
“To from by assembling parts” is the dictionary definition for construction, but the phrase also is a metaphor for the construction process itself. Just as divergent materials come together to form a structure, so, too, does a diverse group of people come together to make the project possible. To bring together numerous independent businesses and corporate personalities into one goal oriented process is the peculiar challenge of the construction industry. The organizational cultures of architects, engineers, owners, builders, manufacturers, and suppliers may seem to work against the real need to forge a partnership that will ensure the success of a project.


Construction industry is a basic one to our economy and to our daily lives. The highways we drive on, the bridges we cross, the water we drink, the fuel we burn, all are made possible by the activities of the construction. Likewise, where we shop, where we work, where we worship and learn, and where we shop, where we work, where we worship and learn, and where we live and exist because of the construction. Designers have visions, but until the contractor builds, those visions are just dreams on a sheet of paper.


Construction projects involve much time and expense, and control of them is required if they are to be completed within the established time and cost limitations.

Effective management of a project requires a considerable background of general knowledge about the construction industry. So the purpose of the unit to familiarize the reader with certain fundamentals of construction practice.


Construction projects are intricate and time-consuming undertakings. The total development of a project normally consists of several

phases requiring a diverse range of specialized services. In progressing from initial planning to project completion, the typical job passes through successive and distinct stages that demand inputs from such disparate directions as financial organizations, governmental agencies, engineers, architects, lawyers, insurance and surety companies, contractors, and building tradesmen.


During the construction process itself, even a structure of modest proportions involves many skills, materials, and literally hundreds of different operations.

To some degree each construction project is unique, and no two are ever quite alike, In its specifics, each structure is tailored to suit its environment, arranged to perform its specifics, each structure is tailored to suit its environment, arranged to perform its own particular function,, and designed to reflect personal tastes and preferences. The vagaries of even the most standardized building product combine to make each construction project new and different experience.


The construction process is subject to the influence of highly variable and sometimes unpredictable factors. The construction team, which includes architects, engineers, tradesmen, subcontractors, material dealers, and others, changes from one job to the next. All the complexities inherent to different construction sites such as subsoil conditions, surface topography, weather, transportation, material supply, utilities and services, local subcontractors, and labor conditions are an innate part of construction.


As a consequence of these circumstances, construction projects are typified by their complexit

y and diversity and by the non-standardized nature of their production. The use of factory-produced modular units may diminish this individuality somewhat, but it is unlikely that field construction will ever be able to adapt itself completely to the standardized methods and product uniformity of assembly-line production.


Construction project management is concerned with planning, scheduling, and controlling nonroutine activities within certain time and resource constrains. If a construction project is to be constructed within its established budget and time schedule, close management control of field operations is a necessity. Construction project conditions include technical complexity, importance of timely completion, resource limitations, and control of construction operations. Unfortunately, the construction process once it is set into motion is not a self-regulating mechanism and requires expert guidance if events are to conform to plans.


It must be remembered that construction projects are one-time and largely unique efforts of limited time duration, which involve work of a non-standardized and variable nature. Field construction work can be profoundly affected by events that are difficult, if not impossible to anticipate. Under such uncertain and shifting conditions, field construction costs and time requirements are constantly changing and can seriously deteriorate with little or no advance warning. Skilled and unremitting management effort is not just desirable, it is absolutely imperative for a satisfactory final result.


Under most competitive bids, fixed-sum contracts calling for construction services only, the general contractor exercises m

anagement control over the construction operations. Personal interest is the essential motivation in such a case, the contractor being obligated by contract to meet a prescribed completion date and to finish the construction project for a stipulated sum. The surest way for the contractor to achieve his own objectives is by applying some system of construction project management.


Construction project cost and time control actually begins during the design phase. In the initial design stages, estimates such as annual cost to the owner and total life-cycle costs of the facility are made. Technical job standards are weighed against cost, function, maintenance, and appearance with the objective of minimizing the full cost of constructing, operating, and supporting the new facilities over their useful life. As the design develop construction method and material alternatives are subjected to value analysis as a rational means of optimizing the entire construction process in term of cost and time. Cost budgets, ranging from preliminary to final, are prepared as the design approaches its final form.


