

状语从句是每年高考单项填空部分必考的题目之一,也是理解长难句的关键之一;考察的重点仍然是考生容易混淆的近似连词的用法;试题的结构越来越复杂,设问的角度越来越多样化。只要掌握了九种常见状语从句知识及其常用连接词的语意和语用特征, 一般情况下就不成问题了。


件句虚拟语气省略倒装,非谓语),结果状语从句与定语从句(such/so…as/that) 区别,(随着)状语从句与介词(as/with)区别,

让步状语从句与名词性从句(no matter what/whatever)区别

一、 时间状语从句:

1) 一、、、就、、、

as soon as, the moment / minute /second/ instant (that) …, ……,

immediately / instantly / directly… ,

No sooner … than … / Hardly / Scarcely … when … ,


on (doing) sth :

2) 自从 since

句型:It is / has been + 段时间 + since 从句.

3)直到、、、才 until / not …until

句型:倒装句,Not until I got home did I realize I had been away so long.

句型:强调句,It was not until I got home that I realized I had been away so long.

4)each / every / any / next / last / this / that time …, ……

the first / second …… / last / whole time … , ……

by the time … , … “在、、、以前, 、、、、、、”

the day / week / month / year … , ……


6)before “在、、、之前”

“还没、、、就、、、” , 强调时间短

“过了、、、才、、、” , 强调时间长

句型:It will(not) be long before……

7)when / while / as


1)although “尽管、、、 ,虽然、、、 ,虽则、、、 ” I was late for the last train although I hurried.

2)as “虽然、、、但是, 纵使、、、” (需将形容词、副词、名词、动词等放在句首,



you may, I’ll go.

3)though “虽然、、、, 尽管、、、”(既可与 “although”用法相同,也可与 “as”用

法相同。 即:倒装不倒装皆可。)

We went out though it was raining.

Though he had not studied very hard, (yet) he (still) passed the examination. Though (he was) poor, he was happy.

归纳:不可与 “but”连用,但可与 “yet” “still” 连用,需注意其位置。

4)even though / even if “即使、、、, 纵使、、、”(往往含有假定的成分在内)

Even if I sell my house, I’ll keep my business going.

Even though I fail, I’ll keep on trying.

5)疑问词+ ever (whatever, whenever, wherever, whichever, whoever, whomever,


= no matter + 疑问词 (what, when , where , which , who, whom, how…)

Whatever you want to say, I’ll not listen to you.= No matter what you want to

say, I’ll not listen to you.

Wherever you go, I’ll follow you. = No matter where you go, I’ll follow you.

6)whether “不论是否、、、, 不管是、、、还是、、、”

7)while “尽管、、、; 虽然、、、 ”(多放在句首)

While I admitted that the problems are difficult, I don’t agree that they can not solved. While I am willing to go, I would like it better if you went.


连接词:if ; unless/if…not(除非) ; once(一旦) ; as(so) long as(只要) ; on condition that ; in case(万一);if only (要是、、、)

providing / provided (that) ; suppose / supposing (that)(假设) ;

四、 原因状语从句

连接词:because ; as ; since / now (that )(既然); for ; seeing (that)(鉴于) ; in that 介词、连接词:其后既可接名词也可接句子。

considering (that)(就、、、而论;考虑到) ;

given (that) (考虑到; 假定)

介词:其后只接名词。because of ; as a result of ; as a consequence of ; thanks to ; owing to ; on account of ; due to etc.

