

China's education system from modern, have been divided into elementary school, junior high school, high school, college, graduate students, doctor several stages. In elementary school and junior high school education is compulsory, learning the school rules of subjects, to high school can independently choose their future continue to learn direction - liberal arts or science. Students in elementary school and high school is preparing for the college entrance examination, and under a lot of pressure of study.


The British government for many years for the national five to sixteen students provide compulsory education. In 13 to 16 years old, the students into the independent school (that is similar in junior middle school), the students in the independent school task is basically ready to GCSE exams. GCSE is an ordinary middle school education certificate, the students can choose the most to ten different subjects. Got GCSE certificate, it marks the end of the middle school education. Complete high school courses and get GCSE, students can decide is to read for higher school or prepare for work. Students at this time is not can directly go to university, gcses finishing is equivalent to Chinese high school grade one end, while China's high school grade two and grade three (age at about 16 to 18 years old) is a continuation of the British education (extended education) period. Continuation education refers to the secondary school education or above, below the undergraduate degree education, usually in the continue education college not in the university study. The course focuses on vocational training, but also care to different people age to the needs

of the general academic course.


In the higher education concept, China's higher education is divided into junior college students, undergraduates, master's and doctoral four levels, in addition and adult higher education, school types are divided into universities and colleges. In Britain, the higher education is to point to university, college and other institutions of education to provide bachelor courses and training, divided into undergraduate, master's and doctoral student, school types are divided into university, college, education institutions, public institutions of higher learning, to continue education college and education college. British students in an academic degree time have grades, it depends on the students in the school graduation time average scores, bachelor's degree is divided into the first a first-class degree, second-class degree, the second-class degree, such as the third degree (namely pass degree or ordinary degree). Such as the third degree is not good people.


And Chinese education, compared to England in middle school education stage is very flexible and practical, pay special attention to the student individuality and survival ability training. Chinese teaching as drilling, hole is very small, drill deep. Britain's teaching spread like sand, surface is very wide, spread a layer.


China's education system from modern, have been divided into elementary school, junior high school, high school, college, graduate students, doctor several stages. In elementary school and junior high school education is compulsory, learning the school rules of subjects, to high school can independently choose their future continue to learn direction - liberal arts or science. Students in elementary school and high school is preparing for the college entrance examination, and under a lot of pressure of study.


The British government for many years for the national five to sixteen students provide compulsory education. In 13 to 16 years old, the students into the independent school (that is similar in junior middle school), the students in the independent school task is basically ready to GCSE exams. GCSE is an ordinary middle school education certificate, the students can choose the most to ten different subjects. Got GCSE certificate, it marks the end of the middle school education. Complete high school courses and get GCSE, students can decide is to read for higher school or prepare for work. Students at this time is not can directly go to university, gcses finishing is equivalent to Chinese high school grade one end, while China's high school grade two and grade three (age at about 16 to 18 years old) is a continuation of the British education (extended education) period. Continuation education refers to the secondary school education or above, below the undergraduate degree education, usually in the continue education college not in the university study. The course focuses on vocational training, but also care to different people age to the needs

of the general academic course.


In the higher education concept, China's higher education is divided into junior college students, undergraduates, master's and doctoral four levels, in addition and adult higher education, school types are divided into universities and colleges. In Britain, the higher education is to point to university, college and other institutions of education to provide bachelor courses and training, divided into undergraduate, master's and doctoral student, school types are divided into university, college, education institutions, public institutions of higher learning, to continue education college and education college. British students in an academic degree time have grades, it depends on the students in the school graduation time average scores, bachelor's degree is divided into the first a first-class degree, second-class degree, the second-class degree, such as the third degree (namely pass degree or ordinary degree). Such as the third degree is not good people.


And Chinese education, compared to England in middle school education stage is very flexible and practical, pay special attention to the student individuality and survival ability training. Chinese teaching as drilling, hole is very small, drill deep. Britain's teaching spread like sand, surface is very wide, spread a layer.


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