In construction management the owner contracts with an architect-engineer for construction project design and with a construction management firm consulting , procurement, contract letting, and construction administration services. In so doing, a construction team is created consisting of the owner, the architect-engineer, and the construction manager. The objective of this approach is to treat construction project planning, design, and construction as integrated tasks within a construction system. The CM works with the owner and the architect-engineer from the beginning of design until construction project completion, providing leadership to the construction team in all matters pertaining to construction. Adherence to construction schedules and budget constraints is the CM's prime responsibility.


工管理服务。在这样做时,一个施工队包括业主,建筑师,工程师,施工经理。这种做法的目的,是把建设项目的规划,设计和建设在建设系统的集成任务。 CM的工作,直到建设项目竣工的设计从一开始就与业主和建筑师,工程师,施工队在建设有关的所有事项提供领导。坚持施工进度和预算约束的CM的首要责任。

The CM organizes, plans, schedules, and controls the field work and is responsible for getting the project completed within the time and cost limitations. He acts as the focal point for all facets of the project and brings together the efforts of all organizations having inputs into the construction process. he coordinates matters relevant to the project and expedites project operations by dealing directly with the individuals and organizations involved. in any such situation where events progress rapidly and decisions must be consistent and informed, the specific leadership of one person is needed. because he has the overall responsibility, the CM must have broad authority over all elements of the project. the nature of construction is such that he must often take action quickly on his own initiative, and it is necessary that he be empowered to do so. to be effective he must have full control of the job and be the one voice that speaks for the project. construction project management is a function of executive leadership and provides the cohesive force that binds together the several diverse elements into a team effort for project completion.


during the design phase, the CM advises with respect to performance criteria, construction feasibility of alternative building systems, site conditions, site conditions, and availability of materials and labor. information pertaining to trade jurisdictions and temporary job facilities is also provided. where long lead-time machinery, equipment, or materials are needed , the CM will make arrangements for their procurement and delivery. during the design process, the CM prepares preliminary, interim, and final constructio

n project budgets and construction schedules, fast tracking and phased construction are frequently used on construction projects of this type. the construction manager handles the bidding and contract award process whereby work is contracted out to a succession of constructors as the various design phases are finalized. the CM usually does not perform significant construction work with his own forces.

在设计阶段,CM方面的性能标准,其他建筑系统,立地条件,立地条件,原材料和劳动力的可用性建设的可行性建议。贸易有关司法管辖区和临时工作机构的信息也被提供。都需要很长的时间机器,设备或材料,CM会安排他们的采购和交付。在设计过程中,CM准备前期,中期,和最终的建设项目的预算和施工进度,快速跟踪和上经常使用这种类型的建设项目分期建设。施工经理负责招投标和合同授予过程,使工作承包给不同的设计阶段完成一连串的构造函数。 CM通常不会用他自己的部队执行重大建设工程。

During construction operations, the CM assumes responsibility for the supervision coordination, and administration of the construction project. Of top importance in this regard are coordinating the work of the separate contractors, checking the actual progress of the construction project against an established time schedule, and exercising every effort to keep the cost of the work within the approved budget. Also often involved are quality control, safety, progress payments, contract changes, claims, expediting, shop drawings , acceptance testing, and other elements of construction administration. The extent of services to be provided by the CM can be tailored to suit the individual owner’s requirements.


Two different types of construction management contracts can be used. Under one type, the CM is made the agent of the owner. All actions of the CM, such as purchasing, contracting, disbursement, and construction supervision, are carried out in the name of and on behalf of the owner. Under principles of agency, the owner is fully responsible for the actions of the CM. another type of management contract is that in which the CM is engaged as an independent contractor . in this case his actions are taken in his own name and on his own responsibility. The CM is liable for his own actions and remains responsible for the work until its completion and acceptance by the owner. Public owners cannot

ordinarily make the CM their agent. Private owners, on the other hand, can and normally do.

两种不同类型的工程建设管理合同可以使用。在一个类型,CM代理人的人。所有的CM的行动,如采购,合同,支付和施工监理,进行中的名称和所有者的代表。代理原则下,业主是完全负责的CM的行动。另一种类型的管理合同,CM被聘请为一个独立的承包商。在这种情况下,他以自己的名义采取的行动和对自己的责任。 CM是为自己的行为负责,并保持工作,直至竣工验收由业主负责。公共业主通常不能使CM他们的代理。另一方面,私人业主,可以和常做

“To from by assembling parts” is the dictionary definition for construction, but the phrase also is a metaphor for the construction process itself. Just as divergent materials come together to form a structure, so, too, does a diverse group of people come together to make the project possible. To bring together numerous independent businesses and corporate personalities into one goal oriented process is the peculiar challenge of the construction industry. The organizational cultures of architects, engineers, owners, builders, manufacturers, and suppliers may seem to work against the real need to forge a partnership that will ensure the success of a project.


