
Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister .

Section A


2. 初步理解对话、短文大意。2. 理解记忆本课新词和短语。3. 感知理解形容词比较级。 一、自主学习:(一)、填空:

大多数形容词都有三个等级: , , .比较级用于者之间的比较,通常是比较级单词+ + 比较对象的结构。



tall( ) thin( ) long hair( ) quietly( ) loudly( ) short hair( ) heavy( ) short( ) funny( )

friendly( ) outgoing( ) hard-working( )

smart( ) lazy( ) (run) fast( ) (jump) high( ) (work) hard( ) popular( ) serious( ) smart( ) shy( ) (get up) early( ) (二)、总结出比较级的构成:1.规则变化

a.单音节和部分双音节的形容词一般直接在词尾加. b.以不发音的e字母结尾的形容词,直接在词尾加 c.以辅音字母+y结尾的形容词,先变为,再加。

d.以重读闭音节结尾且末尾只有一个辅音字母的形容词先末尾的辅音字母,再加。 e.多音节和部分双音节的形容词在原级前加。 2.写出下列不规则变化形容词的比较级: good/well bad/ill many/much little old far

3.可用于比较级前的程度副词有。 二,、【预习过程】

对照教材1+1P53-58页预习Section A部分课文,并完成下列题目: 1.将1a.中的单词注出词义,试着朗读几遍,将不会的圈起来。 试着写出1a里形容词的比较级 tall thin heavylong hair quietlyloudly short hair heavy short

2.阅读图片里的课文,找出含比较级的句子,然后完善下列单词的笔记 a. 比……,用于形容词、副词的比较级(之前、之后)

b. 两者(的);双方都,看做(单数、复数)。短语有 … …,……和……都;既……又……和 (三者或三者以上)都…… .辨析:aloud loud loudly

阅读1C里的对话找出含比较级的句子 重点句子:a.That’s Tara, isn’t it?(分析并学习反意疑问句)

b. Tara’s taller than Tina.

该句中的taller 是形容词tall(高的)的比较级,意为更高。形容词的比较级通常用于两者相比较时,其后面的than为连词,其句型结构为:A+系动词+形容词的比较级+than+B,连词than后的内容应是与之相比较的内容,常接句子,但在口语中为了避免重复,than后的句子常会被省略一些句子成分。试着翻译下列句子: 她比我大。


预习18页的课文并完成下列题目: 翻译下列形容词

外向的刻苦的;工作努力的 友好的极好的

清楚地;清晰地与……一样…… ……不如…… 哪一个 歌咏比赛虽然,尽管 获胜,赢得 重点句子:

a.The one with shorter hair.头发较短的那一个。

with 在这表示伴随状态,with shorter hair 修饰前面的the one. eg.Which book do you like? --I like the one a flower on.

b.You can tell that Lisa really wanted to win though.

that Lisa really wanted to win though 这个that从句放在谓语动词tell后面做宾语,因此叫做宾语从句

win做动词时其后所跟宾语应为表示比赛、战争、奖品、金钱等的名词如:match, game competion, war, prize.如要接人做宾语,表示赢过某人,战胜某人或打败某人可用动词beat though不过,然而;虽然,尽管,=although, 不与but连用 eg.I’m sure you can the game. My father always me in chess.

c.But the most important thing is to learn something new and have fun.

这个不定式短语放在be动词is后做句子的表语。 三、巩固练习:

1. Which coat is on me, the blue one or the black one? ---The blue one.

A. good B. better C. best D. the best. 2.Speak , please, or no one will hear you.

A. aloud B. loudly C.louder D. quietly 3.You mustn’t talk when your mum is sleeping. A. loud B. loudly C. loudily D. aloudly 4. Life will be better in the future. A. more B.muchC.too D. very


6. The box is than that one . I can’t carry it .(heavy) 7. Which boy is (smart)

8. Are there any between you and your sister ?(different) 9. The more we get together , the we’ll be. (happy) 10. Do you enjoy computer games ?(play)

五、能力拓展:将下列句子改写为意思相同或相近的句子。 1. We both like playing soccer ball. like playing soccer ball .

