在曼陀丽,石南花“美得反常,大的出奇” 1P70,“红的像鲜血” 1P69“茂盛得难以置信” 1P70。曼陀丽的美景是吕蓓卡一手布置的,这些令“我”恐惧
的石南花当然也是她的杰作。吕蓓卡对这些略带血腥的石南花有着特别的偏爱,也正是因此,石南花成了吕蓓卡的象征。如曼陀丽的石南花一样,吕蓓卡美貌出众、举止高贵、精明能干、精力充沛、深得人心。In Manderley, rhododendrons are “beautiful, unusual and surprisingly large ” [1] (P70) “red as blood ” [1] (P69) “incredible lush ” [1] (P70). The layout of Manderley is designed by Rebecca handedly, and these flowers that make me fear of, of course, is her masterpiece. Rebecca has a special love for these slightly bloody rhododendrons; as a result, rhododendrons become a symbol of Rebecca. Like these flowers in Manderley, she is outstanding in beauty, and her manners are noble. Besides, she is smart, energetic and won the hearts of everybody in Manderley. []()[]() []()
在小说的伊始,“我”就在梦中提到了石南花。“石南花竟高达一百五十码,它们与羊齿绞曲缠绕在一起,还和一大簇无名的灌木胡乱交配。” [1](P2)。石南花成了“我”噩梦中对曼陀丽那些诡异的植物、景色描写不可或缺的一个部分,这和“我”的经历是分不开的。“我”初到曼陀丽,就被“红得像鲜血”的石南花“着实吓了一跳”。
In the beginning of the novel, I refer to the rhododendrons in my dream. “The rhododendrons stood fifty feet high, twisted and entwined with bracken, and they had entered into alien marriage with a host of nameless shrubs” [1] (P2). The flowers have become an integral part of landscape description about those strange plants in my nightmare. It is inseparable from my own experience. At my first coming to Manderley, I am horrified by the flowers which are “as red as blood”. 1P69 []()
曼陀丽的石南花完全不像之前见过的石南花,是“一种普通的家花”“整齐的排列在圆形的花圃中”,而是“因为过分的浓艳,显得非常怪异”,像“一群高耸的密集巨怪” [1](P70),形成“高出人头的一堵血红色的墙” [1](P69)。已故的吕蓓卡在“我”初到曼陀丽的时候,就以其偏爱的石南花给“我”之后在曼陀丽的生活奠下了恐怖的色彩。之后,“我”明显的感到虽然吕蓓卡早已故去,她的身影却在曼陀丽处处可见,正如石南花处处可见一样。
The rhododendrons in Manderley is not like the flowers I have seen before, it is not “a homely, domestic thing” “standing one beside the other in a neat round bed”, but monsters. “Rearing to the sky massed like a battalion, too beautiful I thought, too powerful; they were not plants at all.”(Rebecca : 70) The late Rebecca brings terror color to my further life in Manderley through her favor –rhododendrons during my early days to Manderley .Obviously ,I feel that Rebecca has long passed away, However her figure can be seen everywhere in Manderley, just like rhododendrons that can also be seen everywhere
晨室是吕蓓卡处理曼陀丽的日常事务,安排一天的行程,回复宾客信件的地方。这里弥漫着吕蓓卡的气息,因此在“我”还未到窗口时就猜到窗外一定是石南花丛。果不其然,在打开的窗子底下,“聚集着大簇大簇鲜血一般红得过分的石南。它们已经蔓延着侵入车道”。[1](P88) 不仅是晨室窗外,晨室里也到处是石南花的身影。作为晨室里唯一的鲜花,石南花已不仅仅是装饰性的花朵,它已经成了晨室的主角,以至于“我”怀疑晨室里的装饰、摆设的安排都只是为了与石南花相一致,从而衬托出石南花的美。
The morning room is a place for Rebecca to handle the daily affairs of the Manderley, arranging a day trip and replying letters to guests. The room is filled with the breath of Rebecca, so “Somehow I guessed, before going to the window, that the room looked out upon the rhododendrons. Yes, there they were, blood-red and luscious, as I
had seen them the evening before, great bushes of them, massed beneath the open window, encroaching on to the sweep of the drive itself.” (Rebecca : 46)Itis not only out of the window, but in the morning room, it is full of rhododendrons. As the only kind of flowers in the morning room, they are not only for decoration, the protagonist of the morning room. So “I wondered if there was some purpose in it”
从这些描述中可以看出在晨室中,石南花成了吕蓓卡的象征。虽然吕蓓卡已经死去,但怒放在晨室里的石南花却彰显着她女主人的身份。在“我”的意识中,这些石南花如同吕蓓卡一样,无时不刻的在注视着她的一举一动,让她丝毫没有自己是曼陀丽新女主人的感觉,而是觉得自己只是个“鬼鬼祟祟”偷看女主人信件的访客,以至于在接到丹弗斯太太的电话是说出“德温特夫人过世已经一年多了”的傻话。[1](P90) 可见这些血腥的石南花于“我”而言,就是吕__蓓卡的幽灵,时时刻刻的纠缠着“我”。
We can see from the descriptions in the morning room that rhododendron has become the symbol of Rebecca. Although Rebecca has died, the flower in full bloom in the morning room reveals the identity of her mistress. In the consciousness of the narrator, the flowers are the same as Rebecca, who watches her move at every moment, which makes her have little feeling of being a new mistress of Manderley, but just a visitor. All these show that these bloody flowers are the ghost of Rebecca and always cling to her.
