


1、 介词的种类和介词短语的用法

(1) 介词的种类



短语介词是由两个以上单词集合而成,如:out of,in front of,because of,instead of等。

(2) 介词短语的用法

① 作定语


The book on the desk is mine.桌子上的书是我的。

② 作状语


Classes begin at eight.(修饰动词)八点钟开始上课。

Jane looks young for her age.(修饰形容词)珍妮看起来比她的实际年龄年轻。

The school is not far from my house.(修饰形容词)学校离我家不远。

To my surprise, Li Ming passed the exam at all.(修饰全句)使我吃惊的是,李明居然考试及格了。

③ 作表语

He is in danger.他处于危险之中。

We are against/for you.我们反对/支持你。

It was because of the heavy rain, we couldn’t go out.因为这场大雨,我们出不去了。 ④ 作宾语补足语

Make yourself at home.放松一些,就和在你自己家一样。

We made him out of danger.我们使他脱离了危险。

2、 表示时间的介词


① 表示年、月、日、时刻等用at,in,on

② 表示时间的前后用before,after

③ 表示期限等用by,until,till

④ 表示期间等用for,during,through

⑤ 表示时间的起点等用from,since

⑥ 表示时间的经过等用in,within

(1) at,on,in

A. at:用于表示时刻、时间的某一点

at lunch在午饭时 at breakfast早餐时 at noon正午时 at that time那时

at night在夜间 at the moment此刻,目前 at present目前 at nine(o’clock)在九点钟 at first开始的时候,起初 at/on the weekend在周末 at last最后 at the same time同时 at times偶尔,有时 at the end of 1999在1999年末 at this time of(the)year在一年中的这个时候

We usually have lunch at noon/ at twelve.我们通常中午吃午饭(十二点吃午饭)

注意:表示时间的名词前有this,last,next,every等修饰时,其前面不加介词。this morning今天早上;last Monday上周一;every week每周

B. on用于表示某天,某一天的上、下午(指具体的某一时,一律用on)

on Monday在周一

on Tuesday morning在周二早上

on June 6在6月6日

on May 4,1996在1996年5月4日

on a cold night在一个寒冷的夜晚

on that day在那天

on Christmas Day在圣诞节那天

on time准时

on Monday evening在周一晚上

on the night of July(the)first在七月一日的夜晚

we didn’t listen to the lecture on Wednesday afternoon.周三下午我们没去听演讲。

C. in用于表示周、月、 季节、年和泛指的上午、下午、晚上(指在一段时间内)。 in the week在这周 in the holiday在假期中 in May 在五月 in summer在夏季

in Spring在春季 in autumn 在秋季 in 1995在1995 in winter在冬季

in September,1995在1995年9月

in the morning在上午

in the afternoon在下午

in the evening在晚上

in the 21st century在二十一世纪

in time及时 in an hour一个小时后 in a minute一会儿,立刻

Jack was about to lock the door when just in time he remembered his key.


The plane took off on time.飞机准时起飞了。

People go skating in winter.人们冬天去滑冰。

Do they work in the day time or at night?他们是白天工作还是夜里工作?

(2) before,after(注:两个既可以作介词又可以作连词)

A. before在……之前

Wash your hands before dinner.(before作介词)吃饭前请洗手。

He will call me before he leaves here/before ten o’clock.(前一个before作连词;后一个before作介词)他离开这儿之前/十点之前,将给我打电话。

B. after在……之后

Let’s sing some songs after school.(after作介词)放学后咱们唱歌吧!

Please close the door after you leave the room.(after作连词)离开房间后请关门。

(3) by,until/till

A. by 在……前(时间);截止(到)……

How many English books had you read by the end of last year?


She had left by the time I arrived.我到时(之前)她已经走了。

例:by the end of在……底(之前) by then 到那时 by the time+从句 在……之前

B. until/till知道……为止(时间)

we didn’t begin to watch TV until/till nine o’clock.一直到九点,我们才开始看电视。(begin是点动词,所以用否定式)

I will wait for him until he comes here.我将在这儿一直等到他来。

(4) for,during,through

A. for 达……之久(表示经过了多少时间)


He has lived here for 20 years.他在这儿已经住了二十年了。

We will stay in the city for two days.我们要在这座城市呆两天。

B. during在……期间

they are going to have a good rest during the summer holidays.暑假中他们打算好好休息一下。

C. through一直……(从开始到结束)

They played the cards through the night.他们打了一整夜的牌。

He stayed in London through the winter.他整个冬天都待在伦敦。


(5) from,since

A. from从……起(时间)


The meeting will be held from eight to ten.这个会议将从8点开到10点。

The meeting will be held at eight.会议将从八点钟开始。

B. since自从……以来(表示从以前某时一直到现在仍在继续)

I have been sick since yesterday.我从昨天起就病了。(强调一直病到现在)

