

Part I. Vocabulary and Grammar

Directions: For each of the following 10 incomplete sentences, there are 4 choices marked A, B,

C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.

1. Jack is ____ honest and hard-working boy and he must be ______ useful man in the future.”

A. an; a B. a; a

C. an; an D. a; an

2. --- Rose, I will help you with the housework this weekend.

--- well, maybe ______is not what you said but what you do ______is important.

A. it; that B. there; that

C. it; / D. there; /

3. Mr. Li suggested that we ______over the texts carefully before the coming exam.

A. went B. need go

C. go D. must go

4. --- Sorry, the tickets have already been sold out.

--- Really? Maybe I ______a little earlier.

A. should come B. should have come

C. could have come D. must have come

5. There are ______ many people lost home in Wenchuan Earthquake ______ we should try our best to help them.

A. so; that B. so; as

C. such; that D. too; that

6. ---Shall we visit World Expo in Shanghai this summer vacation?


A. It’s your idea B. I don’t care

C. Good idea D. That’s your decision

7. Not only I but also Lilei and Han Meimei ______tired of so much homework everyday.

A. am B. is

C. are D. be

8. ______ many times, he finally managed to settle the problem.

A. Tried B. Trying

C. Having been tried D. Having tried

9. The price of the pork has risen from 8 Yuan to 12 Yuan. This means it has risen ______ 50 percent.

A. with B. at

C. to D. by

10. ______didn’t attend the lecture yesterday won’t be given full marks.

A. Anyone B. Who

C. Whoever D. The person

Part II. Reading Comprehension

Directions: There are 4 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.

Passage 1

How could we possibly think that keeping animals in cages in unnatural environments -mostly for entertainment purposes-is fair and respectful?

Zoo officials say they are concerned about animals. However, most zoos remain “collections ” of interesting “things ” rather than protective habitats. Zoos teach people that it is acceptable to keep animals bored, lonely, and far from their natural homes.

Zoos claim(声称) to educate people and save endangered species, but visitors leave zoos without having learned anything meaningful about the animals’ natural behavior, intelligence, or beauty. Zoos keep animals in small spaces or cages, and most signs only mention the species ’ name, diet, and natural range(分布区). The animals’ normal behavior is seldom noticed because zoos don’t usually take care of the animals’ natural needs.

The animals are kept together in small spaces, with no privacy and little opportunity for mental and physical exercise. This results in unusually and self-destructive behavior called zoochosis. A worldwide study of zoos found that zoochosis is common among animals kept in small spaces or cages. Another study showed that elephants spend 22 percent of their time making repeated head movements or biting cage bars, and bears spend 30 percent of their time walking back and forth, a sign of unhappiness and pain.

Furthermore, most animals in zoos are not endangered. Captive breeding(圈养繁殖) of endangered big cats. Asian elephants, and other species has not resulted in their being sent back to the wild. Zoos talk a lot about their captive breeding programs because they do not want people to worry about a species dying out. In fact, baby animals also attract a lot of paying customers. Haven ’t we seen enough competitions to name baby animals?

Actually, we will save endangered species only if we save their habitats and put an end to the reasons people kill them. Instead of supporting zoos, we should support groups that work to protect animals’ natural habitats.

11. How would the author describe the animals’ life in zoos? ______

A. Dangerous. B. Unhappy.

C. Natural. D. Easy.

12. In the state of zoochosis, animals ______.

A. remain in cages B. behave strangely

C. attack other animals D. enjoy moving around

13. What does the author try to argue in the passage? ______

A. Zoos are not worth the public support.

B. Zoos fail in their attempt to save animals.

C. Zoos should treat animals as human beings.

D. Zoos use animals as a means of entertainment.

14. Although he argues against zoos, the author would still agree that ______.

A. zoos have to keep animals in small cages

B. most animals in zoos are endangered species

C. some endangered animals are reproduced in zoos

D. it’s acceptable to keep animals away from their habitats

Passage 2

The house was quiet at 5 A. m. and Tim’s mother was asleep. Only the sound of the big freezer broke the quiet. He’d dreamt of the cave last night? The purring (轻微颤动声) of the freezer had been the sea .

