

G .把状语从句或短语单独成句,破坏了句子的完整性。(Some students show their natural inclination to write incomplete sentences by punctuating some adverbial clauses or phrases into sentences.)


“Is honesty out of date?” Many people may ask.My answer is “no”.Because honesty is not a single social phenomenon but rather, a kind of humanity rooted in our mind.(×) “Is honesty out of date?” Many people may ask.My answer is “no”,because honesty is not a single social phenomenon but rather, a kind of humanity rooted in our mind.(√)


Traffic is very bad in this city.Particularly in its downtown area.(×)

Traffic is very bad in this city, particularly in its downtown area.(√)


And then there is no need worrying you‟11 be lost in a new place ,if you have a cellphone .Especially, in some urgent situations.(×)

And then there is no need worrying you‟11 be lost in a new place if you have a cellphone ,especially in some urgent situations.(√)

H .不会使用“there be”结构。(It is not uncommon that some students are incapable of using "there be" structure in their writing.)

修正办法:应该十分明确:在“there be”结构中,be 后面的名词是句子的表语,如果它后面再有动作,应设法用定语从句、分词短语、不定式短语、介词短语来表示。


There are some people think that money can make the world go round.(×) There are some people who think that money can make the world go round.(√)


At the meeting there are a lot of questions discuss.(×)

At the meeting there are a lot of questions to be discussed.(√)

I .句式缺少变化,使人读起来兴味索然。(Lack of sentence structure variety in some students ’ writing always dampens the reader’s spirits.)

修正办法:在写一段英文时,应尽量避免使用同一类句型。要长、短句相间,适当使用一些被动句和there be句型,有时也可使用一些问句或倒装句。


True friendship is important to us.True friendship is a kind of human relation.But true friendship is not easy to come by.True friendship is based on mutual understanding ,not on mutual benefit.It means that there are similar ideas between the friends and that true friends should trust each other and helps each other.True friendship should be able to stand all sorts of tests.(×)

True friendship is important to us.Why we value true friendship very much lies in the fact that it can lead to a pleasant mutual understanding among friends and a sound human relationship.But true friendship is not easy to come by.Only by sharing joy and happiness as well as worries and hardships can we cultivate and develop it .True friendship will be able to stand all sorts of test so long as friends can trust and help each other .(√)


There is a modem library in this university.There are 20 reading rooms,10 video rooms and 5 multi-function halls in the library.There are about 8000000 books and magazines on the shelves there.(×)

The university boasts a modern library which consists of 20 reading rooms ,10 video rooms and 5 multi-function halls.There are about 8000000 books and magazines on the library's shelves.(√)

J .列举例证时,常常把列举用语“such as…”和“for example(instance)…”等独立成句,造成句法残缺不全。(Such phrase as "such as…" and "for example (instance)" usually used to cite examples are likely to appear as complete sentences in some students ’ writing)


It is possible to combine Computer Science with other subjects .For example physics .(×)

It is possible to combine Computer Science with other subjects,for example physics.(√)


There is a similar word in many languages.For example in French and Italian.(×) There is a similar word in many languages,for example in French and Italian.(√)


In the English writing class.some basic skills are taught.Such as how to keep to the subject ,how to choose the correct words,how to avoid “Ch inglish”,how to make our sentences varied,and so on.(×)

In the English writing class, some basic skills are taught,such as how to keep to the subject ,how to choose the correct words,how to avoid “Ch inglish”,how to make our sentences varied,and so on.(√)

【例4 】

We should pay attention to several aspects in learning English .Such as grammar, idioms, phonetics,etc .(×)

We should pay attention to several aspects in learning English ,such as grammar, idioms ,phonetics ,etc .(√)


The life science will make revolutionary progress ,which can solve many problems .Such as curing some fatal diseases,prolonging human life,and to improve the quality of life.(×)

The life science will make revolutionary progress ,which can have many problems solved ,such as curing some fatal diseases,prolonging human life,and improving the quality of life.(√)

K .句子残缺破碎,严重影响意思的表达。(Some students’ sentences are so broken that their meanings may be every reader’s guess.)

