

Lesson 2 Breakfast or lunch?

It was Sunday. I never get up early on Sundays. I sometimes stay in bed until lunch time. Last Sunday I got up very late. I looked out of the window. It was dark outside. 'What a day!' I thought. 'It's raining again.' Just then, the telephone rang. It was my aunt Lucy. 'I've just arrived by train,' she said. 'I'm coming to see you.'

'But I'm still having breakfast,' I said.

'What are you doing?' she asked.

'I'm having breakfast,' I repeated.

'Dear me,' she said. 'Do you always get up so late? It's one o'clock!'

New words and expressions 生词和短语

until prep. 直到 outside adv. 外面

ring v. (铃、电话等)响 aunt n. 姑,姨,婶,舅母

repeat v. 重复







Comprehension Precis and Composition (理解的记录和组成)

Answer these questions in not than 50 words.

1. Does the writer always get up early on Sundays, or does he always get up late?

2. Did he get up early last Sunday, or did he get up late?

3. Who telephoned then?

4. Had she arrived by train, or had she come on foot?

5. Was she coming to see him or not?

6. Did he say,‘I’m still having breakfast’, or did he say,‘I am still in bed’?

7. Was his aunt very surprised or not ?

8. What was the time?

Key Structures

Now, Often and Always?

Study these statements and questions:

Now Often and Always

These sentences are from the passage:

It’s raining. I never get up early on Sunday.

I’m coming to see you. I sometimes stay in bed until lunch time. I’m still having breakfast. Do you always get up so late?

What are you doing?

Here are some more sentences:

He is still sleeping. He rarely gets up before 10 o’clock.

We are enjoy our lunch. We frequently have lunch at this restaurant. I am reading in bed. Do you ever read in bed?


A. Write out these two paragraphs again. Give the right form of the words in brackets:

1. I am looking out of my window. I can see some children in the street. The children

( ) (play) football. They always ( ) (play) football in the street. Now a little boy ( ) (kick) the ball. Another boy ( ) (run) after him but he can not catch him.

2. I carried my bags into the hall.

‘What ( you ) (do)’my landlady asked.

‘I ( ) (leave), Mrs Lynch,’I answered.

‘Why ( you ) (leave)’she asked. ‘You have been here only a week.’

‘A week too long, Mrs Lynch,’I said.‘There are too many rules in this house. My friends never

( ) (come) to visit me. Dinner is always at seven o’clock, so I frequently ( ) (go) to bed hungry. You don’t like noise, so I rarely ( ) (listen) to the radio. The heating doesn’t work, so I always ( ) (feel) cold. This is a terrible place for a man like me. Gookbye, Mrs Lynch.’

B. Note the position of the words in italics in these sentences:

My friends never come to visit me.

I frequently go to bed hungry.

I rarely listen to the radio.

I always feel cold.

I never get up early on Sundays.

I sometimes stay in bed until lunch time.

Write these sentences again. Put the words in brackets in the right place:

1. She answers my letters. (rarely)

2. We work after six o’clock. (never)

3. The shops close on Saturday afternoon. (always)

4. Do you go to work by car? (always)

5. Our teacher collects our copybooks. (frequently)

6. We spend our holidays abroad. (sometimes)

7. I buy gramophone records. (often)

8. Do you buy gramophone records? (ever)

Special Difficulties难点(特殊的困难)

What a day!

Instead of saying: We can say:

It is a terrible day! What a terrible day!

This is a beautiful picture! What a beautiful picture! Or: What a beautiful picture this is. Exercise

Write these sentences again. Each sentence must begin with What.

1. This is a wonderful garden!

2. This is a surprise!

3. He is causing a lot of trouble!

4. They are wonderful actors!

5. She is a hard-working woman!

6. It is a tall building!

7. It’s a terrible film!

8. You are a clever boy!

9. She is a pretty girl!

10. He is a strange fellow!

Supplementary Written Exercises


1. ( ) When Aunt Lucy telephoned

(a) the writer was asleep. (b) the writer was still in bed.

(c) the writer had already got up. (d) the writer was having lunch.

2. ( ) Aunt Lucy was surprised because

(a) the writer was having lunch. (b) it was one o’clock.

(c) it was late. (d) the writer was having breakfast at lunch time. STRUCTURE

3. He sometimes ( ) in bed until lunch time.

(a) stay (b) is staying (c) stays (d) staying

4. He stayed in bed until lunch time. He went ( ) bed late last night.

(a) in (b) into (c) to (d)at

5. He doesn’t get up early on Sundays. He gets up ( ).

(a) late (b) lately (c) slowly (d) hardly

6. ( ) did aunt Lucy come? By train.

(a) When (b) How (c) Why (d) Where

7. The writer can’t see aunt Lucy ( ). He’s having breakfsat.

(a) still (b) now (c) often (d) always


8. He ( ) out of the window and saw that it was raining.

(a) looked (b) saw (c) remarked (d) watched

9. Jast then, the telephone rang. It rang ( ).

(a) at once (b) immediately (c) again (d) at that moment

10. She was his aunt, so he was her ( ).

(a) son (b) grandson (c) nephew (d) niece

11. Breakfast is the first ( ) of the day.

(a) food (b) dinner (c) lunch (d) meal

12. Aunt Lucy said,‘Dear me’because she was ( ).

(a) angry (b) surprised (c) tired (d) pleased


Rewrite this sentence, then check your answer against the text: 改写下列句子, 然后对照课文核对你的答案。

I arrived by train a moment ago.



