








根据2005和2006年的单词拼写试题可以看出,动词和名词是热点, 占试题的60%--80%。形容词和副词占的比例比较小。考查的单词多为使用频率最高的常用词,但也是学生容易出错的单词。



1.It is ____(稍微)colder today than it was yesterday .

解析:根据句意:今天天气比昨天的天气稍微冷点。“稍微”在句中是副词,修饰colder .故答案为:slightly .

2.The story is written by an _____ (澳大利亚)engineer .

解析:根据句意:这个故事是由一位澳大利亚工程师写的。“澳大利亚”做定语,故答案是形容词:Australian .

3.My trip to Jiuzhaigou is really an u____ experience .I still remember it .

根据句子意思,九寨沟的旅行是一次难忘的经历,我仍然记得。根据意思可知为形容词unforgettable .


1.We had great difficulty in _____(呼吸)for the air was thin .

解析:根据句法,可以判断出,空格处要填介词宾语,故形式变为:breathing .

2.Their living conditions have been ____(改善)in the past few years .

解析:根据句法,可以知道,此处动词应为过去分词improved 。

3.I am very hungry I _______(错过)lunch .



1.The day after ________(圣诞节)is called Boxing Day .

解析:圣诞节是专有名词,故此,第一个字母大写故此答案为:Christmas 。


2. ____________(一月)is the first month of the year .


3.In the ___欧洲Union ,81%of the land is farmed .

解析:根据词义判断,此处为形容词欧洲的。欧洲联盟European Union .注意首字母大写。


1.I`ve got an _____(普通)sort of car ,nothing special .

解析:根据汉语意思,选出common 强调许多事物有共同特点,不足为奇。 ;ordinary 指与一般事物的性质标准相同,强调平常,其反义词是 special ,故答案为ordinary.

2.He received a gift but he didn`t a___it .

解析:根据句意:他收到了一个礼物,但是拒绝接受。故此答案为:accept .

3.Those 12-animal stamps are much ___(追求)after .

解析:seek after :追求(设法获得),pursue 追求(求爱;抓住)故此答案为:sought


1.F_____is the first month of the year .

解析:根据句子意思,可知道后面是前面单词的解释,可以判断出单词是“一月“,故此答案为 January . 注意首字母的大写。

2.R___ is the state of being severely damaged.


3.To s_____is to make a loud ,long and sharp cry .

解析:根据后面的解释,和开首字母可知,答案为:scream .


1. In our library ,there are many newspapers and ____(杂志) for us to read .

解析:报纸和杂志被many 修饰,故此答案为复数:magazines

2.Is Chinese one of the working l_____ of The United nations ?


3. The place of interest is full of v____from home and abroad during May and June .

解析:句意:这个名胜在五,六月份就会挤满来自国内外的参观者。根据首字母可知答案:visitors .


1.Most ________欧洲countries are developed ones .

2.They had a long ______讨论before coming to an agreement .

3.Is _____星期三the fourth day of the week .

4.It is ______危险to cross a street without looking at both sides .

5.Real _____友谊is more valuable than money .

6.Teachers are ____尊重in our country .

7.He said it ____严肃without even smiling .

8.The experiment was very important though it didn`t ____.成功

9._____二月comes from march and there are often twenty-eight days in it .

10.As we know China has a ___人口of 1.3 billion .

11.They were good neighbors and never ___吵架with each other .

12.I was late in going to the station ,but _____ 幸运the train was late too.

13.We can take the books out of the reading room without being _____.许可

14.Chinese is our mother _____语言.

15.I like the country ,___特别in spring .

16.______ speaking 一般来讲,children care more about their children`s health .

17.There has been a 30% growth in the ____市场 for personal computers.

18.He is ______满意 with the result.

19.He is going abroad for ______进一步study .

20.We hurried in a _____相反 direction .

21.He has discovered a lot of _______发现 in science .

22.The guitar is a kind of _____乐器.

23 The____气氛 in class is friendly and active

24.I am sorry that I can`t attend the ______(讲座)on American history .