2. This pen is 20 cm. That pen is 22 cm. This pen is a than that one .

3. English isn’t the same as Chinese English is Chinese .

4. Alice is good at swimming . Ben is good at swimming ,too. Alice is at swimming Ben.


1.多读Grammer Focus 里的对话,A组的同学要背下来。

as…as……与……一样……。注意as与as 之间只能用形容词或副词的原型。其否定形式为not as…as或not so…as意为“A不如B”,其中形容词用原级,句型为A+be(not)+as+形容词原级+as+B

如:I am not as tall as he .=He is taller than I .我没有他长得高。 试着把下面的句子变成同义句,Tom is more athletic than Sam . Sam is Tom.


2.试着完成3a 和3b 。要注意分析和模仿所给出的例句。

3.根据自己父母的情况完成3c.A组合B组的同学试着模仿例句编对话。 Who is smarter, your mother or your mother?谁更聪明,你的妈妈还是爸爸?

这是一个特殊疑问词+谓语+比较级,A or B? 的句型结构。用于两者做比较,表示“两个中哪一个更……”。runs faster, Tom or Kay?

skirt is more beatuiful, the big one or the small one? 七、巩固练习:

1.Which is (easy) to learn, fishing or swimming? 2.The story is not so (interesting) as that one. 3.Bill is the (heavy) of the two.

4.Which do you like better, red yellow.

5. do you like better, your father or your mother. A. What B.Where C. Which D. Who

6.I’m her A.as tall as B.as taller as C.as tall so 7.I don’t study him.

A. so careful as B. so carefully as C. more carefully as 8.她比我聪明的多。She is 9.这个问题没有那个问题难。 The question that one. 10. 你和你弟弟学习一样刻苦吗? Do you study your brother?

Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister .

Section B

【预习目标】1.初步理解对话短文大意。 2. 理解记忆新单词和短语。3. 继续感知理解比较级。 【预习过程】

一、结合参考书预习Section B部分内容。

1.注出1a中短语的词义,并试着朗读几遍,将不会的圈起来。 2.翻译下列单词和短语。

do the same thing as make me laugh be good at be talented in be like more outgoing care about for me

3.阅读1b中的对话并思考在I think a good friend makes me laugh. 中,黑体字部分做的是谓语动词think 的从句。

3.翻译出2A里形容词的意思并识记,然后试着造句 popular 短语be popular in be popular as serious shy 二、语言点解析

1. the same …as…“和……相同”,多用来指同类的事物。The same 与as 可以合用,也可分开用。试着完成下列句子:他的观点和他叔叔的一样。His opinion is his uncle’s. 我买了一本和你一样的书 I bought yours .

2.make me laugh “使我发笑”,make sb. do“使某人做”,如: * Don’t make your friends .别让你的朋友久等。 * I think a good teacher makes me .我认为好老师会让我开心地学习。

另外,一些使役动词如,make let have 及一些感觉动词如:see , hear , feel, watch等都有类似的用法和结构。请完成下面的句子:

A.她通常不让孩子们晚睡觉。 She usually doesn’t let her children B.今天上午我看见他离去。 I saw him this morning .

3. care 在意,担心,但其后可跟不同的介词,其意思也不一样:

care about (doing sth.)关心,在意; care for 喜欢,照顾 take care 担心,小心 take care of 照顾



1.Ms. Smith is a (talent) and experienced engineer. 2.Who is ( talented) in music, Li Jun or Wang Quan? 3.We had a (talent) show last Sunday.

4.Do you really care about (know) what people said about you? b.单项选择

1..His bicycle is the same as . A. she B.her C.me D.hers 2.Do you look Tom?

A. the same as B.same as C.the same D.the same so.

3.His parents often make him homework till 12 o’clock in the evening. A. do B. does C. to do D. doing

4.They both listening to music. A. like B. likes C. liking D. liked 5. There are a lot of colorful folwers on sides of the streets. A. each B. both C. either D.all c. 句型转换

1. I’m fourteen years old . My sister is twelve years old . I’m than my sister .

2. Chinese food is different from western food . There are Chinese food and western food . 3. Tina is a smart girl . Mary is smart , too . Tina and Mary smart .