五、 目的状语从句

连接词:so that ; so…that ; in order that ;从句中多用“may/might ; can/could”

in case (以防); for fear that(惟恐)

六、 结果状语从句

连接词:so that ; so…that ; such…that

七、 地点状语从句

连接词:where ; wherever

八、 比较状语从句

连接词:as…as… ; so…as… ; the same as… ; such…as… ; than ; the

+ 比较级

九、 方式状语从句

连接词:as ; just as ; as though/as if ; + 比较级,the


状语从句是每年高考单项填空部分必考的题目之一,也是理解长难句的关键之一;考察的重点仍然是考生容易混淆的近似连词的用法;试题的结构越来越复杂,设问的角度越来越多样化。只要掌握了九种常见状语从句知识及其常用连接词的语意和语用特征, 一般情况下就不成问题了。


件句虚拟语气省略倒装,非谓语),结果状语从句与定语从句(such/so…as/that) 区别,(随着)状语从句与介词(as/with)区别,

让步状语从句与名词性从句(no matter what/whatever)区别

一、 时间状语从句:

1) 一、、、就、、、

as soon as, the moment / minute /second/ instant (that) …, ……,

immediately / instantly / directly… ,

No sooner … than … / Hardly / Scarcely … when … ,


on (doing) sth :

2) 自从 since

句型:It is / has been + 段时间 + since 从句.

3)直到、、、才 until / not …until

句型:倒装句,Not until I got home did I realize I had been away so long.

句型:强调句,It was not until I got home that I realized I had been away so long.

4)each / every / any / next / last / this / that time …, ……

the first / second …… / last / whole time … , ……

by the time … , … “在、、、以前, 、、、、、、”

the day / week / month / year … , ……


6)before “在、、、之前”

“还没、、、就、、、” , 强调时间短

“过了、、、才、、、” , 强调时间长

句型:It will(not) be long before……

7)when / while / as


1)although “尽管、、、 ,虽然、、、 ,虽则、、、 ” I was late for the last train although I hurried.

2)as “虽然、、、但是, 纵使、、、” (需将形容词、副词、名词、动词等放在句首,



you may, I’ll go.

3)though “虽然、、、, 尽管、、、”(既可与 “although”用法相同,也可与 “as”用

法相同。 即:倒装不倒装皆可。)

We went out though it was raining.

Though he had not studied very hard, (yet) he (still) passed the examination. Though (he was) poor, he was happy.

归纳:不可与 “but”连用,但可与 “yet” “still” 连用,需注意其位置。

4)even though / even if “即使、、、, 纵使、、、”(往往含有假定的成分在内)

Even if I sell my house, I’ll keep my business going.

Even though I fail, I’ll keep on trying.

5)疑问词+ ever (whatever, whenever, wherever, whichever, whoever, whomever,


= no matter + 疑问词 (what, when , where , which , who, whom, how…)

Whatever you want to say, I’ll not listen to you.= No matter what you want to

say, I’ll not listen to you.

Wherever you go, I’ll follow you. = No matter where you go, I’ll follow you.

6)whether “不论是否、、、, 不管是、、、还是、、、”

7)while “尽管、、、; 虽然、、、 ”(多放在句首)

While I admitted that the problems are difficult, I don’t agree that they can not solved. While I am willing to go, I would like it better if you went.


连接词:if ; unless/if…not(除非) ; once(一旦) ; as(so) long as(只要) ; on condition that ; in case(万一);if only (要是、、、)

providing / provided (that) ; suppose / supposing (that)(假设) ;

四、 原因状语从句

连接词:because ; as ; since / now (that )(既然); for ; seeing (that)(鉴于) ; in that 介词、连接词:其后既可接名词也可接句子。

considering (that)(就、、、而论;考虑到) ;

given (that) (考虑到; 假定)

介词:其后只接名词。because of ; as a result of ; as a consequence of ; thanks to ; owing to ; on account of ; due to etc.

五、 目的状语从句

连接词:so that ; so…that ; in order that ;从句中多用“may/might ; can/could”

in case (以防); for fear that(惟恐)

六、 结果状语从句

连接词:so that ; so…that ; such…that

七、 地点状语从句

连接词:where ; wherever

八、 比较状语从句

连接词:as…as… ; so…as… ; the same as… ; such…as… ; than ; the

+ 比较级

九、 方式状语从句

连接词:as ; just as ; as though/as if ; + 比较级,the


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