The doctor has saved a lot of lives since he became a doctor.(since作连词,引导时间状语从句)这个医生自从当医生以来已经拯救了许多人的生命。

(6) in,within

A. in过……后(未来时间)


in an hour一小时之后

in a week or so大约一星期之后

he will be back in five hours.他五小时之后回来。

They said they would arrive here in a week.他们说他们一周后到达。

注意:如果用于过去时,用after+时间。She went to Nanjing last May,and she came back after a month.去年五月她去了南京,一个月之后她又回来了。

B. within不超过……的范围

within 3 hours 3小时之内;within a week一周之内

I must finish painting the cat within five minutes.我必须在五分钟之内画好这只猫。

比较:within和in。within强调“在……时间之内”,没有时态的限制。in是以现在为基础,in an hour是指从现在起一小时之后,所以in一般只用于将来时。

3、 表示场所、方向的介词

(1) 表示场所的介词:at,in,on,under,by,near,between,around,opposite

(2) 表示方向的介词:into,out of,along,across,through,up,past

① at,in

A. at在某地(表示比较狭窄的场所)

at school上学;at 2 Baker Street在贝克街2号;at home在家;stand at the door站在门边;at a factory在一家工厂;at the bottom of在……下面;at the party在聚会上;at the back of在……后边;at the end of在……末尾;at the head of在……排头;at the table在桌旁;at Mike’s house在迈克家;at table进餐;at the crossroads在十字路口;at work在上班;at the bus stop在公共汽车站;at the station在火车站;sit at my desk坐在我书桌旁

I’ll meet him at the Beijing railway station.我将去北京站接他。

B. in在某地(表示比较宽敞的场所)

in Beijing在北京;in the world在世界上;in china在中国;in the street在街上;in bed躺在床上;in the yard在院子里;in a book/newspaper在书上/报纸上;in the photo/picture在照片里/图画里;in the middle在中部;in a queue/line/row排队(在对、行、排里);in a country在国家(里);in the house在房子里

His brother is in prison. He was arrested 2 years ago.


Mike works in the prison.迈克在这个监狱工作。

She was born in China.她是在中国出生的。

② on,above,over,under,below

A. on在……上面,有接触面。

on the desk在桌子上面;on the map在地图上。

There are two maps on the wall.墙上有两张地图。


on the right在右边;on the screen在屏幕上;on the river在河边;on the farm在农场;on the floor在地板上;on the island/beach在岛上/海滨;on the pavement在人行道上

B. above在……上方

Our plane flew above the clouds.我们的飞机在云端上飞行。

C. over在……正上方,是under的反义词

There is a light over Li Ming.李明的正上方有一盏灯。

A few birds were flying over the sea.有几只鸟在海上飞。

D. under在……下面;在……之内

under the table桌子下面;under the jacket在夹克内

The dog is under the table.这只狗在桌子下面。

E. below在……下方(不一定是正下方)


There are a lot of fishes below the surface of the water.水面下有许多各式各样的鱼。 ③ near,by

A. near近的,不远的

near=not far,是far的反义词。Near还可以指时间,如:in the near future在不久的将来

Is there a bus stop near here?这儿附近有公共汽车站吗?

B. By在……旁边,距离比near要近

by the window在窗户旁边;by me在我旁边

The boy is standing by the window.这个男孩正站在窗户旁边。

④ between,among,around

A. between在两者之间

my teacher is sitting between Tom and Mike.我们的老师正坐在汤姆和迈克之间。

What’s the difference between A and B?A和B之间有什么区别?

B. among在三者或更多的之中

There is a beautiful house among the trees.在树林之中有一间漂亮的房子。

He is very popular among the students.他在学生之中很受欢迎(很出名)。

C. around环绕,在……周围,在……四周

We sat around the table.我们在桌子四周坐下来。

The earth moves around the sun.地球围绕太阳转。

⑤ in front of,behind,opposite

A. in front of早……的前面;在……的前部

There is a tree in front of the house.在房屋前面有一棵树。

There is a big desk for the teacher in the front of the classroom.


B. behind在……后面

behind是in front of的反义词

There is a tree behind my house.

