专业英语自考试题 (7)





一、Choose the best answer for each question (15 points, 1 point for each item) 从下列各答题的四个选项中选出一个


1. Which management approach believes that social needs of employees are more important than their economic needs?

A . Human relations. B . Scientific management.

C . Bureaucracy . D . Administrative management.

2. Planning includes the following components except

A . analyzing the situation B . determining the goals

C . deciding the action D . achieving the goals

3. Which of the following is NOT one of the stages in the ideal decision making process?

A . Problem identification. B . Alternative solutions.

C . Decision making. D . Implementation evaluation.

4. “Liquidation” as used in Lesson Four is closest in meaning to

A . bankruptcy B . liquefaction

C . liquidity D . payment

5. Which of the following is NOT one of the manager’s five sources of power?

A . Legitimate power. B . Punishment power.

C . Forcible power. D . Expertise power.

6. The goal set for employees should be the following except

A . acceptable B . difficult but reachable

C . specific D . comprehensible

7. Two-way communication is different from one-way communication in that it has the following characteristics except

A . easier B . more precise

C . fewer mistakes D . time consuming

8. The functions of the front of the house include the following except

A . an operating system B . a business place

C . a social venue D . a performance stage

9. The major source of profit for hotels comes from the department of

A . food and beverage B . housekeeping

C . entertainment D . front desk

10. Which of the following is NOT one of the obligations imposed on travel agents by ARC and IATAN?

A . Documentation procedures. B . Ticket stock procedures

C . Bond D . Ownership procedures

11. The fundamental goal of all the business firms in the long run is

A . shareholder wealth maximization B . customers’ satisfaction

C . employment provision D . social welfare contribution

12. “It could remain competitive even though there were many other fast food restaurants vying for its customers?” The word vying is closest in meaning to

A . competing B . matching

C . viewing D . fighting

13. Conspicuous consumption means that people purchase goods or services because of the _______they may bring them.

A . luck B . happiness

C . fortune D . prestige

14. Marketing mix contains the following except

A . product B . place

C . price D . position

15. Which of the following does NOT belong to the four main types of research studies?

A . Report . B . Description .

C . Exploration . D . Prediction .

二、Cloze Test (20 points, 2 points for each item) 下列短文中有十个空白,每个空白有四个选项,根据上下文要求选出最佳答案。(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)

The leader’s job is to a vision. Until a few years ago, vision was not a word one heard manager . But today, having a vision for the future and communicating that vision others are known to be essential components of great leadership. Some even maintains that if there is no vision, there is no business.

management thinking.. Great leaders see in their others have not thought of .They imagine an ideal future for their organizations that goes beyond the They strive to realize significant achievements that others not . .

16.A . make B . create

C . produce D . imagine

17.A . utter B . share

C . support D . propose

18.A . into B . to

C . in D . for

19.A . topic B . issue

C . prospect D . belief

20.A . prominence B . influence

C . popularity D . esteem

21.A . conception B . motivation

C . image D . projection

22.A . that B . what

C . which D . about

23.A . possible B . reliable

C . attainable D . available

24.A . do B . had

C . try D . have

25.A . activate B . clarify

C . structure D . introduce

三、Reading Comprehension (15 points, 3 points for each item) 阅读下列短文,根据短文,在每个答题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。(本大题共5小题,每小题3分,共15分)

Passage One

Restaurants have three basic stakeholders. One is the customer. Another is the employees, who seek a good place to work and a decent living . At bottom, though, the purpose that underlies the logic of any business is to make a profit . Without profit, funds to renew the business——to remodel, to launch new products or services, to expand to serve a changing market and keep employees on the payroll——are just not available. Moreover, the third stakeholder, the owners, like all of us, need some reward for their effort and risk. Profit, then, fulfills vital roles in a business.

There are two basic approaches to increasing profit . One is to increase sales, while the other is to reduce costs . Most commonly, operators try to do both to the limits of what will make sense for the other stakeholders.

The two basic approaches to raising sales are to sell more to people or to sell more to your present customers——or to do both . Increasing the customer base is usually thought of as the job of advertising and promotion . A superior operation that achieves a good reputation may build its customer base through word-of-mouth referrals. Another approach to raising sales is to increase sales to the customers you now have; that is, to increase the check average. One obvious way to do this is simply to raise prices. But, unless the price level of the competition is also going up, this will most probably result in losing customers. Effective approaches to increasing the average check are menu redesign and suggestive selling.

26. What is the bottom reward for the owners of restaurant to want for their efforts and risk?

A . Increasing customer base B . Renewing the business

C . Profit of a business D . Expanding a market

27. Which of the following is NOT true of the approach to increasing profit?

A . Increasing sales. B . Advertising and promotion.

C . Both A and D. D . Reducing costs.

28. Which of the following is NOT true of the approach to raising sales?

A . Competition of business. B . Increasing check average.

C . Both B and D .D . Increasing customer base.

29. What does the word check in check average mean?

A . Bill . B . Inspection .