Tim pulled on a sweater and put some apples into his schoolbag. It was too early for breakfast. He’d eat after he’d been through the cave, sitting on the rocks and staring at the sea.

He wished he had a proper pack. His schoolbag would have to do. What else? Sandwiches— but his mother might wake up if he started pulling out bread for sandwiches, she'd want to know why he had to leave so early. He settled for some biscuits, and left a note stuck to the table.

Gone to Michael’s Back tonight the sky was high and soft and light outside, though the sun still wasn’t up. Even the highway up the hill was quiet as he made his way down the street. The wind from the sea was fresh and sweet.

The sand hills still breathed heat from yesterday’s sun, though the top of the sand was cool. He ran down to the beach impatiently, but there was no one, just dry sand dancing in the early wind and seabirds marching up and down watching the waves.

The light changed suddenly. The first rays of sunlight stretched (延伸) across the sea . The sun was pushing its way over the edge of the world.

Over the first rocks, along to the point. Tim glanced back. The beach was still empty. The sun sailed higher in the sky.

He could see the cave now, even darker in the morning light. The sand turned silver then dark gold as the water flowed away from it. He had to force himself to go closer. Why was it so much more mysterious now? But it would be silly to go back now after so much trouble. He needn’t go in all the way …

15. What did Tim do at the beginning of the story? ______

A. He left the house quietly. B. He had breakfast at home.

C. He left a note on the freezer. D. He put a sweater in his schoolbag.

16. “He settled for some biscuits ” (in Paragraph 3) means that Tim______.

A. had to leave the biscuits on the table .

B. liked biscuits better than sandwiches

C. had to take biscuits instead of sandwiches

D. could only find some biscuits in the kitchen

17. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the story? ______

A. The sea looked like a piece of gold.

B. Seabirds flew away when Tim arrived.

C. Tim was the only person on the beach.

D. The sky got dark as Tim reached the cave.

18. In the story , Tim’s mood changed from______.

A. loneliness to craziness B. anxiousness to excitement

C. helplessness to happiness D. eagerness to nervousness

Passage 3

Are you happy? Do you remember a time when you were happy? Are you seeking happiness today?

Many have sought a variety of sources for their feeling of happiness. Some have put their heart and efforts into their work. Too many turned to drugs and alcohol. Meanwhile, untold numbers have looked for it in the possession of expensive cars, exotic(异国的)vacation homes and other popular “toys”. Most of their efforts have a root in one common fact: people are looking for a lasting source of happiness.

Unfortunately, I believe that happiness escapes from many people because they misunderstand the journey of finding it. I have heard many people say that, “I’ll be happy when I get my new promotion,” or “I’ll be happy when I lose that extra 20 pounds.” It is dangerous because it accepts that happiness is a “response” to having, being or doing something.

In life, we all experience response. Today, some people think that an expensive car is stimulus. Happiness is a response. A great paying job is stimulus. Happiness is a response. This belief leaves us thinking and feeling: “I’ll be happy when...”

It has been my finding that actually the opposite is true. I believe that happiness is a stimulus and response is what life brings to those who are truly happy. When we are happy, we tend to have more success in our work. When we are happy, we more naturally take better care of our bodies and enjoy good health. Happiness is not a response but a stimulus.

Happiness is a conscious choice we make in daily life. For unknown reasons to me, many choose to be upset and angry most of the time. Happiness is not something that happens to us after we get something we want — we usually get things we want after we choose to be happy.

19. From the second paragraph, we know too many people______.

A. they are not happy when they work hard

B. they are not happy when they drink or take drugs

C. they are happy when they possess their own expensive cars

D. they all desire exotic vacation homes

20. In the author’s opinion, which of the following is the most important if you want to be happy?


A. Losing weight B. An expensive car

C. Success in work D. Feeling happy

21. Which of the following is right according to the author? ______

A. If you want to get what you want, you first choose to be happy.

B. We should try to get more and then we’ll be happy.

C. Most people today are happy.

D. Work is a necessary part in our daily life.

22. From the viewpoint of the author, happiness is ______.

A. based on our needs B. unconditional

C. out of reach D. limited

Passage 4

“Dad! He took a book without paying!” I yelled.