There is a tree at the back of my house.我家房子后面有一棵树。

C. opposite在……对面

Our school is opposite a university,我们学校在一所大学的对面。

He stood opposite me.他站在我对面。

⑥ in,into,out of,up

A. in在……之内,用于表示静止的位置

The students are in the classroom.学生们在教室里。

B. into进入


The students run into the classroom.学生们跑进教室。

He jumped into the water.他跳入水中。

C. out of和into一样,也表示有一定的运动方向

the students rushed out of the room.学生们冲出房间。

重要:out of的基本含义:从……到外面,离开;在……范围之外;从(某个数)之中

D. up移动

The children climbed up the tree.孩子们爬上了树。

⑦ along,across,past,through

A. along沿着

I was walking along the river when it began to rain.我正沿着河边散步,突然下起雨来了。

B. across横过

I often swim across the river.我常游泳横渡这条河。

C. past经过

Every day he runs past the city hall.他每天跑步经过市政府。

D. through贯穿,通过

The sun shone through the clouds.阳光穿过云层照射下来。

The river was through the city.这条河穿过这个城市。

⑧ to,from,for

A. to到达……地点(目的地)或方向

He came to Japan in 1980.他1980年来到日本。

B. for表示目的地,“向……”


leaver for动身去……;start for出发去……

I will leaver for America next week.下周我将动身去美国。

C. from从……地点起

It’s about ten minutes’ walk from here to the cinema.


4、 其他介词(介词除了可以表示“时间”、“场所”以外,有些也可以表示“手段”、“材料”


(1) 表示手段和材料的介词with,in,by

① with A.和……在一起

Will you please go with me?你和我一起去好吗?


He was a handsome boy with large bright eyes.他是有着一双明亮大眼睛的英俊男孩。


Li Li cut her hand with a knife.莉莉用刀把手指弄破了。

I see with my eyes.我用眼睛看。

He wrote the letter with a new pen.他用一只新钢笔写这封信。


With one’s help在某人的帮助下

Eg. With the teacher’s help I have made progress.在老师的帮助下,我取得了进步。 ② in表示用什么材料(如用墨水,铅笔等),或用什么语言,或者表示衣着、声调特点


she wrote a letter in black ink.她用黑色的墨水写信。

Don’t write it in pencil but in ink.别用铅笔写,用钢笔(水)写。

Can you speak in English?你能用英语说吗?

比较:in和with①用in,with表示工具或方法时,在译成中文时区别不大,但在英语上的用法却不大相同。②用“with”时,后面的名词要加上冠词或代词。With my ears.用我

的耳朵。With a pencil.用一只铅笔。③用in时,后面加物质名词,不能加冠词。In ink用墨水(钢笔)in pencil用铅笔。

③ by通过……方法、手段

必背:“by+交通工具”的词组:by bicycle骑自行车;by train坐火车;by plane/by air坐飞机;by taxi坐出租车;by car坐小汽车;by ship坐船;by bus坐公共汽车

(2) of,from

① of(属于)……的;表示……的数量或种类

This is a map of china.这是一幅中国地图。

Will you please give me a cup of tea?请您给我一杯茶好吗?

② From来自(某地、某人);以……起始(时间或地点)

I’m from Nanjing.我是南京人。

I have got a letter from my friend.我收到了一封我朋友的来信。

We work from Monday to Friday.我们从星期一到星期五上班。

(3) Without,like,as

① without没有,是with的反义词。

Man can’t live without air and water.人类没有空气和水不能生存。

I can’t read the book without using a dictionary.不用字典,我看不了这本书。

Please give me a cup of coffee with(without) milk.请给我一杯(不)加牛奶的咖啡。 ② like像……一样

Nancy is just like her mother.南希和她的妈妈一样。

注意:Nancy looks like her mother.(南希和她妈妈长得一样。)用look时,强调外表。 ③ 作为

He is famous as a scientist here.他在此地作为一个科学家而闻名。

They treated me as a hero.他们像对待英雄那样对待我。

The room is dirty as usual.这房间像平时一样脏。

(4) against,about

① against反对;靠着

he is against the plan(Li Ming).他反对这个计划。(他反对李明)

the teacher is standing against the blackboard.老师正靠着黑板站着。

② about A.关于;各处;身旁

Tell me something about your life.告诉我你的生活情况。

He looked about himself.他向四处张望。

I have no money about/with me.我身上没带钱。


What about your sister?你姐姐情况如何?

How about going to the park?去公园怎么样?

5、 介词短语 介词和动词、形容词或名词相结合后,形成复合词,有特定的意思。如下:

(1) 动词+介词(如:talk about,look at)

(2) Be动词+形容词+介词(如:be kind of) (3) 介词+名词(如:at home,on foot,in time) 六、中考对接

( ) 1 Children get gifts ____ Christmas and ____ their birthdays. A. on; on B. at; on C. in; in D. in; on

( ) 2. He suddenly returned____ a rainy night.

A. on B. at C. in D. during

( ) 3 Great changes have taken place___.

A. in the last few year B. in the last few years

C. last year D. on the last year

( ) 4. Children wake up very early____the morning of Christmas Day.

