



【英文摘要】In 1999, People’s Republic of China Law of Contract has been enacted, the 74th and the 75th article of which stipulate the cancellation right. The setting of the cancellation right has a theoretical and practical value of safeguarding the sound development of the socialist market economy. However, this article is simple and difficult to understand and adopt. Because the use of the cancellation right is at the cost of the privity of contract, which is the basic principle connecting obligee and obligor. Breaking this principle influence the safety of the transaction, thus,

attention should be paid to the rights of obligee and obligor during the judgment, that is to say, the safety of the

transaction and the economical freedom of the obligee should be balanced. But, the Contract Law of China ignored the

cancellation right procedural mechanism ---- Proceedings for right of Cancellation.In December ,1999, Supreme People’s Court Certain Questions Explanations about, the 23rd to the 26th article in which expound the 74th and the 75th article of contract law., and finally establish the position of the Cancellation Right in

China’s legal system. As a new law, scholars did not pay much attention to it, and there may be more or less situation in the implementation. So we should apply this law to practical, absorb advanced theory, make the most of the law.This essay based on the legislation’s experience of foreign countries, connecting the proceedings for right of cancellation’s

practice in our country, explored and discussed the conception of the Proceedings for right of cancellation, object of action, the status of litigant and so on. The main point of view of this essay: The nature of proceedings for right of cancellation is the request right suit and given suit. The jurisdiction of Proceedings for right is the exclusive territorial

jurisdiction. The object of action Proceedings for right is that the debtor’s disposition is removed and that recovery original property. Validity of matter adjudged of proceedings for right related creditor debtor and third party.

【关键词】撤销权 诉讼 程序 既判力 【备注】索购全文在线加好友:139938848 .....


【英文关键词】the Cancellation Right litigation Procedure Validity of matter adjudged




11-13Abstract5-6摘要第一章 撤销权诉讼的属性二、撤销权的本质第二章 撤销权诉一、撤销权制度的特征9-11三、撤销权诉讼之性质13-15


第三章 撤销权诉讼的当事



20二、撤销权诉讼的诉讼标的16-17人17-20被告17-20一、撤销权之诉的原告第四章 撤销权诉讼的程序20-34(一) 撤销权诉讼的程序条件权诉讼的提起20-25

(二) 撤销权诉讼的实质条件20-25




(一) 撤的时效条件25


仲裁的关系25-26二、撤销权诉讼的管辖25-2725(二) 撤销权诉讼的管辖与协议管辖、(三) 涉外撤销权诉讼的管辖26-27

(一) 证明对象27(二)

(一) 三、撤销权诉讼的证明27-29证明责任27-29四、撤销权诉讼裁判的判决29-34




35-37后记37-38 (二) 撤销权诉讼判2、撤销权诉1、既判力的概述31-32结语34-35参考文献




【英文摘要】In 1999, People’s Republic of China Law of Contract has been enacted, the 74th and the 75th article of which stipulate the cancellation right. The setting of the cancellation right has a theoretical and practical value of safeguarding the sound development of the socialist market economy. However, this article is simple and difficult to understand and adopt. Because the use of the cancellation right is at the cost of the privity of contract, which is the basic principle connecting obligee and obligor. Breaking this principle influence the safety of the transaction, thus,

attention should be paid to the rights of obligee and obligor during the judgment, that is to say, the safety of the

transaction and the economical freedom of the obligee should be balanced. But, the Contract Law of China ignored the

cancellation right procedural mechanism ---- Proceedings for right of Cancellation.In December ,1999, Supreme People’s Court Certain Questions Explanations about, the 23rd to the 26th article in which expound the 74th and the 75th article of contract law., and finally establish the position of the Cancellation Right in

China’s legal system. As a new law, scholars did not pay much attention to it, and there may be more or less situation in the implementation. So we should apply this law to practical, absorb advanced theory, make the most of the law.This essay based on the legislation’s experience of foreign countries, connecting the proceedings for right of cancellation’s

practice in our country, explored and discussed the conception of the Proceedings for right of cancellation, object of action, the status of litigant and so on. The main point of view of this essay: The nature of proceedings for right of cancellation is the request right suit and given suit. The jurisdiction of Proceedings for right is the exclusive territorial

jurisdiction. The object of action Proceedings for right is that the debtor’s disposition is removed and that recovery original property. Validity of matter adjudged of proceedings for right related creditor debtor and third party.

【关键词】撤销权 诉讼 程序 既判力 【备注】索购全文在线加好友:139938848 .....


【英文关键词】the Cancellation Right litigation Procedure Validity of matter adjudged




11-13Abstract5-6摘要第一章 撤销权诉讼的属性二、撤销权的本质第二章 撤销权诉一、撤销权制度的特征9-11三、撤销权诉讼之性质13-15


第三章 撤销权诉讼的当事



20二、撤销权诉讼的诉讼标的16-17人17-20被告17-20一、撤销权之诉的原告第四章 撤销权诉讼的程序20-34(一) 撤销权诉讼的程序条件权诉讼的提起20-25

(二) 撤销权诉讼的实质条件20-25




(一) 撤的时效条件25


仲裁的关系25-26二、撤销权诉讼的管辖25-2725(二) 撤销权诉讼的管辖与协议管辖、(三) 涉外撤销权诉讼的管辖26-27

(一) 证明对象27(二)

(一) 三、撤销权诉讼的证明27-29证明责任27-29四、撤销权诉讼裁判的判决29-34




35-37后记37-38 (二) 撤销权诉讼判2、撤销权诉1、既判力的概述31-32结语34-35参考文献


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