
Unit 1 Grammar

I. 动词适当形式填空

1. The woman ________(sell) vegetables has gone.

2. The wheat is watered by water _________(bring) from a pond.

3. He is a leader _________ (respect) by the people.

4. All of us were ________ (puzzle) by the _________(puzzle) question

________(raise) by a little girl.

4. This is the old tomb ________(find) in the 1900s.

6. Computers will be one of the main subjects __________ (teach) in the schools in our province.

II. 看短文学分词

Charlie Chaplin

It is still _______________(excite) to see Charlie Chaplin`s film today. Some people will stand in line for hours ______________(wait) to buy a ticket to see one of his film. Although Chaplin`s films _________________________(show) are mostly silent films, they are still popular. People just love the films ______________(star) by the great comic actor.

_________________(star) in many famous films, Chaplin was one of the greatest actors in the world. Many of his films are well known to people throughout the world. In a famous film, Chaplin _____________(act) as a poor worker ______________(wear) old shoes, a round hat, and holding a walking stick. This character _____________(create) by Chaplin might ___________(come from) his childhood experiences.

Born in London in 1889, Chaplin _________________(abandon) by his father. Then his mother _________(death) and left him as an orphan. He became interested in acting at the age of five. After leaving school at ten, he began to travel with a British acting company. In 1910, he made his first trip to America. He was

talented and hard-working. And by 1916, he was earning $10,000 a week. He was the highest-paid person in the world at that time. He produced, directed, and wrote the movies that he ________________(star in). Even though “talkies(有声电影) ” came out in 1927, he didn`t make a movie with sound until 1940.

In 1972, Chaplin ________________(give) a special Oscar for his lifetime of outstanding work.

III. 单句改错

1. The smiled waiter came up to us and said, “You are welcome.”

2. The door remained lock.

3. The boy has been questioned by the police has no parents.

4. The book is worth being read.

5. The problem being discussed tomorrow is very important.

6. With the government’s aid, those were affected by the earthquake have moved to the new settlements.

IV . 翻译句子

1. 这是一本农民写的书。

2. 我们住在我舅舅修建的房子。

3. 她的工作是照顾保育院的婴儿。

4. 在操场上踢足球的那些男孩来自于澳大利亚。

5. 大部分被邀请参加宴会的人都是著名的科学家。

6. 你看到了和你弟弟跳舞的那个姑娘吗?


I. 动词适当形式填空

1. selling 2. brought 3 respected 4. puzzled; puzzling; raised

5. found 6. to be taught

II. 看短文学分词

exciting waiting being shown starred Having sarred acted wearing created come form was abandoned died was given

III. 单句改错

1. smiled—smiling

2. lock—locked

3. who has been 或 has been 去掉

4. being read—reading

5. being—to be

6. who were 或 were 去掉

IV . 翻译句子

1. This is a book written by a farmer.

2. We lived in the house built by my uncle.

3. Her job is attending babies in the nursery.

4. The boys playing football on the playground are from Australia.

5. Most of the people invited to the party were famous scientists.

6. Did you see the girl dancing with your brother?

starred in

Unit 1 Grammar

I. 动词适当形式填空

1. The woman ________(sell) vegetables has gone.

2. The wheat is watered by water _________(bring) from a pond.

3. He is a leader _________ (respect) by the people.

4. All of us were ________ (puzzle) by the _________(puzzle) question

________(raise) by a little girl.

4. This is the old tomb ________(find) in the 1900s.

6. Computers will be one of the main subjects __________ (teach) in the schools in our province.

II. 看短文学分词

Charlie Chaplin

It is still _______________(excite) to see Charlie Chaplin`s film today. Some people will stand in line for hours ______________(wait) to buy a ticket to see one of his film. Although Chaplin`s films _________________________(show) are mostly silent films, they are still popular. People just love the films ______________(star) by the great comic actor.

_________________(star) in many famous films, Chaplin was one of the greatest actors in the world. Many of his films are well known to people throughout the world. In a famous film, Chaplin _____________(act) as a poor worker ______________(wear) old shoes, a round hat, and holding a walking stick. This character _____________(create) by Chaplin might ___________(come from) his childhood experiences.

Born in London in 1889, Chaplin _________________(abandon) by his father. Then his mother _________(death) and left him as an orphan. He became interested in acting at the age of five. After leaving school at ten, he began to travel with a British acting company. In 1910, he made his first trip to America. He was

talented and hard-working. And by 1916, he was earning $10,000 a week. He was the highest-paid person in the world at that time. He produced, directed, and wrote the movies that he ________________(star in). Even though “talkies(有声电影) ” came out in 1927, he didn`t make a movie with sound until 1940.

In 1972, Chaplin ________________(give) a special Oscar for his lifetime of outstanding work.

III. 单句改错

1. The smiled waiter came up to us and said, “You are welcome.”

2. The door remained lock.

3. The boy has been questioned by the police has no parents.

4. The book is worth being read.

5. The problem being discussed tomorrow is very important.

6. With the government’s aid, those were affected by the earthquake have moved to the new settlements.

IV . 翻译句子

1. 这是一本农民写的书。

2. 我们住在我舅舅修建的房子。

3. 她的工作是照顾保育院的婴儿。

4. 在操场上踢足球的那些男孩来自于澳大利亚。

5. 大部分被邀请参加宴会的人都是著名的科学家。

6. 你看到了和你弟弟跳舞的那个姑娘吗?


I. 动词适当形式填空

1. selling 2. brought 3 respected 4. puzzled; puzzling; raised

5. found 6. to be taught

II. 看短文学分词

exciting waiting being shown starred Having sarred acted wearing created come form was abandoned died was given

III. 单句改错

1. smiled—smiling

2. lock—locked

3. who has been 或 has been 去掉

4. being read—reading

5. being—to be

6. who were 或 were 去掉

IV . 翻译句子

1. This is a book written by a farmer.

2. We lived in the house built by my uncle.

3. Her job is attending babies in the nursery.

4. The boys playing football on the playground are from Australia.

5. Most of the people invited to the party were famous scientists.

6. Did you see the girl dancing with your brother?

starred in


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