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直男们对女人化妆的看法 What would you do if you suddenly became £1million richer overnight? Put a downpayment on a mansion? Buy a bunch of designer handbags? Spend £10 on Investing for Dummies and put the rest behind a company?


Although most of us can only dream of having our bank accounts suddenly bumped-up by £1million, that is the reality for lottery winners, successful app entrepreneurs, and college-level American football players selected in NFL drafts. Those players can go from hard-up students to millionaires in a second.

对于大多数人而言,银行存款激增百万这种事,大概也只能想想了。然而对于乐透赢家、程序员企业家中的成功人士、以及那些在美国职业橄榄球联赛中被高校选中的橄榄球运动员 — 一夜暴富即为亲身经历。于(上述)那些(橄榄球)运动员,从穷学生到暴发户尽在一瞬间。

So, what should you do if you're unexpectedly in the money? Firstly, write down what you want and what you need, Mark Doman, a financial adviser who helps people who have accumulated wealth very quickly, told GQ. The more items there are in the ‘want ’ column, the less money there will be in the ‘need ’ column.


Learning how to manage your money rather than trusting others is the next key lesson, according to Doman. He tells his clients that while their trust is all well and good for his ego, he urges them not to invest a single penny in an idea until they understand exactly why they are making that choice.


Having a long-term plan and financial strategy is also important, added Doman. This includes considering a person’s earning potential; the length their career is likely to be; their spending habits; and how risk averse they are in order to create a spending strategy.


But for people who have gotten rich quickly and lost it all, Damon's advice comes a little too late.


Callie Rogers, who became Britain’s youngest lottery winner aged 16 when she took home £1.9million, said in an interview that she was too young to win the lottery.


“Suddenly, I was a local celeb and people would come up to me in pubs as if they were my best friend and I felt pressure to buy them all drinks. I didn’t know who to trust, ” she told Closer magazine.


By the time she was 26, Rogers only had £2,000 of her winnings left.


Former Big Brother contestant Aisleye Horgan-Wallace, however, recently revealed how she has built a million pound fortune by investing in property.


"I came out of the Big Brother house and I thought, ‘I ’ll ride this wave, five, ten minutes, however long it lasts whatever comes my way’."


"I put the money straight into property. I didn ’t buy one pair of shoes, one handbag, I didn’t spoil myself,” she said.

“我径直把钱用到了投资房产上。我没有买一双鞋、一个包,我没有宠坏自己。”她说。 "I knew I had to have that fall back plan because you can’t rely on the celebrity world because you’re hot one minute and no one cares the next."

两分钟做个小测试,看看你的英语水平 http://www.meten.com/test/kuaisu.aspx?tid=16-73675-0

两分钟做个小测试,看看你的英语水平 http://www.meten.com/test/kuaisu.aspx?tid=16-73675-0

直男们对女人化妆的看法 What would you do if you suddenly became £1million richer overnight? Put a downpayment on a mansion? Buy a bunch of designer handbags? Spend £10 on Investing for Dummies and put the rest behind a company?


Although most of us can only dream of having our bank accounts suddenly bumped-up by £1million, that is the reality for lottery winners, successful app entrepreneurs, and college-level American football players selected in NFL drafts. Those players can go from hard-up students to millionaires in a second.

对于大多数人而言,银行存款激增百万这种事,大概也只能想想了。然而对于乐透赢家、程序员企业家中的成功人士、以及那些在美国职业橄榄球联赛中被高校选中的橄榄球运动员 — 一夜暴富即为亲身经历。于(上述)那些(橄榄球)运动员,从穷学生到暴发户尽在一瞬间。

So, what should you do if you're unexpectedly in the money? Firstly, write down what you want and what you need, Mark Doman, a financial adviser who helps people who have accumulated wealth very quickly, told GQ. The more items there are in the ‘want ’ column, the less money there will be in the ‘need ’ column.


Learning how to manage your money rather than trusting others is the next key lesson, according to Doman. He tells his clients that while their trust is all well and good for his ego, he urges them not to invest a single penny in an idea until they understand exactly why they are making that choice.


Having a long-term plan and financial strategy is also important, added Doman. This includes considering a person’s earning potential; the length their career is likely to be; their spending habits; and how risk averse they are in order to create a spending strategy.


But for people who have gotten rich quickly and lost it all, Damon's advice comes a little too late.


Callie Rogers, who became Britain’s youngest lottery winner aged 16 when she took home £1.9million, said in an interview that she was too young to win the lottery.


“Suddenly, I was a local celeb and people would come up to me in pubs as if they were my best friend and I felt pressure to buy them all drinks. I didn’t know who to trust, ” she told Closer magazine.


By the time she was 26, Rogers only had £2,000 of her winnings left.


Former Big Brother contestant Aisleye Horgan-Wallace, however, recently revealed how she has built a million pound fortune by investing in property.


"I came out of the Big Brother house and I thought, ‘I ’ll ride this wave, five, ten minutes, however long it lasts whatever comes my way’."


"I put the money straight into property. I didn ’t buy one pair of shoes, one handbag, I didn’t spoil myself,” she said.

“我径直把钱用到了投资房产上。我没有买一双鞋、一个包,我没有宠坏自己。”她说。 "I knew I had to have that fall back plan because you can’t rely on the celebrity world because you’re hot one minute and no one cares the next."

两分钟做个小测试,看看你的英语水平 http://www.meten.com/test/kuaisu.aspx?tid=16-73675-0


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