4. A computer is more useful than a VCD . A VCD isn’t useful a computer . A VCD is useful a computer .

5. Julia is one of the quietest students in her class. Julia is students in her class . d.翻译句子

1.我不在乎他说的话。I don’t what he said. . 2.我真的不喜欢喝茶。I don’t really tea. 3.放学后,老师让他留在教室里。

The teacher in the classroom school.

一、结合参考书预习2B New words: kid

mirror as long as if bring out less hardworing necessarygrade

saying touch heart in fact break share share…with… 重点句子:

1.我妈妈告诉我:一个好朋友就像一面镜子。 be like 意为而不是喜欢; told me a good friend is like a mirror中told 后面跟了两个宾语,me 和 a good friend is like a mirror. 这种情况我们称之为双宾语,一个为直接宾语,一个为间接宾语。一般人做间接宾语,物做直接宾语(人间物直),所以me(我) 为宾语,a good friend is like a mirror. 为宾语

2.那就是为什么我喜欢看书并在班上学习更努力的原因。 I like reading books and studying harder in class 3.我很害羞,所以交朋友对我来说不容易。I’m shy so not easy me make friends. 注意句型:it is + adj.(+ for sb.) + to do sth. 4.在于精而不在于多。

you don’t need a lot of them they’re good.

在这个句子中, they’re good 是 you don’t need a lot of them 的条件(只有他们好,你才不需要太多的),所以 as long as 后面跟的是一个条件状语从句。 5.没有必要相同。It’s not to be the same.句型同3.

necessary , 常用于 It’s necessary to do sth. 这个句型。 6.因此我网球也越打越好。So I’m getting better at tennis. I’m getting …..为现在进行时态,在此主要强调我的网球技术一直在不断提高,且现在正在提高。 7.我的确不太在乎我的朋友是否与我一样或不同。I don’t really my friends are the same as me or different(from me). 在本句中if意为 = , 其所引导的从句做的是care 的宾语,所以是宾语从句if 还有的意思,一般引导条件状语从句,要注意主将从现的原则。

8.我知道她关心我,因为她总会听我倾诉。 I know because

此句是两个句子结合在一起:because 前为主句,because 所引导的是原因状语从句。主句中know后面是一个从句做的宾语;从句中to listen是做目的状语。 二、巩固练习

()1.of my parents are on business , but Ican take good care of myself .

A. Both B. Neither C. Either D. None

()2. Mr. Lee told us an interesting story yesterday .It made all of us . A. laugh B. to laugh C. laughed D. laughing

()3. Though they are good friends , they have views and interests . A. the same B. some C. opposite D. good ()4. I like to eat the same food Tom .

A. like , does B. as , eats C. as , does D. like, eats ()5. She is very outgoing . She often jokes .

A. says B.tells C. talkes D. speaks 五、能力拓展:A. 将下列句子翻译成英语。 1. 我俩都喜欢吃蔬菜。

2. 对我们来说,拥有一种平衡的饮食是重要的。 for us a balanced diet. 3. 在于精而不在于多。 4. 学好英语是很有必要的。 to learn English well.

5. 对我来说,一个好朋友意味着愿意跟我做同样的事。

6.虽然他很穷,却很快乐。 he was poor, he .

预习2D—self check的内容,尽可能的独立完成能完成的题目。

一、新词自测:读写单词并熟记下列短语。 1.小学生 2.和……相似 3.分享 4.善待,善于应付 5.更多信息6.更友好 7.招聘学生助手 通过预习完成对话

A:Who’s that? B. That’s Sam. He’s my good friend. A:Why do you like him? He looks (他看上去很严肃)

B.Because in some ways, ) We tall, and we P.E.


A:Do you ave many differences? B.Yes, I than him, and he is than me.

(我比他外向,他比我严肃)He me. (他比我学习更努力)。

Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister .

Section A


2. 初步理解对话、短文大意。2. 理解记忆本课新词和短语。3. 感知理解形容词比较级。 一、自主学习:(一)、填空:

大多数形容词都有三个等级: , , .比较级用于者之间的比较,通常是比较级单词+ + 比较对象的结构。



tall( ) thin( ) long hair( ) quietly( ) loudly( ) short hair( ) heavy( ) short( ) funny( )

friendly( ) outgoing( ) hard-working( )

smart( ) lazy( ) (run) fast( ) (jump) high( ) (work) hard( ) popular( ) serious( ) smart( ) shy( ) (get up) early( ) (二)、总结出比较级的构成:1.规则变化

a.单音节和部分双音节的形容词一般直接在词尾加. b.以不发音的e字母结尾的形容词,直接在词尾加 c.以辅音字母+y结尾的形容词,先变为,再加。

d.以重读闭音节结尾且末尾只有一个辅音字母的形容词先末尾的辅音字母,再加。 e.多音节和部分双音节的形容词在原级前加。 2.写出下列不规则变化形容词的比较级: good/well bad/ill many/much little old far

3.可用于比较级前的程度副词有。 二,、【预习过程】

对照教材1+1P53-58页预习Section A部分课文,并完成下列题目: 1.将1a.中的单词注出词义,试着朗读几遍,将不会的圈起来。 试着写出1a里形容词的比较级 tall thin heavylong hair quietlyloudly short hair heavy short

2.阅读图片里的课文,找出含比较级的句子,然后完善下列单词的笔记 a. 比……,用于形容词、副词的比较级(之前、之后)

b. 两者(的);双方都,看做(单数、复数)。短语有 … …,……和……都;既……又……和 (三者或三者以上)都…… .辨析:aloud loud loudly

阅读1C里的对话找出含比较级的句子 重点句子:a.That’s Tara, isn’t it?(分析并学习反意疑问句)

b. Tara’s taller than Tina.

该句中的taller 是形容词tall(高的)的比较级,意为更高。形容词的比较级通常用于两者相比较时,其后面的than为连词,其句型结构为:A+系动词+形容词的比较级+than+B,连词than后的内容应是与之相比较的内容,常接句子,但在口语中为了避免重复,than后的句子常会被省略一些句子成分。试着翻译下列句子: 她比我大。


预习18页的课文并完成下列题目: 翻译下列形容词

外向的刻苦的;工作努力的 友好的极好的

清楚地;清晰地与……一样…… ……不如…… 哪一个 歌咏比赛虽然,尽管 获胜,赢得 重点句子:

a.The one with shorter hair.头发较短的那一个。

with 在这表示伴随状态,with shorter hair 修饰前面的the one. eg.Which book do you like? --I like the one a flower on.

b.You can tell that Lisa really wanted to win though.

that Lisa really wanted to win though 这个that从句放在谓语动词tell后面做宾语,因此叫做宾语从句

win做动词时其后所跟宾语应为表示比赛、战争、奖品、金钱等的名词如:match, game competion, war, prize.如要接人做宾语,表示赢过某人,战胜某人或打败某人可用动词beat though不过,然而;虽然,尽管,=although, 不与but连用 eg.I’m sure you can the game. My father always me in chess.

c.But the most important thing is to learn something new and have fun.

这个不定式短语放在be动词is后做句子的表语。 三、巩固练习:

1. Which coat is on me, the blue one or the black one? ---The blue one.

A. good B. better C. best D. the best. 2.Speak , please, or no one will hear you.

A. aloud B. loudly C.louder D. quietly 3.You mustn’t talk when your mum is sleeping. A. loud B. loudly C. loudily D. aloudly 4. Life will be better in the future. A. more B.muchC.too D. very


6. The box is than that one . I can’t carry it .(heavy) 7. Which boy is (smart)

8. Are there any between you and your sister ?(different) 9. The more we get together , the we’ll be. (happy) 10. Do you enjoy computer games ?(play)

五、能力拓展:将下列句子改写为意思相同或相近的句子。 1. We both like playing soccer ball. like playing soccer ball .