C . Menu . D . Point .

30. Which of the following is the least desirable approach to increasing check average according to the author?

A . Raising price. B . Suggestive selling.

C . Both B and D . D . Menu redesign.

四、 Word Spelling (20 points, 1 point for each item) 请将完整的单词写出。作为提示,每个单词的意义,词类及


1. To use wrongly or improperly; misuse (v.) a_______

2. V ery complex or complicated (adj.) s_______

3. To take on and wrestle with (a problem, for example) (v.) t_______

4. To make as perfect or effective as possible (v.) o_______

5. Payment or settlement of a debt, or the process of closing down a business and dividing up the proceeds to pay its debts (n.) l_______

6. To surpass (another) in performance (v.) o_______

7. Strong attractiveness or appeal (n.) i_______

8. To keep in existence; maintain (v.) s_______

9. To convert from code into plain text (v.) d_______

10. To give a quick and superficial reading; glance (v.) s_______

11. A connoisseur of fine food and drink (n.) g_______

12. To trouble persistently; harass (v.) b_______

13. To assist with a reminder; remind (v.) p_______

14. Legal proceedings (n.) l_______

15. Contrary to one’s interests or welfare; harmful or unfavorable (adj.) a_______

16. To prevent the free movement, action, or progress of (v.) h_______

17. To come in or between so as to hinder or alter an action (v.) i_______

18. Insufficiency of amount or supply; shortage (n.) s_______

19. To illustrate by example (v.) e_______

20. Deficient in quantity, fullness, or extent; scanty (adj.) m_______

五、Translation from Chinese into English (15 points, 3 points for each item).将下列各句译成英语。(本大题共5


1. 商业研究方法和研究结果是不能取得专利权的。

2. 金融市场近来变得高度一体化。

3. 旅游代理商代表所有的旅游服务供应商。

4. 餐饮业对于那些想要冒险并想要取得自做雇主的满足感的人来说有吸引力。

5. 一种不恰当的愿景可能忽视某些利益人所需要的东西。

六、Translation from English into Chinese (15 points, 3 points for each item) 将下列各句译成汉语。(本大题共5小


1. Leaders must stay abreast of environmental changes.

2. Travel agencies are not high-profit businesses.

3. Travel agents are subject to many restrictions and obligations, including governmental restrictions at the local, state, and federal levels.

4. The economic integration and globalization that began in the 1980s is picking up speed in the 1990s via privatization.

5. The researcher will inevitably have to consider culture and political situations that develop in any organization. 百度文库:专注、专心、专一为您服务!





一、Choose the best answer for each question (15 points, 1 point for each item) 从下列各答题的四个选项中选出一个


1. Which management approach believes that social needs of employees are more important than their economic needs?

A . Human relations. B . Scientific management.

C . Bureaucracy . D . Administrative management.

2. Planning includes the following components except

A . analyzing the situation B . determining the goals

C . deciding the action D . achieving the goals

3. Which of the following is NOT one of the stages in the ideal decision making process?

A . Problem identification. B . Alternative solutions.

C . Decision making. D . Implementation evaluation.

4. “Liquidation” as used in Lesson Four is closest in meaning to

A . bankruptcy B . liquefaction

C . liquidity D . payment

5. Which of the following is NOT one of the manager’s five sources of power?

A . Legitimate power. B . Punishment power.

C . Forcible power. D . Expertise power.

6. The goal set for employees should be the following except

A . acceptable B . difficult but reachable

C . specific D . comprehensible

7. Two-way communication is different from one-way communication in that it has the following characteristics except

A . easier B . more precise

C . fewer mistakes D . time consuming

8. The functions of the front of the house include the following except

A . an operating system B . a business place

C . a social venue D . a performance stage

9. The major source of profit for hotels comes from the department of

A . food and beverage B . housekeeping

C . entertainment D . front desk

10. Which of the following is NOT one of the obligations imposed on travel agents by ARC and IATAN?

A . Documentation procedures. B . Ticket stock procedures

C . Bond D . Ownership procedures

11. The fundamental goal of all the business firms in the long run is

A . shareholder wealth maximization B . customers’ satisfaction

C . employment provision D . social welfare contribution

12. “It could remain competitive even though there were many other fast food restaurants vying for its customers?” The word vying is closest in meaning to

A . competing B . matching

C . viewing D . fighting

13. Conspicuous consumption means that people purchase goods or services because of the _______they may bring them.

A . luck B . happiness

C . fortune D . prestige

14. Marketing mix contains the following except

A . product B . place

C . price D . position

15. Which of the following does NOT belong to the four main types of research studies?

A . Report . B . Description .

C . Exploration . D . Prediction .

二、Cloze Test (20 points, 2 points for each item) 下列短文中有十个空白,每个空白有四个选项,根据上下文要求选出最佳答案。(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)

The leader’s job is to a vision. Until a few years ago, vision was not a word one heard manager . But today, having a vision for the future and communicating that vision others are known to be essential components of great leadership. Some even maintains that if there is no vision, there is no business.

management thinking.. Great leaders see in their others have not thought of .They imagine an ideal future for their organizations that goes beyond the They strive to realize significant achievements that others not . .

