
忠犬八公的故事中英文经典台词 经典感人台词

——倩瑞网 1、

It's your dog,but you are it's all.


2They taught me the meaning of loyalty that you should never forget anyone that you loved.


3、I have said that the soul is not more than the body。And I said that the body is no more than the soul。And nothing,not God is greater than one, than one itself is。我曾说过,躯体与灵魂交融,难以分出孰轻孰重。世上任何


4、The distance between life and death, for a dog, it cannot fathom, it only believe, his master will come back. It"s life as a water passage, one point one year after year in bluestone station. As a dog, it has its

principles, never abandon, regardless of sickness and death. It was lying there, ten years, and a landscape. For life or for death, however separated, to our wives we pledged our word.

生与死的距离,对于一条狗来说,它无法参透,它只相信,他的主人会回来。 它的生命如一注流水,一点一点在车站的青石台上年复一年地流逝。作为一只狗,它有它的原则,不离不弃,不论生老病死。它卧在这里,十年,透彻成一种风景。死生契阔,与子成说。

5、Whether it is waiting for the previous owner, or waiting for me, I feel very touched, very happy." It teaches us the meaning of loyalty -- should never forget the people you love.


6、Moved to new leaves to be deciduous, and how many conversion cycle, the only constant is standing waiting figure. Waiting for the silent

witness to their most sincere, the most pure love, also deeply touched by people......


7、Well, I think it's right to take you home. You stay with me... in a warm house...

呃, 我想把你带回家应该没做错吧!你跟我待一块儿……在温暖的房子里……

8、Today,a bronze statue of Hachi sits in his waiting spot outside the Shibuya railroad station.


9、Station is sketchily Hachi's home now,Every day he comes in time in place,Every day.


10、You know we love you, Hachi,We want you to stay with us,If you had to go…that's OK, too.


11、I am a lot older than you, but I… I tend to think that,there is element in the music,that can not be captured,Life can not be captured,The human heart can not be captured,The moment of creation itself is… is fleeding.

我年长你们许多 但我… 我觉得,音乐里有些东西,是无法捕捉的,生命如此,人的情感亦如此,创作… 形如流水。

12、I find letters from God dropped in the street,and everyone has signed by God's mean,And I leave them where they are,For I know that wherever I go,others will punctually come,Forever and ever.

我拾到了上帝遗落凡间的信笺,上面列着上帝为众人安排的命运,我任一切顺其自然,因为我知道 无论我去往何方,总有人接替我而来,生生不息。@倩瑞网 做有影响力的电影台词网!

忠犬八公的故事中英文经典台词 经典感人台词

——倩瑞网 1、

It's your dog,but you are it's all.


2They taught me the meaning of loyalty that you should never forget anyone that you loved.


3、I have said that the soul is not more than the body。And I said that the body is no more than the soul。And nothing,not God is greater than one, than one itself is。我曾说过,躯体与灵魂交融,难以分出孰轻孰重。世上任何


4、The distance between life and death, for a dog, it cannot fathom, it only believe, his master will come back. It"s life as a water passage, one point one year after year in bluestone station. As a dog, it has its

principles, never abandon, regardless of sickness and death. It was lying there, ten years, and a landscape. For life or for death, however separated, to our wives we pledged our word.

生与死的距离,对于一条狗来说,它无法参透,它只相信,他的主人会回来。 它的生命如一注流水,一点一点在车站的青石台上年复一年地流逝。作为一只狗,它有它的原则,不离不弃,不论生老病死。它卧在这里,十年,透彻成一种风景。死生契阔,与子成说。

5、Whether it is waiting for the previous owner, or waiting for me, I feel very touched, very happy." It teaches us the meaning of loyalty -- should never forget the people you love.


6、Moved to new leaves to be deciduous, and how many conversion cycle, the only constant is standing waiting figure. Waiting for the silent

witness to their most sincere, the most pure love, also deeply touched by people......


7、Well, I think it's right to take you home. You stay with me... in a warm house...

呃, 我想把你带回家应该没做错吧!你跟我待一块儿……在温暖的房子里……

8、Today,a bronze statue of Hachi sits in his waiting spot outside the Shibuya railroad station.


9、Station is sketchily Hachi's home now,Every day he comes in time in place,Every day.


10、You know we love you, Hachi,We want you to stay with us,If you had to go…that's OK, too.


11、I am a lot older than you, but I… I tend to think that,there is element in the music,that can not be captured,Life can not be captured,The human heart can not be captured,The moment of creation itself is… is fleeding.

我年长你们许多 但我… 我觉得,音乐里有些东西,是无法捕捉的,生命如此,人的情感亦如此,创作… 形如流水。

12、I find letters from God dropped in the street,and everyone has signed by God's mean,And I leave them where they are,For I know that wherever I go,others will punctually come,Forever and ever.

我拾到了上帝遗落凡间的信笺,上面列着上帝为众人安排的命运,我任一切顺其自然,因为我知道 无论我去往何方,总有人接替我而来,生生不息。@倩瑞网 做有影响力的电影台词网!


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