
  Ralph生活在一个20世纪80年代出品的低精度游戏中。他的设定身份是一个反派,每天的生活就是在游戏“快手阿修”(Wreck-It, Fix-It)中大搞破坏,后由玩家操作的英雄人物快手Felix会及时赶到进行修补,赢得奖牌,包揽一切荣耀。身为反派,破坏王Ralph厌倦了自己的生活,眼看Felix被胜利者的光环围绕,自己却日复一日在无趣中过活,他终于决定改变。单纯的他以为只要自己也能得到一枚金牌,就可以摆脱反派的身份,于是某日在游戏厅歇业后,他偷偷离开了自己的游戏,前去闯荡其他电子游戏的世界。   Ralph结识了来自“英雄使命”(Hero’s Duty)的Sergeant Calhoun和“甜蜜冲刺”(Candy Rush)的小女孩Vanellope。后者梦想着能上场比赛,但其身份也不允许她梦想成真。“快手阿修”由于失去了他而被认定为系统错误,如不尽快返回,则游戏就会被永久删除;而“甜蜜冲刺”的游戏世界则在悄悄酝酿着一场巨大的、威胁到整个游戏世界的阴谋。这也许是无敌破坏王实现梦想的机会,但也可能是一条不归路……他可以扭转乾坤,成为一名真正的英雄吗?   Ralph羡慕自己游戏里的其他人都能愉快相处,而他只能默默地将一旁的垃圾堆当家。正逢游戏30周年纪念日,大家在开派对热闹地庆祝,却没人邀请Ralph参加,相反,对于Ralph的不请自来,大家都感到十分害怕,于是派出Felix与他谈谈,可Ralph却闯入公寓。   Ralph: Evening, Nel…Lucy…Don…Dana…   Deana: Deana.   Ralph: Big Gene!   Gene: Why is he here?   Felix: He’s just here for a slice of cake.   Ralph: And I am a big part of the game, technically speaking. Uh, why are you here, Gene?   Felix: Oh look! The cake! I’ll be dipped. You’ve really outdone yourself, Mary.   Nel: Oh and look, there’s all of us at the top.   Mary: Each apartment is everyone’s favorite flavor. Your woods is red 1)velvet.   Deana: Guilty!   Mary: And lemon for Lucy. Rum cake for Gene. And for Felix…   Ralph: Hey, Mary! Umm, what…what’s the flavor of that mud that I’m stuck in there?   Mary: Hm? Oh, chocolate.   Ralph: Never been real fond of chocolate.   Mary: Well, I did not know that.   Ralph: One other little thing, I hate to be 2)picky but…you know this angry little guy here would might be a lot happier if you put him up here with everyone else. (put model Ralph up on the roof) See that? Look at that smile.   Gene: No no no. You see Ralph,there is no room for you up here.   Ralph: Well, what about this? We can make room. Here, we can take turns. Easy! (puts model Felix down on the mud)   Felix: How about we just eat the cake?   Gene: Hang on! Felix needs to be on the roof because he’s about to get his medal.   Ralph: Well, how about we just take that medal and give it to Ralph for once? Would that be the end of the world, Gene?   Gene: Now you’re just being ridiculous. Only good guys win medals. And you, sir, are no good guy.   Ralph: I could be a good guy if I wanted to. And I could win a medal!   Gene: Uh huh? And when you do, come and talk to us.   Ralph: And then would you finally let me be on top of the cake with you guys?   Gene: If you win a medal, we’ll let you live up here in the 3)penthouse. But it will never happen because you’re just the bad guy who wrecks the building.   Ralph: No, I’m not.   Gene: Yes, you are.   Ralph: No, I’m not!!! (gets angry and destroys the cake)   Ralph得知在“英雄使命”(Hero’s Duty)这个游戏里,只需要团队作战向虫子射击就能获得金牌,于是他混进游戏里,并且偷偷地拿到了金牌,但是却意外地使虫子迅速繁衍。他开着飞船误打误撞,来到“甜蜜冲刺”(Candy Rush)的游戏里,一身狼狈,好不容易拿到的金牌被挂在了糖果树上,于是他爬上树想要拿回金牌,正在这时,他碰到了Vanellope。   Vanellope: Hi, Mister. Hello!   Ralph: Oh man. You scared me, kid. Uhh, nearly 4)soiled myself.   Vanellope: What’s your name?   Ralph: Uh, Ralph. Wreck-It Ralph.   Vanellope: You’re not from here, are you?   Ralph: No, well, yeah. I mean not from right in this area. I’m just doing some work here.   Vanellope: What kind of work?   Ralph: Just some 5)routine candy tree 6)trimming. You probably wanna stand back, in fact. This whole area is technically closed while we’re trimming.   Vanellope: Who’s “we”?   Ralph: Candy tree department.   Vanellope: Oh, where’s everybody else?   Ralph: Ah, it’s just me today.   Vanellope: So you just meant like the royal “we”?   Ralph: Yup, that’s right.   Vanellope: Hey, are you a 7)hobo?   Ralph: No. I am not a hobo, but I am busy, okay, so will you go…go home?   Vanellope: What’s that? Didn’t hear you, your breath is so bad. It made my ears 8)numb.   Ralph: Listen, I try to be nice.   Vanellope: I try to be nice.   Ralph: You’re 9)mimicking me.   Vanellope: Your’re mimicking me.   Ralph: Okay, that is rude.   Vanellope: Okay, that is rude.   Ralph: And this conversation is over.   Vanellope: And this conversation is over. I won’t grab that branch if I were you.   Ralph: I’m from the candy tree department, so I know what…   Vanellope: It’s a double stripe. (the branch disappeared suddenly and Ralph fell) Double stripes are 10)prank. Hey, why are your hand so 11)freakishly big?   Ralph: Uh…I don’t know. Why are you so freakishly annoying?   Vanellope: Why are you so freakishly…Sweet mother of monkey milk, a gold coin!   Ralph: Don’t even think about it, that is mine.   Vanellope: Race you for it.   Ralph: Hey hey hey hey, I don’t have to race for it ’cause that’s mine.   