纠正办法:牢记英语句法的三条轴线,每做一个句子都要保证“主——谓——宾”,„„主——系——表”,“there be”句型中的主要语法要素基本到位。


In my opinion,make our city pollution-free must do three things.Many pollutions in our city.The pollutions will bad for people's healthy.(×)

Our city is seriously polluted,which is bad for people's health.In my opinion,we must do three things so as to make our city pollution-free.(√)


I will listen to the radio .One is relax ,on the other hand is improve my English listening .(×)

I will listen to some English programs on the radio.I do so to relax myself on the one hand, and on the other to try to improve my listening comprehension ability.(√)


College students read some English passages aloud in the early morning is quite necessary .(×)

It is quite necessary for college students to read some English passages aloud in the early morning.(√)

It is quite necessary that college students read some English passages aloud in the early morning .(√)


English writing should be guided is very important.(×)

It is important that English writing be guided.(√)


Human beings keep ecological balance is vital.(×)

It is vital that human beings keep ecological balance.(√)

3.词语搭配错误 (Mistakes in Diction Collocation)


(1) to learn knowledge(×)

to aquire / attain knowledge(√)

(2) to teach knowledge(×)

to impart knowledge(√)

(3) to make achievements(×)

to score/to record achievements(√)

(4) to give sb a deep impression (×)

to make a deep impression on sb(√)

(5) to be independent form sb (×)

to be independent of sb(√)

(6) to have difficulties(trouble)/t o spend…to do sth (×)

to have difficulties(trouble)/to spend…doing sth (√)

(7) to improve people‟s living level (×)

to improve the living standards (√)

to uplift the living quality of the people (√)

(8) to hope sb to do sth (×)

to expect(wish)sb to do sth (√)

(9) to survive in the car accident (×)

to survive the car accident(√)

(10) to suit the needs of…(×)

to meet the needs of…(√)

(11) the price of…is expensive/inexpensive(cheap)(×)

the price of…is high/low(√)

(12) …is good/harmful to your body (×)

…is good/h armful to you health (√)

(13) to train one‟s body(×)

to do physical exercise/have physical training(√)

(14) to get success(×)

to achieve success(√)

(15) to say the truth(×)

to tell the truth

(16) to say a lie(×)

to tell a lie(√)

(17) to receive an operation(×)

to have(undergo)an operation(√) „

(1 8) to congratulate sb for his success (×)

t o congratulate sb on his success (√)

(19) to be accused about bribery(×)

to accused of bribery(√)

(20) to be convinced about sth (×)

to be convinced of sth(√)

(21) to build China to a more powerful country(×)

to turn(transform)China into a more powerful country

(22) the traffic is crowded(×)

the traffic is busy(heavy)(√)

(23) to look forward to do sth(×)

to lood forward to (doing) sth(√)

(24) according to sb's opinion(×)

in sb's opinion(according to sb) (√)

(25) welcome you to join us(×)

you are welcome to join us(√)

(26) to serve for sb/sth (×)

to serve sb/sth(√)

4中式英语 (Chinglish)

A 习惯于沿着汉语的句式结构一对一地译成英语,毫不顾及英语的组句特点。(Putting aside the grammatical rules of English sentences, some students often find themselves in the habit of writing something in English mechanically according to the translations from their sentence patterns of Chinese.)



We get up early in the morning to read English aloud is necessary (×)


It is necessary for us to get up early in the morning to read English aloud(√)

It is necessary that we get up early in the morning to read English aloud(√)


Why cigarette smoking is forbidden in public place? Because smoking is not only harmful to smokers themselves,but also a threat to public health,especially to woman and children.(×)

此句也是按照汉语句子“为什么公共场所禁止吸烟呢,因为吸烟不仅对于吸烟者本人有害, 而且还构成对公众健康的威胁,特别是妇女和儿童”一对一地翻译过来的,这样就很难保证英语句法的规范。根据英语句法的规律,上面的意思可以表达为: △Why should cigarette smoking be forbidden in public places? This is because smoking is not only harmful to smokers themselves but also is likely to be a threat to public health especially to the health of women and children.

△Cigarette smoking should be banned because it is not only harmful to smokers themselves but also is likely to be a threat to public health especially to the health of women and children.

B 常常把“happen/occur/take place ,appear ,crop up”等不及物动词误用作及物动

词,从而写出典型的“中式英语”句子。(Misuse of such intransitive verbs as happen, occur , take place, appear, crop up and so on as transitive verbs.)

