
A. 小高组看图说话分为单幅图与连环画两种

B. 答题技巧及程序

◆ 看图要有顺序:从上到下、从远到近、从左到右 整体性了解

推测 力求:言之有序,言之有物

◆ 合理想象、动感联想


a 讲故事单幅画

1. 明确全题五要素:when 、where 、who 、what 、why

2. 有始有终

3. 主干描述程序:描述主角的color →appearance (相貌特征)→所在地点环境→主角的喜好→总结

选择性结合自己实际情况表述,如自己家的animals 等 b 讲故事连环画

1. 识别角色、场景及角色行为基础上,注意对故事情节的构思和陈述。要发挥想象,构思


A 单幅图讲故事

[总]It’s a pretty sunny day in summer, a boy and a girl are playing on the beach. Look at the blue sea, a ships are floating on it. Look at the colorful sunshine umbrella, a mouse is lying under it. Look at the yellow beach, lots of sea snails are on it.

[分]The boy has short brown hair, he wears green shorts. His name is Tom. The girl has long brown hair, she wears a beautiful dress with s unflowers. They’re making sand castle with the bucket and shovel. Listen! Where does the nice music come from? Wow, it comes from the radio next to the mouse!

[总]Everything is colorful. Everybody is enjoying the great life. B 连环画讲故事

[概说+画1]It’s a spring sunny day, it’s warm and nice. The sun is shining in the blue sky, a cottage is over there, the river is floating by the house. A grandpa goat who is wearing a pair of glasses, a purple jacket and blue pants is old. He is using a walking stick, and he wants to across the river through a narrow log. How dangerous it is! The grandpa goat is too old to walk on the log alone. A baby rabbit running behind the grandpa goat cries, ”Oh, no, grandpa do not go! Wait for me!”

[画2]The grandpa goat stops, the baby rabbit comes and hugs his arm and says, “Let me help you to across the river, grandpa! ” “Oh, thank you baby rabbit, you are so kind.” “It’s my pleasure, grandpa! Let’s walk slowly.” They walk slowly from this bank of the river to the other bank of the river.

[画3] “Oh! here we are!”The baby rabbit says happily. “Oh, baby rabbit, it ’s great of you , I like you very much! Goodbye baby! ” “Goodbye grandpa goat! Have a nice day!” “Ok, you too.” The grandpa goat answers.

[总]From this story, I know that, as a child, we should respect and help the old people, and it gives us lots of happiness.

A. 小高组看图说话分为单幅图与连环画两种

B. 答题技巧及程序

◆ 看图要有顺序:从上到下、从远到近、从左到右 整体性了解

推测 力求:言之有序,言之有物

◆ 合理想象、动感联想


a 讲故事单幅画

1. 明确全题五要素:when 、where 、who 、what 、why

2. 有始有终

3. 主干描述程序:描述主角的color →appearance (相貌特征)→所在地点环境→主角的喜好→总结

选择性结合自己实际情况表述,如自己家的animals 等 b 讲故事连环画

1. 识别角色、场景及角色行为基础上,注意对故事情节的构思和陈述。要发挥想象,构思


A 单幅图讲故事

[总]It’s a pretty sunny day in summer, a boy and a girl are playing on the beach. Look at the blue sea, a ships are floating on it. Look at the colorful sunshine umbrella, a mouse is lying under it. Look at the yellow beach, lots of sea snails are on it.

[分]The boy has short brown hair, he wears green shorts. His name is Tom. The girl has long brown hair, she wears a beautiful dress with s unflowers. They’re making sand castle with the bucket and shovel. Listen! Where does the nice music come from? Wow, it comes from the radio next to the mouse!

[总]Everything is colorful. Everybody is enjoying the great life. B 连环画讲故事

[概说+画1]It’s a spring sunny day, it’s warm and nice. The sun is shining in the blue sky, a cottage is over there, the river is floating by the house. A grandpa goat who is wearing a pair of glasses, a purple jacket and blue pants is old. He is using a walking stick, and he wants to across the river through a narrow log. How dangerous it is! The grandpa goat is too old to walk on the log alone. A baby rabbit running behind the grandpa goat cries, ”Oh, no, grandpa do not go! Wait for me!”

[画2]The grandpa goat stops, the baby rabbit comes and hugs his arm and says, “Let me help you to across the river, grandpa! ” “Oh, thank you baby rabbit, you are so kind.” “It’s my pleasure, grandpa! Let’s walk slowly.” They walk slowly from this bank of the river to the other bank of the river.

[画3] “Oh! here we are!”The baby rabbit says happily. “Oh, baby rabbit, it ’s great of you , I like you very much! Goodbye baby! ” “Goodbye grandpa goat! Have a nice day!” “Ok, you too.” The grandpa goat answers.

[总]From this story, I know that, as a child, we should respect and help the old people, and it gives us lots of happiness.


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