( ) 5. The workers had been____ strike____almost a month.

A. on; in B. at; in C. on; for D. on; during

( ) 6. She lived in the mountain village____ the years 1940-1950.

A. between B. during C. in D. since

( ) 7.Mary had finished her homework____ the time I got home.

A. until B. by C. at D. when

( )8.Don't worry. He will return____.

A. before long B. long before C. long long ago D. long ago

( )9. I was told that his uncle had gone to France .

A. long before -B. shortly after C. before long D. long ago

( ) 10. I remember we met each other___ last year.

A. Sometime B. some times C. some time D. sometimes

( ) 11. Mary and I have been to the Great Wall ___.

A. sometime B. some time C. sometimes D. some times

( ) 12.I don't like to sit ___ Tom's right. I would like to sit ___ the back row.

A. on; in B. in; on C. on; at D. at; on

( ) 13 There are many trees ___ of the road! And ____ of the trees is

growing larger and larger. ......

A. on both side; a number B. on each sides; a number

C. on both sides; the number D. on every side; the number

( ) 14. There is a sweet smell___.

A. in the air B. in the open airC. in the sky D. in the space

( ) 15. Jiangsu is___ the east of China, but Japan is ___ the east of China.

A. to; in B. in; to . C. on; to D. to; on

( ) 16. -Can I look up a word____ your dictionary?

-I haven't got____me.

A. into; about B. in; with C. at; in D. on; on

( ) 17 1 like mooncakes ____ meat ____ them.

A. in; on B. with; on C. in; the D. with; in

( ) 18. When you are ___ trouble please ask help ___ us.

A. in; from B. in; for C. on; from D. on; of

( ) 19.The shopkeeper said they had sold out the shoes____ your size.

A. about B. in C. to D. of

( ) 20. He put up a map ___ the back wall because there was a hole ___ it.

A. on; on B. at; in C. on; in D. on; at

( ) 21 The boat is passing___ the bridge.

A. through B. below C. under D. across

( ) 22.We can see a river running to the east____ the hill.

A. under B. below C. over D. on

( ) 23. My hometown lies___ the city. ___ I often go to the city by bike.

A. 50 miles in the east; However B. to the east 40 miles of; But

C. in the east 45 miles from; But D. 35 miles east of; However

( ) 24. Is the street too narrow for the bus to go ___?

A. through B. across C. on D. in

( ) 25.A mother camel was walking ___ her son ___ the desert.

A. without; along B. with; through

C. next to; pass D. beside; through

( ) 26. The monument____ those heroes stands____the foot of the mountain.

A. of; at B. to; on C. for; by D. to; at

( ) 27. They are waiting ___ a bus ___ the bus stop.

A. for; in B. on; at C. with; at D. for; at

( ) 28. ___ research ___ the universe scientists have put a lot of information ___ computers.

A. With; over; at B.On; at; to C. In; about; into D. For; with; through

( ) 29. When a piece of ice is taken ____ a warm room, it gets smaller and smaller until ___ the end it disappears completely.

A. in; in B. out of; at C. into; in D. to; by

( ) 30. A woman fell ___ the boat ___ the water.

A. off; into B. at; belowC. down; under D. away; in

( ) 31.English is widely used for business____ different countries.

A. between B. to C. for D. on

( ) 32.We visited him at his workplace ___ the young trees and ask him about his work. E

A. in B. among C. between D. at

( ) 33.He is ____ the greatest scientists in the world.

A. among B. between C. in D. of

( ) 34.We have classes every day ____ Sunday.

A. beside B. besides C. except D. except for

( ) 35._____ the help of the teacher, Tom has made rapid progress ____ his studies.

A. For; at B. Of; for C. By; on D. With; in

( ) 36. I've lost my interest____physics.

A. in B. on C. at D. for

( ) 37.He drove away___the direction of London.

A. in B. at C. to D. for

( ) 38. The boy cried out ___ the top of his voice.

A. at B. in C. on D. to

( ) 39. Tom always comes late____school.

A. at . B. inside C. to D. for

the door is lost.