Construction industry is a basic one to our economy and to our daily lives. The highways we drive on, the bridges we cross, the water we drink, the fuel we burn, all are made possible by the activities of the construction. Likewise, where we shop, where we work, where we worship and learn, and where we shop, where we work, where we worship and learn, and where we live and exist because of the construction. Designers have visions, but until the contractor builds, those visions are just dreams on a sheet of paper.


Construction projects involve much time and expense, and control of them is required if they are to be completed within the established time and cost limitations.

Effective management of a project requires a considerable background of general knowledge about the construction industry. So the purpose of the unit to familiarize the reader with certain fundamentals of construction practice.


Construction projects are intricate and time-consuming undertakings. The total development of a project normally consists of several

phases requiring a diverse range of specialized services. In progressing from initial planning to project completion, the typical job passes through successive and distinct stages that demand inputs from such disparate directions as financial organizations, governmental agencies, engineers, architects, lawyers, insurance and surety companies, contractors, and building tradesmen.


During the construction process itself, even a structure of modest proportions involves many skills, materials, and literally hundreds of different operations.

To some degree each construction project is unique, and no two are ever quite alike, In its specifics, each structure is tailored to suit its environment, arranged to perform its specifics, each structure is tailored to suit its environment, arranged to perform its own particular function,, and designed to reflect personal tastes and preferences. The vagaries of even the most standardized building product combine to make each construction project new and different experience.


The construction process is subject to the influence of highly variable and sometimes unpredictable factors. The construction team, which includes architects, engineers, tradesmen, subcontractors, material dealers, and others, changes from one job to the next. All the complexities inherent to different construction sites such as subsoil conditions, surface topography, weather, transportation, material supply, utilities and services, local subcontractors, and labor conditions are an innate part of construction.


As a consequence of these circumstances, construction projects are typified by their complexit

y and diversity and by the non-standardized nature of their production. The use of factory-produced modular units may diminish this individuality somewhat, but it is unlikely that field construction will ever be able to adapt itself completely to the standardized methods and product uniformity of assembly-line production.


Construction project management is concerned with planning, scheduling, and controlling nonroutine activities within certain time and resource constrains. If a construction project is to be constructed within its established budget and time schedule, close management control of field operations is a necessity. Construction project conditions include technical complexity, importance of timely completion, resource limitations, and control of construction operations. Unfortunately, the construction process once it is set into motion is not a self-regulating mechanism and requires expert guidance if events are to conform to plans.


It must be remembered that construction projects are one-time and largely unique efforts of limited time duration, which involve work of a non-standardized and variable nature. Field construction work can be profoundly affected by events that are difficult, if not impossible to anticipate. Under such uncertain and shifting conditions, field construction costs and time requirements are constantly changing and can seriously deteriorate with little or no advance warning. Skilled and unremitting management effort is not just desirable, it is absolutely imperative for a satisfactory final result.


Under most competitive bids, fixed-sum contracts calling for construction services only, the general contractor exercises m

anagement control over the construction operations. Personal interest is the essential motivation in such a case, the contractor being obligated by contract to meet a prescribed completion date and to finish the construction project for a stipulated sum. The surest way for the contractor to achieve his own objectives is by applying some system of construction project management.


Construction project cost and time control actually begins during the design phase. In the initial design stages, estimates such as annual cost to the owner and total life-cycle costs of the facility are made. Technical job standards are weighed against cost, function, maintenance, and appearance with the objective of minimizing the full cost of constructing, operating, and supporting the new facilities over their useful life. As the design develop construction method and material alternatives are subjected to value analysis as a rational means of optimizing the entire construction process in term of cost and time. Cost budgets, ranging from preliminary to final, are prepared as the design approaches its final form.


