
Dreams are beautiful, they keep us going forward.

It is because the dreams of our teachers that we are here today.

Everyone can dream:

Adults and Kids, males and females, captives and free men.

Even the blind can see through dreams. So allow kids like me to dream. I have a dream.

That one day, people will stop polluting the Earth.

That one day, I can become what I want to become.

That one day, I can take very good care of my parents.

I have a dream that you will have these same dreams, just like I do.

A life without dreams is not worth living.

So don't be afraid to dream.

Let’s dream big….. Thank you.

Dreams are beautiful, they keep us going forward.

It is because the dreams of our teachers that we are here today.

Everyone can dream:

Adults and Kids, males and females, captives and free men.

Even the blind can see through dreams. So allow kids like me to dream. I have a dream.

That one day, people will stop polluting the Earth.

That one day, I can become what I want to become.

That one day, I can take very good care of my parents.

I have a dream that you will have these same dreams, just like I do.

A life without dreams is not worth living.

So don't be afraid to dream.

Let’s dream big….. Thank you.


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