














Dance as a beautiful art, in the traditional education with "aesthetic education" for the purpose of education, through the study of the dance education of teenagers, so as to achieve the effect of "physical beauty, beauty of mind". Dance education, therefore, not only helps to release stress, to overcome the inferiority, improve the interpersonal psychological problems, such as tutoring, and also has great benefit for physical health of teenagers. This article starting from the practice of dance education of adolescent physical and mental health, to study the effect of dance education of adolescent physical and mental health.

A, dance education of adolescent mental health

Adolescent mental health problems vary at present, the specific performance: inattention, psychological problems such as weak, lack of confidence. In behavior showed in detail: impulsive, tired, or even cuts. Adolescent mental health problems, while strengthen the mental health education, dancing education is also a good choice for the treatment of adolescent mental health. Dance education of adolescent mental health effects of specific as follows:

(a) release pressure. Dance since the ancient times is the emotional expression, a kind of emotional expression. About dance can relieve mood, release stress effect, there are two kinds of sources can be proven. One is in the ancient human, people due to the disease evil spirit possessed, by way of dancing, with lively, nervous rhythm, drive the whole body, help people exorcism to disease; Second, the ancients said people no matter what kind of emotional expression, action is www.guanran.net the ultimate way of expression. Fluency of the movement that is made up of a basic dance, help people relieve pressure. Contemporary teenagers face fierce competition, is shouldering the parents "high expectations, academic pressure, and because the mind is not mature, can't correct release pressure, easy to cause mental illness.

(2) to overcome the inferiority. In the process of the growth of the teenagers, family education is indispensable. Parents' high expectations of their children, so children requirement is very strict, often accused of children in the daily life and study. According to adolescent psychological experts study points out, often accused of children, can make children doubt about my ability, easy to make its produce self-abased psychology, deny yourself, unable to enhance confidence,www.dwqiwn.com www.hndamk.com especially in the key stage of adolescent psychological development. And dance can help teenagers to overcome self-abased, enhance self-confidence. Dance is not the patent of the artist, the foundational dance can help teenagers. In the beautiful music accompaniment, the children dance moves show the aesthetic feeling, one which does not reach the designated position, teachers can guide and encourage, help children overcome setbacks, overcome depression. When the children one by one simple act of string into a set of perfect dance, they will find that I can do it, I was so beautiful. Dance can help teenagers to overcome self-abased, self-confidence, help them to regain the confidence of the positive.

(3) improve interpersonal relationship. The current youth is only children in the home more, parents dote on, easy to form a self-centered consciousness. Add some teenagers addicted to the Internet, like "home", as "otaku""women do not go out for a long time. These are bad for teenagers to improve their interpersonal skills, with classmates, teachers, even the parents association, often appear interpersonal relationship not harmonious. Dance education for teenagers to improve interpersonal relationship, improve interpersonal skills. Embodied in: (1) the dance requires the dancers to open up, use heart to feel music, hug dance; (2) the need to communicate with the audience, the dancers dance between communication. Dancers need tacit understanding and trust between. When the choreography, the dancers need to face setbacks, communication together; When the dancers to dance, cooperation consciousness is produced. Through dance, teenagers will think and you together is how happy happy thing, imperceptible in developing the youth team cooperation ability, enhances the adolescent interpersonal skills.

(4) therapy. Young students depression at present stage, the more because of the lack of care and other multiple factors. Case as follows, the ping ping grew up in autism at an early age, had no friends to accompany, no family care, thanks to a few times to commit suicide found timely and rescue success. In a chance pass by art school, she was attracted by the wonderful music, hearing saw a flock of beautiful girls in the dance. She recalled, she was deeply fascinated

with dance. Then she began to dance training, she gradually realized in the process of training their own feelings, gradually to enjoy dancing. The ping ping has fall in love with dance, love life, she felt is dance gave her a new self, "enabled her to rebirth.

Second, the dance education of adolescent health

(a) dance can help human body skeleton development. Dancers need to regular form training, achieve a beautiful posture, help the dancers keep the beautiful shape and profile. Dancers must have physical quality training. Although the form and the function is determined by birth, but studies have shown that exercise the day after tomorrow will have certain effect to improve. For teenagers, the dance can help their bones better development, shape a more beautiful shape. Systematic and scientific dance education, contribute to the balanced development of adolescent growth height and body. According to the study, in the age of youth, often take part in the height of dance training than not to attend the dance training, an average 5 -- 9 cm, development status of the body also is more obvious than adolescents do not participate in dance training, well-balanced.

