


学生姓名 学 号 所在学院 专业名称 班 级 指导教师 班璐 2013119005 外国语学院 英语 2013级英语商务文秘一班 陆金龙




1.Original text .................................................................................................................................................................. 2

2. Translation ................................................................................................................................................................... 4

3. Translation practice report ........................................................................................................................................... 6

3.1 Analysis of source text ....................................................................................................................................... 6

3.2 Description of translation process ...................................................................................................................... 6

3.3 Case study .......................................................................................................................................................... 7

3.4 Conclusion ......................................................................................................................................................... 7

1.Original text

The Development of the MICE Industry in Hong Kong

Marketing strategies for individual MICE segments

To lobby and bid for more MICE events to be held in Hong Kong, MEHK has been adopting a tailored-made strategy for each MICE segment. For the meeting and incentive travel segments, MEHK identified short-haul markets as the major targets, namely the Mainland, India, Japan and South Korea. In 2009, MEHK organized 40 activities for members of the MICE sector such as trade shows, trade missions and familiarization visits to foster partnership between the local and overseas MICE sectors. In 2010-11, MEHK will ride on the general marketing theme of HKTB, “Festive Hong Kong 2010”, and package new incentive offers to cater to different interests from short-haul and long-haul markets. It will also reach out to corporations of the pharmaceutical, finance and banking, and education sectors so as to generate more business leads.

For the convention segment, MEHK has been targeting at markets in United States (US) and Europe and leveraging on held and confirmed events for brand-building. In 2009, MEHK increased its presence at international convention associations, such as the International Convention and Congress Association and the American Society of Association Executives. In 2010-11, MEHK will focus on lobbying and bidding for large conventions and conferences from six sectors with growth potential (science, medicine, social science, sports-leisure-culture, engineering, and information technology).As conventions often require long-term advance planning, MEHK will continue to build up long-term partnership with organizations from these sectors as well as professional convention organizers and association management companies in Europe and US.

Regarding the exhibition segment, MEHK strategy was to drive attendance and provide customized support to new exhibitions so as to retain them in Hong Kong. In 2009, MEHK joined hands with the Hong Kong Exhibition and Convention Industry Association and TDC in showcasing Hong Kong’s destination strengths in major overseas shows of the exhibition industry. In 2010-11, MEHK will lobby exhibition organizers of all sectors in US, United Kingdom and Germany to stage new industry shows in Hong Kong. It will also co-operate with event organizers in strengthening promotion of exhibitions in Hong Kong.

One -stop professional support MEHK has been providing one-stop professional support to organizers of MICE events in Hong Kong

in order to attract them to keep staging future events in the city. Such support includes site inspection service, promotion, itinerary planning, offer of hospitality programs, as well as consultation and referral services for various support and logistical needs.

In 2009, MEHK provided support to 1,090 MICE events. Amongst them, 590 have been secured through MEHK proactive lobbying efforts and will be held in Hong Kong in 2009-13. These new events are expected to bring in over 150,000 additional MICE visitors. Examples of these include the Asia Fruit, Asia Funeral Expo, Cine Asia and Mobile Asia Congress which were all held in Hong Kong for the first time in 2009 and will be staged again in Hong Kong this year. New events in 2010 include the First International Congress on Abdominal Obesity, Carte in Asia and Asian Seafood Exposition. Examples of conventions and exhibitions secured for Hong Kong in which MEHK was involved are at Annex.

Enhancing visitor experience

MICE visitors are an important source of high-yield visitors to Hong Kong. Expanding their exposure to our diverse tourism offerings will thus benefit the tourism industry as a whole. To this end, MEHK has been partnering with the travel trade to provide value-added offers on airfares, shopping, sightseeing, dining and cultural performances, with a view to enriching the travel experience of MICE visitors. In 2009, such offer coupons were distributed to some 782,000 MICE visitors.

In 2010-11, MEHK will lower the eligibility criteria for (e.g. the number of participants) and introduce new elements to the two hospitality plans, namely the “Hong Kong Rewards!” scheme for the meetings and incentive travel segments and the “Value Plus” scheme for the convention and exhibition segments. MEHK will also cross-promote wine and dine offerings, local tour packages, tourist attractions, as well as major events and festivals in Hong Kong. This way MICE visitors’ travel experience in Hong Kong can be enhanced.

