


Wasserman, S, and K Faust. 1994. Chapter 1.

Watts, DJ. 2004. "The New science of networks." Annual review of sociology 30:243-270.

Emirbayer, M, and J Goodwin. 1994. "Network Analysis, Culture, and the Problem of Agency." American

Journal of Sociology 99:1411.

Ansell, CK. 1997. "Symbolic Networks: The Realignment of the French Working Class, 1887–1894."

American Journal of Sociology 103:359-90.

Emirbayer, M. 1997. "Manifesto for a Relational Sociology 1." American Journal of Sociology 103:281-


Knoke, D. 1990. Political Networks: The Structural Perspective: Cambridge University Press. Chapter 1

Data, Graph, Matrices: Mathematical Backgrounds

Wasserman, S, and K Faust. 1994. Chapter 2, 3, and 4

Social capital

Lin, N. 2001. Social Capital: A Theory of Social Structure and Action: Cambridge University Press.

Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.

Putnam, R. 2001. "Social Capital: Measurement and Consequences." Canadian Journal of Policy Research

136 (Recommended)

Coleman, JS. 1987. "Norms as Social Capital." Economic Imperialism:133-55 (Recommended)

Portes, A. 1998. "Social Capital: Its Origins and Applications in Modern Sociology." Annual Reviews in

Sociology 24:1-24 (Recommended)

Gambetta, D. 2000. "Can we trust trust." Trust: Making and Breaking Cooperative Relations, Electronic

edition, Department of Sociology, University of Oxford: 213-237 (Recommended).

Marsden, PV. 1987. "Core Discussion Networks of Americans." American Sociological Review 52:122-131


Burt, RS. 2000. "The Network Structure of Social Capital." Research in Organizational Behavior 22:345-

423 (Recommended)

Centrality and Centralization

Wasserman, S, and K Faust. 1994. Chapter 5

Bonacich, P. 1987. "Power and Centrality: A Family of Measures." American Journal of Sociology


Hanneman, RA. 2001. "The prestige of Ph. D. granting departments of sociology: a simple network

approach." Connections 24:68-77.

Brass, DJ. 1984. "Being in the right place: A structural analysis of individual influence in an organization."

Administrative Science Quarterly 29:518-539 (Recommended)

Cook, KS, RM Emerson, and MR Gillmore. 1983. "The Distribution of Power in Exchange Networks:

Theory and Experimental Results." American Journal of Sociology 89:275. Brokerage

Uzzi, B. 1996. "The Sources and Consequences of Embeddedness for the Economic Performance of

Organizations: The Network Effect." American Sociological Review 61: 674-698.

Burt, RS. 1992. Structural Holes: The Social Structure of Competition: Harvard University Press. Chapter1

Diani, M. 2003. "Leaders or Brokers? Positions and Influence in Social Movement Networks." In Social

Movements and Networks: Relational Approaches to Collective Action. Edited by M Diani and D

McAdam. Oxford University Press.


Wasserman, S, and K Faust. 1994, Chapter 7.

Freeman, LC. 1992. "The Sociological Concept of Group: An Empirical Test of Two Models." American

Journal of Sociology 98:152.

Burt, RS. 1987. "Social Contagion and Innovation: Cohesion versus Structural Equivalence." American

Journal of Sociology 92:1287.


Wasserman, S, and K Faust. 1994. Chapter 9, 10, 11, and 12

Snyder, D, and EL Kick. 1979. "Structural Position in the World System and Economic Growth, 1955-

1970." American Journal of Sociology 84: 1096-1126.

DiMaggio, PJ. 1986. "Structural analysis of organizational fields: A blockmodel approach." Research in

Organizational Behavior 8:35-370.

Anheier, HK, J Gerhards, and FP Romo. 1995. "Forms of Capital and Social Structure in Cultural Fields:

Examining Bourdieu's Social Topography." American Journal of Sociology


Gerlach, ML. 1992. "The Japanese Corporate Network: A Blockmodel Analysis." Administrative Science

Quarterly 37:105-139. (Recommended)

Generalized Blockmodeling

Doreian, P, V Batagelj, and A Ferligoj. 2005. Generalized Blockmodeling: Cambridge University Press.