A. of B. on C.to D.in


1---5BABBC 6---10BBAAAD 11---15ACCAB 16---20BDABC 21---25CBBAB 26---30DDCCA 31---35ABACD 36---40AAACC



1、 介词的种类和介词短语的用法

(1) 介词的种类



短语介词是由两个以上单词集合而成,如:out of,in front of,because of,instead of等。

(2) 介词短语的用法

① 作定语


The book on the desk is mine.桌子上的书是我的。

② 作状语


Classes begin at eight.(修饰动词)八点钟开始上课。

Jane looks young for her age.(修饰形容词)珍妮看起来比她的实际年龄年轻。

The school is not far from my house.(修饰形容词)学校离我家不远。

To my surprise, Li Ming passed the exam at all.(修饰全句)使我吃惊的是,李明居然考试及格了。

③ 作表语

He is in danger.他处于危险之中。

We are against/for you.我们反对/支持你。

It was because of the heavy rain, we couldn’t go out.因为这场大雨,我们出不去了。 ④ 作宾语补足语

Make yourself at home.放松一些,就和在你自己家一样。

We made him out of danger.我们使他脱离了危险。

2、 表示时间的介词


① 表示年、月、日、时刻等用at,in,on

② 表示时间的前后用before,after

③ 表示期限等用by,until,till

④ 表示期间等用for,during,through

⑤ 表示时间的起点等用from,since

⑥ 表示时间的经过等用in,within

(1) at,on,in

A. at:用于表示时刻、时间的某一点

at lunch在午饭时 at breakfast早餐时 at noon正午时 at that time那时

at night在夜间 at the moment此刻,目前 at present目前 at nine(o’clock)在九点钟 at first开始的时候,起初 at/on the weekend在周末 at last最后 at the same time同时 at times偶尔,有时 at the end of 1999在1999年末 at this time of(the)year在一年中的这个时候

We usually have lunch at noon/ at twelve.我们通常中午吃午饭(十二点吃午饭)

注意:表示时间的名词前有this,last,next,every等修饰时,其前面不加介词。this morning今天早上;last Monday上周一;every week每周

B. on用于表示某天,某一天的上、下午(指具体的某一时,一律用on)

on Monday在周一

on Tuesday morning在周二早上

on June 6在6月6日

on May 4,1996在1996年5月4日

on a cold night在一个寒冷的夜晚

on that day在那天

on Christmas Day在圣诞节那天

on time准时

on Monday evening在周一晚上

on the night of July(the)first在七月一日的夜晚

we didn’t listen to the lecture on Wednesday afternoon.周三下午我们没去听演讲。

C. in用于表示周、月、 季节、年和泛指的上午、下午、晚上(指在一段时间内)。 in the week在这周 in the holiday在假期中 in May 在五月 in summer在夏季

in Spring在春季 in autumn 在秋季 in 1995在1995 in winter在冬季

in September,1995在1995年9月

in the morning在上午

in the afternoon在下午

in the evening在晚上

in the 21st century在二十一世纪

in time及时 in an hour一个小时后 in a minute一会儿,立刻

Jack was about to lock the door when just in time he remembered his key.


The plane took off on time.飞机准时起飞了。

People go skating in winter.人们冬天去滑冰。

Do they work in the day time or at night?他们是白天工作还是夜里工作?

(2) before,after(注:两个既可以作介词又可以作连词)

A. before在……之前

Wash your hands before dinner.(before作介词)吃饭前请洗手。

He will call me before he leaves here/before ten o’clock.(前一个before作连词;后一个before作介词)他离开这儿之前/十点之前,将给我打电话。

B. after在……之后

Let’s sing some songs after school.(after作介词)放学后咱们唱歌吧!

Please close the door after you leave the room.(after作连词)离开房间后请关门。

(3) by,until/till

A. by 在……前(时间);截止(到)……

How many English books had you read by the end of last year?


She had left by the time I arrived.我到时(之前)她已经走了。

例:by the end of在……底(之前) by then 到那时 by the time+从句 在……之前

B. until/till知道……为止(时间)

we didn’t begin to watch TV until/till nine o’clock.一直到九点,我们才开始看电视。(begin是点动词,所以用否定式)

I will wait for him until he comes here.我将在这儿一直等到他来。

(4) for,during,through

A. for 达……之久(表示经过了多少时间)


He has lived here for 20 years.他在这儿已经住了二十年了。

We will stay in the city for two days.我们要在这座城市呆两天。

B. during在……期间

they are going to have a good rest during the summer holidays.暑假中他们打算好好休息一下。

C. through一直……(从开始到结束)

They played the cards through the night.他们打了一整夜的牌。

He stayed in London through the winter.他整个冬天都待在伦敦。


(5) from,since

A. from从……起(时间)


The meeting will be held from eight to ten.这个会议将从8点开到10点。

The meeting will be held at eight.会议将从八点钟开始。

B. since自从……以来(表示从以前某时一直到现在仍在继续)

I have been sick since yesterday.我从昨天起就病了。(强调一直病到现在)

The doctor has saved a lot of lives since he became a doctor.(since作连词,引导时间状语从句)这个医生自从当医生以来已经拯救了许多人的生命。