Vanellope: (gets the medal) The winner.   Ralph: Give it back, give it…give it…(grabs a double stripe)   Vanellope: Double stripe. (Ralph falls and Vanellope gets the medal finally.) Thank you!   Ralph: Wait, let me talk to you for one second. Okay, here’s the thing, I’m not from the candy tree department.   Vanellope: Lying to a child? Shame on you, Ralph.   Ralph: But, I wasn’t lying about the medal, that is my medal. That’s why I was climbing the tree. It’s mine, it’s my…It’s precious to me. That thing is this…my…it’s my ticket to a better life.   Vanellope: Yeah, well, now it’s my ticket. See you Champ…   Ralph: Come back! I’ll find you. I will find you.   Vanellope拿到金牌并以此作为金币偷偷报名参加赛车比赛,被糖果王国的统治者King Candy发现并加以阻挠,但是Vanellope还是参加了比赛。途中她遭到对手的奚落,她的赛车也被破坏。一路追赶而来的Ralph见状感到不平,为Vanellope将她的对手们赶走。Vanellope因为赛车被破坏而感到伤心不已。   Vanellope: What are you looking at?   Ralph: You’re welcome, you rotten little thief.   Vanellope: I’m not a thief. I just borrowed your stupid coin. I was gonna give it back to you as soon as I won the race.   Ralph: It’s not a coin. It’s a medal.   Vanellope: Coin, medal, whatever, just go back to your own dumb game and win another one.   Ralph: I can’t, I didn’t win it in my game. I won it in Hero’s Duty.   Vanellope: Hero’s Doodie? (bursts out laughing)   Ralph: It’s not that kind of duty.   Vanellope: I bet you really get a “watch where you step” in a game called Hero’s Doodie? What’d you won the medal for, wiping? I hope you wash you hands after you handle that medal.   Ralph: Listen.   Vanellope: One more, one more. Why did the HERO 12)flush the toilet? Say “why”.   Ralph: Why?   Vanellope: Because it was his Doodie!   Ralph: How dare you insult Hero’s Duty, you little girl 13)snipe! I earned that medal. You better get it back for me, too schweetz, sister!   Vanellope: Well unless you’ve got a go-cart hidden in the fat-folds of your neck, I can’t help it. (Ralph gets angry and smacks a big stone.) What a 14)moron. Hey, genius, that’s a jaw-breaker. You’re never gonna…(Ralph breaks the stone into pieces.) Enjoy your little 15)tantrum day, poor baby?   Ralph: Leave me alone.   Vanellope: Look, you want that medal, right? And I want a race. So here’s what I’m thinking. You help me get a new cart, a real cart. And I’ll win the race and get you back your medal.   Ralph: You want me to help you???   Vanellope: All you gotta do is break something for me. C’mon, what do you say, friend.   Ralph: We are not friends.   Vanellope: Oh, c’mon, 16)pal, you son of a gun. C’mon, buddy, just shake on it. C’mon, jumbo, Ralph my man, my main man. Hey, my arms getting tired. We have a deal or not?   Ralph: You better win. (shakes on Vanellope’s hand)   在Ralph的帮助下,Vanellope终于得到一辆属于自己的赛车,可是这一切都在King Candy的掌控之中,他下令追捕二人,这时候Ralph才发现这个一心想要参加赛车比赛的小女孩根本不会开车。   Ralph: So let me get this straight. You don’t know how to drive?   Vanellope: Well no, not technically. But I just thought that…   Ralph: What did you think? Oh, I just…I’ll just magically win the race just because I really want to.   Vanellope: Look, wise guy. I know I’m a racer, I can feel it in my code.   Ralph: That’s it! I’m never getting my medal back.   Vanellope: What is the big whoop about that 17)crummy medal, anyway?   Ralph: The big whoop, well this may come as a shock to you. But in my game, I’m the bad guy and I live in the garbage.   Vanellope: Cool.   Ralph: No, not cool. 18)Unhygienic and lonely and boring. And that crummy medal was gonna change all that. I go home with that baby around my neck then I’ll get a penthouse, pies, ice sculptures, fireworks. It’s grown up stuffs, you wouldn’t understand.   Vanellope: No, I get it. That’s exactly what racing would do for me.   Ralph: Well, guess what?   Vanellope: What?   Ralph: News flash, neither one of us is getting what we want. Haha! What was that? (sees a notice board) “Diet Cola Hot Springs. Watch out for falling Mentos.”   Vanellope: Yeah, check it out. Look. (throws a stone to Mentos and one falls down into the hot spring) Oh, you gotta watch out for the 19)splash. That stuff is boiling hot.   Ralph: Yeah, I got that. Thank you. What is the dump?   Vanellope: I think it’s some sort of unfinished bonus level. Yeah, it’s pretty cool, huh? I found that secret opening and now I live here. See, oh, look look look look. Welcome to my home. I sleep in these candy 20)wrappers. I like 21)bundling myself up like a little homeless lady.   