石南花的盛衰和吕蓓卡的命运也有着其相通之处。在通往吕蓓卡最终安身之处—小海湾的必经之路“幸福谷”里,石南花一改它血腥、张扬的摸样,不再是“红色的巨怪”,而是呈现出不同的颜色,“低垂着婀娜娇柔的花穗”。[1](P114) 吕蓓卡已经静静的躺在海底,无法再张扬她的个性,因而在这里,石南花也不再具有侵略性,只能默默的悼念她的死亡。
The rise and fall of the rhododendrons have its similarities to the fate of Rebecca. When Rebecca dies, in the bay where she buries, the flowers change its bloody publicity, they are no longer red monsters, but show a different color. “On either side of the narrow path stood azaleas and rhododendrons, not blood-colored like the giants in the drive, but salmon, white, and gold, things of beauty and of grace, drooping their lovely, delicate heads in the soft summer rain.” (Rebecca : 60) Rebecca has been lying quietly in the bottom of the sea. It is impossible for her to publicize her personality, so here the flowers are no longer aggressive; they are only in silence to mourn her death.
当石南过了全盛期,花朵开始褪色凋败。“我”发出了“石南的美是短暂的,决不能永远驻颜” [1](P143) 的感慨。这也是吕蓓卡一生的写照。吕蓓卡出众的美貌、优雅的身段、高贵的谈吐、张扬的个性是她即使处于千人之中,也熠熠生辉。但美如石南,吕蓓卡的耀眼光芒也是短暂的,她的生命在怒放之后就划上了永恒的休止符。
When the rhododendrons experience their heyday, flowers begin to fade. I issued that “The beauty is short-lived, it can not keep forever” [1] (P143) this is a true story of Rebecca’s life. Her outstanding beauty, elegant figure, noble conversation, and assertive personality make her famous among thousands of people. But the glare of her is short, such as flowers. Finally, her life is on the eternal pause after full bloom.
In Manderley, rhododendrons are “beautiful, unusual and surprisingly large ” [1] (P70) “red as blood” [1] (P69) “incredible lush” [1] (P70). The layout of Manderley is designed by Rebecca handedly, and these flowers that make me fear of, of course, are her masterpiece. Rebecca has a special love for these slightly bloody rhododendrons; as a result, rhododendrons become a symbol of Rebecca. Like these flowers in Manderley, she is outstanding in beauty, and her manners are noble. Besides, she is smart, energetic and won the hearts of everybody in Manderley.
In the beginning of the novel, I refer to the rhododendrons in my dream. “The rhododendrons stood fifty feet high, twisted and entwined with bracken, and they had entered into alien marriage with a host of nameless shrubs” [1] (P2). The flowers have become an integral part of landscape description about those strange plants in my nightmare. It is inseparable from my own experience. At my first coming to Manderley, I am horrified by the flowers which are “as red as blood”. [1](P69)The rhododendrons in Manderley is not like the flowers I have seen before, it is not “a homely, domestic thing” “standing one beside the other in a neat round bed”, but monsters. “Rearing to the sky massed like a battalion, too beautiful I thought, too powerful; they were not plants at all.”(Rebecca : 70) The late Rebecca brings terror color to my further life in Manderley through her favor –rhododendrons during my early days to Manderley.