Two Modes

Wasserman, S, and K Faust. 1994. Chapter 8

Breiger, RL. 1974. "Duality of Persons and Groups." Social Forces 53:181. Sewell, Jr, WH. 1992. "A Theory of Structure: Duality, Agency, and Transformation." American Journal of

Sociology 98:1.

Borgatti, SP, and MG Everett. 1997. "Network analysis of 2-mode data." Social Networks 19:243-269.

Doreian, P, V Batagelj, and A Ferligoj. 2004. "Generalized blockmodeling of two-mode network data."

Social Networks 26:29-53.

Roberts, JM. 2000. "Correspondence analysis of two-mode network data." Social Networks 22:65-72.

Hanneman RA and M Riddle. 2005. Introduction to Social Network Methods. Chapter 17.

Statistical Analysis based on Dyads and Triads

Hanneman RA and M Riddle. 2005. Introduction to Social Network Methods. Chapter 18.

Burris, V. 2005. “Interlocking Directorates and Political Cohesion among Corporate Elites.” American

Journal of Sociology 111(1).

Holland, PW, and S Leinhardt. 1981. "An exponential family of probability distributions for directed

graphs." Journal of the American Statistical Association 76:33-65. Wasserman, S, and K Faust. 1994. Chapter 13, 14, 15, and 16

Wasserman, S, and P Pattison. 1996. "Logit models and logistic regressions for social networks: I. An

introduction to Markov graphs and p*." Psychometrika 61:401-425. Network Typology

Granovetter, MS. 1973. "The Strength of Weak Ties." American Journal of Sociology 78:1360.

Ball, P. 2004. Critical Mass: How One Thing Leads to Another: Farrar, Straus and Giroux. Chapter 15 and


Barabási, AL. 2003. Linked: how everything is connected to everything else and what it means for business,

science, and everyday life. Plume.

Moody, J. 2004. "The Structure of a Social Science Collaboration Network: Disciplinary Cohesion from

1963 to 1999." American Sociological Review 69:213-238.

Kogut, B, and G Walker. 2001. "The small world of Germany and the durability of national networks."

American sociological review 66:317-335.

Dynamics on Network

Watts, DJ. 1999. "Networks, Dynamics, and the Small-World Phenomenon." American Journal of

Sociology 105:493-527.

Gladwell, M. 2000. The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference: Little, Brown and


Gould, R. 1991. "Multiple Networks and Mobilization in the Paris Commune, 1871." American

Sociological Review 56: 716-729.

Hedstrom, P, R Sandell, and C Stern. 2000. "Mesolevel Networks and the Diffusion of Social Movements:

The Case of the Swedish Social Democratic Party." American Journal of Sociology 106:145-172.

Longitudinal Analysis

Smith, DA, and DR White. 1991. "Structure and Dynamics of the Global Economy: Network Analysis of

International Trade 1965-1980." Social Forces 70:857.

Gulati, R. 1995. "Social Structure and Alliance Formation Patterns: A Longitudinal Analysis."

Administrative Science Quarterly 40:619-652.

Carroll, WK, and M Shaw. 2001. "Consolidating a Neoliberal Policy Bloc in Canada, 1976 to 1996."

Canadian Public Policy–Analyse DE Politiques 27.

Mizruchi, MS, and LB Stearns. 1988. “A Longitudinal Study of the Formation of Interlocking

Directorates.” Administrative Science Quarterly 33: 193-210.

Kim, S, and EH Shin. 2002. "Longitudinal Analysis of Globalization and Regionalization in International

Trade: A Social Network Approach, A." Social Forces 81:445. (Optional) Network Dynamics

Powell, WW, DR White, KW Koput, and J Owen-Smith. 2005. "Network Dynamics and Field Evolution:

The Growth of Interorganizational Collaboration in the Life Sciences." American Journal of

Sociology 110:1132-1205.

Robins, G, P Pattison, and J Woolcock. 2005. "Small and Other Worlds:

Global Network Structures from

Local Processes." American Journal of Sociology 110:894-936.