修正办法:使用“happen/occur/take place,appear ,crop up”等不及物动词时,应记住时间和地点不能做主语,而应该使用“事件/变化/问题”等词语做主语。


Zhuhai has taken place great changes these years.(×)

Great changes have taken place in Zhuhai these yeas (√)

Zhuhai has seen (witnessed) great changes these years (√)

There have been great changes in Zhuhai these years (√)


Police report that this town happened (occurred) three car accidents last week (×)

Police report that three car accidents happened (occurred) in this town last week (√) Police report that there were three car accidents in this town last week (√)


Later will crop up more problems.(×)

More problems will crop up later.(√)


Big cities first appeared this problem.(×)

This problem first appeared in big cities.(√)

C .用“The reason why……is because……” 中式逻辑结构代替英文的“The reason(why)…is that……”结构。(Being blind to the fact that the sentence structure of "The reason why„ is because„" is typically Chinglish, the correct English sentence structure being "The reason (why)„„")


The reason why advertisements sometimes annoy people is because some of them give people false information。 (×)

The reason why advertisements sometimes annoy people is that some of them give people false information.(√)


Her reason for resigning was because she was under stress.(×)

Her reason for resigning was that she was under stress.(√)

D .如想表达“我以为……不……”的意思,英语惯用法要求“……do not think + that

clause(affirmative) ”,而中式英语则把否定词放在that clause之中。 (Being prone to error in writing "Chinglish" sentence structures like "I think she is not a good teacher ." The English idiomatic expression is "I don't think she is a good teacher.")

【例l 】

I think she is not a qualified teacher.(×)

I don‟t think she is a qualified teacher.(√)


Some people think flesh water will not be used up.(×)

Some people don‟t think flesh water will be used up.(√)

E .当想表达“随着……”的意思时,误用“as+名词”。(Misuse of "as + noun". The correct form should be "as + sentence")


As economic growth,the cities infrastructural facilities have been improved a lot.(×) As economy grows/With economic growth,the cities infrastructural facilities have been improved a lot.(√)


As the rapid development of industry , the problem of environment and ecological protection will become more conspicuous than ever.(×)

With /Alongside the rapid development of industry ,the problem of environment and ecological protection will become more conspicuous than ever.(√)

As industry develops rapidly,the problem of environment and ecological protection will become more conspicuous than ever.(√)

F .分词短语作状语时,其动词应与主句中的主语取得一致,中式英语往往忽略这一点。(Ignorance of the agreement between the verb in the adverbial phrase and the subject of the main clause)


Seeing from the top of the mountain,the tall buildings in the city look like toys.(×) Seeing from the top of the mountain, we can find that the tall buildings in the city look like toys. (√)

Seen from the top of the mountain,the tall buildings in the city look like toys.(√)


Acting on the advice of his doctors, Mr. Black‟s eye was operated right after he retired last week. (×)

Acting on the advice of his doctor, Mr. Black had his eye operated right after he retired last week. (√)


Approaching the dormitory building,laughter could be heard.(×)

Approaching the dormitory building,we could hear the laughter.(√)

G .英语议论文在讨论问题、陈述理由、分析原因时多从客观的角度来叙述,力避主观意断,很少使用诸如“I think…”,“in my opinion ”之类的句型。有时即便有主观因素,也设法把“I”,“we”推到次要的信息部位。但不少中国学生则不注意这一点,甚至整篇作文中多次使用“I think…”,从而大大减弱了文章的色彩和说服力。(Quite a few Chinese students tend to frequently use "I think„", "in my opinion" in their English compositions so that the color and convincing power of their writing are greatly decreased. Idiomatically, native speakers of English try to avoid subjectivity while discussing, stating or analysing in their writings.)


I think one merit of computer is its convenience .I can cite another reason why I like computer very much.I think it can improve our work efficiency.Generally, computer can be a blessing and a curse.But fairly speaking,I think we must admit that its advantages outweigh the troubles it may bring to us.(×)

One merit of computer is its convenience.Another reason for my preference for computer is that it can improve our work efficiency.Generally ,computer can be a blessing and a curse .But fairly speaking,it should be admitted that its advantages outweigh the troubles it may bring to us.(√)


Realizing that games are beneficial to children physically and psychologically, I think we can draw a conclusion that games are essential to children ,as sunlight is to their growth .The fact that games are good to children both physically and psychologically drives us to conclude that games are essential to children ,as sunlight is to their growth .(×)

Games are good to children both physically and psychologically.Thus ,a conclusion can be drawn that games are essential to children,as sunlight is to their growth.(√)


Let's take the success of C hina‟s bid for Olympic Games for example to show how important it is for a Chinese to learn English well.(×)

The success of China's bid for Olympic Games can serve a good case to show how important it is for us Chinese to learn English well.(√)


G .把状语从句或短语单独成句,破坏了句子的完整性。(Some students show their natural inclination to write incomplete sentences by punctuating some adverbial clauses or phrases into sentences.)