25.We are interested in _____(欧洲)society .

26.She started as a successful merchant but ended up as a ______(乞丐).

27.There was a surprised _____(表情)on her face .

28.Our city has experienced great ___ (变化)in the past few years

29.Instead of spending his summer _____(假期)at home ,he wants to try hiking .

30.The representatives are discussing new ways to protect our _____(环境).

31.We can say ______(收集)stamps is fun .

32.I have been able to speak _____(流利的)Russian .

33.He is the only man possible for the ______(职位).

34.The doctor gave the patient pills to ___(减轻)the pain .

35.We should make sure that the ____(事故)scene is no longer dangerous .

36.We had great difficulty in _____(呼吸)for the air was thin .

37.Well ,you have acted ______(愚蠢地)and you will pay for it .

38.He was wearing dark glasses to ___(保护)his eyes from the sun .

39.Honestly I thought the fried chicken was _____(可口的).

40.In ____(地理)lessons we learn about countries and people in them .

41.They got lost in the desert and ______(挨饿)to death.

42.The car was a ____(廉价货)at the price.

43.Their living conditions have been ____(改善)in the past few years .

44.Please give my _________(祝贺)when you see her .

45.I am very hungry I _______(错过)lunch .

46.Jack took a deep ______(呼吸)and then dived into the water .

47.I`ve got an _____(普通)sort of car ,nothing special .

48.I want to thank everyone who has_____(鼓励) and supported me .

49.Jenny spends hours in front of the ______(镜子).

50.It is ____(稍微)colder today than it was yesterday .

51.The story is written by an _____ (澳大利亚)engineer .

52.Tom was _____(羞愧)of having lied to his parents .

53.____________(一月)is the first month of the year .

54.Can you ________(想象) standing up there and giving a speech ?

55.When the queen is at home ,the flag would be raised on top of her ________(宫殿)

56.The two friends _________(分享)all that they had when they were studying abroad .

57.Few students in my class can _______ (付得起)a trip to New Zealand .

58.Oliver was unable to give police a ________(描述)of his attack .

59.Y ou will be better accepted if you can speak more _______(自然地)in public.

60.The little girl got _______(分开)from the group in the dark .

61.The day after ________(圣诞节)is called Boxing Day .

62.Attention please ,the game will begin _____(立刻).

63.They finished _____(测量)that piece of land last week .

64.The international ____(烟草)industry is making a lot of money from the developing countries .

65.Don`t ____(浪费)your money on silly things .

66.The wind turned my ____(伞)inside out .

67.I ____(认出) Mike the moment I saw him .

68.Do you know the ____(平均)monthly rainfall in this area .

69.Sleep is ____(必要) to health .,

70.This bus can carry 60 ___(乘客).

71.Fifty years ago ,Chairman Mao _______(宣告)the founding of the People`s Repulic of China .

72.She looks ____(面熟)to me but I don`t remember her name .

73.What is the best-known chain of fast-food ____(餐馆)in the world .

74.They lived in London until quite ____(最近) 。

75.I will go and see you next ______(星期六) 。

76.Bill has a large collection of _______(外国)stamps .

77.Do you think _________(游泳)is allowed in the canal

78..The book is ________(翻译)from Russian .

79.All countries ,big or small ,should be _______(平等).

80.They are busy ________(准备)to go on holiday .

81.Don`t be frightened by the television camera .Just speak _____(自然地).

82.What will the ______(天气)be like tomorrow ?

83.Their office is on the _______(第九)floor .

84.A fence at the back of the garden ______(分开)us from the neighbors.

85.I am pleased that he gladly ____(接受)our invitation .

86.A soldier`s duty is to _____(服从)orders .

87.Some people work better under _____(压力).

88.I changed into my sports shoes so that I could walk more _____(舒服)

89.The patient kept __________(咳嗽)all night

90.We`ve got to be ________(实际)and buy only what we need .

91.The artist held an _________(展览)of his works last month .

