




“名言”依据情况可换为:). Prominently, this saying aims to deliver the message that sth is the philosopher’s stone to [****是***的点金石]


Indeed,if there is one thing that distinguishes the Gates style,its his time management skills. He is always punctual and in high gear, he typically leave only the tiniest cracks in the day for eating and recreation, getting the maximum amount of work possible out of every minute.


Relative to any kind of theory, a theory of multiple practice can be effective. Rigid and ridiculous thoughts for obeying theory may result in troubles. Conversely, relative to a practice speaking, a practice must involve multiple theory. The theory and practice of the relationship is a two-way interweave, so combining theory with practice properly flexibly is vital for us.Under the guidance of it, the integrated optimization of them cannotalways make division of outcome and

implementation. Moreover, knowledge has become growingly complicated and its urge for us to catch up with the speed of the evolution of it. We can seldom genuinely grasp the essence of it without practice and pondering it over again and again.


It is not unusual for people to be subject to (遭遇)criticism. Anyone may be criticized by others in his work or study. For example: workers who fail to accomplish their tasks will be criticized. Attitudes towards criticism differ from person to person. Some people will become annoyed if they are criticized and they will try to excuse themselves by all means. Some people tend to be indifferent criticism.They just regard criticism as nonsenses. Some will be fragile when hearing others’ criticism.Whilestill some people accept criticism modestly and to find their As to me, I welcome other's criticism to me. I have 学会尊重

Respect to Others

When it comes to the issue of respects,some that respect others in the condition that others show respect to they only respect the Firstly,all men are born to be status,health conditions and financial respected as a member of the Secondly,respects,in other ) are crucial to an individual.As far as I am concerned,esteem is of and self-actualization.We cannot live freely and comfortable others and esteem.Esteems are the beginning of love and the 诚信()

Almost all of us heard the story “Here Comes the Wolf” when we were little kids. What we can learn from the story is that we must be honest. Regardless of there’re lots of phenomena of dishonesty nowadays, but we must do well from our own. Because only honest people can be truly respected by the others and can make more friends over a long period of time.Secondly, honesty, which is the traditional virtue of the Chinese people, can make our life easier and more harmonious. Thirdly, honesty can make our society more stable. A case in point is that Singapore, a society featuring trustworthiness and integrity, has a comparatively low criminal rate. 虚心

“Modesty is not only an ornament, but also a guard to virtue.”Joseph Addison once said.

Modesty can not only make someone look beautiful and well-mannered, but also serve as a guarantee to one’s excellent character. It is obvious that people tend to lose their fine qualities if they are not modest.

Simple as Addison’s remark may sound, it contains abundant life philosophy and informs us of the significance of modesty. Why does modesty play an indispensable role in our life? Modesty can inspire people to achieve greater success. Those who are modest will never be content with their current achievements, instead, they will work constantly to achieve a higher target. Quite a few examples can be given to prove the importance of modesty, however, I can think of no better illustration than the following one: how could Benjamin Franklin, who was once a printer of humble origins, attain tremendous achievements in so many fields such as science, politics, mind to accept new things, absorb new information, acquire new 细节决定成败+做好小事走向成功(乔布斯)

The CEO of the apple corporation, Steve Jobs, was a case of point. was so the details that he couldn’t stop pushing his staff to pursu in superior and innovative 三思而后行

the was a nuclear leak in Japan, but it was not as serious as they had first Photoshop prevailed in the world.

can’t jump to conclusions in a hurry and raise your own awareness about making distinguish. I do believe that the bright future will come if we turn over in our own mind.


Works of literature may seem to be very old, but their importance has not faded away. We can benefit plenty of essence from reading. To begin with, they can improve our vocabulary and provoking our thoughts. Furthermore, they broaden our horizons, cultivate our characters and sharpen our skills. They can entertain us in a subtler way. We can understand the life more deeply and enrich our eye-opening experience by reading them.


Mastering the elementary skills can not only help us acquire the advanced skills that we need to find a job, but also cultivate our characters along the way we learn them. Owing to the fact that we are living in a competitive society,the development of our society demands that we arm ourselves with basic skills and up-to-date knowledge so as to keep up with the pace of our society.

An investigation shows that millions of people spend time and energy grasping skills and technology so that they can keep a favorable position in job market or enhance their opportunities.While focusing on creativity,innovation,management and leadership skills,we should never forget the fundamental importance of the more basic,essential skills.