Obviously, I feel that Rebecca has long passed away, However her figure can be seen everywhere in Manderley, just like rhododendrons that can also be seen everywhere. The morning room is a place for Rebecca to handle the daily affairs of the Manderley, arranging a day trip and replying letters to guests. The room is filled with the breath of Rebecca, so “Somehow I guessed, before going to the window, that the room looked out upon the rhododendrons. Yes, there they were, blood-red and luscious, as I had seen them the evening before, great bushes of them, massed beneath the open window, encroaching on to the sweep of the drive itself.” (Rebecca : 46)Itis not only out of the window, but in the morning room, it is full of rhododendrons. As the only kind of flowers in the morning room, they are not only for decoration, the protagonist of the morning room. So “I wondered if there was some purpose in it”We can see from the descriptions in the morning room that rhododendron has become the symbol of Rebecca. Although Rebecca has died, the flower in full bloom in the morning room reveals the identity of her mistress. In the consciousness of the narrator, the flowers are the same as Rebecca, who watches her move at every moment, which makes her have little feeling of being a new mistress of Manderley, but just a visitor. All these show that these bloody flowers are the ghost of Rebecca and always cling to her.
The rise and fall of the rhododendrons have its similarities to the fate of Rebecca. When Rebecca dies, in the bay where she buries, the flowers change its bloody publicity, they are no longer red monsters, but show a different color. “On either side of the narrow path stood azaleas and rhododendrons, not blood-colored like the giants in the drive, but salmon, white, and gold, things of beauty and of grace, drooping their lovely, delicate heads in the soft summer rain.” (Rebecca : 60) Rebecca has been lying quietly in the bottom of the sea. It is impossible for her to publicize her
personality, so here the flowers are no longer aggressive; they are only in silence to mourn her death.
When the rhododendrons experience their heyday, flowers begin to fade. I issued that “The beauty is short-lived, it can not keep forever ” [1] (P143) this is a true story of Rebecca’s life. Her outstanding beauty, elegant figure, noble conversation, and assertive personality make her famous among thousands of people. But the glare of her is short, such as flowers. Finally, her life is on the eternal pause after full bloom.
在曼陀丽,石南花“美得反常,大的出奇” 1P70,“红的像鲜血” 1P69“茂盛得难以置信” 1P70。曼陀丽的美景是吕蓓卡一手布置的,这些令“我”恐惧
的石南花当然也是她的杰作。吕蓓卡对这些略带血腥的石南花有着特别的偏爱,也正是因此,石南花成了吕蓓卡的象征。如曼陀丽的石南花一样,吕蓓卡美貌出众、举止高贵、精明能干、精力充沛、深得人心。In Manderley, rhododendrons are “beautiful, unusual and surprisingly large ” [1] (P70) “red as blood ” [1] (P69) “incredible lush ” [1] (P70). The layout of Manderley is designed by Rebecca handedly, and these flowers that make me fear of, of course, is her masterpiece. Rebecca has a special love for these slightly bloody rhododendrons; as a result, rhododendrons become a symbol of Rebecca. Like these flowers in Manderley, she is outstanding in beauty, and her manners are noble. Besides, she is smart, energetic and won the hearts of everybody in Manderley. []()[]() []()
在小说的伊始,“我”就在梦中提到了石南花。“石南花竟高达一百五十码,它们与羊齿绞曲缠绕在一起,还和一大簇无名的灌木胡乱交配。” [1](P2)。石南花成了“我”噩梦中对曼陀丽那些诡异的植物、景色描写不可或缺的一个部分,这和“我”的经历是分不开的。“我”初到曼陀丽,就被“红得像鲜血”的石南花“着实吓了一跳”。