Ralph: By yourself? With all these garbage around here? Vanellope: Well, yeah. I mean everyone here says I’m just the mistake and that I wasn’t even suppose to exist. What do you expect?   Ralph: Listen, kid. I know it’s none of my business, but why do you even stick around this game?   Vanellope: You really don’t know anything, do you? 22)Glitches can’t leave their games. It’s one of the joyous of being me.   Vanellope在Ralph的帮助下学会了开车,即将赶赴赛车场参加比赛。此时King Candy不得不还回Vanellope作为比赛金币的金牌给Ralph,并告知他Vanellope不能参加比赛的原因。   King Candy: Ralph, do you know what the hardest part about being a king is? Doing what’s right. No matter what. Ralph: Get to the point.   King Candy: Point being I need your help. Sad as it is, Vanellope cannot be allowed to race.   Ralph: Why are you people so against her?   King Candy: I’m not against her. I’m trying to protect her. If Vanellope wins that race, she’ll be added to the race roster. Then gamers can choose the racer’s avatar. And when they see her glitching and then get twitching in just being herself. Then they’ll think our game is broken. We’ll be put out of order for good. All my subjects will be homeless. But there is one who cannot escape because she’s a glitch.   Vanellope: Help! Somebody helps me!   King Candy: When the game’s 23)plug is pulled, she’ll die with it.   Ralph: You don’t know that will happen. The gamers could love her.   King Candy: And if they don’t? I know it’s tough, but heroes have to make the tough choices, don’t they? She can’t race, Ralph, but she won’t listen to me. So, can I count on you to talk a little sense into her? Very good. Uh, I’ll give you two some time alone. (leaves away)   Ralph相信了King Candy的话,在与Vanellope谈话未果的情况下,他砸坏了赛车,然后带着金牌回到自己的游戏里,却得知游戏即将要结束。原来,由于Ralph的离开,玩家以为游戏出了故障,因此游戏厅老板贴上了“无法正常运行”的告示。Felix也因此离开到处寻找Ralph的下落。看着如今空无一人的游戏,Ralph感到很落寞,他突然看到了对面“甜蜜冲刺”的游戏机上贴着Vanellope的海报,似乎知道自己做错了什么。他回到“甜蜜冲刺”,终于知道原来King Candy说的并不是事情的真相,而是如果Vanellope参加比赛并冲过终点,整个游戏将会被重新启动,她也不会再闪。Ralph后悔不已,决定再帮Vanellope一次。可此时,Vanellope和Felix都被King Candy关了起来。   Ralph: Felix.   Felix: Ralph, I’m so glad to see you. Wait, no, I’m not. What do you have to say for yourself?   Ralph: Oh.   Felix: Wait, I don’t want to hear. I’m not talking to you.   Ralph: Okay, don’t talk. That’s fine. But you have to fix this go-cart for me 24)pronto.   Felix: I don’t have to do, 25)boo. Forgive my 26)potty mouth. I’m just so…so crossed with you. Do you have any idea what you put me through? I were in Hickelty pickelty all over creation looking for you. I almost drowned in chocolate milk mix. And then, I met the most 27)dynamite gal. Oh, she gives me the honey glow. Something aweful. But she rebuffed my affections and then, I got thrown in jail.   Ralph: Felix, pull yourself together.   Felix: No, Ralph, you don’t know what it’s like to be rejected and treated like a criminal.   Ralph: Yes, I do. That’s everyday in my life.   Felix: It is?   Ralph: Which is why I ran off. I try to be a good guy but I’m not. Just a bad guy and I need your help. There’s a little girl whose only hope is this cart. Please, Felix, fix it. And I promise I will never try to be good again.   Felix修好了赛车,他们一起帮助Vanellope完成了比赛。“甜蜜冲刺”被重新启动,原来Vanellope才是糖果王国的统治者。   Ralph: Wow, so this is the real you? Princess.   Vanellope: Oh Ralph, what are you nuts? C’mon, this isn’t me. This is me. Look, the code may say I’m a princess but I know who I really am, Ralph. I’m a racer with the greatest superpower ever. I was here. I was there. I was glitching through the wall. I’m not giving that up.   Man 1: Pardon me for asking but, without a princess, who’s gonna lead us?   Man 2: Yeah, who?   Vanellope: Uh, me. I’m thinking more along the lines of a constitutional democracy. President Vanellope von Schweetz. Has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?   Sergeant Calhoun: Fix-It. Wreck-It. The Arcade’s about to open. Let’s move ’em out.   Vanellope: You know, you could just stay here and live in the castle. You’d have your own wing where no one would ever complain about you or treat you bad ever again. You could be happy.   Ralph: I’m already happy. Got the coolest friend in the world. And besides, I’ve got a job to do too. May not be as fancy as being president, but it’s my duty. And it’s a big duty.   拉尔夫:晚上好,奈尔……露西……唐……丹娜……   狄安娜:是狄安娜。   拉尔夫:大基恩!   基恩:他怎么来了?   阿修:他就是来吃块蛋糕而已。   拉尔夫:严格来说,我是游戏里重要的一部分。你来这干嘛的,基恩?   阿修:噢,快看!蛋糕!哇,我都忍不住了,你的厨艺已经更上一层楼了,玛丽。   奈尔:噢,看啊,我们都在最上面。玛丽:每间公寓都做成大家各自喜欢的口味。你的树林是红色天鹅绒做的。   狄安娜:太棒了!   