For example, it is universally known that opportunity is important,but you could do nothing with it.


ffect is that many people have become over


play games after a long-time work,it can relieve your pressure and make you feel relaxed.Besides,playing online games is not all bad,for it can fulfil students' entertaining requests However,there still exists some disadvantages in the network.The radiation from the computer will do harm to people's health if you keep on watching the computer for a long time.And short sight may be caused by it for your eyes stay tense.At present,there are too many games on the Internet,but some of them are not of good quality even contain some unhealthy content like violence and so on. Due to the lack of recognizing society and self-protection awareness,some students get addicted in the games and online dating.

In fact,network is not that horrible,as long as we know more about it,it will become our right hand on our studies.Let's build a clean network world together.


Online games take up a lot of player’s time for study. Many of them have to drop out of school for poor academic performance and they tend to isolate themselves from reality. What’s more, they are likely to indulging in virtual world , rendering into mental problems and physical collapse. Finally , they are exposed to too much violent and vulgarism(低俗). 拜金主义

Worshipping money – the new faith today

We are in a society polarized towards gaining money,many people deplored the rampant(遏止 不住的) consumerism of contemporary society(当代社会).

Money worship is sweeping across the whole country.There is no doubt that money brings happiness, especially in the modern society.Whereas sometimes, true love, They can't enjoy realhappiness either.


The earth is our home and we have the duty to take it for for our later Measures have been taken to cope with these by the Laws have been passed to stop pollution.

Earth, the animals. Plant human cells, it destroyed nature organizations, to the eradication of mankind.

Therefore, the be with social ethics, character education and 谎言辩证论

Patient eagerly waits for the results from the doctor, and the doctor's responsible is to choose factors in curing his/her illness,especially in the case of cancer.Maybe the doctor can comfort his patient to let him be less worried by choosing not to tell him the truth.So in my opinion, an experienced doctor should know if he can tell his patient truth ,and he must know that his words are important and influential to his patient.

For a doctor, we may understand that sometimes it is better not to tell the truth. But “sometimes” deserves emphasis here. After all, honesty is one of the fine qualities of human beings. We should treat life in an honest way.


Filial duty

Be obedient(顺从) to parents. As children grow up, parents begin to mold their disciplinary and emotional qualities by setting rules and requiring chores. Children can honor their parents by following the set rules in the household and completing chores on time.Celebrate important dates in the parent's life. All parents have birthdays, anniversaries and holidays (mother's day and father's day) that are important to them. Children can honor their parents by remembering these days and doing something special. For birthdays and holidays, give personable gifts, within your budget, that show appreciation. Even homemade cards, clothing and other crafts will mean the world to your parent.Be affectionate towards your parents. Exhibiting affectionate behavior tells your parents you love and appreciate them for all they've done. Give your parents hugs when greeting them. A parent will feel loved and honored upon being showered with sincere affection. 啃老族+溺爱

The boomerang generation

lity to earn a living. What they need come from their parents.

hand, for their children to run.Furthermore,a should not only an excellent atmosphere of "respecting 就业与学历

If the boss faced are young men who just graduate from universities, then saying: a man should always be responsible for his job(在其位,谋其政),as a student ,he has an proves his study ability, which is very essential for the coming days, and because he is so young that he owns the enthusiasm on work, which is also a necessary factor. But if whom the boss faced is a forty old man and just fired a company or be fired by the original corporation , then the boss would think a lot of such things as work ability , experience and so on. Then the diploma would be seen nothing as it is just a history to him.

All in all ,both of them are important, of course ,there are some else are also indispensably, to the boss ,before making a choice, think about what he want best, namely, which person he need best is most important.


It’s know to us all that the same flower has different fate when put in different situations. When there is protection, the flower blooms beautifully. However, when exposed directly to rain and storm, the flower quickly withers. We can safely come to the conclusion that greenhouse flowers cannot withstand rain and storm. The same is true with our children.

As the one-child policy is adopted in China, more and more parents overprotect their children. With everything done for them and every need satisfied by their parents or grandparents, these only children seem to be healthy, happy and high-spirited. But when they leave home, they become disappointed and frustrated. Facing harsh things they have never experienced before, such as competition from peers, criticism from supervisors, pressure for deadlines and restriction for discipline, they will be at a loss, miserable or even desperate. In fact, the more protection they get from their parents, the less ability they acquire.

Parents ’ love for their children turns out to be a disaster. Children, like flowers, should be treated with care, but reasonable and sensible ways of doing things will help to bring about more fruitful results, if we not only love our children but also teach them how to love, our love will be passed down from generation to generation; if we not only solve problems for our children but also encourage them to solve problems, our diligence and ingenuity will make our life more meaningful and worthwhile.