My father looked surprised. Before the boy could say anything, his mother grabbed his arm and shook it. “Is it true? You stole? Tell me!”

Everyone was quiet. The boy began to cry, and he nodded his head. He pulled out the comic book (漫画书) from under his shirt.

“Oh, Mr. Kim. I am sorry! My Ted made a big mistake!” Mrs. Diaz told my father. She tried to take the comic book,

“It’s OK. He can keep it,” my father said with a smile.

“Oh no,” Mrs. Diaz said. “Let me pay right now . . . ” She dug in her purse. “How much?” “Three seventy-five. ”

“It’s OK. You can pay later,” my father said.

“No,” Mrs. Diaz said. She kept looking in her purse. “I have money here. ”

I felt bad for yelling, for I realized that Ted had tried to steal the comic book because he didn’t have the money. Maybe the boy could have a job, I thought.

I had an idea.

“What if he worked with me?” I asked. They turned to me.

I said, “He can work with me to pay for the comic book. ”

“Good,” my father said smiling at me. Mrs. Diaz nodded. She turned to her son, “You hear? You will work and buy the comic book!”

“Yes, Mama,” Ted said, hanging his head.

As they left, Ted looked back, and though he still seemed sad, he stuck out (伸出) his tongue at me.

Ted has been working here for two weeks. He has paid for the comic book, but my father says he is such a good worker that he can work with me as long as he wants. We are friends now.

23. Where did the story most probably take place? ______

A. In a classroom. B. In a supermarket.

C. At a bookstore. D. At a library.

24. By saying “but Ted wouldn’t let go” in Paragraph 4, the author means Ted ______.

A. took the book by mistake B. wanted to keep the book

C. didn’t want to go home D. didn’t think he was wrong

25. From the underlined sentences in the eighth paragraph, we may infer that Mrs. Diaz ______.

A. didn’t think her son stole the book

B. had been out of work for a long time

C. forgot to take money with her that day

D. couldn’t afford to pay for the book

Part III. Translate English into Chinese.

Directions: For this part, you are required to translate English into Chinese.

Six years have gone by in the blink of an eye since I came to the capital from the countryside. During these six years I have witnessed and heard about quite a number of big events know as “affairs of state”. None of them, however, has had any impact on my heart. If anything, they have only made me increasingly gloomy.

But there was one small event which had deep significance for me and which pulled me out of my gloom. I still remember it clearly today.

It was a winter day in 1917 and a strong northerly wind was blowing. I set off early in the morning to go to work. There was hardly anybody on the street.

Part IV. Translate Chinese into English.

Directions: For this part, you are required to translate Chinese into English.


《大学英语预备级1》复习纲要A 答案

Part I. Vocabulary and Structure

1-5 AACBA 6-10 CCDDC

Part II. Reading Comprehension

11-14 BBAC 15-18 ACCD 19-22 CDAB 23—25CBD

Part III. Translate English into Chinese(主观题无标准答案)

Part IV. Translate Chinese into English(主观题无标准答案)


Part I. Vocabulary and Grammar

Directions: For each of the following 10 incomplete sentences, there are 4 choices marked A, B,

C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.

1. Jack is ____ honest and hard-working boy and he must be ______ useful man in the future.”

A. an; a B. a; a

C. an; an D. a; an

2. --- Rose, I will help you with the housework this weekend.

--- well, maybe ______is not what you said but what you do ______is important.

A. it; that B. there; that

C. it; / D. there; /

3. Mr. Li suggested that we ______over the texts carefully before the coming exam.

A. went B. need go

C. go D. must go

4. --- Sorry, the tickets have already been sold out.

--- Really? Maybe I ______a little earlier.