(6) in,within

A. in过……后(未来时间)


in an hour一小时之后

in a week or so大约一星期之后

he will be back in five hours.他五小时之后回来。

They said they would arrive here in a week.他们说他们一周后到达。

注意:如果用于过去时,用after+时间。She went to Nanjing last May,and she came back after a month.去年五月她去了南京,一个月之后她又回来了。

B. within不超过……的范围

within 3 hours 3小时之内;within a week一周之内

I must finish painting the cat within five minutes.我必须在五分钟之内画好这只猫。

比较:within和in。within强调“在……时间之内”,没有时态的限制。in是以现在为基础,in an hour是指从现在起一小时之后,所以in一般只用于将来时。

3、 表示场所、方向的介词

(1) 表示场所的介词:at,in,on,under,by,near,between,around,opposite

(2) 表示方向的介词:into,out of,along,across,through,up,past

① at,in

A. at在某地(表示比较狭窄的场所)

at school上学;at 2 Baker Street在贝克街2号;at home在家;stand at the door站在门边;at a factory在一家工厂;at the bottom of在……下面;at the party在聚会上;at the back of在……后边;at the end of在……末尾;at the head of在……排头;at the table在桌旁;at Mike’s house在迈克家;at table进餐;at the crossroads在十字路口;at work在上班;at the bus stop在公共汽车站;at the station在火车站;sit at my desk坐在我书桌旁

I’ll meet him at the Beijing railway station.我将去北京站接他。

B. in在某地(表示比较宽敞的场所)

in Beijing在北京;in the world在世界上;in china在中国;in the street在街上;in bed躺在床上;in the yard在院子里;in a book/newspaper在书上/报纸上;in the photo/picture在照片里/图画里;in the middle在中部;in a queue/line/row排队(在对、行、排里);in a country在国家(里);in the house在房子里

His brother is in prison. He was arrested 2 years ago.


Mike works in the prison.迈克在这个监狱工作。

She was born in China.她是在中国出生的。

② on,above,over,under,below

A. on在……上面,有接触面。

on the desk在桌子上面;on the map在地图上。

There are two maps on the wall.墙上有两张地图。


on the right在右边;on the screen在屏幕上;on the river在河边;on the farm在农场;on the floor在地板上;on the island/beach在岛上/海滨;on the pavement在人行道上

B. above在……上方

Our plane flew above the clouds.我们的飞机在云端上飞行。

C. over在……正上方,是under的反义词

There is a light over Li Ming.李明的正上方有一盏灯。

A few birds were flying over the sea.有几只鸟在海上飞。

D. under在……下面;在……之内

under the table桌子下面;under the jacket在夹克内

The dog is under the table.这只狗在桌子下面。

E. below在……下方(不一定是正下方)


There are a lot of fishes below the surface of the water.水面下有许多各式各样的鱼。 ③ near,by

A. near近的,不远的

near=not far,是far的反义词。Near还可以指时间,如:in the near future在不久的将来

Is there a bus stop near here?这儿附近有公共汽车站吗?

B. By在……旁边,距离比near要近

by the window在窗户旁边;by me在我旁边

The boy is standing by the window.这个男孩正站在窗户旁边。

④ between,among,around

A. between在两者之间

my teacher is sitting between Tom and Mike.我们的老师正坐在汤姆和迈克之间。

What’s the difference between A and B?A和B之间有什么区别?

B. among在三者或更多的之中

There is a beautiful house among the trees.在树林之中有一间漂亮的房子。

He is very popular among the students.他在学生之中很受欢迎(很出名)。

C. around环绕,在……周围,在……四周

We sat around the table.我们在桌子四周坐下来。

The earth moves around the sun.地球围绕太阳转。

⑤ in front of,behind,opposite

A. in front of早……的前面;在……的前部

There is a tree in front of the house.在房屋前面有一棵树。

There is a big desk for the teacher in the front of the classroom.


B. behind在……后面

behind是in front of的反义词

There is a tree behind my house.

There is a tree at the back of my house.我家房子后面有一棵树。

C. opposite在……对面

Our school is opposite a university,我们学校在一所大学的对面。

He stood opposite me.他站在我对面。

⑥ in,into,out of,up

A. in在……之内,用于表示静止的位置

The students are in the classroom.学生们在教室里。

B. into进入


The students run into the classroom.学生们跑进教室。

He jumped into the water.他跳入水中。

C. out of和into一样,也表示有一定的运动方向

the students rushed out of the room.学生们冲出房间。

重要:out of的基本含义:从……到外面,离开;在……范围之外;从(某个数)之中

D. up移动

The children climbed up the tree.孩子们爬上了树。

⑦ along,across,past,through

A. along沿着

I was walking along the river when it began to rain.我正沿着河边散步,突然下起雨来了。

B. across横过

I often swim across the river.我常游泳横渡这条河。

C. past经过

Every day he runs past the city hall.他每天跑步经过市政府。

D. through贯穿,通过

The sun shone through the clouds.阳光穿过云层照射下来。

The river was through the city.这条河穿过这个城市。

⑧ to,from,for

A. to到达……地点(目的地)或方向

He came to Japan in 1980.他1980年来到日本。

B. for表示目的地,“向……”


leaver for动身去……;start for出发去……

I will leaver for America next week.下周我将动身去美国。

C. from从……地点起

It’s about ten minutes’ walk from here to the cinema.


