
Operation Regulation for Auto Repairers


I. General Security Requirement一般安全要求;

1. Repairers on post shall possess enough skills and experience, and shall be trained with security satisfaction


2. Do wear security protection clothes/shoes/helmet before working; no work after drink and no drinking during work.


3. Familiarize well before working regulations and standards, carry out required security measurements.


4. No use of any repair tools and equipments before mastering the performances/usages/operational approaches.


II. Security Regulations for Check and Repair Work 检修作业安全技术规定;

1. Make sure security before checking/repairing that autos are blocked well from both front and rear, or supported steadily with bearing device when lifted up.


2. Make sure security before moving autos, warn people around of danger, and ask for help if needed.


3. Make sure security before lifting/lowering work, check carefully both chains and lifter,

warn people around of danger, and shall follow the instructor’s demands.


4. Make sure security before working under autos, lift all axles up.


5. Make sure security before working under any auto hopper, lock steadily the

anti-lowering hole with special security plug, or support the hopper steadily with holder/support.


6. Make sure security before using electrical equipments, check carefully

wires/switches to confirm reliability.


7. No wearing gloves when using drill; before drilling small objects, use jigs to fix first.


8. Check carefully to confirm no cracks or breakages before using abrasive wheel;

when using, no extremely hard pushing or counter grinding, no two objects meanwhile, avoid the front of the abrasive wheel.


9. Check carefully the hammer head and hammer shaft to confirm tightness before

using hammer; no wearing gloves, and no people around when using hammer.


10. No people front when doing knocking out work.


11. Disconnect battery and other electrical devices required before welding work in case

of great loss.



12. Confirm with staff around before starting an auto, and no people allowed under the auto when it is started.


13. Fuels must be put 5 meters away from fires, and no smoking in work shop. 燃油必须距离明火5米以外。工作间内严禁吸烟。

14. Disassemble parts in correct ways if needed, no hard hitting/prying/cutting parts; permission is needed when dealing with important elements.

拆卸机件时,要按正确的 方法进行,不准猛打猛撬,或切坏零部件。必要时要领导批准。

15. Carry out related regulation when work aloft (above 1.8 meter), tie steadily the safety belt, put tools at safe places and cooperate with people on ground.


16. Each secure operation regulation is to be executed when multiple works go on meanwhile; if any confliction, each step is to be carried out separately.


17. Make sure security when check equipments, pay attention to situation nearby.


18. Confirm tools after checking/repairing work, in case of accidents caused by tools left in machine. Clean site and keep record as required.


Operation Regulation for Auto Repairers


I. General Security Requirement一般安全要求;

1. Repairers on post shall possess enough skills and experience, and shall be trained with security satisfaction


2. Do wear security protection clothes/shoes/helmet before working; no work after drink and no drinking during work.


3. Familiarize well before working regulations and standards, carry out required security measurements.


4. No use of any repair tools and equipments before mastering the performances/usages/operational approaches.


II. Security Regulations for Check and Repair Work 检修作业安全技术规定;

1. Make sure security before checking/repairing that autos are blocked well from both front and rear, or supported steadily with bearing device when lifted up.


2. Make sure security before moving autos, warn people around of danger, and ask for help if needed.


3. Make sure security before lifting/lowering work, check carefully both chains and lifter,

warn people around of danger, and shall follow the instructor’s demands.


4. Make sure security before working under autos, lift all axles up.


5. Make sure security before working under any auto hopper, lock steadily the

anti-lowering hole with special security plug, or support the hopper steadily with holder/support.


6. Make sure security before using electrical equipments, check carefully

wires/switches to confirm reliability.


7. No wearing gloves when using drill; before drilling small objects, use jigs to fix first.


8. Check carefully to confirm no cracks or breakages before using abrasive wheel;

when using, no extremely hard pushing or counter grinding, no two objects meanwhile, avoid the front of the abrasive wheel.


9. Check carefully the hammer head and hammer shaft to confirm tightness before

using hammer; no wearing gloves, and no people around when using hammer.


10. No people front when doing knocking out work.


11. Disconnect battery and other electrical devices required before welding work in case

of great loss.



12. Confirm with staff around before starting an auto, and no people allowed under the auto when it is started.


13. Fuels must be put 5 meters away from fires, and no smoking in work shop. 燃油必须距离明火5米以外。工作间内严禁吸烟。

14. Disassemble parts in correct ways if needed, no hard hitting/prying/cutting parts; permission is needed when dealing with important elements.

拆卸机件时,要按正确的 方法进行,不准猛打猛撬,或切坏零部件。必要时要领导批准。

15. Carry out related regulation when work aloft (above 1.8 meter), tie steadily the safety belt, put tools at safe places and cooperate with people on ground.


16. Each secure operation regulation is to be executed when multiple works go on meanwhile; if any confliction, each step is to be carried out separately.


17. Make sure security when check equipments, pay attention to situation nearby.


18. Confirm tools after checking/repairing work, in case of accidents caused by tools left in machine. Clean site and keep record as required.



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