A. should come B. should have come

C. could have come D. must have come

5. There are ______ many people lost home in Wenchuan Earthquake ______ we should try our best to help them.

A. so; that B. so; as

C. such; that D. too; that

6. ---Shall we visit World Expo in Shanghai this summer vacation?


A. It’s your idea B. I don’t care

C. Good idea D. That’s your decision

7. Not only I but also Lilei and Han Meimei ______tired of so much homework everyday.

A. am B. is

C. are D. be

8. ______ many times, he finally managed to settle the problem.

A. Tried B. Trying

C. Having been tried D. Having tried

9. The price of the pork has risen from 8 Yuan to 12 Yuan. This means it has risen ______ 50 percent.

A. with B. at

C. to D. by

10. ______didn’t attend the lecture yesterday won’t be given full marks.

A. Anyone B. Who

C. Whoever D. The person

Part II. Reading Comprehension

Directions: There are 4 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.

Passage 1

How could we possibly think that keeping animals in cages in unnatural environments -mostly for entertainment purposes-is fair and respectful?

Zoo officials say they are concerned about animals. However, most zoos remain “collections ” of interesting “things ” rather than protective habitats. Zoos teach people that it is acceptable to keep animals bored, lonely, and far from their natural homes.

Zoos claim(声称) to educate people and save endangered species, but visitors leave zoos without having learned anything meaningful about the animals’ natural behavior, intelligence, or beauty. Zoos keep animals in small spaces or cages, and most signs only mention the species ’ name, diet, and natural range(分布区). The animals’ normal behavior is seldom noticed because zoos don’t usually take care of the animals’ natural needs.

The animals are kept together in small spaces, with no privacy and little opportunity for mental and physical exercise. This results in unusually and self-destructive behavior called zoochosis. A worldwide study of zoos found that zoochosis is common among animals kept in small spaces or cages. Another study showed that elephants spend 22 percent of their time making repeated head movements or biting cage bars, and bears spend 30 percent of their time walking back and forth, a sign of unhappiness and pain.

Furthermore, most animals in zoos are not endangered. Captive breeding(圈养繁殖) of endangered big cats. Asian elephants, and other species has not resulted in their being sent back to the wild. Zoos talk a lot about their captive breeding programs because they do not want people to worry about a species dying out. In fact, baby animals also attract a lot of paying customers. Haven ’t we seen enough competitions to name baby animals?

Actually, we will save endangered species only if we save their habitats and put an end to the reasons people kill them. Instead of supporting zoos, we should support groups that work to protect animals’ natural habitats.

11. How would the author describe the animals’ life in zoos? ______

A. Dangerous. B. Unhappy.

C. Natural. D. Easy.

12. In the state of zoochosis, animals ______.

A. remain in cages B. behave strangely

C. attack other animals D. enjoy moving around

13. What does the author try to argue in the passage? ______

A. Zoos are not worth the public support.

B. Zoos fail in their attempt to save animals.

C. Zoos should treat animals as human beings.

D. Zoos use animals as a means of entertainment.

14. Although he argues against zoos, the author would still agree that ______.

A. zoos have to keep animals in small cages

B. most animals in zoos are endangered species

C. some endangered animals are reproduced in zoos

D. it’s acceptable to keep animals away from their habitats

Passage 2

The house was quiet at 5 A. m. and Tim’s mother was asleep. Only the sound of the big freezer broke the quiet. He’d dreamt of the cave last night? The purring (轻微颤动声) of the freezer had been the sea .

Tim pulled on a sweater and put some apples into his schoolbag. It was too early for breakfast. He’d eat after he’d been through the cave, sitting on the rocks and staring at the sea.

He wished he had a proper pack. His schoolbag would have to do. What else? Sandwiches— but his mother might wake up if he started pulling out bread for sandwiches, she'd want to know why he had to leave so early. He settled for some biscuits, and left a note stuck to the table.

Gone to Michael’s Back tonight the sky was high and soft and light outside, though the sun still wasn’t up. Even the highway up the hill was quiet as he made his way down the street. The wind from the sea was fresh and sweet.