“Is honesty out of date?” Many people may ask.My answer is “no”.Because honesty is not a single social phenomenon but rather, a kind of humanity rooted in our mind.(×) “Is honesty out of date?” Many people may ask.My answer is “no”,because honesty is not a single social phenomenon but rather, a kind of humanity rooted in our mind.(√)


Traffic is very bad in this city.Particularly in its downtown area.(×)

Traffic is very bad in this city, particularly in its downtown area.(√)


And then there is no need worrying you‟11 be lost in a new place ,if you have a cellphone .Especially, in some urgent situations.(×)

And then there is no need worrying you‟11 be lost in a new place if you have a cellphone ,especially in some urgent situations.(√)

H .不会使用“there be”结构。(It is not uncommon that some students are incapable of using "there be" structure in their writing.)

修正办法:应该十分明确:在“there be”结构中,be 后面的名词是句子的表语,如果它后面再有动作,应设法用定语从句、分词短语、不定式短语、介词短语来表示。


There are some people think that money can make the world go round.(×) There are some people who think that money can make the world go round.(√)


At the meeting there are a lot of questions discuss.(×)

At the meeting there are a lot of questions to be discussed.(√)

I .句式缺少变化,使人读起来兴味索然。(Lack of sentence structure variety in some students ’ writing always dampens the reader’s spirits.)

修正办法:在写一段英文时,应尽量避免使用同一类句型。要长、短句相间,适当使用一些被动句和there be句型,有时也可使用一些问句或倒装句。


True friendship is important to us.True friendship is a kind of human relation.But true friendship is not easy to come by.True friendship is based on mutual understanding ,not on mutual benefit.It means that there are similar ideas between the friends and that true friends should trust each other and helps each other.True friendship should be able to stand all sorts of tests.(×)

True friendship is important to us.Why we value true friendship very much lies in the fact that it can lead to a pleasant mutual understanding among friends and a sound human relationship.But true friendship is not easy to come by.Only by sharing joy and happiness as well as worries and hardships can we cultivate and develop it .True friendship will be able to stand all sorts of test so long as friends can trust and help each other .(√)


There is a modem library in this university.There are 20 reading rooms,10 video rooms and 5 multi-function halls in the library.There are about 8000000 books and magazines on the shelves there.(×)

The university boasts a modern library which consists of 20 reading rooms ,10 video rooms and 5 multi-function halls.There are about 8000000 books and magazines on the library's shelves.(√)

J .列举例证时,常常把列举用语“such as…”和“for example(instance)…”等独立成句,造成句法残缺不全。(Such phrase as "such as…" and "for example (instance)" usually used to cite examples are likely to appear as complete sentences in some students ’ writing)


It is possible to combine Computer Science with other subjects .For example physics .(×)

It is possible to combine Computer Science with other subjects,for example physics.(√)


There is a similar word in many languages.For example in French and Italian.(×) There is a similar word in many languages,for example in French and Italian.(√)


In the English writing class.some basic skills are taught.Such as how to keep to the subject ,how to choose the correct words,how to avoid “Ch inglish”,how to make our sentences varied,and so on.(×)

In the English writing class, some basic skills are taught,such as how to keep to the subject ,how to choose the correct words,how to avoid “Ch inglish”,how to make our sentences varied,and so on.(√)

【例4 】

We should pay attention to several aspects in learning English .Such as grammar, idioms, phonetics,etc .(×)

We should pay attention to several aspects in learning English ,such as grammar, idioms ,phonetics ,etc .(√)


The life science will make revolutionary progress ,which can solve many problems .Such as curing some fatal diseases,prolonging human life,and to improve the quality of life.(×)

The life science will make revolutionary progress ,which can have many problems solved ,such as curing some fatal diseases,prolonging human life,and improving the quality of life.(√)

K .句子残缺破碎,严重影响意思的表达。(Some students’ sentences are so broken that their meanings may be every reader’s guess.)

