

概括性词汇: 原因和结果 cause(s) (of…..); reason(s)( for….); analysis ( about..) effect(s); result(s); consequence(s) 态度观点 比较 异同 优劣 attitude(s) ( to/ towards…); opinion(s) (on/about….) comparison(s) between A and B difference(s); similarity(similarities) benefit(s); weakness(es) 目的 建议预计 问题 方式方法 purpose(s); aim(s); goal(s) advice; suggestion(s); tip(s); problem(s) means (of….); method(s)(of…) ; way(s)(to do); approach(es)(to doing) ; solution(s) to sth; how (to do….) 总结概括 特点 重要意义 定义主题 来源用途 种类 步骤过程 措施行动 评论评价反应 summary; conclusion feature (s); characteristic(s) significance; importance; meaning definition(定义); theme(主题); topic(话题) source(来源); origin(起源); use; usage; function(功能) kind; type; category steps; procedures; process measures; steps; action(s) comment(on/about…); remark(on/upon); assessment(评估); response (to .sth) ; reaction(to sth) 背景信息简介 事件时间地点 和人有关的名词 background information(on/ about….); brief introduction(to…) event(s); time; place birthday, birthplace, death, nationality, education, appearance, salary, activity(activities); achievement(s) 和地方有关的名词 a place of interest, a tourist attraction, tourism, destination, area, prediction; forecast (dis)advantage(s); (in)convenience; strength(s);





culture—cultural, tradition(s),




transport/ transportation; the living conditions 和疾病有关的名词 definition; cause(s), symptom(s); prevention; treatment(s)

附:任务型阅读中的高频词: 1.使某人能够做 enable / allow sb to do 2.不能做某事 fail to do 3.绝非易事 no easy job 4.避免做 avoid doing 5.包括……including sth= sth included 6. 导 致 result in= lead to=contribute to=bring about = cause= give rise to 7.符合需求 meet/ satisfy / suit one’s needs/ wants/ demands/ requirements 8. 充分利用 make the most of=make the best(use) of= make full use of 9.依靠 depend on=be dependent on 10.建立在……基础上 be based on 11.做某事有困难 have difficulties with sth have difficulty / trouble (in) doing sth 12.参与 participate in =get/be involved in 13.献身于,投入于 devote ….to sth/doing 14.一刻,四分之一 quarter 十年 decade 一个世纪 century 15.和……相似 be similar to 16.熟悉……be familiar with 17.重要/有价值/有用/有帮助 be of importance/ significance/ value/ use/ 49.一开始 in the beginning 在……开始 at the beginning of… 50.使某人想起;提醒某人注意 remind sb of sth 51.和……和谐相处 live in harmony with = live harmoniously with 52.对……造成损害 do /cause damage to.. 53.成本高 at high cost 54.以认可……in recognition of…. 55.阻止某人做

prevent / stop/ keep sb from 56.保持健康 keep fit/ healthy 57.鼓励某人做 encourage sb to do 在某人鼓励之下 under one’s encouragement 在某人指导之下 under one’s guidance 58.成功地做 manage to do= succeed in doing 59.受伤(v) injure 受伤(n) injury 受伤(adj) injured 60.遭受……suffer from…. 61.被限制到 be limited to n/ doing 一个……的限制 a limit to… 61.人们普遍接受… It is widely(=generally) accepted that. 我认为……是可接受的

help= be important/ significant/ valuable/ useful/ helpful 18.在……帮助下 with the help of =with the aid/ assistance of…. 19.在某人许可之下 with one’s permission 20.开始存在 come into being/ existence 21.影响……have a…effect on = affect 22.被……取代 be replaced by/ with 23.在上升中 be increasing/ rising =be on the increase/ rise 在 减 少 中 be decreasing/declining/

I think it acceptable that… 62.获得成功 achieve success; 达到目的 achieve one’s goal 63. 除了 .. 之外还有 in addition to= besides= apart from=as well as… 除了..没有 apart from=except=but =other than 64.在……方面取得进步 make progress=an advance in sth 65.对……厌倦 be bored with=be tired of =be fed up with 66.谨慎(n)caution 67.结合(v)combine 结合(n) combination 谨慎(adj) cautious

dropping=be on the decrease/ decline 24.除了做……别无选择 have no choice/ alternative/ option but to do 25.对……负责;是……成因 be responsible for= take responsibility for 26.对……有害 do harm to= be harmful to 27. 对……有好处 be good for=do good to=be beneficial to = be of benefit to….= benefit sb/ sth 28.对……造成威胁 be a threat to sth = be dangerous to …. 29.意识到 be aware / conscious of 提高意识 raise/ increase one’s awareness of 30.有机会利用/进入 have access to…. 31.和……相等;胜任于 be equal to… 32.有规律的/地 regular(ly) 33.舒适的/地 comfortable-comfortably 34. 大多数 the majority of the students=

