



In Spain men and women greet others with two kisses, delivered from left to

right, often taking hold of a shoulder while doing so. Shaking hands isn’t

something the Spanish are keen on – “you might be contagious!”


The weather and fútbol are considered small talk staples, but I found the

most common intro when unexpectedly encountering an acquaintance in the street

was, a dónde vas? - where are you going? An achingly simple, slightly

interrogatory opener that launches one into moderately more purposeful small


天气与足球被认为是西班牙的典型的闲谈话题,不过我发现当人们在大街上与熟人不期而遇时,西班牙人最常用的介绍语却是a dónde



“Ciao” reigns supreme in Italy. Regardless whether you meet someone during

the day, night, or whether you’re saying hello or goodbye (one-word-fluency!).





[en]If you’re a creature of habit, stick to holidays in Bulgaria - they

also kiss from left to right, although they have the odd custom of using

different languages for simple exchanges; the Italian ciao to say goodbye and

the French merci for thank you, for example.



Greetings often depend on where exactly you are in Germany. In the north

you’ll be greeted with amoin moin while in the south you may be on the receiving

end of a servus. A hallo or a guten Tag will get you started everywhere,



moin与人问候;如若你在德国南部,那就可能会听到servus这样的问候。然而无论你在德国哪儿,都能以hallo或guten Tag问候他人。

Young people often greet one another with a hug, but in large groups a

simple nod of the head and a hallo zusammen (hello together)suffices.

Interestingly, greetings remain stubbornly conventional within traditional

companies with employees greeting one another formally with a firm shake of the

hand and addressing one another by title and surname; guten Tag Herr




Tag Herr Wowereit。


In Austria one greets with a servus, and they’re very attentive to titles

(so pay attention, Doctor Doe). Women often say hello with two kisses, one on

each cheek and always starting on the right and then moving to the left (they

border Italy, after all). Men will normally shake hands.




In France people greet with a bonjour or the more informal salut. And if

you thought the formalities of kissing were somewhat novel, be prepared for the

bise, planting up to four kisses on the cheeks of the French. The number is

dependent upon region, so you’ll need to brush up on some local knowledge before

mingling with the haute société. Pay strict attention to the formal vous form

for older people and strangers.




Incidentally, Brazilians haven’t agreed on the number of kisses either, but

numbers vary less dramatically between one and three. Further to the well-known

tudo bem?, greetings include the joyously concise oi and e ai. Romanians, like

their Bulgarian neighbors, sometimes add a touch of continental flair to their

informal greetings with a salut! salut! or a servus for hello.

巧的是,巴西人间问候的亲吻数亦是不定的,不过变化的小些,从1个至3个不等。除去众所周知的 tudo




If all of the above greetings are too touchy-feely for you, you’ll find

respite in Japan where the standard gesture is a reverential bow. No physical

contact required. If a handshake does occur, make sure to still lower your gaze

as a sign of respect to the other person. Small talk can be about anything, but

make sure to save it until after work.




In Sweden one greets with a hej or a longer heeeeej if you’re particularly

pleased to see whoever has just entered audible territory. And then you speak

about the weather and Eurovision.


And so it would seem that even faced with the normalizing powers of

globalization, there is no such thing as a simple hello. The dissolution of

distinct gradations of formality where certain behaviors are prudent is a common

trend, but knowing each country’s etiquette is the first step to navigating this

little gauntlet of intercultural communication.





In Spain men and women greet others with two kisses, delivered from left to

right, often taking hold of a shoulder while doing so. Shaking hands isn’t

something the Spanish are keen on – “you might be contagious!”


The weather and fútbol are considered small talk staples, but I found the

most common intro when unexpectedly encountering an acquaintance in the street

was, a dónde vas? - where are you going? An achingly simple, slightly

interrogatory opener that launches one into moderately more purposeful small


天气与足球被认为是西班牙的典型的闲谈话题,不过我发现当人们在大街上与熟人不期而遇时,西班牙人最常用的介绍语却是a dónde



“Ciao” reigns supreme in Italy. Regardless whether you meet someone during

the day, night, or whether you’re saying hello or goodbye (one-word-fluency!).





[en]If you’re a creature of habit, stick to holidays in Bulgaria - they

also kiss from left to right, although they have the odd custom of using

different languages for simple exchanges; the Italian ciao to say goodbye and

the French merci for thank you, for example.



Greetings often depend on where exactly you are in Germany. In the north

you’ll be greeted with amoin moin while in the south you may be on the receiving

end of a servus. A hallo or a guten Tag will get you started everywhere,



moin与人问候;如若你在德国南部,那就可能会听到servus这样的问候。然而无论你在德国哪儿,都能以hallo或guten Tag问候他人。

Young people often greet one another with a hug, but in large groups a

simple nod of the head and a hallo zusammen (hello together)suffices.

Interestingly, greetings remain stubbornly conventional within traditional

companies with employees greeting one another formally with a firm shake of the

hand and addressing one another by title and surname; guten Tag Herr




Tag Herr Wowereit。


In Austria one greets with a servus, and they’re very attentive to titles

(so pay attention, Doctor Doe). Women often say hello with two kisses, one on

each cheek and always starting on the right and then moving to the left (they

border Italy, after all). Men will normally shake hands.




In France people greet with a bonjour or the more informal salut. And if

you thought the formalities of kissing were somewhat novel, be prepared for the

bise, planting up to four kisses on the cheeks of the French. The number is

dependent upon region, so you’ll need to brush up on some local knowledge before

mingling with the haute société. Pay strict attention to the formal vous form

for older people and strangers.




Incidentally, Brazilians haven’t agreed on the number of kisses either, but

numbers vary less dramatically between one and three. Further to the well-known

tudo bem?, greetings include the joyously concise oi and e ai. Romanians, like

their Bulgarian neighbors, sometimes add a touch of continental flair to their

informal greetings with a salut! salut! or a servus for hello.

巧的是,巴西人间问候的亲吻数亦是不定的,不过变化的小些,从1个至3个不等。除去众所周知的 tudo




If all of the above greetings are too touchy-feely for you, you’ll find

respite in Japan where the standard gesture is a reverential bow. No physical

contact required. If a handshake does occur, make sure to still lower your gaze

as a sign of respect to the other person. Small talk can be about anything, but

make sure to save it until after work.




In Sweden one greets with a hej or a longer heeeeej if you’re particularly

pleased to see whoever has just entered audible territory. And then you speak

about the weather and Eurovision.


And so it would seem that even faced with the normalizing powers of

globalization, there is no such thing as a simple hello. The dissolution of

distinct gradations of formality where certain behaviors are prudent is a common

trend, but knowing each country’s etiquette is the first step to navigating this

little gauntlet of intercultural communication.



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