In the beginning of the novel, I refer to the rhododendrons in my dream. “The rhododendrons stood fifty feet high, twisted and entwined with bracken, and they had entered into alien marriage with a host of nameless shrubs” [1] (P2). The flowers have become an integral part of landscape description about those strange plants in my nightmare. It is inseparable from my own experience. At my first coming to Manderley, I am horrified by the flowers which are “as red as blood”. 1P69 []()
曼陀丽的石南花完全不像之前见过的石南花,是“一种普通的家花”“整齐的排列在圆形的花圃中”,而是“因为过分的浓艳,显得非常怪异”,像“一群高耸的密集巨怪” [1](P70),形成“高出人头的一堵血红色的墙” [1](P69)。已故的吕蓓卡在“我”初到曼陀丽的时候,就以其偏爱的石南花给“我”之后在曼陀丽的生活奠下了恐怖的色彩。之后,“我”明显的感到虽然吕蓓卡早已故去,她的身影却在曼陀丽处处可见,正如石南花处处可见一样。
The rhododendrons in Manderley is not like the flowers I have seen before, it is not “a homely, domestic thing” “standing one beside the other in a neat round bed”, but monsters. “Rearing to the sky massed like a battalion, too beautiful I thought, too powerful; they were not plants at all.”(Rebecca : 70) The late Rebecca brings terror color to my further life in Manderley through her favor –rhododendrons during my early days to Manderley .Obviously ,I feel that Rebecca has long passed away, However her figure can be seen everywhere in Manderley, just like rhododendrons that can also be seen everywhere
晨室是吕蓓卡处理曼陀丽的日常事务,安排一天的行程,回复宾客信件的地方。这里弥漫着吕蓓卡的气息,因此在“我”还未到窗口时就猜到窗外一定是石南花丛。果不其然,在打开的窗子底下,“聚集着大簇大簇鲜血一般红得过分的石南。它们已经蔓延着侵入车道”。[1](P88) 不仅是晨室窗外,晨室里也到处是石南花的身影。作为晨室里唯一的鲜花,石南花已不仅仅是装饰性的花朵,它已经成了晨室的主角,以至于“我”怀疑晨室里的装饰、摆设的安排都只是为了与石南花相一致,从而衬托出石南花的美。
The morning room is a place for Rebecca to handle the daily affairs of the Manderley, arranging a day trip and replying letters to guests. The room is filled with the breath of Rebecca, so “Somehow I guessed, before going to the window, that the room looked out upon the rhododendrons. Yes, there they were, blood-red and luscious, as I
had seen them the evening before, great bushes of them, massed beneath the open window, encroaching on to the sweep of the drive itself.” (Rebecca : 46)Itis not only out of the window, but in the morning room, it is full of rhododendrons. As the only kind of flowers in the morning room, they are not only for decoration, the protagonist of the morning room. So “I wondered if there was some purpose in it”
从这些描述中可以看出在晨室中,石南花成了吕蓓卡的象征。虽然吕蓓卡已经死去,但怒放在晨室里的石南花却彰显着她女主人的身份。在“我”的意识中,这些石南花如同吕蓓卡一样,无时不刻的在注视着她的一举一动,让她丝毫没有自己是曼陀丽新女主人的感觉,而是觉得自己只是个“鬼鬼祟祟”偷看女主人信件的访客,以至于在接到丹弗斯太太的电话是说出“德温特夫人过世已经一年多了”的傻话。[1](P90) 可见这些血腥的石南花于“我”而言,就是吕__蓓卡的幽灵,时时刻刻的纠缠着“我”。
We can see from the descriptions in the morning room that rhododendron has become the symbol of Rebecca. Although Rebecca has died, the flower in full bloom in the morning room reveals the identity of her mistress. In the consciousness of the narrator, the flowers are the same as Rebecca, who watches her move at every moment, which makes her have little feeling of being a new mistress of Manderley, but just a visitor. All these show that these bloody flowers are the ghost of Rebecca and always cling to her.
石南花的盛衰和吕蓓卡的命运也有着其相通之处。在通往吕蓓卡最终安身之处—小海湾的必经之路“幸福谷”里,石南花一改它血腥、张扬的摸样,不再是“红色的巨怪”,而是呈现出不同的颜色,“低垂着婀娜娇柔的花穗”。[1](P114) 吕蓓卡已经静静的躺在海底,无法再张扬她的个性,因而在这里,石南花也不再具有侵略性,只能默默的悼念她的死亡。
The rise and fall of the rhododendrons have its similarities to the fate of Rebecca. When Rebecca dies, in the bay where she buries, the flowers change its bloody publicity, they are no longer red monsters, but show a different color. “On either side of the narrow path stood azaleas and rhododendrons, not blood-colored like the giants in the drive, but salmon, white, and gold, things of beauty and of grace, drooping their lovely, delicate heads in the soft summer rain.” (Rebecca : 60) Rebecca has been lying quietly in the bottom of the sea. It is impossible for her to publicize her personality, so here the flowers are no longer aggressive; they are only in silence to mourn her death.
