


Switzerland is a landlocked country geographically divided between the Alps , the Central Plateau and the Jura , spanning an area of 41,285 km2 (15,940 sq mi). While the Alps occupy the greater part of the territory, the Swiss population of approximately 7.9 million people is concentrated mostly on the Plateau, where the largest cities are to be found. Among them are the two global cities and economic centres of Zurich and Geneva 。 瑞士北接德国,西邻法国,南接意大利,东临奥地利和列支敦士登。瑞士拥有很悠久的中立国历史传统,自从1815年以后从未卷入过战争;同时许多国际性组织的总部都设在瑞士,如,红十字国际委员会、世界贸易组织以及联合国在欧洲的两个办事处之一。但瑞士并不是欧盟成员国。瑞士也是全球最富裕、经济最发达和生活水准最高的国家之一,按照人均国民生产总值,是世界最富裕的国家之一。The Swiss Confederation has a long history of neutrality —it has not been in a state of war internationally since 1815—and did not join the United Nations 联合国until 2002. It pursues, however, an active foreign policy and is frequently involved in peace-building processes around the world.[6] Switzerland is also the birthplace of the Red Cross and home to a large number of international organizations, including the second largest UN office.(联合国日内瓦办事处) On the European level, it is a founding member of the European Free Trade Association。


Switzerland has a stable 稳定的, prosperous繁荣的and high-tech economy. It has the highest European rating in the Index of Economic Freedom 经济自由度指数(Index of Economic Freedom)是由《华尔街日报》和美国传统基金会发布的年度报告。涵盖全球179个国家和地区。是全球权威的经济自由度评价指标之一。 该指数根据经济自由度50个指标评价各个国家和地区的得分。每一个指标的最高得分为100分,最低得分为1分。在一个指标上分数越高,政府对经济的干涉水平越高,因此经济自由度越低。各个指标累加后的平均值可以计算出总体系数。美国传统基金会的观点是,具有较多经济自由度的国家和地区与那些较少经济度的国家和地区相比,会拥有较高的长期经济增长速度和更繁荣。The Index of Economic Freedom is a series

of 10 economic measurements created by The Heritage Foundation 美国传统基金会 and The Wall Street Journal 华尔街日报. Its stated objective is to measure the degree of economic freedom in the world's nations.

According to Heritage, the creators of the Index took an approach similar to Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations that "basic institutions 制定 that protect the liberty of individuals to pursue 从事their own economic interests result in greater prosperity繁荣 for the larger society." The World Economic Forum 讨论会's Global Competitiveness Report 全球竞争力currently ranks 列为 Switzerland's economy as the most competitive in the world. [78] For much of the 20th century, Switzerland was the wealthiest

[79]country in Europe by a considerable 可观的margin. This trend continues

into the 21st century: in 2010, the Global Wealth Report by Credit SuisseResearch Institute瑞士研究学院 found that Switzerland has the highest average wealth per adult at $372,692。with wealth defined by the value of financial and non-financial (such as real estate 不动产) assets 资

[7]产. Switzerland is ranked as having one of the most powerful economies in the world.[79] Chemicals , health and pharmaceutical, measuring instruments, musical instruments , real estate , banking and insurance , tourism , and international organisations are important industries in Switzerland. The largest exported goods are chemicals (34% of exported goods), machines/electronics (20.9%), and precision instruments精密仪器

/watches (16.9%).[82] Exported services amount to a third of exported goods. [82]

Switzerland has an overwhelmingly 压倒性地private sector私营部门 economy and low tax rates by the Western World standards; overall taxation is one of the smallest of developed countries. Switzerland is an easy place to do business; Switzerland currently ranks 27th of 178 countries in the Ease

of Doing Business Index. 各国经商容易度列表 The slow growth Switzerland experienced in the 1990s and the early 2000s has brought greater support for economic reforms 改革 and harmonisation 协调一致

with the European Union.