Kenis, P, and D Knoke. 2002. "How organizational field networks shape interorganizational tie-formation

rates." The Academy of Management review 27:275-293.

Carley, KM. 2003. "Dynamic Network Analysis." In Dynamic Social Network Modeling and Analysis:

Workshop Summary and Papers: 113-145.

Stochastic Modeling of Influence and Selection

Leenders, RTAJ. 1996. "Longitudinal Behavior of Network Structure and Actor Attributes: Modeling

Interdependence of Contagion and Selection." Evolution of Social Networks:165–84.

Steglich, C, TAB Snijders, and P West. 2006. "Applying SIENA: An Illustrative Analysis of the

Coevolution of Adolescents’ Friendship Networks, Taste in Music, and Alcohol Consumption."

Methodology 2:48-56.

Steglich, C, TAB Snijders, and M Pearson. 2004. "Dynamic networks and behavior: Separating selection

from influence." Submitted for Publication.

Van De Bunt, GG, MAJ Van Duijn, and TAB Snijders. 1999. "Friendship Networks Through Time: An

Actor-Oriented Dynamic Statistical Network Model." Computational & Mathematical

Organization Theory 5:167-192.

Van de Bunt, GG, RPM Wittek, and MC de Klepper. 2005. "The Evolution of Intra-Organizational Trust

Networks: The Case of a German Paper Factory: An Empirical Test of Six Trust Mechanisms."

International Sociology 20:339.


Freeman, LC. 2000. "Visualizing Social Networks." Journal of Social Structure 1:4.

Muller, C, B Wellman, and A Marin. 1999. "How to use SPSS to study ego-centered networks." BMS.

Bulletin de Méthologie Sociologique:83-100.

Moody, J, D McFarland, and S Bender-deMoll. 2005. "Dynamic Network Visualization." American

Journal of Sociology 110:1206-1241.

Bender-deMoll, S, and DA McFarland. 2006. "The art and science of dynamic network visualization."

Journal of Social Structure 7.



Wasserman, S, and K Faust. 1994. Chapter 1.

Watts, DJ. 2004. "The New science of networks." Annual review of sociology 30:243-270.

Emirbayer, M, and J Goodwin. 1994. "Network Analysis, Culture, and the Problem of Agency." American

Journal of Sociology 99:1411.

Ansell, CK. 1997. "Symbolic Networks: The Realignment of the French Working Class, 1887–1894."

American Journal of Sociology 103:359-90.

Emirbayer, M. 1997. "Manifesto for a Relational Sociology 1." American Journal of Sociology 103:281-


Knoke, D. 1990. Political Networks: The Structural Perspective: Cambridge University Press. Chapter 1

Data, Graph, Matrices: Mathematical Backgrounds

Wasserman, S, and K Faust. 1994. Chapter 2, 3, and 4

Social capital

Lin, N. 2001. Social Capital: A Theory of Social Structure and Action: Cambridge University Press.

Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.

Putnam, R. 2001. "Social Capital: Measurement and Consequences." Canadian Journal of Policy Research

136 (Recommended)

Coleman, JS. 1987. "Norms as Social Capital." Economic Imperialism:133-55 (Recommended)

Portes, A. 1998. "Social Capital: Its Origins and Applications in Modern Sociology." Annual Reviews in

Sociology 24:1-24 (Recommended)

Gambetta, D. 2000. "Can we trust trust." Trust: Making and Breaking Cooperative Relations, Electronic

edition, Department of Sociology, University of Oxford: 213-237 (Recommended).

Marsden, PV. 1987. "Core Discussion Networks of Americans." American Sociological Review 52:122-131


Burt, RS. 2000. "The Network Structure of Social Capital." Research in Organizational Behavior 22:345-

423 (Recommended)

Centrality and Centralization

Wasserman, S, and K Faust. 1994. Chapter 5

Bonacich, P. 1987. "Power and Centrality: A Family of Measures." American Journal of Sociology


Hanneman, RA. 2001. "The prestige of Ph. D. granting departments of sociology: a simple network

approach." Connections 24:68-77.

