

1. May I come in?

2. Come in, please.

1. Good morning, I’m going to apply for the sale manager of your


2. Good morning, I’m Mr chang, may I ask some questions to you?

1. Of course, please.

2. Ok, first, please introduce something about you.

1. My name is liu jianfei, 24 years old, graduating from Hainan University. My major is Business Administration.

2. Do you have any work experience before?

1. Yes, I worked at a company in Haikou for two years. And I always get the first in our in our sale department.

2. Ok, but I want to know why do you leave your fore company and choose our company?

1. Because I’m young now, I want to more challenge and experience more, so I choose Beijing and I believe that your company can help to realize my dream.

2. Ok, do you have other request?

1. No, I only hope I can get a chance to prove myself.

2. Ok, thanks for your coming. Please wait for our reply, bye.

1. Thank you, bye.

Opening an account

1. Good morning, sir, what can I do for you?

2. Good morning, I want to open an account.

1. Ok , but what kind of account do you want to open?

2. I don’t know, could you give me some suggestions?

1. Of course, there are three kinds account, current deposit, 长期账户 and 短期账户,which do lik?

2. Could you introduce some their speciality?

1. Yes, the current deposit is convenient, the 长期 deposit has higher interest rate, and the 短期 is between current deposit and 长期 deposit.

2. Oh, thank you, I want to save 100 thousand dollars in bank, because I may not need to use it for several years, so I would like to open an 长期 deposit.

1 ok, it’s a wise decision, sir, please fill in the form first and how long would you save the money? The time is longer, the interest rate will be higher.

2.Five years is ok. The form has been done. Here you are.

1.please give me your ID card and do you want to open an online bank account at the same time?

2.A online bank account? What is it?

1.it ’s a tool to pay for what you bought online. It’s free to open now.

2. wonderful, I need it. Please open it for me. Thanks.

1. it’s done, please set your password.

2.197614. ok.

1.thank you sir, this your bank card, welcome to our bank again. It’s my pleasure to service for you.

2.thank you.

See a doctor

1. hi, good afternoon, doctor liu, I always have headache those days, do you have free time tomorrow.

2. Good afternoon, Mr chang, it ’s ok. You ’d better come there, I may give you some suggestion.

1. ok, thank you. See you tomorrow.

1. may I come,sir?

2. Yes, oh ,good afternoon, Mr chang, how about you today.

1. it ’s worse than yesday. I’m going to be crazy.

2. Ok, how long do you feel handache

1. about three days ago, I forgot to take a umbrella, but it happened to rain, after that, I began to have serious headache.

2. Oh, I know, I think you got cold because of the rain. I will give you some med medicine. You may feel better three days later. don’t worry.

1. thank you , but I don’t know how to take the medicine yet.

2. Please take the medicine three times every day. If you feel still headache, remember to come there again.

1. ok.thank you,doctor,bye.

Telephone and hotel

1. good afternoon, this is haikou hotel,what can I do for you、

2. good afternoon, I want to book a room.

1. ok, what kind of room do you want?

2. A double room is ok

1. oh,that ’s ok and what time do you come?

2. I’ll get there 4:00pm tomorrow.

1. Sir , could I get your telephone and your name?

2. Of course, my telephone number is [1**********] ,my name is chang yongliang.

1. Have other questions,sir?

2. Yes, I will arrive at meilan airport at 2:00pm, I don ’t know how to reach your hotel.

1. Sir, don ’t worry about it. Our hotel will arrange bus to pick up our customers. You can call our hotel in advance, once you reach, we’ll be waiting for you here.

2. It ’s said that it’s very hot in Hainan, because this is my first time to

Hainan, what should I do?

1. Oh , it’s not so hot in Hainan in fact. Maybe , you can prepare for a umbrella , but in night, it ’s comfortable and our hotel provide free swimming pool for our customers, so you can enjoy it anytime.

2. How wonderful, thank you for your detailed introduction. Bye.

1. You are welcome. Wish you have a good trip. Bye .


1. Good morning, Sir , what can I do for you ?

2. Good morning, I want to send my package to my school.

1. Ok , what contains?

2. Some books and clothes.

1. Can I check it now and weigh it?

2. Of course , how about the freighe charges ?

1. No problems , the package is 15 kg ,the package which didn’t exceed 10kg is 15$ ,.and exceed 1kg , our fee will increase 1$ , so the total fee is 20$.