68.和 sb 交流 communicate with =have communication with 69.对….自信 be confident of… =have confidence in… 70.由……组成 consist of= be made up of 71. 对…作出贡献 make contributions to=contribute to.. 72.被控制住 be controlled =be under control 73.处在灭绝的危险中 in danger of dying out 74.为某人树立榜样 set an example to sb 75.符合某人的期待 come/ live up to one’s expectations 76.面对……be faced with= face 77.成长(v) grow 成长(n) growth

78.缺少实际经验 lack practical experience =be lacking in …..= be short of……

most of the students = most students 35.占多数 in the majority 占少数 in the minority 36.大的百分比 a large percentage of… 37.毁坏(v) destroy 毁坏(n) destruction

因为缺….for lack of…. 79.身心健康 physical and mental health be healthy physically and mentally 80.积极的 positive 消极的 negative

81.现象 phenome

non→phenomena 82.受某人欢迎 be popular with=among 欢迎(n) popularity 83.使某人满意 satisfy 满意(n) satisfaction 84.全心全意为人民服务 serve the people heart and soul 85.社会(n) society 社会的(adj) social

38.可得到的 available 39.建立 set up=found=establish 组成 form a team/ band 40.消失(v)disappear 消失(n) disappearance 41.对…感到自豪 be proud of=take pride in 42.描述(v) describe 描述(n) description 43.起……作用 play a role in… 44.保持平衡 keep a balance 45. 考 虑 … … consider …..= take….into consideration/ account 46.和……有联系 be related to= relate to=be linked with/ to= be connected with/ to = be associated with 47.以纪念/以对某人表示敬意 in honor of 48.以庆祝 in celebration of

86.各种各样的 varieties of=a variety of = various +名词 (动词)vary 87.某人/某事可能 be likely to do 88.实现 realize sth=turn sth into reality 89.随着……发展 with the development of.. 90.A 不同于 B A differs from B= A is different from B 91.改善,提高(n) improvement


概括性词汇: 原因和结果 cause(s) (of…..); reason(s)( for….); analysis ( about..) effect(s); result(s); consequence(s) 态度观点 比较 异同 优劣 attitude(s) ( to/ towards…); opinion(s) (on/about….) comparison(s) between A and B difference(s); similarity(similarities) benefit(s); weakness(es) 目的 建议预计 问题 方式方法 purpose(s); aim(s); goal(s) advice; suggestion(s); tip(s); problem(s) means (of….); method(s)(of…) ; way(s)(to do); approach(es)(to doing) ; solution(s) to sth; how (to do….) 总结概括 特点 重要意义 定义主题 来源用途 种类 步骤过程 措施行动 评论评价反应 summary; conclusion feature (s); characteristic(s) significance; importance; meaning definition(定义); theme(主题); topic(话题) source(来源); origin(起源); use; usage; function(功能) kind; type; category steps; procedures; process measures; steps; action(s) comment(on/about…); remark(on/upon); assessment(评估); response (to .sth) ; reaction(to sth) 背景信息简介 事件时间地点 和人有关的名词 background information(on/ about….); brief introduction(to…) event(s); time; place birthday, birthplace, death, nationality, education, appearance, salary, activity(activities); achievement(s) 和地方有关的名词 a place of interest, a tourist attraction, tourism, destination, area, prediction; forecast (dis)advantage(s); (in)convenience; strength(s);





culture—cultural, tradition(s),




transport/ transportation; the living conditions 和疾病有关的名词 definition; cause(s), symptom(s); prevention; treatment(s)

附:任务型阅读中的高频词: 1.使某人能够做 enable / allow sb to do 2.不能做某事 fail to do 3.绝非易事 no easy job 4.避免做 avoid doing 5.包括……including sth= sth included 6. 导 致 result in= lead to=contribute to=bring about = cause= give rise to 7.符合需求 meet/ satisfy / suit one’s needs/ wants/ demands/ requirements 8. 充分利用 make the most of=make the best(use) of= make full use of 9.依靠 depend on=be dependent on 10.建立在……基础上 be based on 11.做某事有困难 have difficulties with sth have difficulty / trouble (in) doing sth 12.参与 participate in =get/be involved in 13.献身于,投入于 devote ….to sth/doing 14.一刻,四分之一 quarter 十年 decade 一个世纪 century 15.和……相似 be similar to 16.熟悉……be familiar with 17.重要/有价值/有用/有帮助 be of importance/ significance/ value/ use/ 49.一开始 in the beginning 在……开始 at the beginning of… 50.使某人想起;提醒某人注意 remind sb of sth 51.和……和谐相处 live in harmony with = live harmoniously with 52.对……造成损害 do /cause damage to.. 53.成本高 at high cost 54.以认可……in recognition of…. 55.阻止某人做