当石南过了全盛期,花朵开始褪色凋败。“我”发出了“石南的美是短暂的,决不能永远驻颜” [1](P143) 的感慨。这也是吕蓓卡一生的写照。吕蓓卡出众的美貌、优雅的身段、高贵的谈吐、张扬的个性是她即使处于千人之中,也熠熠生辉。但美如石南,吕蓓卡的耀眼光芒也是短暂的,她的生命在怒放之后就划上了永恒的休止符。
When the rhododendrons experience their heyday, flowers begin to fade. I issued that “The beauty is short-lived, it can not keep forever” [1] (P143) this is a true story of Rebecca’s life. Her outstanding beauty, elegant figure, noble conversation, and assertive personality make her famous among thousands of people. But the glare of her is short, such as flowers. Finally, her life is on the eternal pause after full bloom.
In Manderley, rhododendrons are “beautiful, unusual and surprisingly large ” [1] (P70) “red as blood” [1] (P69) “incredible lush” [1] (P70). The layout of Manderley is designed by Rebecca handedly, and these flowers that make me fear of, of course, are her masterpiece. Rebecca has a special love for these slightly bloody rhododendrons; as a result, rhododendrons become a symbol of Rebecca. Like these flowers in Manderley, she is outstanding in beauty, and her manners are noble. Besides, she is smart, energetic and won the hearts of everybody in Manderley.
In the beginning of the novel, I refer to the rhododendrons in my dream. “The rhododendrons stood fifty feet high, twisted and entwined with bracken, and they had entered into alien marriage with a host of nameless shrubs” [1] (P2). The flowers have become an integral part of landscape description about those strange plants in my nightmare. It is inseparable from my own experience. At my first coming to Manderley, I am horrified by the flowers which are “as red as blood”. [1](P69)The rhododendrons in Manderley is not like the flowers I have seen before, it is not “a homely, domestic thing” “standing one beside the other in a neat round bed”, but monsters. “Rearing to the sky massed like a battalion, too beautiful I thought, too powerful; they were not plants at all.”(Rebecca : 70) The late Rebecca brings terror color to my further life in Manderley through her favor –rhododendrons during my early days to Manderley.
Obviously, I feel that Rebecca has long passed away, However her figure can be seen everywhere in Manderley, just like rhododendrons that can also be seen everywhere. The morning room is a place for Rebecca to handle the daily affairs of the Manderley, arranging a day trip and replying letters to guests. The room is filled with the breath of Rebecca, so “Somehow I guessed, before going to the window, that the room looked out upon the rhododendrons. Yes, there they were, blood-red and luscious, as I had seen them the evening before, great bushes of them, massed beneath the open window, encroaching on to the sweep of the drive itself.” (Rebecca : 46)Itis not only out of the window, but in the morning room, it is full of rhododendrons. As the only kind of flowers in the morning room, they are not only for decoration, the protagonist of the morning room. So “I wondered if there was some purpose in it”We can see from the descriptions in the morning room that rhododendron has become the symbol of Rebecca. Although Rebecca has died, the flower in full bloom in the morning room reveals the identity of her mistress. In the consciousness of the narrator, the flowers are the same as Rebecca, who watches her move at every moment, which makes her have little feeling of being a new mistress of Manderley, but just a visitor. All these show that these bloody flowers are the ghost of Rebecca and always cling to her.
The rise and fall of the rhododendrons have its similarities to the fate of Rebecca. When Rebecca dies, in the bay where she buries, the flowers change its bloody publicity, they are no longer red monsters, but show a different color. “On either side of the narrow path stood azaleas and rhododendrons, not blood-colored like the giants in the drive, but salmon, white, and gold, things of beauty and of grace, drooping their lovely, delicate heads in the soft summer rain.” (Rebecca : 60) Rebecca has been lying quietly in the bottom of the sea. It is impossible for her to publicize her
personality, so here the flowers are no longer aggressive; they are only in silence to mourn her death.
When the rhododendrons experience their heyday, flowers begin to fade. I issued that “The beauty is short-lived, it can not keep forever ” [1] (P143) this is a true story of Rebecca’s life. Her outstanding beauty, elegant figure, noble conversation, and assertive personality make her famous among thousands of people. But the glare of her is short, such as flowers. Finally, her life is on the eternal pause after full bloom.