4、 其他介词(介词除了可以表示“时间”、“场所”以外,有些也可以表示“手段”、“材料”


(1) 表示手段和材料的介词with,in,by

① with A.和……在一起

Will you please go with me?你和我一起去好吗?


He was a handsome boy with large bright eyes.他是有着一双明亮大眼睛的英俊男孩。


Li Li cut her hand with a knife.莉莉用刀把手指弄破了。

I see with my eyes.我用眼睛看。

He wrote the letter with a new pen.他用一只新钢笔写这封信。


With one’s help在某人的帮助下

Eg. With the teacher’s help I have made progress.在老师的帮助下,我取得了进步。 ② in表示用什么材料(如用墨水,铅笔等),或用什么语言,或者表示衣着、声调特点


she wrote a letter in black ink.她用黑色的墨水写信。

Don’t write it in pencil but in ink.别用铅笔写,用钢笔(水)写。

Can you speak in English?你能用英语说吗?

比较:in和with①用in,with表示工具或方法时,在译成中文时区别不大,但在英语上的用法却不大相同。②用“with”时,后面的名词要加上冠词或代词。With my ears.用我

的耳朵。With a pencil.用一只铅笔。③用in时,后面加物质名词,不能加冠词。In ink用墨水(钢笔)in pencil用铅笔。

③ by通过……方法、手段

必背:“by+交通工具”的词组:by bicycle骑自行车;by train坐火车;by plane/by air坐飞机;by taxi坐出租车;by car坐小汽车;by ship坐船;by bus坐公共汽车

(2) of,from

① of(属于)……的;表示……的数量或种类

This is a map of china.这是一幅中国地图。

Will you please give me a cup of tea?请您给我一杯茶好吗?

② From来自(某地、某人);以……起始(时间或地点)

I’m from Nanjing.我是南京人。

I have got a letter from my friend.我收到了一封我朋友的来信。

We work from Monday to Friday.我们从星期一到星期五上班。

(3) Without,like,as

① without没有,是with的反义词。

Man can’t live without air and water.人类没有空气和水不能生存。

I can’t read the book without using a dictionary.不用字典,我看不了这本书。

Please give me a cup of coffee with(without) milk.请给我一杯(不)加牛奶的咖啡。 ② like像……一样

Nancy is just like her mother.南希和她的妈妈一样。

注意:Nancy looks like her mother.(南希和她妈妈长得一样。)用look时,强调外表。 ③ 作为

He is famous as a scientist here.他在此地作为一个科学家而闻名。

They treated me as a hero.他们像对待英雄那样对待我。

The room is dirty as usual.这房间像平时一样脏。

(4) against,about

① against反对;靠着

he is against the plan(Li Ming).他反对这个计划。(他反对李明)

the teacher is standing against the blackboard.老师正靠着黑板站着。

② about A.关于;各处;身旁

Tell me something about your life.告诉我你的生活情况。

He looked about himself.他向四处张望。

I have no money about/with me.我身上没带钱。


What about your sister?你姐姐情况如何?

How about going to the park?去公园怎么样?

5、 介词短语 介词和动词、形容词或名词相结合后,形成复合词,有特定的意思。如下:

(1) 动词+介词(如:talk about,look at)

(2) Be动词+形容词+介词(如:be kind of) (3) 介词+名词(如:at home,on foot,in time) 六、中考对接

( ) 1 Children get gifts ____ Christmas and ____ their birthdays. A. on; on B. at; on C. in; in D. in; on

( ) 2. He suddenly returned____ a rainy night.

A. on B. at C. in D. during

( ) 3 Great changes have taken place___.

A. in the last few year B. in the last few years

C. last year D. on the last year

( ) 4. Children wake up very early____the morning of Christmas Day.

( ) 5. The workers had been____ strike____almost a month.

A. on; in B. at; in C. on; for D. on; during

( ) 6. She lived in the mountain village____ the years 1940-1950.

A. between B. during C. in D. since

( ) 7.Mary had finished her homework____ the time I got home.

A. until B. by C. at D. when

( )8.Don't worry. He will return____.