纠正办法:牢记英语句法的三条轴线,每做一个句子都要保证“主——谓——宾”,„„主——系——表”,“there be”句型中的主要语法要素基本到位。


In my opinion,make our city pollution-free must do three things.Many pollutions in our city.The pollutions will bad for people's healthy.(×)

Our city is seriously polluted,which is bad for people's health.In my opinion,we must do three things so as to make our city pollution-free.(√)


I will listen to the radio .One is relax ,on the other hand is improve my English listening .(×)

I will listen to some English programs on the radio.I do so to relax myself on the one hand, and on the other to try to improve my listening comprehension ability.(√)


College students read some English passages aloud in the early morning is quite necessary .(×)

It is quite necessary for college students to read some English passages aloud in the early morning.(√)

It is quite necessary that college students read some English passages aloud in the early morning .(√)


English writing should be guided is very important.(×)

It is important that English writing be guided.(√)


Human beings keep ecological balance is vital.(×)

It is vital that human beings keep ecological balance.(√)

3.词语搭配错误 (Mistakes in Diction Collocation)


(1) to learn knowledge(×)

to aquire / attain knowledge(√)

(2) to teach knowledge(×)

to impart knowledge(√)

(3) to make achievements(×)

to score/to record achievements(√)

(4) to give sb a deep impression (×)

to make a deep impression on sb(√)

(5) to be independent form sb (×)

to be independent of sb(√)

(6) to have difficulties(trouble)/t o spend…to do sth (×)

to have difficulties(trouble)/to spend…doing sth (√)

(7) to improve people‟s living level (×)

to improve the living standards (√)

to uplift the living quality of the people (√)

(8) to hope sb to do sth (×)

to expect(wish)sb to do sth (√)

(9) to survive in the car accident (×)

to survive the car accident(√)

(10) to suit the needs of…(×)

to meet the needs of…(√)

(11) the price of…is expensive/inexpensive(cheap)(×)

the price of…is high/low(√)

(12) …is good/harmful to your body (×)

…is good/h armful to you health (√)

(13) to train one‟s body(×)

to do physical exercise/have physical training(√)

(14) to get success(×)

to achieve success(√)

(15) to say the truth(×)

to tell the truth

(16) to say a lie(×)

to tell a lie(√)

(17) to receive an operation(×)

to have(undergo)an operation(√) „

(1 8) to congratulate sb for his success (×)

t o congratulate sb on his success (√)

(19) to be accused about bribery(×)

to accused of bribery(√)

(20) to be convinced about sth (×)

to be convinced of sth(√)

(21) to build China to a more powerful country(×)

to turn(transform)China into a more powerful country

(22) the traffic is crowded(×)

the traffic is busy(heavy)(√)

(23) to look forward to do sth(×)

to lood forward to (doing) sth(√)

(24) according to sb's opinion(×)

in sb's opinion(according to sb) (√)

(25) welcome you to join us(×)

you are welcome to join us(√)

(26) to serve for sb/sth (×)

to serve sb/sth(√)

4中式英语 (Chinglish)

A 习惯于沿着汉语的句式结构一对一地译成英语,毫不顾及英语的组句特点。(Putting aside the grammatical rules of English sentences, some students often find themselves in the habit of writing something in English mechanically according to the translations from their sentence patterns of Chinese.)



We get up early in the morning to read English aloud is necessary (×)


It is necessary for us to get up early in the morning to read English aloud(√)

It is necessary that we get up early in the morning to read English aloud(√)


Why cigarette smoking is forbidden in public place? Because smoking is not only harmful to smokers themselves,but also a threat to public health,especially to woman and children.(×)

此句也是按照汉语句子“为什么公共场所禁止吸烟呢,因为吸烟不仅对于吸烟者本人有害, 而且还构成对公众健康的威胁,特别是妇女和儿童”一对一地翻译过来的,这样就很难保证英语句法的规范。根据英语句法的规律,上面的意思可以表达为: △Why should cigarette smoking be forbidden in public places? This is because smoking is not only harmful to smokers themselves but also is likely to be a threat to public health especially to the health of women and children.

△Cigarette smoking should be banned because it is not only harmful to smokers themselves but also is likely to be a threat to public health especially to the health of women and children.

B 常常把“happen/occur/take place ,appear ,crop up”等不及物动词误用作及物动

词,从而写出典型的“中式英语”句子。(Misuse of such intransitive verbs as happen, occur , take place, appear, crop up and so on as transitive verbs.)