92. We gave our classroom a ____(彻底)cleaning before the National Day .

93. Parents should help their children to form good _____(习惯)

94. All the boys were standing up ____(笔直).

95.Rice is grown in China ,Japan and other ____(亚洲)countries .

96.We aim at ____(质量)rather than quantity.

97.The National Games were well _____(组织).

98.Does Radio Beijing _______(播送)the news every hour .

99.Several new railways are under ____(建设)in china .

100.The students were listening to the teacher _____(专心).

101.We finally _______(说服)the peasant to send his daughter to school.

102.Children are ________(好奇)about everything around them .

103.She`s bought some ________(衣料)to make herself a dress .

104.The _______(政府)will build more houses for the people

105. Smoking is f______in the library .

106.When you do something wrong,you should make an a_____to others .

107.I hope to see the problem s____peacefully .

108.Smith lives next door to me ,so we are not only workmates but also n___.

109 The top player s____ 3 goals before the first quarter .

110 She looks confident ,but a____she is not .

111.A b___is a large piece of woven material that people use to stay warm .

112.When a doctor takes a person`s p____,he usually puts his finger on the wrist to feel the heart .

113.Having little in common ,the twin sisters always end up q____when they meet 。

114.She was e___by the doctor the moment she came into the doctor`s office .

115.Our fast-food restaurant is just on the roadside ,so it is easy and c___for you to find it .

111. 答案:blanket 解析:根据后面解释和词首字母可判断出答案。

112. 答案:pulse 解析:根据后面解释和词首字母可判断出答案。句意:当医生给人切脉时,就把手放在他的手腕上。 113. 答案: quarrelling 解析:end up doing ;句意:因为很少有共同点,双胞胎姐妹一见面就吵架。

114. 答案:examined 解析:句意:她一进入医生办公室,医生就给她做了检查。

115. 答案:convenient 解析:根据句意:我们快餐馆就在马路边上,你很容易也很方便找到它。


1. 答案: European 解析:根据句意,欧洲做定语,注意首字母大写。 2. 答案:discussion 解析:句中“讨论”是名词。

3. 答案:Wednesday 解析:“周三”首字母大写。注意:Saturday ; Thursday 4.答案:dangerous 解析:句中“危险”是形容词。5. 答案:friendship 解析:根据句子意思,“友谊”为名词。 6. 答案:respected 解析:7. 答案:seriously 解析:“严肃”在句子中做状语 8. 答案:succeed 解析:此处为动词,注意其它形式:success ;successfully

9. 答案:February 解析:注意月份单词的首字母必须大写。注意下列常考的单词:June :March

August ;January ;November ;December ;October ;10.答案:population 11.答案:quarreled 解析:根据句意,动词为过去时态。12. 答案:fortunately/luckily,解析:此处为副词。

13. 答案:permitted 解析:permit 的过去分词中要双写“t ” 再加“ed ”14. 答案:tongue 解析:固定搭配mother tongue

15. 答案:especially 16. 答案:generally 解析:此处为副词17. 答案:market18. 答案;satisfied/content 解析:根据结构判断,此处为形容词 19. 答案:further 20 .答案:opposite 21答案:discoveries 解析:根据句意,大量的发现,故此发现要变复数。.22 答案:instrument 23 答案:atmosphere 24.答案:lecture 25.答案:European 解析:根据句意,欧洲做定语。26. 答案:beggar 解析:根据句子意思,乞丐为单数。27. 答案:expression 28答案: changes 解析:“变化”一词常用复数。29. 答案:vacation/holidays 解析:注意“假期”一词“vacation ”是指长期假期。不用复数。 30. 答案:

environment 31.答案:collecting 解析:“收集”一词做主语,故为动名词。32 答案:fluent 解析:“流利的”做定语,故用形容词。 33. 答案:position 34.答案:reduce 35.答案:accident 解析:“事故”做定语。36. 答案:breathing 解析:此处为动名词。37. 答案:stupidly/foolishly 解析:此处做副词做状语。38. 答案:protect 解析:此处动词为不定式39. 答案:tasty/delicious解析:形容词做定语。 40. 答案:geography 解析:“地理”做定语。注意:biology ;physics ;politics ;chemistry41.答案:starved 解析:根据前面的动词,可以知道此处用过去时态。 42. 答案:bargain 解析:前面有不定冠词,此处用单数。43. 答案:improved /bettered解析:此句为被动语态,故此用过去分词; 44.答案:congratulations 解析:“祝贺”名词常用复数。45. 答案:missed 解析:根据句子意思,可知此句用过去时态。 46. 答案:breath 解析:短语“深呼吸”take a deep breath47. 答案:ordinary 解析:根据句子意思。可以此处填special 当然反义词ordinary 48.答案:encouraged 解析:此处为现在完成时。49答案: mirror 50 答案:slightly 解析:此处为副词slightly 修饰形容词colder 。51. 答案:Australian 解析:此处“澳大利亚”做定语,故此用形容词。Canadian ;American ;British ;French ;Russian 52.答案:ashamed 解析:短语be ashamed of 53. 答案:January 54答案:imagine 解析:imagine doing55.答案:palace 56.答案:shared 解析:根据后面的时间状语,可知前面用过去时态。57 答案:afford 58. 答案:description 解析:此处为名词59. 答案:naturally 解析:此处为副词。60. 答案:separated 解析:过去分词。61. 答案:Christmas 62.答案:immediately 解析:此处为副词。63. 答案:measuring 解析:谓语为finish ,后跟动名词。64. 答案:tobacco.65. 答案:waste 66答案:umbrella 解析:此处用单数。 67. 答案:recognized 解析:根据后面的时间状语,此处为过去时态。68. 答案:average/mean 69. 答案:necessary/essential 解析:此处为形容词。70. 答案:passengers 解析:60名乘客,故此用复数。71. 答案:declared/announced 解析:50年前,所以动词用过去时态。

72. 答案:familiar73. 答案:restaurants 解析:快餐连锁店,所以名词用复数。74. 答案:recently/lately75.答案:Saturday 解析:首字母大写。76. 答案:foreign 解析:此处为形容词。77答案: swimming 解析:主语为动名词,注意m 的双写。78. 答案:translated 解析:被动语态,故此用过去分词。 79 答案:equal 80答案: preparing 解析:be busy doing

81. 答案: naturally 解析:此处为副词。82. 答案:weather 解析: 83. 答案:ninth 解析:序数词,注意nine —ninth ;twelfth ;ninetieth ;fifth ;fourth ;84.答案:separated/separates 85.答案:accepted 根据句子意思,此处为过去时态。86. 答案:obey 87.答案:stress; pressure解析:固定短语,under pressure ;under stress 88.答案:comfortably 解析:此处为副词。89. 答案:coughing 解析:keep doing sth 90. 答案:practical 91. 答案:exhibition 解析:此处用单数92. 答案:thorough 解析:此处为形容词93. 答案:habits 解析:很多人养成的习惯,故此为复数。94. 答案:straight 95.答案:Asian 解析:“亚洲”在此处做定语。注意:African ;European ;American 96.答案:quality 97.答案:organized/organised 解析:此处是被动语态,故此用过去分词。98. 答案:broadcast 99.答案:construction 解析:此处为名词,under construction .100.答案:attentively 解析:此处为副词。注意:attention (n);Attentive (adj)101.答案:persuaded 解析:根据句子意思,此处为过去时态。102. 答案:curious 解析:此处为形容词,be curious about 。103. 答案:materials/cloth 104. 答案:government,105. 答案:forbidden 解析:此处为被动,故此为过去分词。106. 答案:apology 解析;短语make an apology 107. 答案:solved/settled 解析:see sth settled/solved 108.答案:neighbors 解析:根据句子意思,此处为名词复数。109. 答案:scored 解析:根据句子意思。此处为进了3个球,时态为过去时态,首字母为s 可知为:scored 110. actually 解析:根据句意可知,此处为”实际上”.