A. before long B. long before C. long long ago D. long ago

( )9. I was told that his uncle had gone to France .

A. long before -B. shortly after C. before long D. long ago

( ) 10. I remember we met each other___ last year.

A. Sometime B. some times C. some time D. sometimes

( ) 11. Mary and I have been to the Great Wall ___.

A. sometime B. some time C. sometimes D. some times

( ) 12.I don't like to sit ___ Tom's right. I would like to sit ___ the back row.

A. on; in B. in; on C. on; at D. at; on

( ) 13 There are many trees ___ of the road! And ____ of the trees is

growing larger and larger. ......

A. on both side; a number B. on each sides; a number

C. on both sides; the number D. on every side; the number

( ) 14. There is a sweet smell___.

A. in the air B. in the open airC. in the sky D. in the space

( ) 15. Jiangsu is___ the east of China, but Japan is ___ the east of China.

A. to; in B. in; to . C. on; to D. to; on

( ) 16. -Can I look up a word____ your dictionary?

-I haven't got____me.

A. into; about B. in; with C. at; in D. on; on

( ) 17 1 like mooncakes ____ meat ____ them.

A. in; on B. with; on C. in; the D. with; in

( ) 18. When you are ___ trouble please ask help ___ us.

A. in; from B. in; for C. on; from D. on; of

( ) 19.The shopkeeper said they had sold out the shoes____ your size.

A. about B. in C. to D. of

( ) 20. He put up a map ___ the back wall because there was a hole ___ it.

A. on; on B. at; in C. on; in D. on; at

( ) 21 The boat is passing___ the bridge.

A. through B. below C. under D. across

( ) 22.We can see a river running to the east____ the hill.

A. under B. below C. over D. on

( ) 23. My hometown lies___ the city. ___ I often go to the city by bike.

A. 50 miles in the east; However B. to the east 40 miles of; But

C. in the east 45 miles from; But D. 35 miles east of; However

( ) 24. Is the street too narrow for the bus to go ___?

A. through B. across C. on D. in

( ) 25.A mother camel was walking ___ her son ___ the desert.

A. without; along B. with; through

C. next to; pass D. beside; through

( ) 26. The monument____ those heroes stands____the foot of the mountain.

A. of; at B. to; on C. for; by D. to; at

( ) 27. They are waiting ___ a bus ___ the bus stop.

A. for; in B. on; at C. with; at D. for; at

( ) 28. ___ research ___ the universe scientists have put a lot of information ___ computers.

A. With; over; at B.On; at; to C. In; about; into D. For; with; through

( ) 29. When a piece of ice is taken ____ a warm room, it gets smaller and smaller until ___ the end it disappears completely.

A. in; in B. out of; at C. into; in D. to; by

( ) 30. A woman fell ___ the boat ___ the water.

A. off; into B. at; belowC. down; under D. away; in

( ) 31.English is widely used for business____ different countries.

A. between B. to C. for D. on

( ) 32.We visited him at his workplace ___ the young trees and ask him about his work. E

A. in B. among C. between D. at

( ) 33.He is ____ the greatest scientists in the world.

A. among B. between C. in D. of

( ) 34.We have classes every day ____ Sunday.

A. beside B. besides C. except D. except for

( ) 35._____ the help of the teacher, Tom has made rapid progress ____ his studies.

A. For; at B. Of; for C. By; on D. With; in

( ) 36. I've lost my interest____physics.

A. in B. on C. at D. for

( ) 37.He drove away___the direction of London.

A. in B. at C. to D. for

( ) 38. The boy cried out ___ the top of his voice.

A. at B. in C. on D. to

( ) 39. Tom always comes late____school.

A. at . B. inside C. to D. for

the door is lost.

A. of B. on C.to D.in


1---5BABBC 6---10BBAAAD 11---15ACCAB 16---20BDABC 21---25CBBAB 26---30DDCCA 31---35ABACD 36---40AAACC


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  • 九年级教师会上的发言 众所周知,九年级是学校教学的一个最重要的教学阶段.每年的中考事关学校发展的大局.对于每个九年级全体教师来说,所面临着的教学任务会更加繁重.对这一届九年级来说,形势更加逼人:它关系到个人的荣誉.社会的评价.学校的良性发展,因此这届九年级的压力更大,这对我们将是严峻的考验.学校领导 ...

  • 英语教研心得
  • 我校英语教研组组织了以"搞好常态化教学,提高课堂教学效率"为主题的英语教研活动,这次活动不同于以往任何一次课堂观摩,而是一次课堂后的反思,反思我们的教学常规,反思我们的教学理念,反思我们的教学基本功,教研组长作了精彩,细致的讲座,骨干教师进行了经验传授,给了教师们直接的资源共享, ...