玛丽:柠檬蛋糕是露西的,朗姆蛋糕是基恩的,而阿修的是……   拉尔夫:嘿,玛丽!黏住我脚的那块泥巴是什么口味的?   玛丽:嗯?噢,是巧克力。   拉尔夫:我从不喜欢巧克力。   玛丽:呃,我还不知道呢。   拉尔夫:还有一件事,我不喜欢过于挑剔,但是……你知道吗,如果你把这个满脸怒气的人和其他人一样放到屋顶上去,他也许会更高兴点。(把拉尔夫模型放到屋顶上)看到了吗?看他乐的。   基恩:不不不,你看看,拉尔夫,上面这儿没地方放你了。   拉尔夫:你看这么办怎么样?这样就能腾出空间来了。这儿,我们交换位置,简单多了!(将阿修模型放到泥巴上)   阿修:我们来吃蛋糕吧。   基恩:等等!阿修必须站在屋顶,因为他要拿金牌了。   拉尔夫:呃,不如我们把这块金牌给拉尔夫一次如何?这就是世界末日到了吗,基恩?   基恩:你这么说真是太荒唐了。只有好人才能得到金牌,而你,先生,不是好人。   拉尔夫:如果我想当好人,我就能当。我会拿到金牌的!   基恩:是吗?等你拿到了,再来跟我们说。   拉尔夫:到时候你们就会把我和你们一起放到蛋糕最上面了,对吧?   基恩:如果你拿到金牌,我们就让你住在楼顶的阁楼里。但是那根本就不可能,因为你就是那个毁坏这栋楼的人。拉尔夫:不,我不是。   基恩:你就是。   拉尔夫:不,我不是!!!(愤怒地把蛋糕打烂了)   云妮:你好啊,先生。你好!   拉尔夫:哦,天啊。你差点把我吓死了,小孩。呃,差点(掉下泥潭)弄脏自己了。   云妮:你叫什么?   拉尔夫:呃,我叫拉尔夫,破坏王拉尔夫。   云妮:你不是这个游戏里的,对吧?拉尔夫:不,呃,是的。我是说不是这个游戏里的角色,只是在这儿工作。   云妮:什么工作?   拉尔夫:给糖果树做日常修剪,你还是走开吧,事实上,严格说,当这一整片区域都关闭的时候我们就给树修剪修剪。   云妮:“我们”是谁?   拉尔夫:糖果林业部门。   云妮:噢,其他人呢?   拉尔夫:啊,今天就我一个。   云妮:那你就是广义的“我们”?   拉尔夫:没错,答对了。   云妮:嘿,你是流浪汉吗?   拉尔夫:不是。我不是流浪汉,我很忙,好了,那么你可以回……回家吗?   云妮:你说什么?听不到你说什么,你嘴里的那股味儿把我的耳朵都熏聋了。   拉尔夫:听着,我可不想发火。   云妮:我可不想发火。   拉尔夫:你在学我说话。   云妮:你在学我说话。   拉尔夫:好吧,太没礼貌了。   云妮:好吧,太没礼貌了。   拉尔夫:我们的对话到此结束。   云妮:我们的对话到此结束。如果我是你,我就不会抓住那根树枝。   拉尔夫:我是糖果林业部门的,我知道该做……   云妮:这是双纹树枝。(树枝突然消失,拉尔夫掉了下去)双纹树枝是一个恶作剧。嘿,你怎么有一双奇怪的大手?   拉尔夫:呃,我不知道。为什么你那么烦人?   云妮:你怎么那么……我滴亲娘呀,是个金币!   拉尔夫:想都别想,那是我的。   云妮:那就比赛吧。   拉尔夫:嘿嘿嘿嘿,我不和你比赛,因为那就是我的。   云妮:(拿到金牌)我赢了。   拉尔夫:还给我,还给我……快还给我……(抓住一根双纹树枝)   云妮:双纹树枝。(拉尔夫掉了下去,最后云妮拿到了金牌。)多谢了!   拉尔夫:等等,我就跟你说句话。好吧,有一件事,我不是糖果林业部门的。   云妮:骗小孩?真为你感到羞耻,拉尔夫。   拉尔夫:但是,在金牌这事上我没撒谎,是我的金牌。我爬树就是为了这个,这是我的,是我的……它对我来说很重要。那是我我……它是我新生活的入场券。   云妮:随你说,现在,它是我的了。再见,冠……(军)   拉尔夫:快回来!我会找到你的。一定会找到你的。   云妮:看什么看?   拉尔夫:不必谢我,小偷。   云妮:我不是小偷。我就是借用下你那愚蠢的金币,我一赢了比赛就会马上还你的。   拉尔夫:那不是一个金币。那是块金牌。   云妮:金币,金牌,又怎么样呢,回到你的无声游戏里再赢一块呗。   拉尔夫:不行了,我不是从我的游戏里赢的,是从“英雄使命”里。   云妮:“英雄屎命”?(扑哧笑)   拉尔夫:不是那种使命。   云妮:我打赌你在“英雄屎命”里走路的时候一定小心翼翼地走好每一步。你拿金牌来干什么的?擦屁股吗?我希望你拿完那块金牌之后洗洗手。   拉尔夫:听着。   云妮:还有一句,就一句。为什么一个英雄要刷厕所呢?问我“为什么”。   拉尔夫:为什么?   云妮:因为这就是他的便便!   拉尔夫:你怎么能侮辱“英雄使命”这个游戏呢,小屁孩!我靠自己努力得到的金牌,你最好马上还回来,立刻,小妹!   云妮:除非你能变出一辆赛车给我,否则我无能为力。(拉尔夫很生气,用力拍打一块大石头。) 真是个蠢货。嘿,天才,那是块大硬糖,你永远不可能……(拉尔夫把大石头击碎)慢慢发你的脾气吧,可怜的宝贝?   拉尔夫:离我远点儿。   云妮:听着,你想拿回 金牌,对吧?我想要参加比赛,所以听听我的想法。你帮我弄辆新车,一辆真正的车,我去赢比赛,然后金牌还给你。   拉尔夫:你想让我帮你???   云妮:你要做的就是帮我破坏一些东西。来吧,你觉得怎么样,朋友?   拉尔夫:我们不是朋友。   云妮:噢,别生气了,兄弟,你这个坏蛋。来吧,哥们儿,握个手。来吧,大个子,我的男子汉,真正的男子汉。嘿,我的手都酸了,你到底帮还是不帮?   拉尔夫:你最好能赢。(和云妮握手)   拉尔夫:我开门见山问了,你不会开车?   云妮:不,严格来说,我不会。但是,我想我……   拉尔夫:你想什么?噢,就是……就是我会奇迹般赢得比赛,因为我真的想赢。   云妮:听着,傻帽。我知道我是一个赛车手,我有这个基因。   拉尔夫:到此为止吧!我再也拿不回我的金牌了。   云妮:那破金牌有什么大不了的?   拉尔夫:有什么大不了的?那会让你大吃一惊。但是在我的游戏里,我是一个坏人,我住在垃圾堆里。   云妮:酷啊。   拉尔夫:不,一点都不酷。脏乱,孤独,无趣。那破金牌会彻底改变我的生活。我脖子上挂着这宝贝回家,我就会得到一间顶楼公寓,馅饼,冰雕,烟火。这些都是成年人的东西,你不会明白的。   云妮:不,我明白。这正是赛车比赛能带给我的。   拉尔夫:你猜怎么着?   云妮:什么?   拉尔夫:新闻会说:这两个笨蛋都得不到自己想要的东西。哈哈!那是什么?(看到一块告示牌)“健怡可乐温泉。小心掉下来的曼妥思。”(译者注:Diet Cola是一种不含糖可乐;Mentos是一个荷兰糖果品牌。)   云妮:是啊,小心点,看。(向曼妥思砸了一块石头,一颗曼妥思掉进温泉里)小心溅起的水花,很烫的。   拉尔夫:是啊,领教过了,谢谢。这是什么玩意?   云妮:我想可能是没完成的奖励关卡。是啊,挺酷的是吧?我找到了秘密入口,现在我就住在这里。来,哦,快来看看。欢迎光临寒舍。我就睡在这些糖果盒子上,然后裹着糖纸就像个无家可归的小女孩。拉尔夫:你一个人?还有周围这些垃圾?云妮:是啊,对。我是说,这里的每个人都说我是个错误(的代码),甚至根本不应该出现在这儿。你还能期望什么呢?   拉尔夫:听着,小孩。我知道这不关我的事,但(我还是想问)你为什么还在这游戏里呢?   云妮:你真的什么都不知道,对吧?错误永远离不开自己的游戏的。这是我人生的另一个快乐源泉啊。   糖果国王:拉尔夫,你知道作为一个国王最难的是什么吗?那就是做正确的事。不受任何干扰。   拉尔夫:说重点。   糖果国王:重点就是我需要你的帮助。很遗憾,云妮是不允许参加比赛的。   拉尔夫:你们大家为什么总要针对她?   糖果国王:我没有针对她。我在试图保护她。如果她赢了比赛,她就会出现在可选人物画面中。接着玩家选择了她,然后就会看到她出现漏洞,在游戏里闪来闪去,他们会觉得我们这个游戏出问题了。我们就会被永远贴上“无法正常运行”的告示。我的人民就会变得无家可归。但是云妮永远也出不去,因为她是个错误。   云妮:救命,谁来救救我!   糖果国王:当游戏的电源被拔掉,她也会随之消失。   拉尔夫:你不会知道那时会发生什么。玩家们会喜欢她的。   糖果国王:但是如果不是呢?我知道这很难,但是英雄必须要作出艰难的抉择,不是吗?她不能参加比赛,拉尔夫,但是她不会听我的。所以只能靠你说通他了。   很好,呃,我会给你俩一些单独谈话的时间。(离开)   拉尔夫:阿修。   阿修:拉尔夫,看到你太高兴了。等等,不,我不高兴。你是不是该解释一下你的所作所为?   拉尔夫:噢。   阿修:等等,我不要听,我不想和你说话。拉尔夫:好,不和我说话,没问题。但是你得帮我修好这辆车,马上。   阿修:我才不要修什么狗屁车,呸。对不起,我说错话了。我就是对你很……生气。你有想过你给我带来什么麻烦吗?我跑到别的游戏里到处找你,还差点被巧克力牛奶淹死。然后,我就遇到了我的梦中情人。她脸上泛着让我招架不住的红晕。但是她竟然拒绝了我的表白,再然后,我就被关到监狱里来了。   拉尔夫:阿修,振作点。   阿修:不,拉尔夫,你不明白被人拒绝和被当作罪犯是何感受。   拉尔夫:是的,我知道是什么感受,我每天都是这么过的。   阿修:真的吗?   拉尔夫:这就是为什么我跑走。我要成为好人,但是我做不到。我就是个坏蛋,而且我需要你的帮助。对于一个女孩来说,这辆车就是她全部的希望。求你了,阿修,修好它吧。我保证我以后再也不会想要做个好人了。   拉尔夫:哇,看来这才是真正的你?公主。   云妮:噢,拉尔夫,你傻了吗?得了吧,这才不是我呢,这才是我。听着,也许代码编写上我是一个公主,但是我知道自己到底是谁。我是一个最有实力的赛车手。我闪过来,闪过去。我还能穿墙。我不会放弃(赛车)的。   男人1:恕我直言,如果没有公主,谁来领导我们呢?   男人2:是啊,谁呢?   云妮:呃,我呢,正在策划一个民主立法政权。云妮・冯・施维兹总统。听起来真带劲,你们觉得呢?   卡尔霍恩队长:阿修,破坏王,游戏厅要开业了,我们走吧。   云妮:你知道的,你可以留下住在这座城堡里。你会有个大房子,不会有人再抱怨你,或者待你不公。你会很开心的。   拉尔夫:我已经很开心了。我有世界上最好的朋友,除此之外,我还需要做好我的工作。或许没有当总统那么风光,但那是我的使命,一个非常重要的使命。