(2) dance can help human gut health. Dance is helpful to the healthy development of the human body each organ, especially for healthy development of the gut. Regular exercise, can make the myocardial development healthy, cardiac power boost, powerful heartbeat; Dance often need to hold your head high, can make the chest expand, increase oxygen, ensure the body sufficient oxygen; Lumbar abdomen moves to the liver, spleen, kidney, large intestine, and many other organs have www.dgalbuy.com www.jion8.net massage effect, promote blood circulation of organs, improve the gastrointestinal digestion ability, accelerate the metabolism of the body; Recurrent lumbar abdomen movement, but also can consume the excess fat. Through dance, can build muscle, increase the ability of muscle contraction, promote the healthy development of muscles. In short, the dance as a kind of unique way of movement, can active human limbs, intestines, to achieve physical fitness effect.

(3) the dance helps to achieve spiritual sublimation. When the action of human body in harmony with the music, not only can bring spiritual pleasure to the dancers, accompanied by physical pleasure, this is the combination of soul and body, both blend together, make body and mind dancer together put in happy extremely, extremely exciting pleasure, to obtain the unprecedented happiness. Dancers with music dancing limbs, these movements constantly stimulate a muscle, the resulting nerve impulse transmission to the brain, causing the aesthetic consciousness, dancers totally immersed in the music, the rhythm, infatuated, fully release the emotions of the self, the spirit get great satisfaction.

(4) dance helps to improve the overall quality. Dance can not only help teenagers body recovery. Try to improve to slouch phenomenon, but also for teenagers of the innovation ability, strengthen moral accomplishment of culture. Dance training more involved in aspects of teaching, rehearsals, performances, after every effort, students can experience perseverance, persistent thinking character, at the same time the creative dance inspired adolescents' ability to innovate, dance choreography to let students understand the truth in life, for the promotion of students' comprehensive quality is indispensable.

Third, the conclusion

In adolescent physical and mental health issues, the dance education, more and more plays a role, also more and more attention by people. Let us together to popularize youth dance education, help more teenagers for the healthy development of body and mind, let us never

spread between teenagers.















Dance as a beautiful art, in the traditional education with "aesthetic education" for the purpose of education, through the study of the dance education of teenagers, so as to achieve the effect of "physical beauty, beauty of mind". Dance education, therefore, not only helps to release stress, to overcome the inferiority, improve the interpersonal psychological problems, such as tutoring, and also has great benefit for physical health of teenagers. This article starting from the practice of dance education of adolescent physical and mental health, to study the effect of dance education of adolescent physical and mental health.

A, dance education of adolescent mental health

Adolescent mental health problems vary at present, the specific performance: inattention, psychological problems such as weak, lack of confidence. In behavior showed in detail: impulsive, tired, or even cuts. Adolescent mental health problems, while strengthen the mental health education, dancing education is also a good choice for the treatment of adolescent mental health. Dance education of adolescent mental health effects of specific as follows:

(a) release pressure. Dance since the ancient times is the emotional expression, a kind of emotional expression. About dance can relieve mood, release stress effect, there are two kinds of sources can be proven. One is in the ancient human, people due to the disease evil spirit possessed, by way of dancing, with lively, nervous rhythm, drive the whole body, help people exorcism to disease; Second, the ancients said people no matter what kind of emotional expression, action is www.guanran.net the ultimate way of expression. Fluency of the movement that is made up of a basic dance, help people relieve pressure. Contemporary teenagers face fierce competition, is shouldering the parents "high expectations, academic pressure, and because the mind is not mature, can't correct release pressure, easy to cause mental illness.

(2) to overcome the inferiority. In the process of the growth of the teenagers, family education is indispensable. Parents' high expectations of their children, so children requirement is very strict, often accused of children in the daily life and study. According to adolescent psychological experts study points out, often accused of children, can make children doubt about my ability, easy to make its produce self-abased psychology, deny yourself, unable to enhance confidence,www.dwqiwn.com www.hndamk.com especially in the key stage of adolescent psychological development. And dance can help teenagers to overcome self-abased, enhance self-confidence. Dance is not the patent of the artist, the foundational dance can help teenagers. In the beautiful music accompaniment, the children dance moves show the aesthetic feeling, one which does not reach the designated position, teachers can guide and encourage, help children overcome setbacks, overcome depression. When the children one by one simple act of string into a set of perfect dance, they will find that I can do it, I was so beautiful. Dance can help teenagers to overcome self-abased, self-confidence, help them to regain the confidence of the positive.