2. This pen is 20 cm. That pen is 22 cm. This pen is a than that one .

3. English isn’t the same as Chinese English is Chinese .

4. Alice is good at swimming . Ben is good at swimming ,too. Alice is at swimming Ben.


1.多读Grammer Focus 里的对话,A组的同学要背下来。

as…as……与……一样……。注意as与as 之间只能用形容词或副词的原型。其否定形式为not as…as或not so…as意为“A不如B”,其中形容词用原级,句型为A+be(not)+as+形容词原级+as+B

如:I am not as tall as he .=He is taller than I .我没有他长得高。 试着把下面的句子变成同义句,Tom is more athletic than Sam . Sam is Tom.


2.试着完成3a 和3b 。要注意分析和模仿所给出的例句。

3.根据自己父母的情况完成3c.A组合B组的同学试着模仿例句编对话。 Who is smarter, your mother or your mother?谁更聪明,你的妈妈还是爸爸?

这是一个特殊疑问词+谓语+比较级,A or B? 的句型结构。用于两者做比较,表示“两个中哪一个更……”。runs faster, Tom or Kay?

skirt is more beatuiful, the big one or the small one? 七、巩固练习:

1.Which is (easy) to learn, fishing or swimming? 2.The story is not so (interesting) as that one. 3.Bill is the (heavy) of the two.

4.Which do you like better, red yellow.

5. do you like better, your father or your mother. A. What B.Where C. Which D. Who

6.I’m her A.as tall as B.as taller as C.as tall so 7.I don’t study him.

A. so careful as B. so carefully as C. more carefully as 8.她比我聪明的多。She is 9.这个问题没有那个问题难。 The question that one. 10. 你和你弟弟学习一样刻苦吗? Do you study your brother?

Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister .

Section B

【预习目标】1.初步理解对话短文大意。 2. 理解记忆新单词和短语。3. 继续感知理解比较级。 【预习过程】

一、结合参考书预习Section B部分内容。

1.注出1a中短语的词义,并试着朗读几遍,将不会的圈起来。 2.翻译下列单词和短语。

do the same thing as make me laugh be good at be talented in be like more outgoing care about for me

3.阅读1b中的对话并思考在I think a good friend makes me laugh. 中,黑体字部分做的是谓语动词think 的从句。

3.翻译出2A里形容词的意思并识记,然后试着造句 popular 短语be popular in be popular as serious shy 二、语言点解析

1. the same …as…“和……相同”,多用来指同类的事物。The same 与as 可以合用,也可分开用。试着完成下列句子:他的观点和他叔叔的一样。His opinion is his uncle’s. 我买了一本和你一样的书 I bought yours .

2.make me laugh “使我发笑”,make sb. do“使某人做”,如: * Don’t make your friends .别让你的朋友久等。 * I think a good teacher makes me .我认为好老师会让我开心地学习。

另外,一些使役动词如,make let have 及一些感觉动词如:see , hear , feel, watch等都有类似的用法和结构。请完成下面的句子:

A.她通常不让孩子们晚睡觉。 She usually doesn’t let her children B.今天上午我看见他离去。 I saw him this morning .

3. care 在意,担心,但其后可跟不同的介词,其意思也不一样:

care about (doing sth.)关心,在意; care for 喜欢,照顾 take care 担心,小心 take care of 照顾



1.Ms. Smith is a (talent) and experienced engineer. 2.Who is ( talented) in music, Li Jun or Wang Quan? 3.We had a (talent) show last Sunday.

4.Do you really care about (know) what people said about you? b.单项选择

1..His bicycle is the same as . A. she B.her C.me D.hers 2.Do you look Tom?

A. the same as B.same as C.the same D.the same so.

3.His parents often make him homework till 12 o’clock in the evening. A. do B. does C. to do D. doing

4.They both listening to music. A. like B. likes C. liking D. liked 5. There are a lot of colorful folwers on sides of the streets. A. each B. both C. either D.all c. 句型转换

1. I’m fourteen years old . My sister is twelve years old . I’m than my sister .

2. Chinese food is different from western food . There are Chinese food and western food . 3. Tina is a smart girl . Mary is smart , too . Tina and Mary smart .

