
龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn





Think of the colorful Mt. Elliott Makerspace as a playroom where tools—such as soldering irons and electronics—are the toys. A bank1) of Macs and PCs lines one wall where kids can research how to make things, learn to mix2) music with Garage Band3), or build their own digital world with Minecraft4). Windows behind the computers—a sort of bridge between the 20th and 21st centuries—offer a full view of a retired machinist's5) woodworking shop. Bookshelves stuffed with remote-control cars, arts-and-crafts supplies and beginning robotics kits6) flank7) a doorway leading to a bike shop. A pile of circuit boards and hard drives sits in a corner next to a disassembled electric wheelchair lying in wait for curious tinkerers8).

Across the room, two sixth-grade girls hunch9) with furrowed brows over wooden treasure boxes. Zwena Gray grips a screwdriver-sized soldering iron; a wisp of wood smoke curls around her wrist as she touches the heated tip to the box. Her friend Raven Holston-Turner presses the flat nib10) of a wood burner to the penciled words "Free to be me" on her box.

Zwena and Raven are the earnest forward guard of a new industrial revolution—the modern maker movement. Makers may be knitters11), mechanics, electronics tinkerers or even masters of the new 3-D printing process—people reconnecting with the idea of do-it-yourself and working with their hands.

And at the heart of this movement are so-called makerspaces that welcome a diverse group of builders, hackers12) and hobbyists who share resources and knowledge. Some are housed in existing community centers such as libraries, museums or youth centers. All—and hundreds have cropped up13) in the past decade in the United States—center on a love of tinkering and a desire to manipulate14) the functional world.

In these spaces, students who no longer have access to wood and machine shops in school, entrepreneurs who have a great idea but little capital15) to invest in the equipment necessary to build

龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn





Think of the colorful Mt. Elliott Makerspace as a playroom where tools—such as soldering irons and electronics—are the toys. A bank1) of Macs and PCs lines one wall where kids can research how to make things, learn to mix2) music with Garage Band3), or build their own digital world with Minecraft4). Windows behind the computers—a sort of bridge between the 20th and 21st centuries—offer a full view of a retired machinist's5) woodworking shop. Bookshelves stuffed with remote-control cars, arts-and-crafts supplies and beginning robotics kits6) flank7) a doorway leading to a bike shop. A pile of circuit boards and hard drives sits in a corner next to a disassembled electric wheelchair lying in wait for curious tinkerers8).

Across the room, two sixth-grade girls hunch9) with furrowed brows over wooden treasure boxes. Zwena Gray grips a screwdriver-sized soldering iron; a wisp of wood smoke curls around her wrist as she touches the heated tip to the box. Her friend Raven Holston-Turner presses the flat nib10) of a wood burner to the penciled words "Free to be me" on her box.

Zwena and Raven are the earnest forward guard of a new industrial revolution—the modern maker movement. Makers may be knitters11), mechanics, electronics tinkerers or even masters of the new 3-D printing process—people reconnecting with the idea of do-it-yourself and working with their hands.

And at the heart of this movement are so-called makerspaces that welcome a diverse group of builders, hackers12) and hobbyists who share resources and knowledge. Some are housed in existing community centers such as libraries, museums or youth centers. All—and hundreds have cropped up13) in the past decade in the United States—center on a love of tinkering and a desire to manipulate14) the functional world.

In these spaces, students who no longer have access to wood and machine shops in school, entrepreneurs who have a great idea but little capital15) to invest in the equipment necessary to build


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