  Ralph生活在一个20世纪80年代出品的低精度游戏中。他的设定身份是一个反派,每天的生活就是在游戏“快手阿修”(Wreck-It, Fix-It)中大搞破坏,后由玩家操作的英雄人物快手Felix会及时赶到进行修补,赢得奖牌,包揽一切荣耀。身为反派,破坏王Ralph厌倦了自己的生活,眼看Felix被胜利者的光环围绕,自己却日复一日在无趣中过活,他终于决定改变。单纯的他以为只要自己也能得到一枚金牌,就可以摆脱反派的身份,于是某日在游戏厅歇业后,他偷偷离开了自己的游戏,前去闯荡其他电子游戏的世界。   Ralph结识了来自“英雄使命”(Hero’s Duty)的Sergeant Calhoun和“甜蜜冲刺”(Candy Rush)的小女孩Vanellope。后者梦想着能上场比赛,但其身份也不允许她梦想成真。“快手阿修”由于失去了他而被认定为系统错误,如不尽快返回,则游戏就会被永久删除;而“甜蜜冲刺”的游戏世界则在悄悄酝酿着一场巨大的、威胁到整个游戏世界的阴谋。这也许是无敌破坏王实现梦想的机会,但也可能是一条不归路……他可以扭转乾坤,成为一名真正的英雄吗?   Ralph羡慕自己游戏里的其他人都能愉快相处,而他只能默默地将一旁的垃圾堆当家。正逢游戏30周年纪念日,大家在开派对热闹地庆祝,却没人邀请Ralph参加,相反,对于Ralph的不请自来,大家都感到十分害怕,于是派出Felix与他谈谈,可Ralph却闯入公寓。   Ralph: Evening, Nel…Lucy…Don…Dana…   Deana: Deana.   Ralph: Big Gene!   Gene: Why is he here?   Felix: He’s just here for a slice of cake.   Ralph: And I am a big part of the game, technically speaking. Uh, why are you here, Gene?   Felix: Oh look! The cake! I’ll be dipped. You’ve really outdone yourself, Mary.   Nel: Oh and look, there’s all of us at the top.   Mary: Each apartment is everyone’s favorite flavor. Your woods is red 1)velvet.   Deana: Guilty!   Mary: And lemon for Lucy. Rum cake for Gene. And for Felix…   Ralph: Hey, Mary! Umm, what…what’s the flavor of that mud that I’m stuck in there?   Mary: Hm? Oh, chocolate.   Ralph: Never been real fond of chocolate.   Mary: Well, I did not know that.   Ralph: One other little thing, I hate to be 2)picky but…you know this angry little guy here would might be a lot happier if you put him up here with everyone else. (put model Ralph up on the roof) See that? Look at that smile.   Gene: No no no. You see Ralph,there is no room for you up here.   Ralph: Well, what about this? We can make room. Here, we can take turns. Easy! (puts model Felix down on the mud)   Felix: How about we just eat the cake?   Gene: Hang on! Felix needs to be on the roof because he’s about to get his medal.   Ralph: Well, how about we just take that medal and give it to Ralph for once? Would that be the end of the world, Gene?   Gene: Now you’re just being ridiculous. Only good guys win medals. And you, sir, are no good guy.   Ralph: I could be a good guy if I wanted to. And I could win a medal!   Gene: Uh huh? And when you do, come and talk to us.   Ralph: And then would you finally let me be on top of the cake with you guys?   Gene: If you win a medal, we’ll let you live up here in the 3)penthouse. But it will never happen because you’re just the bad guy who wrecks the building.   Ralph: No, I’m not.   Gene: Yes, you are.   Ralph: No, I’m not!!! (gets angry and destroys the cake)   Ralph得知在“英雄使命”(Hero’s Duty)这个游戏里,只需要团队作战向虫子射击就能获得金牌,于是他混进游戏里,并且偷偷地拿到了金牌,但是却意外地使虫子迅速繁衍。他开着飞船误打误撞,来到“甜蜜冲刺”(Candy Rush)的游戏里,一身狼狈,好不容易拿到的金牌被挂在了糖果树上,于是他爬上树想要拿回金牌,正在这时,他碰到了Vanellope。   Vanellope: Hi, Mister. Hello!   Ralph: Oh man. You scared me, kid. Uhh, nearly 4)soiled myself.   Vanellope: What’s your name?   Ralph: Uh, Ralph. Wreck-It Ralph.   Vanellope: You’re not from here, are you?   Ralph: No, well, yeah. I mean not from right in this area. I’m just doing some work here.   Vanellope: What kind of work?   Ralph: Just some 5)routine candy tree 6)trimming. You probably wanna stand back, in fact. This whole area is technically closed while we’re trimming.   Vanellope: Who’s “we”?   Ralph: Candy tree department.   Vanellope: Oh, where’s everybody else?   Ralph: Ah, it’s just me today.   Vanellope: So you just meant like the royal “we”?   Ralph: Yup, that’s right.   Vanellope: Hey, are you a 7)hobo?   Ralph: No. I am not a hobo, but I am busy, okay, so will you go…go home?   Vanellope: What’s that? Didn’t hear you, your breath is so bad. It made my ears 8)numb.   Ralph: Listen, I try to be nice.   Vanellope: I try to be nice.   Ralph: You’re 9)mimicking me.   Vanellope: Your’re mimicking me.   Ralph: Okay, that is rude.   Vanellope: Okay, that is rude.   Ralph: And this conversation is over.   Vanellope: And this conversation is over. I won’t grab that branch if I were you.   Ralph: I’m from the candy tree department, so I know what…   Vanellope: It’s a double stripe. (the branch disappeared suddenly and Ralph fell) Double stripes are 10)prank. Hey, why are your hand so 11)freakishly big?   Ralph: Uh…I don’t know. Why are you so freakishly annoying?   Vanellope: Why are you so freakishly…Sweet mother of monkey milk, a gold coin!   Ralph: Don’t even think about it, that is mine.   Vanellope: Race you for it.   Ralph: Hey hey hey hey, I don’t have to race for it ’cause that’s mine.   Vanellope: (gets the medal) The winner.   Ralph: Give it back, give it…give it…(grabs a double stripe)   Vanellope: Double stripe. (Ralph falls and Vanellope gets the medal finally.) Thank you!   