根据2005和2006年的单词拼写试题可以看出,动词和名词是热点, 占试题的60%--80%。形容词和副词占的比例比较小。考查的单词多为使用频率最高的常用词,但也是学生容易出错的单词。



1.It is ____(稍微)colder today than it was yesterday .

解析:根据句意:今天天气比昨天的天气稍微冷点。“稍微”在句中是副词,修饰colder .故答案为:slightly .

2.The story is written by an _____ (澳大利亚)engineer .

解析:根据句意:这个故事是由一位澳大利亚工程师写的。“澳大利亚”做定语,故答案是形容词:Australian .

3.My trip to Jiuzhaigou is really an u____ experience .I still remember it .

根据句子意思,九寨沟的旅行是一次难忘的经历,我仍然记得。根据意思可知为形容词unforgettable .


1.We had great difficulty in _____(呼吸)for the air was thin .

解析:根据句法,可以判断出,空格处要填介词宾语,故形式变为:breathing .

2.Their living conditions have been ____(改善)in the past few years .

解析:根据句法,可以知道,此处动词应为过去分词improved 。

3.I am very hungry I _______(错过)lunch .



1.The day after ________(圣诞节)is called Boxing Day .

解析:圣诞节是专有名词,故此,第一个字母大写故此答案为:Christmas 。


2. ____________(一月)is the first month of the year .


3.In the ___欧洲Union ,81%of the land is farmed .

解析:根据词义判断,此处为形容词欧洲的。欧洲联盟European Union .注意首字母大写。


1.I`ve got an _____(普通)sort of car ,nothing special .

解析:根据汉语意思,选出common 强调许多事物有共同特点,不足为奇。 ;ordinary 指与一般事物的性质标准相同,强调平常,其反义词是 special ,故答案为ordinary.

2.He received a gift but he didn`t a___it .

解析:根据句意:他收到了一个礼物,但是拒绝接受。故此答案为:accept .

3.Those 12-animal stamps are much ___(追求)after .

解析:seek after :追求(设法获得),pursue 追求(求爱;抓住)故此答案为:sought


1.F_____is the first month of the year .

解析:根据句子意思,可知道后面是前面单词的解释,可以判断出单词是“一月“,故此答案为 January . 注意首字母的大写。

2.R___ is the state of being severely damaged.


3.To s_____is to make a loud ,long and sharp cry .

解析:根据后面的解释,和开首字母可知,答案为:scream .


1. In our library ,there are many newspapers and ____(杂志) for us to read .

解析:报纸和杂志被many 修饰,故此答案为复数:magazines

2.Is Chinese one of the working l_____ of The United nations ?


3. The place of interest is full of v____from home and abroad during May and June .

解析:句意:这个名胜在五,六月份就会挤满来自国内外的参观者。根据首字母可知答案:visitors .


1.Most ________欧洲countries are developed ones .

2.They had a long ______讨论before coming to an agreement .

3.Is _____星期三the fourth day of the week .

4.It is ______危险to cross a street without looking at both sides .

5.Real _____友谊is more valuable than money .

6.Teachers are ____尊重in our country .

7.He said it ____严肃without even smiling .

8.The experiment was very important though it didn`t ____.成功

9._____二月comes from march and there are often twenty-eight days in it .

10.As we know China has a ___人口of 1.3 billion .

11.They were good neighbors and never ___吵架with each other .

12.I was late in going to the station ,but _____ 幸运the train was late too.

13.We can take the books out of the reading room without being _____.许可

14.Chinese is our mother _____语言.

15.I like the country ,___特别in spring .

16.______ speaking 一般来讲,children care more about their children`s health .

17.There has been a 30% growth in the ____市场 for personal computers.

18.He is ______满意 with the result.

19.He is going abroad for ______进一步study .

20.We hurried in a _____相反 direction .

21.He has discovered a lot of _______发现 in science .

22.The guitar is a kind of _____乐器.

23 The____气氛 in class is friendly and active

24.I am sorry that I can`t attend the ______(讲座)on American history .

