

1.I’ll borrow 你们现在不用的任何一顶帐篷).

2.Free movie tickets will be given to 最早来的人们).

3.We agreed to accept 任何我们队长认为最佳的条件).

4.Friends are forever comforts.无论我走到哪里)their care follows.

5.It is neither possible nor sensible for parents to satisfy 孩子表达的任何愿望).

6.不管你对环境有多么失望),you’re supposed to complain less and work more.

7.Respect for the law is the foundation of a civilized society. (不管谁触犯法律)will be punished.

8.David is in the habit of knitting his brows (每当他集中精力思考问题的时候).

1.It is not luck but hard work that led him to today’s success.

2.Prof.Moen argues that it is energy makes the world go round.

3.It is not until he had proved he was honest that he won the family’s trust.

4.It was clearly the headmaster himself who/that opened the door for me.

5.What is it that Jack has to take into consideration when applying for the job?



The friendship grounded on common / shared interest does not break up easily. / It is not easy for the friendship grounded on common / shared interest to break up.


Children must learn to distinguish between violence and bravery / courage in computer games.


There spring uo so many new things every day in the world that it is no longer sensible to expect a person to know / keep track of everything.


Laws do not regulate such things as betrayal to friends,that is why there is what we call / is called “the court of morally”.


Today’s culture is described as “fast-food culture”.Whatever they may be / are doing,people just pursue the greatest / maximum satisfaction within the shortest time.


As the saying goes,there is no such thing as a free lunch.If you want something,go and earn / work for it.


1.(楼梯上坐着)a dark-haired girl.

2.(墙那边飞过来了)a shower of stones.

3.拐角那儿)a policeman on the beat.

4.终于到了)the graduation ceremony we had been looking forward to.

5.(桌子底下躺着)a half-conscious young man.

6.山顶矗立着)the castle in all its grace.

1.The beaver chews down trees to get food and material to build its home with.

2.Do your parents think Tom is a nice boy to go out with?

3.The goals for which he has fought all his life seem unimportant to him now.

4.A great book,rich in ideas and beauty,demands the most active reading you are capable of.

5.The essay starts by asking a question,to which the author then gives a positive answer. TRANSLATION


In either friendship or love / In both friendship and love,you should never expect to take / receive the maximum while you give the minimum.


I built all my hopes on his promise(s),only to find that he was not a man of sincerity at all.


We took Mother to all the best hospitals we could find,but all our efforts were in vain;she failed to survive the disease.

4.情人节是个一年一度在2月14日庆祝的节日,一个向自己心仪的对象表达爱意的好日子. Valentine’s Day is an annual holiday celebrated on February 14,a perfect day to express love to the object of your / one’s affection.


In the information era,communications with far-away friends via e-mail can be almost / virtually simultaneous.


Love takes time,for it is not / forged until you have grown used to the other’s company and learned to appreciate the other.


1.I’ll borrow 你们现在不用的任何一顶帐篷).

2.Free movie tickets will be given to 最早来的人们).

3.We agreed to accept 任何我们队长认为最佳的条件).

4.Friends are forever comforts.无论我走到哪里)their care follows.

5.It is neither possible nor sensible for parents to satisfy 孩子表达的任何愿望).

6.不管你对环境有多么失望),you’re supposed to complain less and work more.

7.Respect for the law is the foundation of a civilized society. (不管谁触犯法律)will be punished.

8.David is in the habit of knitting his brows (每当他集中精力思考问题的时候).

1.It is not luck but hard work that led him to today’s success.

2.Prof.Moen argues that it is energy makes the world go round.

3.It is not until he had proved he was honest that he won the family’s trust.

4.It was clearly the headmaster himself who/that opened the door for me.

5.What is it that Jack has to take into consideration when applying for the job?



The friendship grounded on common / shared interest does not break up easily. / It is not easy for the friendship grounded on common / shared interest to break up.


Children must learn to distinguish between violence and bravery / courage in computer games.


There spring uo so many new things every day in the world that it is no longer sensible to expect a person to know / keep track of everything.


Laws do not regulate such things as betrayal to friends,that is why there is what we call / is called “the court of morally”.


Today’s culture is described as “fast-food culture”.Whatever they may be / are doing,people just pursue the greatest / maximum satisfaction within the shortest time.


As the saying goes,there is no such thing as a free lunch.If you want something,go and earn / work for it.


1.(楼梯上坐着)a dark-haired girl.

2.(墙那边飞过来了)a shower of stones.

3.拐角那儿)a policeman on the beat.

4.终于到了)the graduation ceremony we had been looking forward to.

5.(桌子底下躺着)a half-conscious young man.

6.山顶矗立着)the castle in all its grace.

1.The beaver chews down trees to get food and material to build its home with.

2.Do your parents think Tom is a nice boy to go out with?

3.The goals for which he has fought all his life seem unimportant to him now.

4.A great book,rich in ideas and beauty,demands the most active reading you are capable of.

5.The essay starts by asking a question,to which the author then gives a positive answer. TRANSLATION


In either friendship or love / In both friendship and love,you should never expect to take / receive the maximum while you give the minimum.


I built all my hopes on his promise(s),only to find that he was not a man of sincerity at all.


We took Mother to all the best hospitals we could find,but all our efforts were in vain;she failed to survive the disease.

4.情人节是个一年一度在2月14日庆祝的节日,一个向自己心仪的对象表达爱意的好日子. Valentine’s Day is an annual holiday celebrated on February 14,a perfect day to express love to the object of your / one’s affection.


In the information era,communications with far-away friends via e-mail can be almost / virtually simultaneous.


Love takes time,for it is not / forged until you have grown used to the other’s company and learned to appreciate the other.


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