


1. I’for me for so long. answered. the Internet three times a week.

, you should eat fruit and vegetables. 6. Don’.

7. As a student, I think it’to study hard. about the sports meeting.

book. Many students like reading it and learn a lot.

after high school. pianist.

. of the word?

of the year we are going to take up a hobby. language. . 17. Don’ the hot water. It’s dangerous.

the prize for the best performer last night? 19. I don’ if my friends are the same as me. 20. What’ about the future.


1. He couldn’t run fast enough (catch) up with his classmates in the race.

2. She (not visit) her aunt last weekend.

3. Can you find the 4. I think it’s much (nice) to stay at home than to go out on a hot day.

5. I’ll think about 6. Are you good at 7. Everything (be) free in twenty years.

8. What you said made me feel (worry). 9. I’m going to work harder 10. We enjoyed (our) at the party last night.

11. Some resolutions have to do with better planning, like making a (week) plan for schoolwork.

12.We are going to keep on (help) others in trouble.

13. My friend wants to be a singer. She is going to take lessons.

14. Bill Gates is a (success) person.

15. As teenagers, we should be ready 16. Last night, what 17. My English teacher is as 18. The Yellow River is the second (long) river in China. 19. Jim has (cheap) clothes in my class.

20. It’s cold. Please keep the door (close). 三、选词填空(20’)

to go to the Great Wall ’s near a lake. She doesn’t like

going to Beijing or going fishing. He sightseeing. He’s going to Tai’an. He wants to climb Mountain Tai. He there must many beautiful scenes. 四、短文填空(20’)

Last week I had a pretty good vacation with my family. We great the weather was sunny and in the water. On Tuesday, it was and humid. We walked in the city. We visited 5.t parks. We had a picnic there. On Wednesday and Thursday, it was rainy and windy. We walked in the city. We

some clothes and ate something nice. On Friday, the was cool. We went hiking in the We were tired felt very happy. I really enjoyed my . How wonderful it was! 五、汉译英(20’)













1. I’for me for so long. answered. the Internet three times a week.

, you should eat fruit and vegetables. 6. Don’.

7. As a student, I think it’to study hard. about the sports meeting.

book. Many students like reading it and learn a lot.

after high school. pianist.

. of the word?

of the year we are going to take up a hobby. language. . 17. Don’ the hot water. It’s dangerous.

the prize for the best performer last night? 19. I don’ if my friends are the same as me. 20. What’ about the future.


1. He couldn’t run fast enough (catch) up with his classmates in the race.

2. She (not visit) her aunt last weekend.

3. Can you find the 4. I think it’s much (nice) to stay at home than to go out on a hot day.

5. I’ll think about 6. Are you good at 7. Everything (be) free in twenty years.

8. What you said made me feel (worry). 9. I’m going to work harder 10. We enjoyed (our) at the party last night.

11. Some resolutions have to do with better planning, like making a (week) plan for schoolwork.

12.We are going to keep on (help) others in trouble.

13. My friend wants to be a singer. She is going to take lessons.

14. Bill Gates is a (success) person.

15. As teenagers, we should be ready 16. Last night, what 17. My English teacher is as 18. The Yellow River is the second (long) river in China. 19. Jim has (cheap) clothes in my class.

20. It’s cold. Please keep the door (close). 三、选词填空(20’)

to go to the Great Wall ’s near a lake. She doesn’t like

going to Beijing or going fishing. He sightseeing. He’s going to Tai’an. He wants to climb Mountain Tai. He there must many beautiful scenes. 四、短文填空(20’)

Last week I had a pretty good vacation with my family. We great the weather was sunny and in the water. On Tuesday, it was and humid. We walked in the city. We visited 5.t parks. We had a picnic there. On Wednesday and Thursday, it was rainy and windy. We walked in the city. We

some clothes and ate something nice. On Friday, the was cool. We went hiking in the We were tired felt very happy. I really enjoyed my . How wonderful it was! 五、汉译英(20’)












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