Ralph: Wait, let me talk to you for one second. Okay, here’s the thing, I’m not from the candy tree department.   Vanellope: Lying to a child? Shame on you, Ralph.   Ralph: But, I wasn’t lying about the medal, that is my medal. That’s why I was climbing the tree. It’s mine, it’s my…It’s precious to me. That thing is this…my…it’s my ticket to a better life.   Vanellope: Yeah, well, now it’s my ticket. See you Champ…   Ralph: Come back! I’ll find you. I will find you.   Vanellope拿到金牌并以此作为金币偷偷报名参加赛车比赛,被糖果王国的统治者King Candy发现并加以阻挠,但是Vanellope还是参加了比赛。途中她遭到对手的奚落,她的赛车也被破坏。一路追赶而来的Ralph见状感到不平,为Vanellope将她的对手们赶走。Vanellope因为赛车被破坏而感到伤心不已。   Vanellope: What are you looking at?   Ralph: You’re welcome, you rotten little thief.   Vanellope: I’m not a thief. I just borrowed your stupid coin. I was gonna give it back to you as soon as I won the race.   Ralph: It’s not a coin. It’s a medal.   Vanellope: Coin, medal, whatever, just go back to your own dumb game and win another one.   Ralph: I can’t, I didn’t win it in my game. I won it in Hero’s Duty.   Vanellope: Hero’s Doodie? (bursts out laughing)   Ralph: It’s not that kind of duty.   Vanellope: I bet you really get a “watch where you step” in a game called Hero’s Doodie? What’d you won the medal for, wiping? I hope you wash you hands after you handle that medal.   Ralph: Listen.   Vanellope: One more, one more. Why did the HERO 12)flush the toilet? Say “why”.   Ralph: Why?   Vanellope: Because it was his Doodie!   Ralph: How dare you insult Hero’s Duty, you little girl 13)snipe! I earned that medal. You better get it back for me, too schweetz, sister!   Vanellope: Well unless you’ve got a go-cart hidden in the fat-folds of your neck, I can’t help it. (Ralph gets angry and smacks a big stone.) What a 14)moron. Hey, genius, that’s a jaw-breaker. You’re never gonna…(Ralph breaks the stone into pieces.) Enjoy your little 15)tantrum day, poor baby?   Ralph: Leave me alone.   Vanellope: Look, you want that medal, right? And I want a race. So here’s what I’m thinking. You help me get a new cart, a real cart. And I’ll win the race and get you back your medal.   Ralph: You want me to help you???   Vanellope: All you gotta do is break something for me. C’mon, what do you say, friend.   Ralph: We are not friends.   Vanellope: Oh, c’mon, 16)pal, you son of a gun. C’mon, buddy, just shake on it. C’mon, jumbo, Ralph my man, my main man. Hey, my arms getting tired. We have a deal or not?   Ralph: You better win. (shakes on Vanellope’s hand)   在Ralph的帮助下,Vanellope终于得到一辆属于自己的赛车,可是这一切都在King Candy的掌控之中,他下令追捕二人,这时候Ralph才发现这个一心想要参加赛车比赛的小女孩根本不会开车。   Ralph: So let me get this straight. You don’t know how to drive?   Vanellope: Well no, not technically. But I just thought that…   Ralph: What did you think? Oh, I just…I’ll just magically win the race just because I really want to.   Vanellope: Look, wise guy. I know I’m a racer, I can feel it in my code.   Ralph: That’s it! I’m never getting my medal back.   Vanellope: What is the big whoop about that 17)crummy medal, anyway?   Ralph: The big whoop, well this may come as a shock to you. But in my game, I’m the bad guy and I live in the garbage.   Vanellope: Cool.   Ralph: No, not cool. 18)Unhygienic and lonely and boring. And that crummy medal was gonna change all that. I go home with that baby around my neck then I’ll get a penthouse, pies, ice sculptures, fireworks. It’s grown up stuffs, you wouldn’t understand.   Vanellope: No, I get it. That’s exactly what racing would do for me.   Ralph: Well, guess what?   Vanellope: What?   Ralph: News flash, neither one of us is getting what we want. Haha! What was that? (sees a notice board) “Diet Cola Hot Springs. Watch out for falling Mentos.”   Vanellope: Yeah, check it out. Look. (throws a stone to Mentos and one falls down into the hot spring) Oh, you gotta watch out for the 19)splash. That stuff is boiling hot.   Ralph: Yeah, I got that. Thank you. What is the dump?   Vanellope: I think it’s some sort of unfinished bonus level. Yeah, it’s pretty cool, huh? I found that secret opening and now I live here. See, oh, look look look look. Welcome to my home. I sleep in these candy 20)wrappers. I like 21)bundling myself up like a little homeless lady.   Ralph: By yourself? With all these garbage around here? Vanellope: Well, yeah. I mean everyone here says I’m just the mistake and that I wasn’t even suppose to exist. What do you expect?   