修正办法:使用“happen/occur/take place,appear ,crop up”等不及物动词时,应记住时间和地点不能做主语,而应该使用“事件/变化/问题”等词语做主语。


Zhuhai has taken place great changes these years.(×)

Great changes have taken place in Zhuhai these yeas (√)

Zhuhai has seen (witnessed) great changes these years (√)

There have been great changes in Zhuhai these years (√)


Police report that this town happened (occurred) three car accidents last week (×)

Police report that three car accidents happened (occurred) in this town last week (√) Police report that there were three car accidents in this town last week (√)


Later will crop up more problems.(×)

More problems will crop up later.(√)


Big cities first appeared this problem.(×)

This problem first appeared in big cities.(√)

C .用“The reason why……is because……” 中式逻辑结构代替英文的“The reason(why)…is that……”结构。(Being blind to the fact that the sentence structure of "The reason why„ is because„" is typically Chinglish, the correct English sentence structure being "The reason (why)„„")


The reason why advertisements sometimes annoy people is because some of them give people false information。 (×)

The reason why advertisements sometimes annoy people is that some of them give people false information.(√)


Her reason for resigning was because she was under stress.(×)

Her reason for resigning was that she was under stress.(√)

D .如想表达“我以为……不……”的意思,英语惯用法要求“……do not think + that

clause(affirmative) ”,而中式英语则把否定词放在that clause之中。 (Being prone to error in writing "Chinglish" sentence structures like "I think she is not a good teacher ." The English idiomatic expression is "I don't think she is a good teacher.")

【例l 】

I think she is not a qualified teacher.(×)

I don‟t think she is a qualified teacher.(√)


Some people think flesh water will not be used up.(×)

Some people don‟t think flesh water will be used up.(√)

E .当想表达“随着……”的意思时,误用“as+名词”。(Misuse of "as + noun". The correct form should be "as + sentence")


As economic growth,the cities infrastructural facilities have been improved a lot.(×) As economy grows/With economic growth,the cities infrastructural facilities have been improved a lot.(√)


As the rapid development of industry , the problem of environment and ecological protection will become more conspicuous than ever.(×)

With /Alongside the rapid development of industry ,the problem of environment and ecological protection will become more conspicuous than ever.(√)

As industry develops rapidly,the problem of environment and ecological protection will become more conspicuous than ever.(√)

F .分词短语作状语时,其动词应与主句中的主语取得一致,中式英语往往忽略这一点。(Ignorance of the agreement between the verb in the adverbial phrase and the subject of the main clause)


Seeing from the top of the mountain,the tall buildings in the city look like toys.(×) Seeing from the top of the mountain, we can find that the tall buildings in the city look like toys. (√)

Seen from the top of the mountain,the tall buildings in the city look like toys.(√)


Acting on the advice of his doctors, Mr. Black‟s eye was operated right after he retired last week. (×)

Acting on the advice of his doctor, Mr. Black had his eye operated right after he retired last week. (√)


Approaching the dormitory building,laughter could be heard.(×)

Approaching the dormitory building,we could hear the laughter.(√)

G .英语议论文在讨论问题、陈述理由、分析原因时多从客观的角度来叙述,力避主观意断,很少使用诸如“I think…”,“in my opinion ”之类的句型。有时即便有主观因素,也设法把“I”,“we”推到次要的信息部位。但不少中国学生则不注意这一点,甚至整篇作文中多次使用“I think…”,从而大大减弱了文章的色彩和说服力。(Quite a few Chinese students tend to frequently use "I think„", "in my opinion" in their English compositions so that the color and convincing power of their writing are greatly decreased. Idiomatically, native speakers of English try to avoid subjectivity while discussing, stating or analysing in their writings.)


I think one merit of computer is its convenience .I can cite another reason why I like computer very much.I think it can improve our work efficiency.Generally, computer can be a blessing and a curse.But fairly speaking,I think we must admit that its advantages outweigh the troubles it may bring to us.(×)

One merit of computer is its convenience.Another reason for my preference for computer is that it can improve our work efficiency.Generally ,computer can be a blessing and a curse .But fairly speaking,it should be admitted that its advantages outweigh the troubles it may bring to us.(√)


Realizing that games are beneficial to children physically and psychologically, I think we can draw a conclusion that games are essential to children ,as sunlight is to their growth .The fact that games are good to children both physically and psychologically drives us to conclude that games are essential to children ,as sunlight is to their growth .(×)

Games are good to children both physically and psychologically.Thus ,a conclusion can be drawn that games are essential to children,as sunlight is to their growth.(√)


Let's take the success of C hina‟s bid for Olympic Games for example to show how important it is for a Chinese to learn English well.(×)

The success of China's bid for Olympic Games can serve a good case to show how important it is for us Chinese to learn English well.(√)


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