The sand hills still breathed heat from yesterday’s sun, though the top of the sand was cool. He ran down to the beach impatiently, but there was no one, just dry sand dancing in the early wind and seabirds marching up and down watching the waves.

The light changed suddenly. The first rays of sunlight stretched (延伸) across the sea . The sun was pushing its way over the edge of the world.

Over the first rocks, along to the point. Tim glanced back. The beach was still empty. The sun sailed higher in the sky.

He could see the cave now, even darker in the morning light. The sand turned silver then dark gold as the water flowed away from it. He had to force himself to go closer. Why was it so much more mysterious now? But it would be silly to go back now after so much trouble. He needn’t go in all the way …

15. What did Tim do at the beginning of the story? ______

A. He left the house quietly. B. He had breakfast at home.

C. He left a note on the freezer. D. He put a sweater in his schoolbag.

16. “He settled for some biscuits ” (in Paragraph 3) means that Tim______.

A. had to leave the biscuits on the table .

B. liked biscuits better than sandwiches

C. had to take biscuits instead of sandwiches

D. could only find some biscuits in the kitchen

17. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the story? ______

A. The sea looked like a piece of gold.

B. Seabirds flew away when Tim arrived.

C. Tim was the only person on the beach.

D. The sky got dark as Tim reached the cave.

18. In the story , Tim’s mood changed from______.

A. loneliness to craziness B. anxiousness to excitement

C. helplessness to happiness D. eagerness to nervousness

Passage 3

Are you happy? Do you remember a time when you were happy? Are you seeking happiness today?

Many have sought a variety of sources for their feeling of happiness. Some have put their heart and efforts into their work. Too many turned to drugs and alcohol. Meanwhile, untold numbers have looked for it in the possession of expensive cars, exotic(异国的)vacation homes and other popular “toys”. Most of their efforts have a root in one common fact: people are looking for a lasting source of happiness.

Unfortunately, I believe that happiness escapes from many people because they misunderstand the journey of finding it. I have heard many people say that, “I’ll be happy when I get my new promotion,” or “I’ll be happy when I lose that extra 20 pounds.” It is dangerous because it accepts that happiness is a “response” to having, being or doing something.

In life, we all experience response. Today, some people think that an expensive car is stimulus. Happiness is a response. A great paying job is stimulus. Happiness is a response. This belief leaves us thinking and feeling: “I’ll be happy when...”

It has been my finding that actually the opposite is true. I believe that happiness is a stimulus and response is what life brings to those who are truly happy. When we are happy, we tend to have more success in our work. When we are happy, we more naturally take better care of our bodies and enjoy good health. Happiness is not a response but a stimulus.

Happiness is a conscious choice we make in daily life. For unknown reasons to me, many choose to be upset and angry most of the time. Happiness is not something that happens to us after we get something we want — we usually get things we want after we choose to be happy.

19. From the second paragraph, we know too many people______.

A. they are not happy when they work hard

B. they are not happy when they drink or take drugs

C. they are happy when they possess their own expensive cars

D. they all desire exotic vacation homes

20. In the author’s opinion, which of the following is the most important if you want to be happy?


A. Losing weight B. An expensive car

C. Success in work D. Feeling happy

21. Which of the following is right according to the author? ______

A. If you want to get what you want, you first choose to be happy.

B. We should try to get more and then we’ll be happy.

C. Most people today are happy.

D. Work is a necessary part in our daily life.

22. From the viewpoint of the author, happiness is ______.

A. based on our needs B. unconditional

C. out of reach D. limited

Passage 4

“Dad! He took a book without paying!” I yelled.

My father looked surprised. Before the boy could say anything, his mother grabbed his arm and shook it. “Is it true? You stole? Tell me!”

Everyone was quiet. The boy began to cry, and he nodded his head. He pulled out the comic book (漫画书) from under his shirt.

“Oh, Mr. Kim. I am sorry! My Ted made a big mistake!” Mrs. Diaz told my father. She tried to take the comic book,

“It’s OK. He can keep it,” my father said with a smile.