Ralph: Listen, kid. I know it’s none of my business, but why do you even stick around this game?   Vanellope: You really don’t know anything, do you? 22)Glitches can’t leave their games. It’s one of the joyous of being me.   Vanellope在Ralph的帮助下学会了开车,即将赶赴赛车场参加比赛。此时King Candy不得不还回Vanellope作为比赛金币的金牌给Ralph,并告知他Vanellope不能参加比赛的原因。   King Candy: Ralph, do you know what the hardest part about being a king is? Doing what’s right. No matter what. Ralph: Get to the point.   King Candy: Point being I need your help. Sad as it is, Vanellope cannot be allowed to race.   Ralph: Why are you people so against her?   King Candy: I’m not against her. I’m trying to protect her. If Vanellope wins that race, she’ll be added to the race roster. Then gamers can choose the racer’s avatar. And when they see her glitching and then get twitching in just being herself. Then they’ll think our game is broken. We’ll be put out of order for good. All my subjects will be homeless. But there is one who cannot escape because she’s a glitch.   Vanellope: Help! Somebody helps me!   King Candy: When the game’s 23)plug is pulled, she’ll die with it.   Ralph: You don’t know that will happen. The gamers could love her.   King Candy: And if they don’t? I know it’s tough, but heroes have to make the tough choices, don’t they? She can’t race, Ralph, but she won’t listen to me. So, can I count on you to talk a little sense into her? Very good. Uh, I’ll give you two some time alone. (leaves away)   Ralph相信了King Candy的话,在与Vanellope谈话未果的情况下,他砸坏了赛车,然后带着金牌回到自己的游戏里,却得知游戏即将要结束。原来,由于Ralph的离开,玩家以为游戏出了故障,因此游戏厅老板贴上了“无法正常运行”的告示。Felix也因此离开到处寻找Ralph的下落。看着如今空无一人的游戏,Ralph感到很落寞,他突然看到了对面“甜蜜冲刺”的游戏机上贴着Vanellope的海报,似乎知道自己做错了什么。他回到“甜蜜冲刺”,终于知道原来King Candy说的并不是事情的真相,而是如果Vanellope参加比赛并冲过终点,整个游戏将会被重新启动,她也不会再闪。Ralph后悔不已,决定再帮Vanellope一次。可此时,Vanellope和Felix都被King Candy关了起来。   Ralph: Felix.   Felix: Ralph, I’m so glad to see you. Wait, no, I’m not. What do you have to say for yourself?   Ralph: Oh.   Felix: Wait, I don’t want to hear. I’m not talking to you.   Ralph: Okay, don’t talk. That’s fine. But you have to fix this go-cart for me 24)pronto.   Felix: I don’t have to do, 25)boo. Forgive my 26)potty mouth. I’m just so…so crossed with you. Do you have any idea what you put me through? I were in Hickelty pickelty all over creation looking for you. I almost drowned in chocolate milk mix. And then, I met the most 27)dynamite gal. Oh, she gives me the honey glow. Something aweful. But she rebuffed my affections and then, I got thrown in jail.   Ralph: Felix, pull yourself together.   Felix: No, Ralph, you don’t know what it’s like to be rejected and treated like a criminal.   Ralph: Yes, I do. That’s everyday in my life.   Felix: It is?   Ralph: Which is why I ran off. I try to be a good guy but I’m not. Just a bad guy and I need your help. There’s a little girl whose only hope is this cart. Please, Felix, fix it. And I promise I will never try to be good again.   Felix修好了赛车,他们一起帮助Vanellope完成了比赛。“甜蜜冲刺”被重新启动,原来Vanellope才是糖果王国的统治者。   Ralph: Wow, so this is the real you? Princess.   Vanellope: Oh Ralph, what are you nuts? C’mon, this isn’t me. This is me. Look, the code may say I’m a princess but I know who I really am, Ralph. I’m a racer with the greatest superpower ever. I was here. I was there. I was glitching through the wall. I’m not giving that up.   Man 1: Pardon me for asking but, without a princess, who’s gonna lead us?   Man 2: Yeah, who?   Vanellope: Uh, me. I’m thinking more along the lines of a constitutional democracy. President Vanellope von Schweetz. Has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?   Sergeant Calhoun: Fix-It. Wreck-It. The Arcade’s about to open. Let’s move ’em out.   Vanellope: You know, you could just stay here and live in the castle. You’d have your own wing where no one would ever complain about you or treat you bad ever again. You could be happy.   Ralph: I’m already happy. Got the coolest friend in the world. And besides, I’ve got a job to do too. May not be as fancy as being president, but it’s my duty. And it’s a big duty.   拉尔夫:晚上好,奈尔……露西……唐……丹娜……   狄安娜:是狄安娜。   拉尔夫:大基恩!   基恩:他怎么来了?   阿修:他就是来吃块蛋糕而已。   拉尔夫:严格来说,我是游戏里重要的一部分。你来这干嘛的,基恩?   阿修:噢,快看!蛋糕!哇,我都忍不住了,你的厨艺已经更上一层楼了,玛丽。   奈尔:噢,看啊,我们都在最上面。玛丽:每间公寓都做成大家各自喜欢的口味。你的树林是红色天鹅绒做的。   狄安娜:太棒了!   玛丽:柠檬蛋糕是露西的,朗姆蛋糕是基恩的,而阿修的是……   拉尔夫:嘿,玛丽!黏住我脚的那块泥巴是什么口味的?   玛丽:嗯?噢,是巧克力。   拉尔夫:我从不喜欢巧克力。   玛丽:呃,我还不知道呢。   拉尔夫:还有一件事,我不喜欢过于挑剔,但是……你知道吗,如果你把这个满脸怒气的人和其他人一样放到屋顶上去,他也许会更高兴点。(把拉尔夫模型放到屋顶上)看到了吗?