In construction management the owner contracts with an architect-engineer for construction project design and with a construction management firm consulting , procurement, contract letting, and construction administration services. In so doing, a construction team is created consisting of the owner, the architect-engineer, and the construction manager. The objective of this approach is to treat construction project planning, design, and construction as integrated tasks within a construction system. The CM works with the owner and the architect-engineer from the beginning of design until construction project completion, providing leadership to the construction team in all matters pertaining to construction. Adherence to construction schedules and budget constraints is the CM's prime responsibility.


工管理服务。在这样做时,一个施工队包括业主,建筑师,工程师,施工经理。这种做法的目的,是把建设项目的规划,设计和建设在建设系统的集成任务。 CM的工作,直到建设项目竣工的设计从一开始就与业主和建筑师,工程师,施工队在建设有关的所有事项提供领导。坚持施工进度和预算约束的CM的首要责任。

The CM organizes, plans, schedules, and controls the field work and is responsible for getting the project completed within the time and cost limitations. He acts as the focal point for all facets of the project and brings together the efforts of all organizations having inputs into the construction process. he coordinates matters relevant to the project and expedites project operations by dealing directly with the individuals and organizations involved. in any such situation where events progress rapidly and decisions must be consistent and informed, the specific leadership of one person is needed. because he has the overall responsibility, the CM must have broad authority over all elements of the project. the nature of construction is such that he must often take action quickly on his own initiative, and it is necessary that he be empowered to do so. to be effective he must have full control of the job and be the one voice that speaks for the project. construction project management is a function of executive leadership and provides the cohesive force that binds together the several diverse elements into a team effort for project completion.


during the design phase, the CM advises with respect to performance criteria, construction feasibility of alternative building systems, site conditions, site conditions, and availability of materials and labor. information pertaining to trade jurisdictions and temporary job facilities is also provided. where long lead-time machinery, equipment, or materials are needed , the CM will make arrangements for their procurement and delivery. during the design process, the CM prepares preliminary, interim, and final constructio

n project budgets and construction schedules, fast tracking and phased construction are frequently used on construction projects of this type. the construction manager handles the bidding and contract award process whereby work is contracted out to a succession of constructors as the various design phases are finalized. the CM usually does not perform significant construction work with his own forces.

在设计阶段,CM方面的性能标准,其他建筑系统,立地条件,立地条件,原材料和劳动力的可用性建设的可行性建议。贸易有关司法管辖区和临时工作机构的信息也被提供。都需要很长的时间机器,设备或材料,CM会安排他们的采购和交付。在设计过程中,CM准备前期,中期,和最终的建设项目的预算和施工进度,快速跟踪和上经常使用这种类型的建设项目分期建设。施工经理负责招投标和合同授予过程,使工作承包给不同的设计阶段完成一连串的构造函数。 CM通常不会用他自己的部队执行重大建设工程。

During construction operations, the CM assumes responsibility for the supervision coordination, and administration of the construction project. Of top importance in this regard are coordinating the work of the separate contractors, checking the actual progress of the construction project against an established time schedule, and exercising every effort to keep the cost of the work within the approved budget. Also often involved are quality control, safety, progress payments, contract changes, claims, expediting, shop drawings , acceptance testing, and other elements of construction administration. The extent of services to be provided by the CM can be tailored to suit the individual owner’s requirements.


Two different types of construction management contracts can be used. Under one type, the CM is made the agent of the owner. All actions of the CM, such as purchasing, contracting, disbursement, and construction supervision, are carried out in the name of and on behalf of the owner. Under principles of agency, the owner is fully responsible for the actions of the CM. another type of management contract is that in which the CM is engaged as an independent contractor . in this case his actions are taken in his own name and on his own responsibility. The CM is liable for his own actions and remains responsible for the work until its completion and acceptance by the owner. Public owners cannot

ordinarily make the CM their agent. Private owners, on the other hand, can and normally do.

两种不同类型的工程建设管理合同可以使用。在一个类型,CM代理人的人。所有的CM的行动,如采购,合同,支付和施工监理,进行中的名称和所有者的代表。代理原则下,业主是完全负责的CM的行动。另一种类型的管理合同,CM被聘请为一个独立的承包商。在这种情况下,他以自己的名义采取的行动和对自己的责任。 CM是为自己的行为负责,并保持工作,直至竣工验收由业主负责。公共业主通常不能使CM他们的代理。另一方面,私人业主,可以和常做


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