4. A computer is more useful than a VCD . A VCD isn’t useful a computer . A VCD is useful a computer .

5. Julia is one of the quietest students in her class. Julia is students in her class . d.翻译句子

1.我不在乎他说的话。I don’t what he said. . 2.我真的不喜欢喝茶。I don’t really tea. 3.放学后,老师让他留在教室里。

The teacher in the classroom school.

一、结合参考书预习2B New words: kid

mirror as long as if bring out less hardworing necessarygrade

saying touch heart in fact break share share…with… 重点句子:

1.我妈妈告诉我:一个好朋友就像一面镜子。 be like 意为而不是喜欢; told me a good friend is like a mirror中told 后面跟了两个宾语,me 和 a good friend is like a mirror. 这种情况我们称之为双宾语,一个为直接宾语,一个为间接宾语。一般人做间接宾语,物做直接宾语(人间物直),所以me(我) 为宾语,a good friend is like a mirror. 为宾语

2.那就是为什么我喜欢看书并在班上学习更努力的原因。 I like reading books and studying harder in class 3.我很害羞,所以交朋友对我来说不容易。I’m shy so not easy me make friends. 注意句型:it is + adj.(+ for sb.) + to do sth. 4.在于精而不在于多。

you don’t need a lot of them they’re good.

在这个句子中, they’re good 是 you don’t need a lot of them 的条件(只有他们好,你才不需要太多的),所以 as long as 后面跟的是一个条件状语从句。 5.没有必要相同。It’s not to be the same.句型同3.

necessary , 常用于 It’s necessary to do sth. 这个句型。 6.因此我网球也越打越好。So I’m getting better at tennis. I’m getting …..为现在进行时态,在此主要强调我的网球技术一直在不断提高,且现在正在提高。 7.我的确不太在乎我的朋友是否与我一样或不同。I don’t really my friends are the same as me or different(from me). 在本句中if意为 = , 其所引导的从句做的是care 的宾语,所以是宾语从句if 还有的意思,一般引导条件状语从句,要注意主将从现的原则。

8.我知道她关心我,因为她总会听我倾诉。 I know because

此句是两个句子结合在一起:because 前为主句,because 所引导的是原因状语从句。主句中know后面是一个从句做的宾语;从句中to listen是做目的状语。 二、巩固练习

()1.of my parents are on business , but Ican take good care of myself .

A. Both B. Neither C. Either D. None

()2. Mr. Lee told us an interesting story yesterday .It made all of us . A. laugh B. to laugh C. laughed D. laughing

()3. Though they are good friends , they have views and interests . A. the same B. some C. opposite D. good ()4. I like to eat the same food Tom .

A. like , does B. as , eats C. as , does D. like, eats ()5. She is very outgoing . She often jokes .

A. says B.tells C. talkes D. speaks 五、能力拓展:A. 将下列句子翻译成英语。 1. 我俩都喜欢吃蔬菜。

2. 对我们来说,拥有一种平衡的饮食是重要的。 for us a balanced diet. 3. 在于精而不在于多。 4. 学好英语是很有必要的。 to learn English well.

5. 对我来说,一个好朋友意味着愿意跟我做同样的事。

6.虽然他很穷,却很快乐。 he was poor, he .

预习2D—self check的内容,尽可能的独立完成能完成的题目。

一、新词自测:读写单词并熟记下列短语。 1.小学生 2.和……相似 3.分享 4.善待,善于应付 5.更多信息6.更友好 7.招聘学生助手 通过预习完成对话

A:Who’s that? B. That’s Sam. He’s my good friend. A:Why do you like him? He looks (他看上去很严肃)

B.Because in some ways, ) We tall, and we P.E.


A:Do you ave many differences? B.Yes, I than him, and he is than me.

(我比他外向,他比我严肃)He me. (他比我学习更努力)。


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