“Oh no,” Mrs. Diaz said. “Let me pay right now . . . ” She dug in her purse. “How much?” “Three seventy-five. ”

“It’s OK. You can pay later,” my father said.

“No,” Mrs. Diaz said. She kept looking in her purse. “I have money here. ”

I felt bad for yelling, for I realized that Ted had tried to steal the comic book because he didn’t have the money. Maybe the boy could have a job, I thought.

I had an idea.

“What if he worked with me?” I asked. They turned to me.

I said, “He can work with me to pay for the comic book. ”

“Good,” my father said smiling at me. Mrs. Diaz nodded. She turned to her son, “You hear? You will work and buy the comic book!”

“Yes, Mama,” Ted said, hanging his head.

As they left, Ted looked back, and though he still seemed sad, he stuck out (伸出) his tongue at me.

Ted has been working here for two weeks. He has paid for the comic book, but my father says he is such a good worker that he can work with me as long as he wants. We are friends now.

23. Where did the story most probably take place? ______

A. In a classroom. B. In a supermarket.

C. At a bookstore. D. At a library.

24. By saying “but Ted wouldn’t let go” in Paragraph 4, the author means Ted ______.

A. took the book by mistake B. wanted to keep the book

C. didn’t want to go home D. didn’t think he was wrong

25. From the underlined sentences in the eighth paragraph, we may infer that Mrs. Diaz ______.

A. didn’t think her son stole the book

B. had been out of work for a long time

C. forgot to take money with her that day

D. couldn’t afford to pay for the book

Part III. Translate English into Chinese.

Directions: For this part, you are required to translate English into Chinese.

Six years have gone by in the blink of an eye since I came to the capital from the countryside. During these six years I have witnessed and heard about quite a number of big events know as “affairs of state”. None of them, however, has had any impact on my heart. If anything, they have only made me increasingly gloomy.

But there was one small event which had deep significance for me and which pulled me out of my gloom. I still remember it clearly today.

It was a winter day in 1917 and a strong northerly wind was blowing. I set off early in the morning to go to work. There was hardly anybody on the street.

Part IV. Translate Chinese into English.

Directions: For this part, you are required to translate Chinese into English.


《大学英语预备级1》复习纲要A 答案

Part I. Vocabulary and Structure

1-5 AACBA 6-10 CCDDC

Part II. Reading Comprehension

11-14 BBAC 15-18 ACCD 19-22 CDAB 23—25CBD

Part III. Translate English into Chinese(主观题无标准答案)

Part IV. Translate Chinese into English(主观题无标准答案)


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  • 西南交通大学2012级本科生军事理论 期末总复习提纲 参考教材: 大学军事科学概论(第三版):教师各专题课件. 答 疑: 赵章海 :[email protected] :[email protected] 18.中国人民解放军是 中国共产党 缔造和 领导 的人民军队,是中国 武装力量 的主体,建立于 1927 年 8 ...

  • 航空英语1课程复习考试试题及答案B
  • <航空英语1>复习纲要B 一.单项选择题 A. available B. useful C. handful D. helpful fare, because there is no discounts for this flight. A. complete B. all C. eno ...

  • 幼儿园教育指导纲要考题及答案.
  • <幼儿园教育指导纲要> 一.填空(每空2分,共30分). 1.幼儿园要树立正确的健康观念,在重视幼儿身体健康的同时,要高度重视幼儿的______________. 2.游戏的发展价值表现在两个方面:一是情感发展的价值,二是________发展的价值. . 3.幼儿教育是________的 ...

  • 英语期中考试复习重点
  • 英语期中考试复习重点 同学们,我只能以这样的方式和大家一起复习了,周末的时候再翻一翻课本和笔记,一些重点的东西格外注意. 预备单元大家已经烂熟,但还是提醒字母写规范,记住阶段性考试时的教训.背一下预备三单元最后页上包含那几个音的字母和单词,看我们学过单词的时候特别注意其音标中的元音,这是重点.还记得 ...