2. Ok , I want to know when will my package get to destination?

1. About 3 to 5 days , we’ll try our best to make it get to your school as early as possible.

2. Thank you , and where should t take it ?

1. Don ’t worry about it , we’ll send it to your school and call you to take it.

2. So good , what else need I do?

1. Yes , please fill in the form and leave your telephone .

2. Ok , it’s done . here you are.

1. Thanks for choosing our company.

2. Thank you. Bye .

1. Bye .


1. May I come in?

2. Come in, please.

1. Good morning, I’m going to apply for the sale manager of your


2. Good morning, I’m Mr chang, may I ask some questions to you?

1. Of course, please.

2. Ok, first, please introduce something about you.

1. My name is liu jianfei, 24 years old, graduating from Hainan University. My major is Business Administration.

2. Do you have any work experience before?

1. Yes, I worked at a company in Haikou for two years. And I always get the first in our in our sale department.

2. Ok, but I want to know why do you leave your fore company and choose our company?

1. Because I’m young now, I want to more challenge and experience more, so I choose Beijing and I believe that your company can help to realize my dream.

2. Ok, do you have other request?

1. No, I only hope I can get a chance to prove myself.

2. Ok, thanks for your coming. Please wait for our reply, bye.

1. Thank you, bye.

Opening an account

1. Good morning, sir, what can I do for you?

2. Good morning, I want to open an account.

1. Ok , but what kind of account do you want to open?

2. I don’t know, could you give me some suggestions?

1. Of course, there are three kinds account, current deposit, 长期账户 and 短期账户,which do lik?

2. Could you introduce some their speciality?

1. Yes, the current deposit is convenient, the 长期 deposit has higher interest rate, and the 短期 is between current deposit and 长期 deposit.

2. Oh, thank you, I want to save 100 thousand dollars in bank, because I may not need to use it for several years, so I would like to open an 长期 deposit.

1 ok, it’s a wise decision, sir, please fill in the form first and how long would you save the money? The time is longer, the interest rate will be higher.

2.Five years is ok. The form has been done. Here you are.

1.please give me your ID card and do you want to open an online bank account at the same time?

2.A online bank account? What is it?

1.it ’s a tool to pay for what you bought online. It’s free to open now.

2. wonderful, I need it. Please open it for me. Thanks.

1. it’s done, please set your password.

2.197614. ok.

1.thank you sir, this your bank card, welcome to our bank again. It’s my pleasure to service for you.

2.thank you.

See a doctor

1. hi, good afternoon, doctor liu, I always have headache those days, do you have free time tomorrow.

2. Good afternoon, Mr chang, it ’s ok. You ’d better come there, I may give you some suggestion.

1. ok, thank you. See you tomorrow.

1. may I come,sir?

2. Yes, oh ,good afternoon, Mr chang, how about you today.

1. it ’s worse than yesday. I’m going to be crazy.

2. Ok, how long do you feel handache

1. about three days ago, I forgot to take a umbrella, but it happened to rain, after that, I began to have serious headache.

2. Oh, I know, I think you got cold because of the rain. I will give you some med medicine. You may feel better three days later. don’t worry.

1. thank you , but I don’t know how to take the medicine yet.

2. Please take the medicine three times every day. If you feel still headache, remember to come there again.

1. ok.thank you,doctor,bye.

Telephone and hotel

1. good afternoon, this is haikou hotel,what can I do for you、

2. good afternoon, I want to book a room.

1. ok, what kind of room do you want?

2. A double room is ok

1. oh,that ’s ok and what time do you come?

2. I’ll get there 4:00pm tomorrow.

1. Sir , could I get your telephone and your name?

2. Of course, my telephone number is [1**********] ,my name is chang yongliang.

1. Have other questions,sir?

2. Yes, I will arrive at meilan airport at 2:00pm, I don ’t know how to reach your hotel.

1. Sir, don ’t worry about it. Our hotel will arrange bus to pick up our customers. You can call our hotel in advance, once you reach, we’ll be waiting for you here.

2. It ’s said that it’s very hot in Hainan, because this is my first time to

Hainan, what should I do?

1. Oh , it’s not so hot in Hainan in fact. Maybe , you can prepare for a umbrella , but in night, it ’s comfortable and our hotel provide free swimming pool for our customers, so you can enjoy it anytime.

2. How wonderful, thank you for your detailed introduction. Bye.

1. You are welcome. Wish you have a good trip. Bye .


1. Good morning, Sir , what can I do for you ?

2. Good morning, I want to send my package to my school.

1. Ok , what contains?

2. Some books and clothes.

1. Can I check it now and weigh it?

2. Of course , how about the freighe charges ?

1. No problems , the package is 15 kg ,the package which didn’t exceed 10kg is 15$ ,.and exceed 1kg , our fee will increase 1$ , so the total fee is 20$.

2. Ok , I want to know when will my package get to destination?

1. About 3 to 5 days , we’ll try our best to make it get to your school as early as possible.

2. Thank you , and where should t take it ?

1. Don ’t worry about it , we’ll send it to your school and call you to take it.

2. So good , what else need I do?

1. Yes , please fill in the form and leave your telephone .

2. Ok , it’s done . here you are.

1. Thanks for choosing our company.

2. Thank you. Bye .

1. Bye .


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