
k Can Money Buy Happiness?


正方(金钱可以买到幸福) :ladies and gentleman,to set the framework for my opinion, I believes is necessary to state “money can buy happiness.”As we all know,food,clothing shelter and transportation (衣食住行) is the most basic guarantee in our life.For example, to be happy, we have to live on. We need money to buy food, and it cost a lot when we are under medical treatment in the hospital if we are suffered from a disease. happiness is a feeling of pleasure when we are satisfied. Nowadays we have been saying “the most happiness is to be able to do what we like”Without money, we can’t get what we like and we can’t do what we want to. How can we be happy? As the saying goes that ”Money is not everything,but without money, everything is nothing.”

To have a summary(总结), supported by so many facts, we are surely believe that money can buy happiness.

Thats all, thank you


But ijust hold the opposite opinion.As far as we are concerned , money has nothing with happiness.

Firstly Happiness is priceless. Money can buy material happiness for limited time. Can it buy true happiness? No. With money comes fake friends and fake love. Those will bring up faked lives. You don't know anymore who you are, because you become so different with "money-people".Secondly, Obviously money can not buy THOSE Things like knowledge, precious time AND true love. thirdly , money is the origin of evils. In order to get more money, some people even break the law, stealing, robbing, cheating or doing other wrong things . That’s all I want to say Happiness is the treasure that money can never buy !That’s my standpoints. 攻辩:(对话:一问一答再反过来)

正(问):there is a possibility that some people claim that money isn’t everything, but without money all of us can achieve nothing.when you are sick,but have no money to see a doctor ,will you be happy? When you are hungry, but have no money to buy delicious food, will you be happy?

反(答):money cannot fix a broken relationship, or cure loneliness, and the “happiness ” it brings is only fleeting and not the kind that really and truly matters. If you’re expecting the “stuff ” you can buy to “make it better,” you will never be happy. 钱无法修复一段破碎的关系,无法治愈孤独,它所带来的幸福感转瞬即逝也并不实在。幸福不能靠钱来买。如果你总是希望靠买什么来获得幸福,你永远都不会幸福。

反(问):Money can buy you books but not knowledge; food but not appetite; finery 英

[ˈfaɪn əri]but not beauty; a house but not a home; a bed but not sleep; a clock but not time; medicine but not health; amusements but not happiness. So How you can explain ?

正:somebody may say that money can not bring health,knowledge,friend,and love. Now there is a question whether you have not money you can keep them all.in fact money can not directly bring these,but money can pay for them all. Money can let you meet a better doctor in a better

hospital; money can let you study in a better school; money can let you feel more convenient with your friend; money can let you free from care to receive and send love.



反:Money can't buy you happiness . Money will buy you many things, but the happiness from it is only limited and fleeting. money can only buy objective existences. while it can’t buy any inner feelings. for example ,you buy A set of cosmetics [kɒz'met ɪks for your mother as her birthday gift, and she is happy, we can obviously figure out that mother is happy because of your love rather than the money that the cosmetics stand for, right? what’more, Happiness is a feeling not a thing. You can buy things that make you happy but you can not go down to the local store and buy a bottle of happiness for $2.99, then drink it and become instantly happy.

总结: 反: the value of happiness can’t be weighted by money. Money is a tool; a commodity that buys you necessities and some nice “wants,” but it is not the panacea [ˌp æn əˈs ɪə] to your problems. If your sense of well-being fluctuates with stock market, you might be comforted to know that money can't buy you happiness anyway. happiness is not a certain kind of material criterion,it’s not rest with money but depend on yourself.

k Can Money Buy Happiness?


正方(金钱可以买到幸福) :ladies and gentleman,to set the framework for my opinion, I believes is necessary to state “money can buy happiness.”As we all know,food,clothing shelter and transportation (衣食住行) is the most basic guarantee in our life.For example, to be happy, we have to live on. We need money to buy food, and it cost a lot when we are under medical treatment in the hospital if we are suffered from a disease. happiness is a feeling of pleasure when we are satisfied. Nowadays we have been saying “the most happiness is to be able to do what we like”Without money, we can’t get what we like and we can’t do what we want to. How can we be happy? As the saying goes that ”Money is not everything,but without money, everything is nothing.”

To have a summary(总结), supported by so many facts, we are surely believe that money can buy happiness.

Thats all, thank you


But ijust hold the opposite opinion.As far as we are concerned , money has nothing with happiness.

Firstly Happiness is priceless. Money can buy material happiness for limited time. Can it buy true happiness? No. With money comes fake friends and fake love. Those will bring up faked lives. You don't know anymore who you are, because you become so different with "money-people".Secondly, Obviously money can not buy THOSE Things like knowledge, precious time AND true love. thirdly , money is the origin of evils. In order to get more money, some people even break the law, stealing, robbing, cheating or doing other wrong things . That’s all I want to say Happiness is the treasure that money can never buy !That’s my standpoints. 攻辩:(对话:一问一答再反过来)

正(问):there is a possibility that some people claim that money isn’t everything, but without money all of us can achieve nothing.when you are sick,but have no money to see a doctor ,will you be happy? When you are hungry, but have no money to buy delicious food, will you be happy?

反(答):money cannot fix a broken relationship, or cure loneliness, and the “happiness ” it brings is only fleeting and not the kind that really and truly matters. If you’re expecting the “stuff ” you can buy to “make it better,” you will never be happy. 钱无法修复一段破碎的关系,无法治愈孤独,它所带来的幸福感转瞬即逝也并不实在。幸福不能靠钱来买。如果你总是希望靠买什么来获得幸福,你永远都不会幸福。

反(问):Money can buy you books but not knowledge; food but not appetite; finery 英

[ˈfaɪn əri]but not beauty; a house but not a home; a bed but not sleep; a clock but not time; medicine but not health; amusements but not happiness. So How you can explain ?

正:somebody may say that money can not bring health,knowledge,friend,and love. Now there is a question whether you have not money you can keep them all.in fact money can not directly bring these,but money can pay for them all. Money can let you meet a better doctor in a better

hospital; money can let you study in a better school; money can let you feel more convenient with your friend; money can let you free from care to receive and send love.



反:Money can't buy you happiness . Money will buy you many things, but the happiness from it is only limited and fleeting. money can only buy objective existences. while it can’t buy any inner feelings. for example ,you buy A set of cosmetics [kɒz'met ɪks for your mother as her birthday gift, and she is happy, we can obviously figure out that mother is happy because of your love rather than the money that the cosmetics stand for, right? what’more, Happiness is a feeling not a thing. You can buy things that make you happy but you can not go down to the local store and buy a bottle of happiness for $2.99, then drink it and become instantly happy.

总结: 反: the value of happiness can’t be weighted by money. Money is a tool; a commodity that buys you necessities and some nice “wants,” but it is not the panacea [ˌp æn əˈs ɪə] to your problems. If your sense of well-being fluctuates with stock market, you might be comforted to know that money can't buy you happiness anyway. happiness is not a certain kind of material criterion,it’s not rest with money but depend on yourself.


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