Brass, DJ. 1984. "Being in the right place: A structural analysis of individual influence in an organization."

Administrative Science Quarterly 29:518-539 (Recommended)

Cook, KS, RM Emerson, and MR Gillmore. 1983. "The Distribution of Power in Exchange Networks:

Theory and Experimental Results." American Journal of Sociology 89:275. Brokerage

Uzzi, B. 1996. "The Sources and Consequences of Embeddedness for the Economic Performance of

Organizations: The Network Effect." American Sociological Review 61: 674-698.

Burt, RS. 1992. Structural Holes: The Social Structure of Competition: Harvard University Press. Chapter1

Diani, M. 2003. "Leaders or Brokers? Positions and Influence in Social Movement Networks." In Social

Movements and Networks: Relational Approaches to Collective Action. Edited by M Diani and D

McAdam. Oxford University Press.


Wasserman, S, and K Faust. 1994, Chapter 7.

Freeman, LC. 1992. "The Sociological Concept of Group: An Empirical Test of Two Models." American

Journal of Sociology 98:152.

Burt, RS. 1987. "Social Contagion and Innovation: Cohesion versus Structural Equivalence." American

Journal of Sociology 92:1287.


Wasserman, S, and K Faust. 1994. Chapter 9, 10, 11, and 12

Snyder, D, and EL Kick. 1979. "Structural Position in the World System and Economic Growth, 1955-

1970." American Journal of Sociology 84: 1096-1126.

DiMaggio, PJ. 1986. "Structural analysis of organizational fields: A blockmodel approach." Research in

Organizational Behavior 8:35-370.

Anheier, HK, J Gerhards, and FP Romo. 1995. "Forms of Capital and Social Structure in Cultural Fields:

Examining Bourdieu's Social Topography." American Journal of Sociology


Gerlach, ML. 1992. "The Japanese Corporate Network: A Blockmodel Analysis." Administrative Science

Quarterly 37:105-139. (Recommended)

Generalized Blockmodeling

Doreian, P, V Batagelj, and A Ferligoj. 2005. Generalized Blockmodeling: Cambridge University Press.

Two Modes

Wasserman, S, and K Faust. 1994. Chapter 8

Breiger, RL. 1974. "Duality of Persons and Groups." Social Forces 53:181. Sewell, Jr, WH. 1992. "A Theory of Structure: Duality, Agency, and Transformation." American Journal of

Sociology 98:1.

Borgatti, SP, and MG Everett. 1997. "Network analysis of 2-mode data." Social Networks 19:243-269.

Doreian, P, V Batagelj, and A Ferligoj. 2004. "Generalized blockmodeling of two-mode network data."

Social Networks 26:29-53.

Roberts, JM. 2000. "Correspondence analysis of two-mode network data." Social Networks 22:65-72.

Hanneman RA and M Riddle. 2005. Introduction to Social Network Methods. Chapter 17.

Statistical Analysis based on Dyads and Triads

Hanneman RA and M Riddle. 2005. Introduction to Social Network Methods. Chapter 18.

Burris, V. 2005. “Interlocking Directorates and Political Cohesion among Corporate Elites.” American

Journal of Sociology 111(1).

Holland, PW, and S Leinhardt. 1981. "An exponential family of probability distributions for directed

graphs." Journal of the American Statistical Association 76:33-65. Wasserman, S, and K Faust. 1994. Chapter 13, 14, 15, and 16

Wasserman, S, and P Pattison. 1996. "Logit models and logistic regressions for social networks: I. An

introduction to Markov graphs and p*." Psychometrika 61:401-425. Network Typology

Granovetter, MS. 1973. "The Strength of Weak Ties." American Journal of Sociology 78:1360.

Ball, P. 2004. Critical Mass: How One Thing Leads to Another: Farrar, Straus and Giroux. Chapter 15 and


Barabási, AL. 2003. Linked: how everything is connected to everything else and what it means for business,

science, and everyday life. Plume.

Moody, J. 2004. "The Structure of a Social Science Collaboration Network: Disciplinary Cohesion from

1963 to 1999." American Sociological Review 69:213-238.

