
Stop the false agitprop of kung fu

When we talk about China,many foreigners will can’t help recalling two words——kung fu. To our surprise, they also put the Chinese Kung Fu as their dreams.

First, I will introduce the Chinese kung fu .Chinese Martial Arts known as Chinese Kung fu by most foreigners and it is a traditional Chinese physical activity with thousands of years of history. It is a very important and unique form of Chinese culture. And also It can be viewed as both a popular and a classical art. Today it is very common and widespread in the world. For example, you can see many Kung fu movies, martial arts novels, and some relevant songs like “Chinese Kung fu”.

When it comes to Chinese kung fu,you can never forger a person whose name is Bruce Lee(李小龙).It is him that introduces Chinese Kung fu to the whole world. He has a lot of exciting movies about Kung fu. May be you not have a good knowledge of Chinese kung fu , but you must hear about so many Movie stars Like Jet li (李连杰) 、Jackit chen (成龙) Donnie yen(甄子丹)and so on. Importantly, from these movies, Chinese kung fu stars as heroes in people’s mind.

Nowadays, Chinese kung fu is well known to all of the world and it has great affect. Films such as “crouching tiger, hidden dragon”, “kung fu hustle” “hero” and “house of flying draggers” have excited Hollywood. At the other hand, we can also see some kung fu movies directed by foreign directors at times, more and more foreigners are interested in Chinese kung fu.

According to these phenomena, may be it shows Kung fu movies of China are famous worldwide. These movies captured audience's attention by a series of smart movements and incredible stunts. But the foreigners believe the existence of kung fu, and Chinese are welcome to admit this concept. I think this behavior is really wrong.

First, kung fu is an art of fighting. It cannot beyond the limit of human body. Just like boxing and judo, strength is the key in a fight. Mike Tyson could knockout Stephen Hawking no matter what kinds of kung fu he learned. A person without external force never should fly on the sky because of gravity. So the scenes, for example, Zhang Ziyi can walk on the top of trees in 《Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon 》or Jet Li can struggle with armies in 《Hero 》, they are fictitious.

Secondly, the force of kung fu is exaggerated. Qigong is a kind of Chinese kung fu, many people think it is very mysterious. But in fact, people who learned free combat can raise more battle effectiveness than he learned qigong. As the result of false agitprop, there are growing training classes for foreigners. A multitude of outlanders think they can learn the miraculous Chinese kung fu form these classes. What they will feel when they found kung fu is a lie?

The last but not the least, our Chinese are proud of national cultural, but if the pride is based on lie, the emotion will change to be pretension and crankiness. That is a major defect to our country.

The imagination of Chinese films is amazing. It is a part of Chinese culture. So we can keep enjoyment to the attitude of kung fu, and honest to tell foreigners:“It is just a movie”.

Stop the false agitprop of kung fu

When we talk about China,many foreigners will can’t help recalling two words——kung fu. To our surprise, they also put the Chinese Kung Fu as their dreams.

First, I will introduce the Chinese kung fu .Chinese Martial Arts known as Chinese Kung fu by most foreigners and it is a traditional Chinese physical activity with thousands of years of history. It is a very important and unique form of Chinese culture. And also It can be viewed as both a popular and a classical art. Today it is very common and widespread in the world. For example, you can see many Kung fu movies, martial arts novels, and some relevant songs like “Chinese Kung fu”.

When it comes to Chinese kung fu,you can never forger a person whose name is Bruce Lee(李小龙).It is him that introduces Chinese Kung fu to the whole world. He has a lot of exciting movies about Kung fu. May be you not have a good knowledge of Chinese kung fu , but you must hear about so many Movie stars Like Jet li (李连杰) 、Jackit chen (成龙) Donnie yen(甄子丹)and so on. Importantly, from these movies, Chinese kung fu stars as heroes in people’s mind.

Nowadays, Chinese kung fu is well known to all of the world and it has great affect. Films such as “crouching tiger, hidden dragon”, “kung fu hustle” “hero” and “house of flying draggers” have excited Hollywood. At the other hand, we can also see some kung fu movies directed by foreign directors at times, more and more foreigners are interested in Chinese kung fu.

According to these phenomena, may be it shows Kung fu movies of China are famous worldwide. These movies captured audience's attention by a series of smart movements and incredible stunts. But the foreigners believe the existence of kung fu, and Chinese are welcome to admit this concept. I think this behavior is really wrong.

First, kung fu is an art of fighting. It cannot beyond the limit of human body. Just like boxing and judo, strength is the key in a fight. Mike Tyson could knockout Stephen Hawking no matter what kinds of kung fu he learned. A person without external force never should fly on the sky because of gravity. So the scenes, for example, Zhang Ziyi can walk on the top of trees in 《Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon 》or Jet Li can struggle with armies in 《Hero 》, they are fictitious.

Secondly, the force of kung fu is exaggerated. Qigong is a kind of Chinese kung fu, many people think it is very mysterious. But in fact, people who learned free combat can raise more battle effectiveness than he learned qigong. As the result of false agitprop, there are growing training classes for foreigners. A multitude of outlanders think they can learn the miraculous Chinese kung fu form these classes. What they will feel when they found kung fu is a lie?

The last but not the least, our Chinese are proud of national cultural, but if the pride is based on lie, the emotion will change to be pretension and crankiness. That is a major defect to our country.

The imagination of Chinese films is amazing. It is a part of Chinese culture. So we can keep enjoyment to the attitude of kung fu, and honest to tell foreigners:“It is just a movie”.


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