
八年级英语下册 Unit 1 课堂练习

offer用作动词,意为“主动提出”,常用 的搭配有offer to do sth,意为“主动去做„„”, offer sth to sb = offer sb sth,意为“向某人提供某物”



spend time with sb意为“和某人一起度过”。



1. 男孩们主动帮助那位老妇人。

The boys_____ ______ ______ the old woman.

2. 经理决定把这份工作给约翰。

The manager decided to ______ the job ______John.

3. Are you going to______ a birthday party for John?(组织)

4. I work for a voluntary _______at the weekend.(组织)


Be careful, and don't______ ______.

6. 一些年轻人不想和老人在一起。

Some young people don't want to ____ ____ ____the old.


I have ____ ____ my homework.。


When Helen sees me need help, she always wants to_____ _____ _____ _____.

9. 我叔叔曾经教我组织了一次志愿活动。

My uncle used to_____ _____ _____ ______ a voluntary activity.


Sorry,I _____ _____ ______ my feelings now.

11. 我们每个人都需要友谊带给我们喜悦和宁静。

Each of us_____ _____ ______ ______ us joy and peace.


Cindy______ ______ look after her neighbors’ children in her spare time. 13.我一回家早,就会帮助我妈妈做家务活。

I will ______my mother ______chores as soon as I come home early.

14. 当你来的时候,请把我落在家里的书给我捎来。

When you come, please______ _______ the book I left at home.

15. 鲍勃正在和一名消防部门的漂亮女士谈话。

Bob_____ _____ ______ a pretty woman from the fire department.


5.organize (名词)________ 6. offer (第三人称单数)________

7. organize (一般过去时)________ 8. spirit (复数) _________

9. express (过去分词)_________ 10. difficult (名词)_________

IV. 用括号里词的适当形式填空,完成句子。

11. You'll have to ask______ (permit) if you want to go into the office.

12. If you are in high______ (spirit), you have a good feeling.

13. Last week, Mr Green helped us_______ (organize) a singing competition. 14. Every day, I go to a children's hospital to see a sick boy_______ (call) Eric.

15. These days people may get all kinds of strange______ (ill) because of pollution. 16. I need________ (study) hard and make progress every day.

17. I used______(go) to work by taxi, but now I ride my bike for work. II.选句子完成对话。

A: Have you ever done any voluntary work, Ben?

B: (9) ___________________

A: Sounds great. (10)________________

B: My friends and I did.

A: (11) ____________________

B: we sold old cartoon books to raise money. A: (12) _________________________

B: More than two thousand yuan.

A: (13) ________________________

B: We will give all of it to a mountain village school.

八年级英语下册 Unit 1 课堂练习

offer用作动词,意为“主动提出”,常用 的搭配有offer to do sth,意为“主动去做„„”, offer sth to sb = offer sb sth,意为“向某人提供某物”



spend time with sb意为“和某人一起度过”。



1. 男孩们主动帮助那位老妇人。

The boys_____ ______ ______ the old woman.

2. 经理决定把这份工作给约翰。

The manager decided to ______ the job ______John.

3. Are you going to______ a birthday party for John?(组织)

4. I work for a voluntary _______at the weekend.(组织)


Be careful, and don't______ ______.

6. 一些年轻人不想和老人在一起。

Some young people don't want to ____ ____ ____the old.


I have ____ ____ my homework.。


When Helen sees me need help, she always wants to_____ _____ _____ _____.

9. 我叔叔曾经教我组织了一次志愿活动。

My uncle used to_____ _____ _____ ______ a voluntary activity.


Sorry,I _____ _____ ______ my feelings now.

11. 我们每个人都需要友谊带给我们喜悦和宁静。

Each of us_____ _____ ______ ______ us joy and peace.


Cindy______ ______ look after her neighbors’ children in her spare time. 13.我一回家早,就会帮助我妈妈做家务活。

I will ______my mother ______chores as soon as I come home early.

14. 当你来的时候,请把我落在家里的书给我捎来。

When you come, please______ _______ the book I left at home.

15. 鲍勃正在和一名消防部门的漂亮女士谈话。

Bob_____ _____ ______ a pretty woman from the fire department.


5.organize (名词)________ 6. offer (第三人称单数)________

7. organize (一般过去时)________ 8. spirit (复数) _________

9. express (过去分词)_________ 10. difficult (名词)_________

IV. 用括号里词的适当形式填空,完成句子。

11. You'll have to ask______ (permit) if you want to go into the office.

12. If you are in high______ (spirit), you have a good feeling.

13. Last week, Mr Green helped us_______ (organize) a singing competition. 14. Every day, I go to a children's hospital to see a sick boy_______ (call) Eric.

15. These days people may get all kinds of strange______ (ill) because of pollution. 16. I need________ (study) hard and make progress every day.

17. I used______(go) to work by taxi, but now I ride my bike for work. II.选句子完成对话。

A: Have you ever done any voluntary work, Ben?

B: (9) ___________________

A: Sounds great. (10)________________

B: My friends and I did.

A: (11) ____________________

B: we sold old cartoon books to raise money. A: (12) _________________________

B: More than two thousand yuan.

A: (13) ________________________

B: We will give all of it to a mountain village school.


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