Kogut, B, and G Walker. 2001. "The small world of Germany and the durability of national networks."

American sociological review 66:317-335.

Dynamics on Network

Watts, DJ. 1999. "Networks, Dynamics, and the Small-World Phenomenon." American Journal of

Sociology 105:493-527.

Gladwell, M. 2000. The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference: Little, Brown and


Gould, R. 1991. "Multiple Networks and Mobilization in the Paris Commune, 1871." American

Sociological Review 56: 716-729.

Hedstrom, P, R Sandell, and C Stern. 2000. "Mesolevel Networks and the Diffusion of Social Movements:

The Case of the Swedish Social Democratic Party." American Journal of Sociology 106:145-172.

Longitudinal Analysis

Smith, DA, and DR White. 1991. "Structure and Dynamics of the Global Economy: Network Analysis of

International Trade 1965-1980." Social Forces 70:857.

Gulati, R. 1995. "Social Structure and Alliance Formation Patterns: A Longitudinal Analysis."

Administrative Science Quarterly 40:619-652.

Carroll, WK, and M Shaw. 2001. "Consolidating a Neoliberal Policy Bloc in Canada, 1976 to 1996."

Canadian Public Policy–Analyse DE Politiques 27.

Mizruchi, MS, and LB Stearns. 1988. “A Longitudinal Study of the Formation of Interlocking

Directorates.” Administrative Science Quarterly 33: 193-210.

Kim, S, and EH Shin. 2002. "Longitudinal Analysis of Globalization and Regionalization in International

Trade: A Social Network Approach, A." Social Forces 81:445. (Optional) Network Dynamics

Powell, WW, DR White, KW Koput, and J Owen-Smith. 2005. "Network Dynamics and Field Evolution:

The Growth of Interorganizational Collaboration in the Life Sciences." American Journal of

Sociology 110:1132-1205.

Robins, G, P Pattison, and J Woolcock. 2005. "Small and Other Worlds:

Global Network Structures from

Local Processes." American Journal of Sociology 110:894-936.

Kenis, P, and D Knoke. 2002. "How organizational field networks shape interorganizational tie-formation

rates." The Academy of Management review 27:275-293.

Carley, KM. 2003. "Dynamic Network Analysis." In Dynamic Social Network Modeling and Analysis:

Workshop Summary and Papers: 113-145.

Stochastic Modeling of Influence and Selection

Leenders, RTAJ. 1996. "Longitudinal Behavior of Network Structure and Actor Attributes: Modeling

Interdependence of Contagion and Selection." Evolution of Social Networks:165–84.

Steglich, C, TAB Snijders, and P West. 2006. "Applying SIENA: An Illustrative Analysis of the

Coevolution of Adolescents’ Friendship Networks, Taste in Music, and Alcohol Consumption."

Methodology 2:48-56.

Steglich, C, TAB Snijders, and M Pearson. 2004. "Dynamic networks and behavior: Separating selection

from influence." Submitted for Publication.

Van De Bunt, GG, MAJ Van Duijn, and TAB Snijders. 1999. "Friendship Networks Through Time: An

Actor-Oriented Dynamic Statistical Network Model." Computational & Mathematical

Organization Theory 5:167-192.

Van de Bunt, GG, RPM Wittek, and MC de Klepper. 2005. "The Evolution of Intra-Organizational Trust

Networks: The Case of a German Paper Factory: An Empirical Test of Six Trust Mechanisms."

International Sociology 20:339.


Freeman, LC. 2000. "Visualizing Social Networks." Journal of Social Structure 1:4.

Muller, C, B Wellman, and A Marin. 1999. "How to use SPSS to study ego-centered networks." BMS.

Bulletin de Méthologie Sociologique:83-100.

Moody, J, D McFarland, and S Bender-deMoll. 2005. "Dynamic Network Visualization." American

Journal of Sociology 110:1206-1241.

Bender-deMoll, S, and DA McFarland. 2006. "The art and science of dynamic network visualization."

Journal of Social Structure 7.


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