

学号:[1**********]1 姓名:范小姝 班级:原英三系11班

Appreciation of Hamlet

The question that whether to survive or to die has puzzled people for a long time. Should we continue to suffer from the tough destiny, or bravely face up to the challenge of the life and overcome all the difficulties? Which action is much more noble? To die is to sleep. Everything can be forgotten. All the pains and the hits that the living people have to endure will vanish. That is exactly what we want. To die is to sleep. But there always will be a lot of dreams in our sleeping. That’s the obstacle. We endeavor to get rid of our bodies, but what will appear in our dreams is unknown to us. We get so puzzled that have to choose to bear the sufferings. If choosing to die can end our lives, how would people rather bear the burden, scorn under the life’s pressure? No one has come back from that mysterious place. We are in fear of the unknown world. It shook our will, and made us prefer accepting all the torment to getting close to the unknown future. Just these scruples make us coward. The ambitions we used have have been shaded by the scrupulousness. The could-be-great works also come to lose the significance to be achieved.

Hamlet is brave, but he is so sensitive and shilly-shally. Just because of his repeating consideration, he spent most of his energy on the decision. The revenge plan had been delayed again and again. To be or not to be. In the end, hamlet chose the latter. He took up the responsibility. In the nowadays, there are also plenty of difficulties. Sometimes it seems seemingly insuperable, but just hold on and be confident, you will find the solution at last. Life is so good. We should not only enjoy the happiness but also the sufferings. That is what life really means.


学号:[1**********]1 姓名:范小姝 班级:原英三系11班

Appreciation of Hamlet

The question that whether to survive or to die has puzzled people for a long time. Should we continue to suffer from the tough destiny, or bravely face up to the challenge of the life and overcome all the difficulties? Which action is much more noble? To die is to sleep. Everything can be forgotten. All the pains and the hits that the living people have to endure will vanish. That is exactly what we want. To die is to sleep. But there always will be a lot of dreams in our sleeping. That’s the obstacle. We endeavor to get rid of our bodies, but what will appear in our dreams is unknown to us. We get so puzzled that have to choose to bear the sufferings. If choosing to die can end our lives, how would people rather bear the burden, scorn under the life’s pressure? No one has come back from that mysterious place. We are in fear of the unknown world. It shook our will, and made us prefer accepting all the torment to getting close to the unknown future. Just these scruples make us coward. The ambitions we used have have been shaded by the scrupulousness. The could-be-great works also come to lose the significance to be achieved.

Hamlet is brave, but he is so sensitive and shilly-shally. Just because of his repeating consideration, he spent most of his energy on the decision. The revenge plan had been delayed again and again. To be or not to be. In the end, hamlet chose the latter. He took up the responsibility. In the nowadays, there are also plenty of difficulties. Sometimes it seems seemingly insuperable, but just hold on and be confident, you will find the solution at last. Life is so good. We should not only enjoy the happiness but also the sufferings. That is what life really means.


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