16.A . make B . create

C . produce D . imagine

17.A . utter B . share

C . support D . propose

18.A . into B . to

C . in D . for

19.A . topic B . issue

C . prospect D . belief

20.A . prominence B . influence

C . popularity D . esteem

21.A . conception B . motivation

C . image D . projection

22.A . that B . what

C . which D . about

23.A . possible B . reliable

C . attainable D . available

24.A . do B . had

C . try D . have

25.A . activate B . clarify

C . structure D . introduce

三、Reading Comprehension (15 points, 3 points for each item) 阅读下列短文,根据短文,在每个答题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。(本大题共5小题,每小题3分,共15分)

Passage One

Restaurants have three basic stakeholders. One is the customer. Another is the employees, who seek a good place to work and a decent living . At bottom, though, the purpose that underlies the logic of any business is to make a profit . Without profit, funds to renew the business——to remodel, to launch new products or services, to expand to serve a changing market and keep employees on the payroll——are just not available. Moreover, the third stakeholder, the owners, like all of us, need some reward for their effort and risk. Profit, then, fulfills vital roles in a business.

There are two basic approaches to increasing profit . One is to increase sales, while the other is to reduce costs . Most commonly, operators try to do both to the limits of what will make sense for the other stakeholders.

The two basic approaches to raising sales are to sell more to people or to sell more to your present customers——or to do both . Increasing the customer base is usually thought of as the job of advertising and promotion . A superior operation that achieves a good reputation may build its customer base through word-of-mouth referrals. Another approach to raising sales is to increase sales to the customers you now have; that is, to increase the check average. One obvious way to do this is simply to raise prices. But, unless the price level of the competition is also going up, this will most probably result in losing customers. Effective approaches to increasing the average check are menu redesign and suggestive selling.

26. What is the bottom reward for the owners of restaurant to want for their efforts and risk?

A . Increasing customer base B . Renewing the business

C . Profit of a business D . Expanding a market

27. Which of the following is NOT true of the approach to increasing profit?

A . Increasing sales. B . Advertising and promotion.

C . Both A and D. D . Reducing costs.

28. Which of the following is NOT true of the approach to raising sales?

A . Competition of business. B . Increasing check average.

C . Both B and D .D . Increasing customer base.

29. What does the word check in check average mean?

A . Bill . B . Inspection .

C . Menu . D . Point .

30. Which of the following is the least desirable approach to increasing check average according to the author?

A . Raising price. B . Suggestive selling.

C . Both B and D . D . Menu redesign.

四、 Word Spelling (20 points, 1 point for each item) 请将完整的单词写出。作为提示,每个单词的意义,词类及


1. To use wrongly or improperly; misuse (v.) a_______

2. V ery complex or complicated (adj.) s_______

3. To take on and wrestle with (a problem, for example) (v.) t_______

4. To make as perfect or effective as possible (v.) o_______

5. Payment or settlement of a debt, or the process of closing down a business and dividing up the proceeds to pay its debts (n.) l_______

6. To surpass (another) in performance (v.) o_______

7. Strong attractiveness or appeal (n.) i_______

8. To keep in existence; maintain (v.) s_______

9. To convert from code into plain text (v.) d_______

10. To give a quick and superficial reading; glance (v.) s_______

11. A connoisseur of fine food and drink (n.) g_______

12. To trouble persistently; harass (v.) b_______

13. To assist with a reminder; remind (v.) p_______

14. Legal proceedings (n.) l_______

15. Contrary to one’s interests or welfare; harmful or unfavorable (adj.) a_______

16. To prevent the free movement, action, or progress of (v.) h_______

17. To come in or between so as to hinder or alter an action (v.) i_______

18. Insufficiency of amount or supply; shortage (n.) s_______

19. To illustrate by example (v.) e_______

20. Deficient in quantity, fullness, or extent; scanty (adj.) m_______

五、Translation from Chinese into English (15 points, 3 points for each item).将下列各句译成英语。(本大题共5


1. 商业研究方法和研究结果是不能取得专利权的。

2. 金融市场近来变得高度一体化。

3. 旅游代理商代表所有的旅游服务供应商。

4. 餐饮业对于那些想要冒险并想要取得自做雇主的满足感的人来说有吸引力。

5. 一种不恰当的愿景可能忽视某些利益人所需要的东西。

六、Translation from English into Chinese (15 points, 3 points for each item) 将下列各句译成汉语。(本大题共5小


1. Leaders must stay abreast of environmental changes.

2. Travel agencies are not high-profit businesses.

3. Travel agents are subject to many restrictions and obligations, including governmental restrictions at the local, state, and federal levels.

4. The economic integration and globalization that began in the 1980s is picking up speed in the 1990s via privatization.

5. The researcher will inevitably have to consider culture and political situations that develop in any organization. 百度文库:专注、专心、专一为您服务!


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