“名言”依据情况可换为:). Prominently, this saying aims to deliver the message that sth is the philosopher’s stone to [****是***的点金石]


Indeed,if there is one thing that distinguishes the Gates style,its his time management skills. He is always punctual and in high gear, he typically leave only the tiniest cracks in the day for eating and recreation, getting the maximum amount of work possible out of every minute.


Relative to any kind of theory, a theory of multiple practice can be effective. Rigid and ridiculous thoughts for obeying theory may result in troubles. Conversely, relative to a practice speaking, a practice must involve multiple theory. The theory and practice of the relationship is a two-way interweave, so combining theory with practice properly flexibly is vital for us.Under the guidance of it, the integrated optimization of them cannotalways make division of outcome and

implementation. Moreover, knowledge has become growingly complicated and its urge for us to catch up with the speed of the evolution of it. We can seldom genuinely grasp the essence of it without practice and pondering it over again and again.


It is not unusual for people to be subject to (遭遇)criticism. Anyone may be criticized by others in his work or study. For example: workers who fail to accomplish their tasks will be criticized. Attitudes towards criticism differ from person to person. Some people will become annoyed if they are criticized and they will try to excuse themselves by all means. Some people tend to be indifferent criticism.They just regard criticism as nonsenses. Some will be fragile when hearing others’ criticism.Whilestill some people accept criticism modestly and to find their As to me, I welcome other's criticism to me. I have 学会尊重

Respect to Others

When it comes to the issue of respects,some that respect others in the condition that others show respect to they only respect the Firstly,all men are born to be status,health conditions and financial respected as a member of the Secondly,respects,in other ) are crucial to an individual.As far as I am concerned,esteem is of and self-actualization.We cannot live freely and comfortable others and esteem.Esteems are the beginning of love and the 诚信()

Almost all of us heard the story “Here Comes the Wolf” when we were little kids. What we can learn from the story is that we must be honest. Regardless of there’re lots of phenomena of dishonesty nowadays, but we must do well from our own. Because only honest people can be truly respected by the others and can make more friends over a long period of time.Secondly, honesty, which is the traditional virtue of the Chinese people, can make our life easier and more harmonious. Thirdly, honesty can make our society more stable. A case in point is that Singapore, a society featuring trustworthiness and integrity, has a comparatively low criminal rate. 虚心

“Modesty is not only an ornament, but also a guard to virtue.”Joseph Addison once said.

Modesty can not only make someone look beautiful and well-mannered, but also serve as a guarantee to one’s excellent character. It is obvious that people tend to lose their fine qualities if they are not modest.

Simple as Addison’s remark may sound, it contains abundant life philosophy and informs us of the significance of modesty. Why does modesty play an indispensable role in our life? Modesty can inspire people to achieve greater success. Those who are modest will never be content with their current achievements, instead, they will work constantly to achieve a higher target. Quite a few examples can be given to prove the importance of modesty, however, I can think of no better illustration than the following one: how could Benjamin Franklin, who was once a printer of humble origins, attain tremendous achievements in so many fields such as science, politics, mind to accept new things, absorb new information, acquire new 细节决定成败+做好小事走向成功(乔布斯)

The CEO of the apple corporation, Steve Jobs, was a case of point. was so the details that he couldn’t stop pushing his staff to pursu in superior and innovative 三思而后行

the was a nuclear leak in Japan, but it was not as serious as they had first Photoshop prevailed in the world.

can’t jump to conclusions in a hurry and raise your own awareness about making distinguish. I do believe that the bright future will come if we turn over in our own mind.


Works of literature may seem to be very old, but their importance has not faded away. We can benefit plenty of essence from reading. To begin with, they can improve our vocabulary and provoking our thoughts. Furthermore, they broaden our horizons, cultivate our characters and sharpen our skills. They can entertain us in a subtler way. We can understand the life more deeply and enrich our eye-opening experience by reading them.


Mastering the elementary skills can not only help us acquire the advanced skills that we need to find a job, but also cultivate our characters along the way we learn them. Owing to the fact that we are living in a competitive society,the development of our society demands that we arm ourselves with basic skills and up-to-date knowledge so as to keep up with the pace of our society.

An investigation shows that millions of people spend time and energy grasping skills and technology so that they can keep a favorable position in job market or enhance their opportunities.While focusing on creativity,innovation,management and leadership skills,we should never forget the fundamental importance of the more basic,essential skills.