In addition, to provide visitors of major MICE events with convenience, MEHK has been offering a wide range of hospitality arrangements, including setting up visitor service counters in exhibition venues and arranging dedicated immigration counters at the Hong Kong International Airport. In 2009, 21 visitor service counters were set up in various major trade fairs held in Hong Kong, while 10,000 MICE visitors made use of the dedicated immigration counters at the Airport.

Hardware infrastructure

The Government has also been making strategic investment in MICE infrastructure. In April 2009, the Atrium Link Extension (ALE) of the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC)

commenced operation, boosting HKCEC dedicated exhibition space by 42% to 66,000 square meters. The extension has benefited a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) queuing for participation in over-subscribed trade shows.

The Asia World-Expo (AWE), which has only been in operations for some four years since end 2005, continues to attract a large number of international exhibitions and conventions in the areas of logistics, technology, aviation and consumer goods from Europe, the US, Asia and the Mainland. Noting that the venue has spare capacity for staging more MICE events, the Government has also been encouraging exhibition organizers to use AWE and, where appropriate, expand their trade shows through the “one show, two venues” arrangement. The Government and MEHK have been providing support to their organizers as appropriate. For example, the Asian Aerospace International Expo & Congress 2009 is one of the projects receiving strong support from the Government.

At present, the supply of exhibition spaces at Hong Kong’s two major exhibition venues are, to various extents, tight during certain time periods within buying seasons. We are assessing the long-term demand for convention and exhibition facilities in Hong Kong and will plan for the provision of additional quality facilities as appropriate. As regards the HKCEC Phase 3 proposal submitted by TDC to the Government, we are still examining its feasibility and have not made any decision. We will conduct a public consultation at an appropriate time when there is a concrete proposal. Meantime, we will also continue to consider the feasibility of proceeding with AWE Phase 2 in consultation with the Board of AWE as appropriate.

2. Translation



游说和收购更多的会展项目在香港举行,MEHK一直采用为每个会展段tailored-made策略。会议及奖励旅游的段,MEHK发现短途市场的主要目标,即中国大陆、印度、日本和韩国。在2009年,40 MEHK组织活动成员的会展部门如贸易展览、贸易任务,熟悉本地及海外会展访问促进伙伴关系部门。在2010 - 11赛季,MEHK旅发局将骑一般的营销主题,“节日香港2010”,和从短途和长途市场包新激励提供迎合不同的利益。它也会接触到公司的医药、金融和银行业和教育领域,以产生更多的业务。


增加了出席国际会议协会的次数,如国际会议和国会协会和美国社会协会高管。在2010 - 11赛季,MEHK重点游说和投标大型会议从六个部门与增长潜力(sports-leisure-culture科学,医学,社会科学,工程和信息技术)。就像按照惯例往往需要长期发展规划一样,MEHK将在欧洲和美国继续与这些行业组织建立长期伙伴关系以及专业会议组织者和协会管理公司。

关于展览部分,MEHK的策略是驱动出席并为新展览提供自定义项目支持以求把他们留在香港。2009年,MEHK加入香港展会行业协会和TDC为了展示香港的主要海外目的地的优势和显示会展业。在2010 - 11赛季,MEHK将对美国所有展览部门的组织者进行游说,英国和德国筹划在香港的新产业的展示。这还将与活动组织者加强合作促进在香港的展览。



2009年MEHK为1090会展项目提供支持。其中,590人通过MEHK积极的游说获得担保,并且这个项目将在2009 - 13年在香港举行。预计这些新事件带来超过150000的额外老鼠游客。这些例子包括亚洲水果,亚洲葬礼世博会,电影亚洲和亚洲移动大会,都是首次在香港举行,2009年将再次上演了今年在香港。2010年新事件包括第一届国际大会上腹部肥胖,菜单在亚洲和亚洲海鲜博览会。约定的例子和展览获得香港MEHK卷入在附件。