25.We are interested in _____(欧洲)society .

26.She started as a successful merchant but ended up as a ______(乞丐).

27.There was a surprised _____(表情)on her face .

28.Our city has experienced great ___ (变化)in the past few years

29.Instead of spending his summer _____(假期)at home ,he wants to try hiking .

30.The representatives are discussing new ways to protect our _____(环境).

31.We can say ______(收集)stamps is fun .

32.I have been able to speak _____(流利的)Russian .

33.He is the only man possible for the ______(职位).

34.The doctor gave the patient pills to ___(减轻)the pain .

35.We should make sure that the ____(事故)scene is no longer dangerous .

36.We had great difficulty in _____(呼吸)for the air was thin .

37.Well ,you have acted ______(愚蠢地)and you will pay for it .

38.He was wearing dark glasses to ___(保护)his eyes from the sun .

39.Honestly I thought the fried chicken was _____(可口的).

40.In ____(地理)lessons we learn about countries and people in them .

41.They got lost in the desert and ______(挨饿)to death.

42.The car was a ____(廉价货)at the price.

43.Their living conditions have been ____(改善)in the past few years .

44.Please give my _________(祝贺)when you see her .

45.I am very hungry I _______(错过)lunch .

46.Jack took a deep ______(呼吸)and then dived into the water .

47.I`ve got an _____(普通)sort of car ,nothing special .

48.I want to thank everyone who has_____(鼓励) and supported me .

49.Jenny spends hours in front of the ______(镜子).

50.It is ____(稍微)colder today than it was yesterday .

51.The story is written by an _____ (澳大利亚)engineer .

52.Tom was _____(羞愧)of having lied to his parents .

53.____________(一月)is the first month of the year .

54.Can you ________(想象) standing up there and giving a speech ?

55.When the queen is at home ,the flag would be raised on top of her ________(宫殿)

56.The two friends _________(分享)all that they had when they were studying abroad .

57.Few students in my class can _______ (付得起)a trip to New Zealand .

58.Oliver was unable to give police a ________(描述)of his attack .

59.Y ou will be better accepted if you can speak more _______(自然地)in public.

60.The little girl got _______(分开)from the group in the dark .

61.The day after ________(圣诞节)is called Boxing Day .

62.Attention please ,the game will begin _____(立刻).

63.They finished _____(测量)that piece of land last week .

64.The international ____(烟草)industry is making a lot of money from the developing countries .

65.Don`t ____(浪费)your money on silly things .

66.The wind turned my ____(伞)inside out .

67.I ____(认出) Mike the moment I saw him .

68.Do you know the ____(平均)monthly rainfall in this area .

69.Sleep is ____(必要) to health .,

70.This bus can carry 60 ___(乘客).

71.Fifty years ago ,Chairman Mao _______(宣告)the founding of the People`s Repulic of China .

72.She looks ____(面熟)to me but I don`t remember her name .

73.What is the best-known chain of fast-food ____(餐馆)in the world .

74.They lived in London until quite ____(最近) 。

75.I will go and see you next ______(星期六) 。

76.Bill has a large collection of _______(外国)stamps .

77.Do you think _________(游泳)is allowed in the canal

78..The book is ________(翻译)from Russian .

79.All countries ,big or small ,should be _______(平等).

80.They are busy ________(准备)to go on holiday .

81.Don`t be frightened by the television camera .Just speak _____(自然地).

82.What will the ______(天气)be like tomorrow ?

83.Their office is on the _______(第九)floor .

84.A fence at the back of the garden ______(分开)us from the neighbors.

85.I am pleased that he gladly ____(接受)our invitation .

86.A soldier`s duty is to _____(服从)orders .

87.Some people work better under _____(压力).

88.I changed into my sports shoes so that I could walk more _____(舒服)

89.The patient kept __________(咳嗽)all night

90.We`ve got to be ________(实际)and buy only what we need .

91.The artist held an _________(展览)of his works last month .