prevent / stop/ keep sb from 56.保持健康 keep fit/ healthy 57.鼓励某人做 encourage sb to do 在某人鼓励之下 under one’s encouragement 在某人指导之下 under one’s guidance 58.成功地做 manage to do= succeed in doing 59.受伤(v) injure 受伤(n) injury 受伤(adj) injured 60.遭受……suffer from…. 61.被限制到 be limited to n/ doing 一个……的限制 a limit to… 61.人们普遍接受… It is widely(=generally) accepted that. 我认为……是可接受的

help= be important/ significant/ valuable/ useful/ helpful 18.在……帮助下 with the help of =with the aid/ assistance of…. 19.在某人许可之下 with one’s permission 20.开始存在 come into being/ existence 21.影响……have a…effect on = affect 22.被……取代 be replaced by/ with 23.在上升中 be increasing/ rising =be on the increase/ rise 在 减 少 中 be decreasing/declining/

I think it acceptable that… 62.获得成功 achieve success; 达到目的 achieve one’s goal 63. 除了 .. 之外还有 in addition to= besides= apart from=as well as… 除了..没有 apart from=except=but =other than 64.在……方面取得进步 make progress=an advance in sth 65.对……厌倦 be bored with=be tired of =be fed up with 66.谨慎(n)caution 67.结合(v)combine 结合(n) combination 谨慎(adj) cautious

dropping=be on the decrease/ decline 24.除了做……别无选择 have no choice/ alternative/ option but to do 25.对……负责;是……成因 be responsible for= take responsibility for 26.对……有害 do harm to= be harmful to 27. 对……有好处 be good for=do good to=be beneficial to = be of benefit to….= benefit sb/ sth 28.对……造成威胁 be a threat to sth = be dangerous to …. 29.意识到 be aware / conscious of 提高意识 raise/ increase one’s awareness of 30.有机会利用/进入 have access to…. 31.和……相等;胜任于 be equal to… 32.有规律的/地 regular(ly) 33.舒适的/地 comfortable-comfortably 34. 大多数 the majority of the students=

68.和 sb 交流 communicate with =have communication with 69.对….自信 be confident of… =have confidence in… 70.由……组成 consist of= be made up of 71. 对…作出贡献 make contributions to=contribute to.. 72.被控制住 be controlled =be under control 73.处在灭绝的危险中 in danger of dying out 74.为某人树立榜样 set an example to sb 75.符合某人的期待 come/ live up to one’s expectations 76.面对……be faced with= face 77.成长(v) grow 成长(n) growth

78.缺少实际经验 lack practical experience =be lacking in …..= be short of……

most of the students = most students 35.占多数 in the majority 占少数 in the minority 36.大的百分比 a large percentage of… 37.毁坏(v) destroy 毁坏(n) destruction

因为缺….for lack of…. 79.身心健康 physical and mental health be healthy physically and mentally 80.积极的 positive 消极的 negative

81.现象 phenome

non→phenomena 82.受某人欢迎 be popular with=among 欢迎(n) popularity 83.使某人满意 satisfy 满意(n) satisfaction 84.全心全意为人民服务 serve the people heart and soul 85.社会(n) society 社会的(adj) social

38.可得到的 available 39.建立 set up=found=establish 组成 form a team/ band 40.消失(v)disappear 消失(n) disappearance 41.对…感到自豪 be proud of=take pride in 42.描述(v) describe 描述(n) description 43.起……作用 play a role in… 44.保持平衡 keep a balance 45. 考 虑 … … consider …..= take….into consideration/ account 46.和……有联系 be related to= relate to=be linked with/ to= be connected with/ to = be associated with 47.以纪念/以对某人表示敬意 in honor of 48.以庆祝 in celebration of

86.各种各样的 varieties of=a variety of = various +名词 (动词)vary 87.某人/某事可能 be likely to do 88.实现 realize sth=turn sth into reality 89.随着……发展 with the development of.. 90.A 不同于 B A differs from B= A is different from B 91.改善,提高(n) improvement


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