在2010 - 11,MEHK将降低资格标准(例如,参与者的数量)和引入新元素两个接待计划,即“香港奖励!”计划会议和奖励旅游部门和“价值+”计划的会展段。MEHK在香港也交叉升级吃喝,当地旅游包,旅游景点,以及重大事件和节日。以这样的方式可以增加香港游客的旅游经历。 此外,为游客的大会展项目提供方便,MEHK一直提供范围广泛的接待安排,包括在展览场馆建立游客服务柜台和在香港安排专门的移民国际机场柜台。2009年,21个游客服务柜台被设置在各主要贸易展销会并在香港展览,而10000个会展游客专用的移民柜台将在机场被利用。 硬件基础设施




目前供应的展览空间在香港的两个主要展览场馆,在购买季节的特定时间段内不同程度地紧俏。我们正在评估在香港对于会展设施的长期需求,并将计划提供额外的适当质量的设施。至于会展中心阶段3 TDC政府提交的提案,我们仍然是研究其可行性,没有做任何决定。当有一个具体的建议的时候我们将在适当的时候进行公众咨询。同时,我们还将适当的与董事会协商在第二阶段继续考虑AWE的可行性。

3. Translation practice report

3.1 Analysis of source text

Hong Kong's economy pillar industry is Exhibition industry. Over the past 20 years, Hong Kong using its good geographical conditions and economic infrastructure training specialized talents, establish convention and exhibition industry association and the development of a comprehensive, international large-scale exhibition, to become international and Hong Kong in the Asia Pacific region of "convention"through the establishment of convention and exhibition facilities."Exhibition economy" and so did the Hong Kong traffic, transportation, tourism, commerce, catering, accommodation, advertising aspects of development, and further improved its international status.

There are several successful factors of international trade show in Hong Kong.It mainly industry relying on the market demand, the software and hardware, and the exhibition location, operation mechanism, etc.

3.2 Description of translation process

The outstanding feature of Exhibition English is its expression beyond the simple, everyday spoken English often use English does not apply to exhibition content of English expression, while translation it need to consider the cultural context and situational context of discourse is associated.

Exhibition English translation require interpreter has strong practicality experience thus there are some difficulties for me to translate this text.

3.3 Case study

For example, the word “MICE” is means mouse in everyday spoken English. But it is means Meetings、Incentives、Conferencing/Conventions、Exhibitions/Exposition and Event in Exhibition English, and “event”is means case in everyday spoken English but means object in Exhibition English.

3.4 Conclusion

Exhibition English translator should have certain specialized knowledge first, familiar with fixed exhibition English vocabulary, otherwise it is easy to choose words incorrect,and it will lead translation incorrect or improper.

In addition to master the solid English basic skill, exhibition English translator also need to familiar with the exhibition English background knowledge and master certain specialized vocabulary and flexible use different translation strategies to guarantee the accuracy and professional in exhibition English translation



学生姓名 学 号 所在学院 专业名称 班 级 指导教师 班璐 2013119005 外国语学院 英语 2013级英语商务文秘一班 陆金龙




1.Original text .................................................................................................................................................................. 2

2. Translation ................................................................................................................................................................... 4

3. Translation practice report ........................................................................................................................................... 6

3.1 Analysis of source text ....................................................................................................................................... 6

3.2 Description of translation process ...................................................................................................................... 6

3.3 Case study .......................................................................................................................................................... 7

3.4 Conclusion ......................................................................................................................................................... 7

1.Original text

The Development of the MICE Industry in Hong Kong

Marketing strategies for individual MICE segments

To lobby and bid for more MICE events to be held in Hong Kong, MEHK has been adopting a tailored-made strategy for each MICE segment. For the meeting and incentive travel segments, MEHK identified short-haul markets as the major targets, namely the Mainland, India, Japan and South Korea. In 2009, MEHK organized 40 activities for members of the MICE sector such as trade shows, trade missions and familiarization visits to foster partnership between the local and overseas MICE sectors. In 2010-11, MEHK will ride on the general marketing theme of HKTB, “Festive Hong Kong 2010”, and package new incentive offers to cater to different interests from short-haul and long-haul markets. It will also reach out to corporations of the pharmaceutical, finance and banking, and education sectors so as to generate more business leads.

