
麦当劳的人力资源管理(human resource management) Recruit: There’re no talents and “vases” in Macdonald. Not only the young but the old are included and the waitresses there look ordinary. The diversity and family combination of the workforce are its characteristics.

There’s no long probation period(试用期) and employees can go to work after three days’ adaption. During the three days,they work with salary.

Training: Standardized training model(标准化培训模式)

Every employee goes to their positon on the first day of their work. They are led by the old employees until they can operate independently. Performance: Unlimited promotion.(无限制晋升)

If the employees do a good job ,they may be promoted from an ordinary employee to a manager.

The best employee assess .(最佳员工评选)

360-degree appraisal(360度反馈法)

麦当劳的人力资源管理(human resource management) Recruit: There’re no talents and “vases” in Macdonald. Not only the young but the old are included and the waitresses there look ordinary. The diversity and family combination of the workforce are its characteristics.

There’s no long probation period(试用期) and employees can go to work after three days’ adaption. During the three days,they work with salary.

Training: Standardized training model(标准化培训模式)

Every employee goes to their positon on the first day of their work. They are led by the old employees until they can operate independently. Performance: Unlimited promotion.(无限制晋升)

If the employees do a good job ,they may be promoted from an ordinary employee to a manager.

The best employee assess .(最佳员工评选)

360-degree appraisal(360度反馈法)


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