


英语沙龙:初级版 2008年03期



  Andorra is a landlocked(为陆地所包围的)country in western Europe,located in the eastern Pyrenees mountains and bordered by Spain and France.Once isolated,it is currently a prosperous(繁荣的)country mainly because of tourism and its status as a tax haven(港口,避难所).The people of Andorra are currently listed as having the highest human life expectancies on Earth,at83.52years.In Andorra you can speak Spanish or French,you can go skiing or shopping,and you can go from one border to the other in a matter of hours.




  Liechtenstein is like the fictional(虚构的)country of Ruritania made real.A Gothic castle perches(坐落)over the capital,Vaduz,where tourists stop for postage stamps.Liechtenstein is bordered by Switzerland to its westand by Austria to its east.Mountainous,it is a winter sports resort,although it is perhaps best known as a tax haven.Liechtenstein is not heavily urbanized(使都市化).Many cultivated fields and small farms characterize its landscape both in the north and in the south.




  Monaco is all about money—making it,spending it and flaunting it.Monaco is one of the most expensive places on Earth.Monaco has Europe's most expensive real estate,ahead of even London.Car-racing fans will probably want to be here either for the Monte Carlo Rally or for the Grand Prix.Monaco is the world's most densely populated country and second-smallest independent nation.




  Malta is a small and densely populated island nation comprising an archipelago(群岛)of seven islands in the Mediterranean Sea.Only the three largest islands are inhabited.EU nationals require neither a visa nor a passport to enter the country.Citizens of a number of third countries are not required to apply for a visa and require only a valid passpoa when residing in Malta for up to three months.




  Vatican is a landlocked sovereign city—state(城邦)whose territory consists of a walled enclave(被包围的领土)within the city of Rome.Vatican has its own post office,fire brigade(队,组),police service,supermarket,bank,railway station,electricity generating plant,and publishing house.The Vatican also controls its own Internet domain nanle.The Vatican has no airports.There is one heliport(直升飞机场)and an 852 meters long standard gauge railway that connects to Italy's network at Rome's Saint Peter's station.


  San Marino圣马力诺


  San Marino is the oldest constitutional republic in the world still existing:it was founded in the year 301.The three towers of San Marino are a well—known group of towers located On the three peaks of Monte Titano in the capital.They are depicted(画,刻画)on both the national flag and coat of arms.San Marino also has a cake known as Cake of the Three Towers,as a symbol for the area,it is something of a layered wafer cake covered in chocolate.




英语沙龙:初级版 2008年03期



  Andorra is a landlocked(为陆地所包围的)country in western Europe,located in the eastern Pyrenees mountains and bordered by Spain and France.Once isolated,it is currently a prosperous(繁荣的)country mainly because of tourism and its status as a tax haven(港口,避难所).The people of Andorra are currently listed as having the highest human life expectancies on Earth,at83.52years.In Andorra you can speak Spanish or French,you can go skiing or shopping,and you can go from one border to the other in a matter of hours.




  Liechtenstein is like the fictional(虚构的)country of Ruritania made real.A Gothic castle perches(坐落)over the capital,Vaduz,where tourists stop for postage stamps.Liechtenstein is bordered by Switzerland to its westand by Austria to its east.Mountainous,it is a winter sports resort,although it is perhaps best known as a tax haven.Liechtenstein is not heavily urbanized(使都市化).Many cultivated fields and small farms characterize its landscape both in the north and in the south.




  Monaco is all about money—making it,spending it and flaunting it.Monaco is one of the most expensive places on Earth.Monaco has Europe's most expensive real estate,ahead of even London.Car-racing fans will probably want to be here either for the Monte Carlo Rally or for the Grand Prix.Monaco is the world's most densely populated country and second-smallest independent nation.




  Malta is a small and densely populated island nation comprising an archipelago(群岛)of seven islands in the Mediterranean Sea.Only the three largest islands are inhabited.EU nationals require neither a visa nor a passport to enter the country.Citizens of a number of third countries are not required to apply for a visa and require only a valid passpoa when residing in Malta for up to three months.




  Vatican is a landlocked sovereign city—state(城邦)whose territory consists of a walled enclave(被包围的领土)within the city of Rome.Vatican has its own post office,fire brigade(队,组),police service,supermarket,bank,railway station,electricity generating plant,and publishing house.The Vatican also controls its own Internet domain nanle.The Vatican has no airports.There is one heliport(直升飞机场)and an 852 meters long standard gauge railway that connects to Italy's network at Rome's Saint Peter's station.


  San Marino圣马力诺


  San Marino is the oldest constitutional republic in the world still existing:it was founded in the year 301.The three towers of San Marino are a well—known group of towers located On the three peaks of Monte Titano in the capital.They are depicted(画,刻画)on both the national flag and coat of arms.San Marino also has a cake known as Cake of the Three Towers,as a symbol for the area,it is something of a layered wafer cake covered in chocolate.



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