For the convention segment, MEHK has been targeting at markets in United States (US) and Europe and leveraging on held and confirmed events for brand-building. In 2009, MEHK increased its presence at international convention associations, such as the International Convention and Congress Association and the American Society of Association Executives. In 2010-11, MEHK will focus on lobbying and bidding for large conventions and conferences from six sectors with growth potential (science, medicine, social science, sports-leisure-culture, engineering, and information technology).As conventions often require long-term advance planning, MEHK will continue to build up long-term partnership with organizations from these sectors as well as professional convention organizers and association management companies in Europe and US.

Regarding the exhibition segment, MEHK strategy was to drive attendance and provide customized support to new exhibitions so as to retain them in Hong Kong. In 2009, MEHK joined hands with the Hong Kong Exhibition and Convention Industry Association and TDC in showcasing Hong Kong’s destination strengths in major overseas shows of the exhibition industry. In 2010-11, MEHK will lobby exhibition organizers of all sectors in US, United Kingdom and Germany to stage new industry shows in Hong Kong. It will also co-operate with event organizers in strengthening promotion of exhibitions in Hong Kong.

One -stop professional support MEHK has been providing one-stop professional support to organizers of MICE events in Hong Kong

in order to attract them to keep staging future events in the city. Such support includes site inspection service, promotion, itinerary planning, offer of hospitality programs, as well as consultation and referral services for various support and logistical needs.

In 2009, MEHK provided support to 1,090 MICE events. Amongst them, 590 have been secured through MEHK proactive lobbying efforts and will be held in Hong Kong in 2009-13. These new events are expected to bring in over 150,000 additional MICE visitors. Examples of these include the Asia Fruit, Asia Funeral Expo, Cine Asia and Mobile Asia Congress which were all held in Hong Kong for the first time in 2009 and will be staged again in Hong Kong this year. New events in 2010 include the First International Congress on Abdominal Obesity, Carte in Asia and Asian Seafood Exposition. Examples of conventions and exhibitions secured for Hong Kong in which MEHK was involved are at Annex.

Enhancing visitor experience

MICE visitors are an important source of high-yield visitors to Hong Kong. Expanding their exposure to our diverse tourism offerings will thus benefit the tourism industry as a whole. To this end, MEHK has been partnering with the travel trade to provide value-added offers on airfares, shopping, sightseeing, dining and cultural performances, with a view to enriching the travel experience of MICE visitors. In 2009, such offer coupons were distributed to some 782,000 MICE visitors.

In 2010-11, MEHK will lower the eligibility criteria for (e.g. the number of participants) and introduce new elements to the two hospitality plans, namely the “Hong Kong Rewards!” scheme for the meetings and incentive travel segments and the “Value Plus” scheme for the convention and exhibition segments. MEHK will also cross-promote wine and dine offerings, local tour packages, tourist attractions, as well as major events and festivals in Hong Kong. This way MICE visitors’ travel experience in Hong Kong can be enhanced.

In addition, to provide visitors of major MICE events with convenience, MEHK has been offering a wide range of hospitality arrangements, including setting up visitor service counters in exhibition venues and arranging dedicated immigration counters at the Hong Kong International Airport. In 2009, 21 visitor service counters were set up in various major trade fairs held in Hong Kong, while 10,000 MICE visitors made use of the dedicated immigration counters at the Airport.

Hardware infrastructure

The Government has also been making strategic investment in MICE infrastructure. In April 2009, the Atrium Link Extension (ALE) of the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC)

commenced operation, boosting HKCEC dedicated exhibition space by 42% to 66,000 square meters. The extension has benefited a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) queuing for participation in over-subscribed trade shows.

