soul of the strength and vitality. -- rousseau

i am convinced that the only moral citizens can extend to their motherland will be acceptable to salute. -- rousseau


in a people's countries to promote a hub, and this is virtue. -- montesquieu

people did not like zoushou alive, it should be the pursuit of knowledge and virtue. -- dante

not to small to do this evil, not good but not as small. however, yin wei tak, can be served in person. -- liu bei

is not a problem of non-respect, and germany is not suffering from chong; buchi paul was not gang, and shame unwise not to blog. -- zhang heng

soil can help walls, as thick and ji-de. -- li bai

to a good thing, he tairan, an daishi bank, qin ying baokui. -- god-han -

into the sludge rather than with, sugar-coated bullets from the erosion of the bourgeoisie, is the most valuable revolutionary quality.

-- zhou enlai

one of the most sad thing without too much conscience simie. -- guo moruo

shy fear is fear of humiliation or emotional, such sentiments can not stop people committing certain despicable acts.

-- spinoza

should be enthusiastic and committed to act as moral, ethical and not empty words. -- democritus

feelings are greatly encouraged by force, therefore, it is all the important prerequisite for moral conduct. -- kai luofu

not a great character, not great, not even the great artists, great actors.

-- romain rolland

higher than the rational mind, thinking reliable than feelings. -- gorky

communism not only in the fields and sweat of cross-flow of the factory, it also manifested in the family, the table next to the pro -

qi, and in mutual relations. -- mayakovsky夫斯基

the reason why people have a moral virtue, but only by less than the temptation of this is not because of their monotonous life

stereotypes, because of their expertise xinyi yi towards a goal next to no time and lab. -- duncan

human beings have been given a work that is the spirit of growth. -- lev tolstoy

in the wisdom that should be excluded on, the moral should be innocent and should be physically clean. -- dmc

he cardiff

by the conscience of people all the knowledge and way of life to decide. -- marx

law-abiding and conscientious person, even if there are pressing needs will not steal, but even if the millions of money to the bootlegging

thief, he also can not expect children not steal from not steal. -- keleiluofu

the spirit of the moral strength to play its potentials, it has raised the banner, then our patriotic fervor and justice

in the sense of reality in both the power and fulfill its role. -- hegel

"virtue" teach your children: virtue is the people's happiness rather than money. this is my jingyanzhitan. at

i support the distress of a moral, i did not commit suicide, in addition to the arts is beyond moral. -- beethoven

if the moral hazard, the fun will certainly decline. -- diderot

i would like to prove that all acts of kindness and noble people, and can therefore play a distress. -- beethoven

the decoration is also incompatible with virtue, because the moral is the soul of the strength and vitality. -- rousseau

i am convinced that the only moral citizens can extend to their motherland will be acceptable to salute. -- rousseau


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