看他乐的。   基恩:不不不,你看看,拉尔夫,上面这儿没地方放你了。   拉尔夫:你看这么办怎么样?这样就能腾出空间来了。这儿,我们交换位置,简单多了!(将阿修模型放到泥巴上)   阿修:我们来吃蛋糕吧。   基恩:等等!阿修必须站在屋顶,因为他要拿金牌了。   拉尔夫:呃,不如我们把这块金牌给拉尔夫一次如何?这就是世界末日到了吗,基恩?   基恩:你这么说真是太荒唐了。只有好人才能得到金牌,而你,先生,不是好人。   拉尔夫:如果我想当好人,我就能当。我会拿到金牌的!   基恩:是吗?等你拿到了,再来跟我们说。   拉尔夫:到时候你们就会把我和你们一起放到蛋糕最上面了,对吧?   基恩:如果你拿到金牌,我们就让你住在楼顶的阁楼里。但是那根本就不可能,因为你就是那个毁坏这栋楼的人。拉尔夫:不,我不是。   基恩:你就是。   拉尔夫:不,我不是!!!(愤怒地把蛋糕打烂了)   云妮:你好啊,先生。你好!   拉尔夫:哦,天啊。你差点把我吓死了,小孩。呃,差点(掉下泥潭)弄脏自己了。   云妮:你叫什么?   拉尔夫:呃,我叫拉尔夫,破坏王拉尔夫。   云妮:你不是这个游戏里的,对吧?拉尔夫:不,呃,是的。我是说不是这个游戏里的角色,只是在这儿工作。   云妮:什么工作?   拉尔夫:给糖果树做日常修剪,你还是走开吧,事实上,严格说,当这一整片区域都关闭的时候我们就给树修剪修剪。   云妮:“我们”是谁?   拉尔夫:糖果林业部门。   云妮:噢,其他人呢?   拉尔夫:啊,今天就我一个。   云妮:那你就是广义的“我们”?   拉尔夫:没错,答对了。   云妮:嘿,你是流浪汉吗?   拉尔夫:不是。我不是流浪汉,我很忙,好了,那么你可以回……回家吗?   云妮:你说什么?听不到你说什么,你嘴里的那股味儿把我的耳朵都熏聋了。   拉尔夫:听着,我可不想发火。   云妮:我可不想发火。   拉尔夫:你在学我说话。   云妮:你在学我说话。   拉尔夫:好吧,太没礼貌了。   云妮:好吧,太没礼貌了。   拉尔夫:我们的对话到此结束。   云妮:我们的对话到此结束。如果我是你,我就不会抓住那根树枝。   拉尔夫:我是糖果林业部门的,我知道该做……   云妮:这是双纹树枝。(树枝突然消失,拉尔夫掉了下去)双纹树枝是一个恶作剧。嘿,你怎么有一双奇怪的大手?   拉尔夫:呃,我不知道。为什么你那么烦人?   云妮:你怎么那么……我滴亲娘呀,是个金币!   拉尔夫:想都别想,那是我的。   云妮:那就比赛吧。   拉尔夫:嘿嘿嘿嘿,我不和你比赛,因为那就是我的。   云妮:(拿到金牌)我赢了。   拉尔夫:还给我,还给我……快还给我……(抓住一根双纹树枝)   云妮:双纹树枝。(拉尔夫掉了下去,最后云妮拿到了金牌。)多谢了!   拉尔夫:等等,我就跟你说句话。好吧,有一件事,我不是糖果林业部门的。   云妮:骗小孩?真为你感到羞耻,拉尔夫。   拉尔夫:但是,在金牌这事上我没撒谎,是我的金牌。我爬树就是为了这个,这是我的,是我的……它对我来说很重要。那是我我……它是我新生活的入场券。   云妮:随你说,现在,它是我的了。再见,冠……(军)   拉尔夫:快回来!我会找到你的。一定会找到你的。   云妮:看什么看?   拉尔夫:不必谢我,小偷。   云妮:我不是小偷。我就是借用下你那愚蠢的金币,我一赢了比赛就会马上还你的。   拉尔夫:那不是一个金币。那是块金牌。   云妮:金币,金牌,又怎么样呢,回到你的无声游戏里再赢一块呗。   拉尔夫:不行了,我不是从我的游戏里赢的,是从“英雄使命”里。   云妮:“英雄屎命”?(扑哧笑)   拉尔夫:不是那种使命。   云妮:我打赌你在“英雄屎命”里走路的时候一定小心翼翼地走好每一步。你拿金牌来干什么的?擦屁股吗?我希望你拿完那块金牌之后洗洗手。   拉尔夫:听着。   云妮:还有一句,就一句。为什么一个英雄要刷厕所呢?问我“为什么”。   拉尔夫:为什么?   云妮:因为这就是他的便便!   拉尔夫:你怎么能侮辱“英雄使命”这个游戏呢,小屁孩!我靠自己努力得到的金牌,你最好马上还回来,立刻,小妹!   云妮:除非你能变出一辆赛车给我,否则我无能为力。(拉尔夫很生气,用力拍打一块大石头。) 真是个蠢货。嘿,天才,那是块大硬糖,你永远不可能……(拉尔夫把大石头击碎)慢慢发你的脾气吧,可怜的宝贝?   拉尔夫:离我远点儿。   云妮:听着,你想拿回 金牌,对吧?我想要参加比赛,所以听听我的想法。你帮我弄辆新车,一辆真正的车,我去赢比赛,然后金牌还给你。   拉尔夫:你想让我帮你???   云妮:你要做的就是帮我破坏一些东西。来吧,你觉得怎么样,朋友?   拉尔夫:我们不是朋友。   云妮:噢,别生气了,兄弟,你这个坏蛋。来吧,哥们儿,握个手。来吧,大个子,我的男子汉,真正的男子汉。嘿,我的手都酸了,你到底帮还是不帮?   拉尔夫:你最好能赢。(和云妮握手)   拉尔夫:我开门见山问了,你不会开车?   云妮:不,严格来说,我不会。但是,我想我……   拉尔夫:你想什么?噢,就是……就是我会奇迹般赢得比赛,因为我真的想赢。   云妮:听着,傻帽。我知道我是一个赛车手,我有这个基因。   拉尔夫:到此为止吧!我再也拿不回我的金牌了。   云妮:那破金牌有什么大不了的?   拉尔夫:有什么大不了的?那会让你大吃一惊。但是在我的游戏里,我是一个坏人,我住在垃圾堆里。   云妮:酷啊。   拉尔夫:不,一点都不酷。脏乱,孤独,无趣。那破金牌会彻底改变我的生活。我脖子上挂着这宝贝回家,我就会得到一间顶楼公寓,馅饼,冰雕,烟火。这些都是成年人的东西,你不会明白的。   云妮:不,我明白。这正是赛车比赛能带给我的。   拉尔夫:你猜怎么着?   云妮:什么?   拉尔夫:新闻会说:这两个笨蛋都得不到自己想要的东西。哈哈!那是什么?(看到一块告示牌)“健怡可乐温泉。小心掉下来的曼妥思。”(译者注:Diet Cola是一种不含糖可乐;Mentos是一个荷兰糖果品牌。)   云妮:是啊,小心点,看。(向曼妥思砸了一块石头,一颗曼妥思掉进温泉里)小心溅起的水花,很烫的。   拉尔夫:是啊,领教过了,谢谢。这是什么玩意?   云妮:我想可能是没完成的奖励关卡。是啊,挺酷的是吧?我找到了秘密入口,现在我就住在这里。来,哦,快来看看。欢迎光临寒舍。我就睡在这些糖果盒子上,然后裹着糖纸就像个无家可归的小女孩。拉尔夫:你一个人?还有周围这些垃圾?云妮:是啊,对。我是说,这里的每个人都说我是个错误(的代码),甚至根本不应该出现在这儿。你还能期望什么呢?   拉尔夫:听着,小孩。我知道这不关我的事,但(我还是想问)你为什么还在这游戏里呢?   云妮:你真的什么都不知道,对吧?错误永远离不开自己的游戏的。这是我人生的另一个快乐源泉啊。   糖果国王:拉尔夫,你知道作为一个国王最难的是什么吗?那就是做正确的事。不受任何干扰。   拉尔夫:说重点。   糖果国王:重点就是我需要你的帮助。很遗憾,云妮是不允许参加比赛的。   拉尔夫:你们大家为什么总要针对她?   糖果国王:我没有针对她。我在试图保护她。如果她赢了比赛,她就会出现在可选人物画面中。接着玩家选择了她,然后就会看到她出现漏洞,在游戏里闪来闪去,他们会觉得我们这个游戏出问题了。我们就会被永远贴上“无法正常运行”的告示。我的人民就会变得无家可归。但是云妮永远也出不去,因为她是个错误。   云妮:救命,谁来救救我!   糖果国王:当游戏的电源被拔掉,她也会随之消失。   拉尔夫:你不会知道那时会发生什么。玩家们会喜欢她的。   糖果国王:但是如果不是呢?我知道这很难,但是英雄必须要作出艰难的抉择,不是吗?她不能参加比赛,拉尔夫,但是她不会听我的。所以只能靠你说通他了。   很好,呃,我会给你俩一些单独谈话的时间。(离开)   拉尔夫:阿修。   阿修:拉尔夫,看到你太高兴了。等等,不,我不高兴。你是不是该解释一下你的所作所为?   拉尔夫:噢。   阿修:等等,我不要听,我不想和你说话。拉尔夫:好,不和我说话,没问题。但是你得帮我修好这辆车,马上。   阿修:我才不要修什么狗屁车,呸。对不起,我说错话了。我就是对你很……生气。你有想过你给我带来什么麻烦吗?我跑到别的游戏里到处找你,还差点被巧克力牛奶淹死。然后,我就遇到了我的梦中情人。她脸上泛着让我招架不住的红晕。但是她竟然拒绝了我的表白,再然后,我就被关到监狱里来了。   拉尔夫:阿修,振作点。   阿修:不,拉尔夫,你不明白被人拒绝和被当作罪犯是何感受。   拉尔夫:是的,我知道是什么感受,我每天都是这么过的。   阿修:真的吗?   拉尔夫:这就是为什么我跑走。我要成为好人,但是我做不到。我就是个坏蛋,而且我需要你的帮助。对于一个女孩来说,这辆车就是她全部的希望。求你了,阿修,修好它吧。我保证我以后再也不会想要做个好人了。   拉尔夫:哇,看来这才是真正的你?公主。   云妮:噢,拉尔夫,你傻了吗?得了吧,这才不是我呢,这才是我。听着,也许代码编写上我是一个公主,但是我知道自己到底是谁。我是一个最有实力的赛车手。我闪过来,闪过去。我还能穿墙。我不会放弃(赛车)的。   男人1:恕我直言,如果没有公主,谁来领导我们呢?   男人2:是啊,谁呢?   云妮:呃,我呢,正在策划一个民主立法政权。云妮・冯・施维兹总统。听起来真带劲,你们觉得呢?   卡尔霍恩队长:阿修,破坏王,游戏厅要开业了,我们走吧。   云妮:你知道的,你可以留下住在这座城堡里。你会有个大房子,不会有人再抱怨你,或者待你不公。你会很开心的。   拉尔夫:我已经很开心了。我有世界上最好的朋友,除此之外,我还需要做好我的工作。或许没有当总统那么风光,但那是我的使命,一个非常重要的使命。


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  • 适合女生玩的游戏>[转]班会小游戏(室内趣味游戏:) - [适合女生玩的游戏]2011-05-06版权声明:转载时请以超链接形式标明文章原始出处和作者信息及本声明http://jiehfy.blogbus.com/logs/125940352.html一.泡泡糖主持人招集若干人上台,人数最佳是 ...

  • 好人未必有好报
  • 老A从祖国南部溜达一圈回来后,和我在小酒馆里喝酒,两人就沉默的代价和人的本相进行了讨论,讨论完之后酒喝的也不少了,老A说话也不利索了,但他好像还不尽兴,又挑起了另一个话题,他说,"你说在这个世界上,好人有好报吗,"我说:"这个问题嘛一下子还真不好说,一般说来应该是的,& ...