The Asia World-Expo (AWE), which has only been in operations for some four years since end 2005, continues to attract a large number of international exhibitions and conventions in the areas of logistics, technology, aviation and consumer goods from Europe, the US, Asia and the Mainland. Noting that the venue has spare capacity for staging more MICE events, the Government has also been encouraging exhibition organizers to use AWE and, where appropriate, expand their trade shows through the “one show, two venues” arrangement. The Government and MEHK have been providing support to their organizers as appropriate. For example, the Asian Aerospace International Expo & Congress 2009 is one of the projects receiving strong support from the Government.

At present, the supply of exhibition spaces at Hong Kong’s two major exhibition venues are, to various extents, tight during certain time periods within buying seasons. We are assessing the long-term demand for convention and exhibition facilities in Hong Kong and will plan for the provision of additional quality facilities as appropriate. As regards the HKCEC Phase 3 proposal submitted by TDC to the Government, we are still examining its feasibility and have not made any decision. We will conduct a public consultation at an appropriate time when there is a concrete proposal. Meantime, we will also continue to consider the feasibility of proceeding with AWE Phase 2 in consultation with the Board of AWE as appropriate.

2. Translation



游说和收购更多的会展项目在香港举行,MEHK一直采用为每个会展段tailored-made策略。会议及奖励旅游的段,MEHK发现短途市场的主要目标,即中国大陆、印度、日本和韩国。在2009年,40 MEHK组织活动成员的会展部门如贸易展览、贸易任务,熟悉本地及海外会展访问促进伙伴关系部门。在2010 - 11赛季,MEHK旅发局将骑一般的营销主题,“节日香港2010”,和从短途和长途市场包新激励提供迎合不同的利益。它也会接触到公司的医药、金融和银行业和教育领域,以产生更多的业务。


增加了出席国际会议协会的次数,如国际会议和国会协会和美国社会协会高管。在2010 - 11赛季,MEHK重点游说和投标大型会议从六个部门与增长潜力(sports-leisure-culture科学,医学,社会科学,工程和信息技术)。就像按照惯例往往需要长期发展规划一样,MEHK将在欧洲和美国继续与这些行业组织建立长期伙伴关系以及专业会议组织者和协会管理公司。

关于展览部分,MEHK的策略是驱动出席并为新展览提供自定义项目支持以求把他们留在香港。2009年,MEHK加入香港展会行业协会和TDC为了展示香港的主要海外目的地的优势和显示会展业。在2010 - 11赛季,MEHK将对美国所有展览部门的组织者进行游说,英国和德国筹划在香港的新产业的展示。这还将与活动组织者加强合作促进在香港的展览。



2009年MEHK为1090会展项目提供支持。其中,590人通过MEHK积极的游说获得担保,并且这个项目将在2009 - 13年在香港举行。预计这些新事件带来超过150000的额外老鼠游客。这些例子包括亚洲水果,亚洲葬礼世博会,电影亚洲和亚洲移动大会,都是首次在香港举行,2009年将再次上演了今年在香港。2010年新事件包括第一届国际大会上腹部肥胖,菜单在亚洲和亚洲海鲜博览会。约定的例子和展览获得香港MEHK卷入在附件。



在2010 - 11,MEHK将降低资格标准(例如,参与者的数量)和引入新元素两个接待计划,即“香港奖励!”计划会议和奖励旅游部门和“价值+”计划的会展段。MEHK在香港也交叉升级吃喝,当地旅游包,旅游景点,以及重大事件和节日。以这样的方式可以增加香港游客的旅游经历。 此外,为游客的大会展项目提供方便,MEHK一直提供范围广泛的接待安排,包括在展览场馆建立游客服务柜台和在香港安排专门的移民国际机场柜台。2009年,21个游客服务柜台被设置在各主要贸易展销会并在香港展览,而10000个会展游客专用的移民柜台将在机场被利用。 硬件基础设施




目前供应的展览空间在香港的两个主要展览场馆,在购买季节的特定时间段内不同程度地紧俏。我们正在评估在香港对于会展设施的长期需求,并将计划提供额外的适当质量的设施。至于会展中心阶段3 TDC政府提交的提案,我们仍然是研究其可行性,没有做任何决定。当有一个具体的建议的时候我们将在适当的时候进行公众咨询。同时,我们还将适当的与董事会协商在第二阶段继续考虑AWE的可行性。

3. Translation practice report

3.1 Analysis of source text

Hong Kong's economy pillar industry is Exhibition industry. Over the past 20 years, Hong Kong using its good geographical conditions and economic infrastructure training specialized talents, establish convention and exhibition industry association and the development of a comprehensive, international large-scale exhibition, to become international and Hong Kong in the Asia Pacific region of "convention"through the establishment of convention and exhibition facilities."Exhibition economy" and so did the Hong Kong traffic, transportation, tourism, commerce, catering, accommodation, advertising aspects of development, and further improved its international status.