Lesson 2 Breakfast or lunch?

It was Sunday. I never get up early on Sundays. I sometimes stay in bed until lunch time. Last Sunday I got up very late. I looked out of the window. It was dark outside. 'What a day!' I thought. 'It's raining again.' Just then, the telephone rang. It was my aunt Lucy. 'I've just arrived by train,' she said. 'I'm coming to see you.'

'But I'm still having breakfast,' I said.

'What are you doing?' she asked.

'I'm having breakfast,' I repeated.

'Dear me,' she said. 'Do you always get up so late? It's one o'clock!'

New words and expressions 生词和短语

until prep. 直到 outside adv. 外面

ring v. (铃、电话等)响 aunt n. 姑,姨,婶,舅母

repeat v. 重复







Comprehension Precis and Composition (理解的记录和组成)

Answer these questions in not than 50 words.

1. Does the writer always get up early on Sundays, or does he always get up late?

2. Did he get up early last Sunday, or did he get up late?

3. Who telephoned then?

4. Had she arrived by train, or had she come on foot?

5. Was she coming to see him or not?

6. Did he say,‘I’m still having breakfast’, or did he say,‘I am still in bed’?

7. Was his aunt very surprised or not ?

8. What was the time?

Key Structures

Now, Often and Always?

Study these statements and questions:

Now Often and Always

These sentences are from the passage:

It’s raining. I never get up early on Sunday.

I’m coming to see you. I sometimes stay in bed until lunch time. I’m still having breakfast. Do you always get up so late?

What are you doing?

Here are some more sentences:

He is still sleeping. He rarely gets up before 10 o’clock.

We are enjoy our lunch. We frequently have lunch at this restaurant. I am reading in bed. Do you ever read in bed?


A. Write out these two paragraphs again. Give the right form of the words in brackets:

1. I am looking out of my window. I can see some children in the street. The children

( ) (play) football. They always ( ) (play) football in the street. Now a little boy ( ) (kick) the ball. Another boy ( ) (run) after him but he can not catch him.

2. I carried my bags into the hall.

‘What ( you ) (do)’my landlady asked.

‘I ( ) (leave), Mrs Lynch,’I answered.

‘Why ( you ) (leave)’she asked. ‘You have been here only a week.’

‘A week too long, Mrs Lynch,’I said.‘There are too many rules in this house. My friends never

( ) (come) to visit me. Dinner is always at seven o’clock, so I frequently ( ) (go) to bed hungry. You don’t like noise, so I rarely ( ) (listen) to the radio. The heating doesn’t work, so I always ( ) (feel) cold. This is a terrible place for a man like me. Gookbye, Mrs Lynch.’

B. Note the position of the words in italics in these sentences:

My friends never come to visit me.

I frequently go to bed hungry.

I rarely listen to the radio.

I always feel cold.

I never get up early on Sundays.

I sometimes stay in bed until lunch time.

Write these sentences again. Put the words in brackets in the right place:

1. She answers my letters. (rarely)

2. We work after six o’clock. (never)

3. The shops close on Saturday afternoon. (always)

4. Do you go to work by car? (always)

5. Our teacher collects our copybooks. (frequently)

6. We spend our holidays abroad. (sometimes)

7. I buy gramophone records. (often)

8. Do you buy gramophone records? (ever)

Special Difficulties难点(特殊的困难)

What a day!

Instead of saying: We can say:

It is a terrible day! What a terrible day!

This is a beautiful picture! What a beautiful picture! Or: What a beautiful picture this is. Exercise

Write these sentences again. Each sentence must begin with What.

1. This is a wonderful garden!

2. This is a surprise!

3. He is causing a lot of trouble!

4. They are wonderful actors!

5. She is a hard-working woman!

6. It is a tall building!

7. It’s a terrible film!

8. You are a clever boy!

9. She is a pretty girl!

10. He is a strange fellow!

Supplementary Written Exercises


1. ( ) When Aunt Lucy telephoned

(a) the writer was asleep. (b) the writer was still in bed.

(c) the writer had already got up. (d) the writer was having lunch.

2. ( ) Aunt Lucy was surprised because

(a) the writer was having lunch. (b) it was one o’clock.

(c) it was late. (d) the writer was having breakfast at lunch time. STRUCTURE

3. He sometimes ( ) in bed until lunch time.

(a) stay (b) is staying (c) stays (d) staying

4. He stayed in bed until lunch time. He went ( ) bed late last night.

(a) in (b) into (c) to (d)at

5. He doesn’t get up early on Sundays. He gets up ( ).

(a) late (b) lately (c) slowly (d) hardly

6. ( ) did aunt Lucy come? By train.

(a) When (b) How (c) Why (d) Where

7. The writer can’t see aunt Lucy ( ). He’s having breakfsat.

(a) still (b) now (c) often (d) always


8. He ( ) out of the window and saw that it was raining.

(a) looked (b) saw (c) remarked (d) watched

9. Jast then, the telephone rang. It rang ( ).

(a) at once (b) immediately (c) again (d) at that moment

10. She was his aunt, so he was her ( ).

(a) son (b) grandson (c) nephew (d) niece

11. Breakfast is the first ( ) of the day.

(a) food (b) dinner (c) lunch (d) meal

12. Aunt Lucy said,‘Dear me’because she was ( ).

(a) angry (b) surprised (c) tired (d) pleased


Rewrite this sentence, then check your answer against the text: 改写下列句子, 然后对照课文核对你的答案。

I arrived by train a moment ago.



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