For example, it is universally known that opportunity is important,but you could do nothing with it.


ffect is that many people have become over


play games after a long-time work,it can relieve your pressure and make you feel relaxed.Besides,playing online games is not all bad,for it can fulfil students' entertaining requests However,there still exists some disadvantages in the network.The radiation from the computer will do harm to people's health if you keep on watching the computer for a long time.And short sight may be caused by it for your eyes stay tense.At present,there are too many games on the Internet,but some of them are not of good quality even contain some unhealthy content like violence and so on. Due to the lack of recognizing society and self-protection awareness,some students get addicted in the games and online dating.

In fact,network is not that horrible,as long as we know more about it,it will become our right hand on our studies.Let's build a clean network world together.


Online games take up a lot of player’s time for study. Many of them have to drop out of school for poor academic performance and they tend to isolate themselves from reality. What’s more, they are likely to indulging in virtual world , rendering into mental problems and physical collapse. Finally , they are exposed to too much violent and vulgarism(低俗). 拜金主义

Worshipping money – the new faith today

We are in a society polarized towards gaining money,many people deplored the rampant(遏止 不住的) consumerism of contemporary society(当代社会).

Money worship is sweeping across the whole country.There is no doubt that money brings happiness, especially in the modern society.Whereas sometimes, true love, They can't enjoy realhappiness either.


The earth is our home and we have the duty to take it for for our later Measures have been taken to cope with these by the Laws have been passed to stop pollution.

Earth, the animals. Plant human cells, it destroyed nature organizations, to the eradication of mankind.

Therefore, the be with social ethics, character education and 谎言辩证论

Patient eagerly waits for the results from the doctor, and the doctor's responsible is to choose factors in curing his/her illness,especially in the case of cancer.Maybe the doctor can comfort his patient to let him be less worried by choosing not to tell him the truth.So in my opinion, an experienced doctor should know if he can tell his patient truth ,and he must know that his words are important and influential to his patient.

For a doctor, we may understand that sometimes it is better not to tell the truth. But “sometimes” deserves emphasis here. After all, honesty is one of the fine qualities of human beings. We should treat life in an honest way.


Filial duty

Be obedient(顺从) to parents. As children grow up, parents begin to mold their disciplinary and emotional qualities by setting rules and requiring chores. Children can honor their parents by following the set rules in the household and completing chores on time.Celebrate important dates in the parent's life. All parents have birthdays, anniversaries and holidays (mother's day and father's day) that are important to them. Children can honor their parents by remembering these days and doing something special. For birthdays and holidays, give personable gifts, within your budget, that show appreciation. Even homemade cards, clothing and other crafts will mean the world to your parent.Be affectionate towards your parents. Exhibiting affectionate behavior tells your parents you love and appreciate them for all they've done. Give your parents hugs when greeting them. A parent will feel loved and honored upon being showered with sincere affection. 啃老族+溺爱

The boomerang generation

lity to earn a living. What they need come from their parents.

hand, for their children to run.Furthermore,a should not only an excellent atmosphere of "respecting 就业与学历

If the boss faced are young men who just graduate from universities, then saying: a man should always be responsible for his job(在其位,谋其政),as a student ,he has an proves his study ability, which is very essential for the coming days, and because he is so young that he owns the enthusiasm on work, which is also a necessary factor. But if whom the boss faced is a forty old man and just fired a company or be fired by the original corporation , then the boss would think a lot of such things as work ability , experience and so on. Then the diploma would be seen nothing as it is just a history to him.

All in all ,both of them are important, of course ,there are some else are also indispensably, to the boss ,before making a choice, think about what he want best, namely, which person he need best is most important.


It’s know to us all that the same flower has different fate when put in different situations. When there is protection, the flower blooms beautifully. However, when exposed directly to rain and storm, the flower quickly withers. We can safely come to the conclusion that greenhouse flowers cannot withstand rain and storm. The same is true with our children.

As the one-child policy is adopted in China, more and more parents overprotect their children. With everything done for them and every need satisfied by their parents or grandparents, these only children seem to be healthy, happy and high-spirited. But when they leave home, they become disappointed and frustrated. Facing harsh things they have never experienced before, such as competition from peers, criticism from supervisors, pressure for deadlines and restriction for discipline, they will be at a loss, miserable or even desperate. In fact, the more protection they get from their parents, the less ability they acquire.

Parents ’ love for their children turns out to be a disaster. Children, like flowers, should be treated with care, but reasonable and sensible ways of doing things will help to bring about more fruitful results, if we not only love our children but also teach them how to love, our love will be passed down from generation to generation; if we not only solve problems for our children but also encourage them to solve problems, our diligence and ingenuity will make our life more meaningful and worthwhile.


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