(3) improve interpersonal relationship. The current youth is only children in the home more, parents dote on, easy to form a self-centered consciousness. Add some teenagers addicted to the Internet, like "home", as "otaku""women do not go out for a long time. These are bad for teenagers to improve their interpersonal skills, with classmates, teachers, even the parents association, often appear interpersonal relationship not harmonious. Dance education for teenagers to improve interpersonal relationship, improve interpersonal skills. Embodied in: (1) the dance requires the dancers to open up, use heart to feel music, hug dance; (2) the need to communicate with the audience, the dancers dance between communication. Dancers need tacit understanding and trust between. When the choreography, the dancers need to face setbacks, communication together; When the dancers to dance, cooperation consciousness is produced. Through dance, teenagers will think and you together is how happy happy thing, imperceptible in developing the youth team cooperation ability, enhances the adolescent interpersonal skills.

(4) therapy. Young students depression at present stage, the more because of the lack of care and other multiple factors. Case as follows, the ping ping grew up in autism at an early age, had no friends to accompany, no family care, thanks to a few times to commit suicide found timely and rescue success. In a chance pass by art school, she was attracted by the wonderful music, hearing saw a flock of beautiful girls in the dance. She recalled, she was deeply fascinated

with dance. Then she began to dance training, she gradually realized in the process of training their own feelings, gradually to enjoy dancing. The ping ping has fall in love with dance, love life, she felt is dance gave her a new self, "enabled her to rebirth.

Second, the dance education of adolescent health

(a) dance can help human body skeleton development. Dancers need to regular form training, achieve a beautiful posture, help the dancers keep the beautiful shape and profile. Dancers must have physical quality training. Although the form and the function is determined by birth, but studies have shown that exercise the day after tomorrow will have certain effect to improve. For teenagers, the dance can help their bones better development, shape a more beautiful shape. Systematic and scientific dance education, contribute to the balanced development of adolescent growth height and body. According to the study, in the age of youth, often take part in the height of dance training than not to attend the dance training, an average 5 -- 9 cm, development status of the body also is more obvious than adolescents do not participate in dance training, well-balanced.

(2) dance can help human gut health. Dance is helpful to the healthy development of the human body each organ, especially for healthy development of the gut. Regular exercise, can make the myocardial development healthy, cardiac power boost, powerful heartbeat; Dance often need to hold your head high, can make the chest expand, increase oxygen, ensure the body sufficient oxygen; Lumbar abdomen moves to the liver, spleen, kidney, large intestine, and many other organs have www.dgalbuy.com www.jion8.net massage effect, promote blood circulation of organs, improve the gastrointestinal digestion ability, accelerate the metabolism of the body; Recurrent lumbar abdomen movement, but also can consume the excess fat. Through dance, can build muscle, increase the ability of muscle contraction, promote the healthy development of muscles. In short, the dance as a kind of unique way of movement, can active human limbs, intestines, to achieve physical fitness effect.

(3) the dance helps to achieve spiritual sublimation. When the action of human body in harmony with the music, not only can bring spiritual pleasure to the dancers, accompanied by physical pleasure, this is the combination of soul and body, both blend together, make body and mind dancer together put in happy extremely, extremely exciting pleasure, to obtain the unprecedented happiness. Dancers with music dancing limbs, these movements constantly stimulate a muscle, the resulting nerve impulse transmission to the brain, causing the aesthetic consciousness, dancers totally immersed in the music, the rhythm, infatuated, fully release the emotions of the self, the spirit get great satisfaction.

(4) dance helps to improve the overall quality. Dance can not only help teenagers body recovery. Try to improve to slouch phenomenon, but also for teenagers of the innovation ability, strengthen moral accomplishment of culture. Dance training more involved in aspects of teaching, rehearsals, performances, after every effort, students can experience perseverance, persistent thinking character, at the same time the creative dance inspired adolescents' ability to innovate, dance choreography to let students understand the truth in life, for the promotion of students' comprehensive quality is indispensable.

Third, the conclusion

In adolescent physical and mental health issues, the dance education, more and more plays a role, also more and more attention by people. Let us together to popularize youth dance education, help more teenagers for the healthy development of body and mind, let us never

spread between teenagers.


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