92. We gave our classroom a ____(彻底)cleaning before the National Day .

93. Parents should help their children to form good _____(习惯)

94. All the boys were standing up ____(笔直).

95.Rice is grown in China ,Japan and other ____(亚洲)countries .

96.We aim at ____(质量)rather than quantity.

97.The National Games were well _____(组织).

98.Does Radio Beijing _______(播送)the news every hour .

99.Several new railways are under ____(建设)in china .

100.The students were listening to the teacher _____(专心).

101.We finally _______(说服)the peasant to send his daughter to school.

102.Children are ________(好奇)about everything around them .

103.She`s bought some ________(衣料)to make herself a dress .

104.The _______(政府)will build more houses for the people

105. Smoking is f______in the library .

106.When you do something wrong,you should make an a_____to others .

107.I hope to see the problem s____peacefully .

108.Smith lives next door to me ,so we are not only workmates but also n___.

109 The top player s____ 3 goals before the first quarter .

110 She looks confident ,but a____she is not .

111.A b___is a large piece of woven material that people use to stay warm .

112.When a doctor takes a person`s p____,he usually puts his finger on the wrist to feel the heart .

113.Having little in common ,the twin sisters always end up q____when they meet 。

114.She was e___by the doctor the moment she came into the doctor`s office .

115.Our fast-food restaurant is just on the roadside ,so it is easy and c___for you to find it .

111. 答案:blanket 解析:根据后面解释和词首字母可判断出答案。

112. 答案:pulse 解析:根据后面解释和词首字母可判断出答案。句意:当医生给人切脉时,就把手放在他的手腕上。 113. 答案: quarrelling 解析:end up doing ;句意:因为很少有共同点,双胞胎姐妹一见面就吵架。

114. 答案:examined 解析:句意:她一进入医生办公室,医生就给她做了检查。

115. 答案:convenient 解析:根据句意:我们快餐馆就在马路边上,你很容易也很方便找到它。


1. 答案: European 解析:根据句意,欧洲做定语,注意首字母大写。 2. 答案:discussion 解析:句中“讨论”是名词。

3. 答案:Wednesday 解析:“周三”首字母大写。注意:Saturday ; Thursday 4.答案:dangerous 解析:句中“危险”是形容词。5. 答案:friendship 解析:根据句子意思,“友谊”为名词。 6. 答案:respected 解析:7. 答案:seriously 解析:“严肃”在句子中做状语 8. 答案:succeed 解析:此处为动词,注意其它形式:success ;successfully

9. 答案:February 解析:注意月份单词的首字母必须大写。注意下列常考的单词:June :March

August ;January ;November ;December ;October ;10.答案:population 11.答案:quarreled 解析:根据句意,动词为过去时态。12. 答案:fortunately/luckily,解析:此处为副词。

13. 答案:permitted 解析:permit 的过去分词中要双写“t ” 再加“ed ”14. 答案:tongue 解析:固定搭配mother tongue

15. 答案:especially 16. 答案:generally 解析:此处为副词17. 答案:market18. 答案;satisfied/content 解析:根据结构判断,此处为形容词 19. 答案:further 20 .答案:opposite 21答案:discoveries 解析:根据句意,大量的发现,故此发现要变复数。.22 答案:instrument 23 答案:atmosphere 24.答案:lecture 25.答案:European 解析:根据句意,欧洲做定语。26. 答案:beggar 解析:根据句子意思,乞丐为单数。27. 答案:expression 28答案: changes 解析:“变化”一词常用复数。29. 答案:vacation/holidays 解析:注意“假期”一词“vacation ”是指长期假期。不用复数。 30. 答案:

environment 31.答案:collecting 解析:“收集”一词做主语,故为动名词。32 答案:fluent 解析:“流利的”做定语,故用形容词。 33. 答案:position 34.答案:reduce 35.答案:accident 解析:“事故”做定语。36. 答案:breathing 解析:此处为动名词。37. 答案:stupidly/foolishly 解析:此处做副词做状语。38. 答案:protect 解析:此处动词为不定式39. 答案:tasty/delicious解析:形容词做定语。 40. 答案:geography 解析:“地理”做定语。注意:biology ;physics ;politics ;chemistry41.答案:starved 解析:根据前面的动词,可以知道此处用过去时态。 42. 答案:bargain 解析:前面有不定冠词,此处用单数。43. 答案:improved /bettered解析:此句为被动语态,故此用过去分词; 44.答案:congratulations 解析:“祝贺”名词常用复数。45. 答案:missed 解析:根据句子意思,可知此句用过去时态。 46. 答案:breath 解析:短语“深呼吸”take a deep breath47. 答案:ordinary 解析:根据句子意思。可以此处填special 当然反义词ordinary 48.答案:encouraged 解析:此处为现在完成时。49答案: mirror 50 答案:slightly 解析:此处为副词slightly 修饰形容词colder 。51. 答案:Australian 解析:此处“澳大利亚”做定语,故此用形容词。Canadian ;American ;British ;French ;Russian 52.答案:ashamed 解析:短语be ashamed of 53. 答案:January 54答案:imagine 解析:imagine doing55.答案:palace 56.答案:shared 解析:根据后面的时间状语,可知前面用过去时态。57 答案:afford 58. 答案:description 解析:此处为名词59. 答案:naturally 解析:此处为副词。60. 答案:separated 解析:过去分词。61. 答案:Christmas 62.答案:immediately 解析:此处为副词。63. 答案:measuring 解析:谓语为finish ,后跟动名词。64. 答案:tobacco.65. 答案:waste 66答案:umbrella 解析:此处用单数。 67. 答案:recognized 解析:根据后面的时间状语,此处为过去时态。68. 答案:average/mean 69. 答案:necessary/essential 解析:此处为形容词。70. 答案:passengers 解析:60名乘客,故此用复数。71. 答案:declared/announced 解析:50年前,所以动词用过去时态。

72. 答案:familiar73. 答案:restaurants 解析:快餐连锁店,所以名词用复数。74. 答案:recently/lately75.答案:Saturday 解析:首字母大写。76. 答案:foreign 解析:此处为形容词。77答案: swimming 解析:主语为动名词,注意m 的双写。78. 答案:translated 解析:被动语态,故此用过去分词。 79 答案:equal 80答案: preparing 解析:be busy doing

81. 答案: naturally 解析:此处为副词。82. 答案:weather 解析: 83. 答案:ninth 解析:序数词,注意nine —ninth ;twelfth ;ninetieth ;fifth ;fourth ;84.答案:separated/separates 85.答案:accepted 根据句子意思,此处为过去时态。86. 答案:obey 87.答案:stress; pressure解析:固定短语,under pressure ;under stress 88.答案:comfortably 解析:此处为副词。89. 答案:coughing 解析:keep doing sth 90. 答案:practical 91. 答案:exhibition 解析:此处用单数92. 答案:thorough 解析:此处为形容词93. 答案:habits 解析:很多人养成的习惯,故此为复数。94. 答案:straight 95.答案:Asian 解析:“亚洲”在此处做定语。注意:African ;European ;American 96.答案:quality 97.答案:organized/organised 解析:此处是被动语态,故此用过去分词。98. 答案:broadcast 99.答案:construction 解析:此处为名词,under construction .100.答案:attentively 解析:此处为副词。注意:attention (n);Attentive (adj)101.答案:persuaded 解析:根据句子意思,此处为过去时态。102. 答案:curious 解析:此处为形容词,be curious about 。103. 答案:materials/cloth 104. 答案:government,105. 答案:forbidden 解析:此处为被动,故此为过去分词。106. 答案:apology 解析;短语make an apology 107. 答案:solved/settled 解析:see sth settled/solved 108.答案:neighbors 解析:根据句子意思,此处为名词复数。109. 答案:scored 解析:根据句子意思。此处为进了3个球,时态为过去时态,首字母为s 可知为:scored 110. actually 解析:根据句意可知,此处为”实际上”.


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