There are several successful factors of international trade show in Hong Kong.It mainly industry relying on the market demand, the software and hardware, and the exhibition location, operation mechanism, etc.

3.2 Description of translation process

The outstanding feature of Exhibition English is its expression beyond the simple, everyday spoken English often use English does not apply to exhibition content of English expression, while translation it need to consider the cultural context and situational context of discourse is associated.

Exhibition English translation require interpreter has strong practicality experience thus there are some difficulties for me to translate this text.

3.3 Case study

For example, the word “MICE” is means mouse in everyday spoken English. But it is means Meetings、Incentives、Conferencing/Conventions、Exhibitions/Exposition and Event in Exhibition English, and “event”is means case in everyday spoken English but means object in Exhibition English.

3.4 Conclusion

Exhibition English translator should have certain specialized knowledge first, familiar with fixed exhibition English vocabulary, otherwise it is easy to choose words incorrect,and it will lead translation incorrect or improper.

In addition to master the solid English basic skill, exhibition English translator also need to familiar with the exhibition English background knowledge and master certain specialized vocabulary and flexible use different translation strategies to guarantee the accuracy and professional in exhibition English translation


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  • <文献综述写作与实践>教学大纲 课程编号:B0164081C 课内周数:1 课程类别:□通识基础 □学科基础 □专业 适用专业:市场营销 一.所涉及的课程及知识点 应用文写作.管理学原理.经济学.市场营销专业导论 二.目的与任务 目的:文献综述是文献综合评述的简称,指在全面搜集,阅读大量 ...

  • 西北工业大学翻译硕士考研辅导班哪个好
  • 西北工业大学翻译硕士考研辅导班哪个 好? 下面介绍一下关于西北工业大学翻译硕士辅导班的综合排名情况.方便大家鉴别,这里我们将系统分析一下考研辅导班的具体内容. 在考研辅导班里,以高质量的辅导,凯程考研,以最高的成功率,扎实的管理.科学的教学安排,正规的教学环境,优越的学习氛围,当之无愧凯程考研排名第 ...

  • 暑期在道康营销传播机构实习的实践报告
  •   实践目的   为了增加自己的社会阅历,不让时间虚度,我没有间断过课外时间的兼职。所以之前我有央视资讯公司的电话访问、中关村中学高中部辅导员、abc外语学校招生、家庭教师、街访等很多工作的经验。在七月初到八月中旬,我在家自己办了一个补习班,教授13个学生的高中数学和英语。这些工作虽然让我有了一定的 ...

  • 关于在齐大山铁矿从事材料翻译的实习报告
  • 关于在齐大山铁矿从事材料翻译工作的实习报告 一.实习单位及岗位简介 鞍山钢铁集团公司鞍山矿业公司齐大山铁矿是鞍钢生产的重要原料基地之一,它座落在风景秀丽的千山脚下,办公地处鞍山市千山区调军台村,所辖区域北至辽阳市三块石村,西至鞍山市铁西区八家子,南至千山区调军台村,东至千山区张家堡村,占地面积11. ...

  • 有声思维教学一种新的翻译教学尝试
  • 2010年12月 西安外国语大学学报 Dec.2010 有声思维!教学:一种新的翻译教学尝试 张 倩 (西安外国语大学英文学院陕西西安710128) 摘 要:受翻译研究多取向于翻译产品(结果)的影响,翻译教学长期以来侧重采取译文评析.译文和原文对比等教学手法,忽视翻译过程的揭示在翻译教学中的重要作用 ...