
  【中图分类号】R173 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1672-3783(2012)07-0431-02  【摘要】 目的:了解旬阳县农村已婚育龄妇女生殖健康状况,生殖健康知识、态度、行为及其影响因素,为制定相关干预措施提供科学依据。方法:2011年8-9月,在旬阳县赵湾、蜀河、甘溪、城关四个镇,使用国家计生科研所编制的问卷调查20-49岁的农村已婚育龄妇女各300名,并进行妇科、实验室检查和乳腺检查,数据采用SPSS12.0软件进行分析处理。 结果:问卷有效回收率为99.5%。农村已婚育龄妇女生殖系统疾病的患病率为45.98%(549/1194),其中38.4%(459/1194)为生殖道感染患者,有生殖道感染症状患者就医率为48.99%;其中患1种生殖系统疾病者占27.9%,合并2种生殖系统疾病者占13.7%,合并3种或以上者占4.4%;发病率从高到低依次为宫颈疾病31.3%(374/1194)、阴道疾病11.1%(132/1194)、乳腺疾病9.7%(116/1194)、生殖器官肿瘤2.8%(33/1194)、其他妇科疾病1.7%(20/1194)和盆腔炎性疾病0.4%(5/1194)。统计分析结果显示:育龄妇女年龄为45-49岁、家庭平均收入2次、不定期妇查、无清洗下身单独的盆、更换内裤时间过长,是患生殖道感染的影响因素,且均有统计学意义(P  【关键词】 农村已婚育龄妇女 生殖健康 影响因素 知识 态度 行为  Survey on the current status of the reproductive health of rural married women of childbearing age in Xunyang County  Gao Kunyang Li Kaifeng  Xunyang County Family Planning Service Station Shaanxi Xunyang 725700  【Abstract】:Objectives: To understand the status of the reproductive health of rural married women of childbearing age, their reproductive health knowledge, attitudes, behaviors and their influencing factors in Xunyang County, in order to provide the evidence for the related intervention measures.Methods: Between August and September, 2011, Zhaowan, Shuhe, Ganxi and Chengguan Township in Xunyang County were selected as study sites. 300 rural married women aged between 20 and 49 in each site were surveyed by the questionnaire that National Research Institute of Family Planning developed. Gynecological examination, laboratory test and breast examination were also provided to women. Data were analyzed by SPSS12.0.Results: The effective rate of the questionnaire was 99.5%. The prevalence of the reproductive system diseases of married women was 45.98% (549/1194). Among them, 38.4% (459/1194) were reproductive tract infections; the health-seeking rate of patients with reproductive tract infection symptoms was 48.99%, of whom suffering one kind of the reproductive system diseases accounted for 27.9%, suffering two kinds of reproductive system diseases accounted for 13.7%, suffering three kinds or more accounted for 4.4%. The incidence of these diseases was followed by cervical disease 31.3% (374/1194), vaginal diseases 11.1% (132/1194), breast disease 9.7% (116/1194), genital tumors 2.8% (33/1194), other gynecological diseases 1.7% (20/1194) and pelvic inflammatory diseases 0.4% (5/1194). The results of statistical analysis showed that: women aged with 45-49 years old, average family income with less than 10,000 yuan, low awareness of reproductive tract infections, delivery times > 2, no regular gynecologial examination, no separate salver for private parts, and long time to replace the underwear were the statistically significant influencing factors of reproductive tract infections (P

  【中图分类号】R173 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1672-3783(2012)07-0431-02  【摘要】 目的:了解旬阳县农村已婚育龄妇女生殖健康状况,生殖健康知识、态度、行为及其影响因素,为制定相关干预措施提供科学依据。方法:2011年8-9月,在旬阳县赵湾、蜀河、甘溪、城关四个镇,使用国家计生科研所编制的问卷调查20-49岁的农村已婚育龄妇女各300名,并进行妇科、实验室检查和乳腺检查,数据采用SPSS12.0软件进行分析处理。 结果:问卷有效回收率为99.5%。农村已婚育龄妇女生殖系统疾病的患病率为45.98%(549/1194),其中38.4%(459/1194)为生殖道感染患者,有生殖道感染症状患者就医率为48.99%;其中患1种生殖系统疾病者占27.9%,合并2种生殖系统疾病者占13.7%,合并3种或以上者占4.4%;发病率从高到低依次为宫颈疾病31.3%(374/1194)、阴道疾病11.1%(132/1194)、乳腺疾病9.7%(116/1194)、生殖器官肿瘤2.8%(33/1194)、其他妇科疾病1.7%(20/1194)和盆腔炎性疾病0.4%(5/1194)。统计分析结果显示:育龄妇女年龄为45-49岁、家庭平均收入2次、不定期妇查、无清洗下身单独的盆、更换内裤时间过长,是患生殖道感染的影响因素,且均有统计学意义(P  【关键词】 农村已婚育龄妇女 生殖健康 影响因素 知识 态度 行为  Survey on the current status of the reproductive health of rural married women of childbearing age in Xunyang County  Gao Kunyang Li Kaifeng  Xunyang County Family Planning Service Station Shaanxi Xunyang 725700  【Abstract】:Objectives: To understand the status of the reproductive health of rural married women of childbearing age, their reproductive health knowledge, attitudes, behaviors and their influencing factors in Xunyang County, in order to provide the evidence for the related intervention measures.Methods: Between August and September, 2011, Zhaowan, Shuhe, Ganxi and Chengguan Township in Xunyang County were selected as study sites. 300 rural married women aged between 20 and 49 in each site were surveyed by the questionnaire that National Research Institute of Family Planning developed. Gynecological examination, laboratory test and breast examination were also provided to women. Data were analyzed by SPSS12.0.Results: The effective rate of the questionnaire was 99.5%. The prevalence of the reproductive system diseases of married women was 45.98% (549/1194). Among them, 38.4% (459/1194) were reproductive tract infections; the health-seeking rate of patients with reproductive tract infection symptoms was 48.99%, of whom suffering one kind of the reproductive system diseases accounted for 27.9%, suffering two kinds of reproductive system diseases accounted for 13.7%, suffering three kinds or more accounted for 4.4%. The incidence of these diseases was followed by cervical disease 31.3% (374/1194), vaginal diseases 11.1% (132/1194), breast disease 9.7% (116/1194), genital tumors 2.8% (33/1194), other gynecological diseases 1.7% (20/1194) and pelvic inflammatory diseases 0.4% (5/1194). The results of statistical analysis showed that: women aged with 45-49 years old, average family income with less than 10,000 yuan, low awareness of reproductive tract infections, delivery times > 2, no regular gynecologial examination, no separate salver for private parts, and long time to replace the underwear were the statistically significant influencing factors of reproductive tract infections (P


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