
课题: Book 5 Module 5 The Great sports personality Period 1 Introduction Vocabulary and speaking

Time: 13 May 2015

Place: Class 8 Senior 2

Teacher: Zhou Yan

Teaching plan

The General Idea of This Period

In this period we’re going to learn vocabulary and enable the students to say the people’s job and their favorite sports. And then we will finish the four activities on Page 41 and practice speaking English. Teaching Aims

1 Knowledge aims(知识目标):

①Master the new words about sports;

② Learn some useful phrases and sentence structures.

2 Ability aims(能力目标) :

①To arouse Ss’ interest in learning about this module. .

② Improve Ss’ ability of speaking.

3 Emotion aims(情感目标) :

①Love sports!

②Love our motherland! Teaching Important Points

1. Train the students’ speaking ability.

2. Master the new words and expressions.

Teaching Difficult Point

How to improve the students’ speaking ability.

Teaching Methods

1. Individual or group work. 2. Explanation and practice methods. Teaching Aids

1. the multi-media SCT

2. the blackboard

Teaching Procedures

Step 1 Leading-in

Purpose: To arouse Ss’ interest in learning about this module and enable them to say the people’s job and the sports they play.

Show a video about Yao Ming and ask Ss to say who the people is and which sport he plays.

Step 2 New words studying

Purpose: To learn more words about sports and develop Ss’ speaking ability.

1. Turn to P41 and check the answers of activity 1.


2. Learn the words about sports, and check the ball games.

Read through the sports in the box and have the students repeat them chorally and individually.

3. Word Competition

Ask the students to remember these words, and then have a word competition

4. Work in pairs and march the words in the box with their meanings.

Step 3 Speaking

Purpose: To enable Ss to talk about their favorite sports and to realize the importance of making connections between the ways in which words are used.

1. Work in pairs. Ask Ss to answer the questions about their favorite sport. What is your favorite sport?

When and where do you play/do it?

How often do you play/do it?

Who do you play/do with?

Are you good at playing/doing…?

Run through the examples with the whole class

Pair the students to talk about their favorite sport.

Circulate and monitor their production.

2. Choose two or three groups to show their conversation.

Step 4 Summary :

In this class we’ve learnt some useful words and expressions on sports . What’s m ore, we’ve got to know how to ask someone’s favorite sports. I hope you can master them after class.

Step 5 Homework:

1. Preview what we will learn tomorrow.

2. Get some information on the internet of Li Ning.

Step 6: The design on the blackboard

Module 5 The Great sports personality


Word competition

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4


课题: Book 5 Module 5 The Great sports personality Period 1 Introduction Vocabulary and speaking

Time: 13 May 2015

Place: Class 8 Senior 2

Teacher: Zhou Yan

Teaching plan

The General Idea of This Period

In this period we’re going to learn vocabulary and enable the students to say the people’s job and their favorite sports. And then we will finish the four activities on Page 41 and practice speaking English. Teaching Aims

1 Knowledge aims(知识目标):

①Master the new words about sports;

② Learn some useful phrases and sentence structures.

2 Ability aims(能力目标) :

①To arouse Ss’ interest in learning about this module. .

② Improve Ss’ ability of speaking.

3 Emotion aims(情感目标) :

①Love sports!

②Love our motherland! Teaching Important Points

1. Train the students’ speaking ability.

2. Master the new words and expressions.

Teaching Difficult Point

How to improve the students’ speaking ability.

Teaching Methods

1. Individual or group work. 2. Explanation and practice methods. Teaching Aids

1. the multi-media SCT

2. the blackboard

Teaching Procedures

Step 1 Leading-in

Purpose: To arouse Ss’ interest in learning about this module and enable them to say the people’s job and the sports they play.

Show a video about Yao Ming and ask Ss to say who the people is and which sport he plays.

Step 2 New words studying

Purpose: To learn more words about sports and develop Ss’ speaking ability.

1. Turn to P41 and check the answers of activity 1.


2. Learn the words about sports, and check the ball games.

Read through the sports in the box and have the students repeat them chorally and individually.

3. Word Competition

Ask the students to remember these words, and then have a word competition

4. Work in pairs and march the words in the box with their meanings.

Step 3 Speaking

Purpose: To enable Ss to talk about their favorite sports and to realize the importance of making connections between the ways in which words are used.

1. Work in pairs. Ask Ss to answer the questions about their favorite sport. What is your favorite sport?

When and where do you play/do it?

How often do you play/do it?

Who do you play/do with?

Are you good at playing/doing…?

Run through the examples with the whole class

Pair the students to talk about their favorite sport.

Circulate and monitor their production.

2. Choose two or three groups to show their conversation.

Step 4 Summary :

In this class we’ve learnt some useful words and expressions on sports . What’s m ore, we’ve got to know how to ask someone’s favorite sports. I hope you can master them after class.

Step 5 Homework:

1. Preview what we will learn tomorrow.

2. Get some information on the internet of Li Ning.

Step 6: The design on the blackboard

Module 5 The Great sports personality


Word competition

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4



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