Agricultural protectionism —a rare exception to Switzerland's free trade policies —has contributed to high food prices. Product market liberalisation 自由化is lagging 落后 behind many EU countries according to the OECD 经济合作和发展组织(Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development)

. Nevertheless尽管如此, domestic purchasing power is one of the best in the world. [86][87][88] Apart from 且不说agriculture, economic and trade barriers 贸易壁垒[84]between the European Union and Switzerland are minimal and Switzerland has free trade agreements worldwide. Switzerland is a member of the European Free Trade Association欧洲自由贸易联盟




Switzerland is a landlocked country geographically divided between the Alps , the Central Plateau and the Jura , spanning an area of 41,285 km2 (15,940 sq mi). While the Alps occupy the greater part of the territory, the Swiss population of approximately 7.9 million people is concentrated mostly on the Plateau, where the largest cities are to be found. Among them are the two global cities and economic centres of Zurich and Geneva 。 瑞士北接德国,西邻法国,南接意大利,东临奥地利和列支敦士登。瑞士拥有很悠久的中立国历史传统,自从1815年以后从未卷入过战争;同时许多国际性组织的总部都设在瑞士,如,红十字国际委员会、世界贸易组织以及联合国在欧洲的两个办事处之一。但瑞士并不是欧盟成员国。瑞士也是全球最富裕、经济最发达和生活水准最高的国家之一,按照人均国民生产总值,是世界最富裕的国家之一。The Swiss Confederation has a long history of neutrality —it has not been in a state of war internationally since 1815—and did not join the United Nations 联合国until 2002. It pursues, however, an active foreign policy and is frequently involved in peace-building processes around the world.[6] Switzerland is also the birthplace of the Red Cross and home to a large number of international organizations, including the second largest UN office.(联合国日内瓦办事处) On the European level, it is a founding member of the European Free Trade Association。


Switzerland has a stable 稳定的, prosperous繁荣的and high-tech economy. It has the highest European rating in the Index of Economic Freedom 经济自由度指数(Index of Economic Freedom)是由《华尔街日报》和美国传统基金会发布的年度报告。涵盖全球179个国家和地区。是全球权威的经济自由度评价指标之一。 该指数根据经济自由度50个指标评价各个国家和地区的得分。每一个指标的最高得分为100分,最低得分为1分。在一个指标上分数越高,政府对经济的干涉水平越高,因此经济自由度越低。各个指标累加后的平均值可以计算出总体系数。美国传统基金会的观点是,具有较多经济自由度的国家和地区与那些较少经济度的国家和地区相比,会拥有较高的长期经济增长速度和更繁荣。The Index of Economic Freedom is a series

of 10 economic measurements created by The Heritage Foundation 美国传统基金会 and The Wall Street Journal 华尔街日报. Its stated objective is to measure the degree of economic freedom in the world's nations.

According to Heritage, the creators of the Index took an approach similar to Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations that "basic institutions 制定 that protect the liberty of individuals to pursue 从事their own economic interests result in greater prosperity繁荣 for the larger society." The World Economic Forum 讨论会's Global Competitiveness Report 全球竞争力currently ranks 列为 Switzerland's economy as the most competitive in the world. [78] For much of the 20th century, Switzerland was the wealthiest

[79]country in Europe by a considerable 可观的margin. This trend continues

into the 21st century: in 2010, the Global Wealth Report by Credit SuisseResearch Institute瑞士研究学院 found that Switzerland has the highest average wealth per adult at $372,692。with wealth defined by the value of financial and non-financial (such as real estate 不动产) assets 资

[7]产. Switzerland is ranked as having one of the most powerful economies in the world.[79] Chemicals , health and pharmaceutical, measuring instruments, musical instruments , real estate , banking and insurance , tourism , and international organisations are important industries in Switzerland. The largest exported goods are chemicals (34% of exported goods), machines/electronics (20.9%), and precision instruments精密仪器

/watches (16.9%).[82] Exported services amount to a third of exported goods. [82]

Switzerland has an overwhelmingly 压倒性地private sector私营部门 economy and low tax rates by the Western World standards; overall taxation is one of the smallest of developed countries. Switzerland is an easy place to do business; Switzerland currently ranks 27th of 178 countries in the Ease

of Doing Business Index. 各国经商容易度列表 The slow growth Switzerland experienced in the 1990s and the early 2000s has brought greater support for economic reforms 改革 and harmonisation 协调一致

with the European Union.

Agricultural protectionism —a rare exception to Switzerland's free trade policies —has contributed to high food prices. Product market liberalisation 自由化is lagging 落后 behind many EU countries according to the OECD 经济合作和发展组织(Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development)

. Nevertheless尽管如此, domestic purchasing power is one of the best in the world. [86][87][88] Apart from 且不说agriculture, economic and trade barriers 贸易壁垒[84]between the European Union and Switzerland are minimal and Switzerland has free trade agreements worldwide. Switzerland is a member of the European Free Trade Association欧洲自由贸易联盟



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