

1). Describe an instance where you set your sights on a high/demanding goal and saw it through completion. 举例说明,你如何制定了一个很高的目标,并且最终实现了它

2) Summarize a situation where you took the initiative to get others going on an important task or issue and played a leading role to achieve the results you wanted. 请举例说明你在一项团队活动中如何采取主动性,并且起到领导者的作用,最终获得你所希望的结果。

3)Describe a situation where you had to seek out relevant informationdefine key issues and decide on which steps to take to get the desired results. 请详细描述一个情景,在这个情景中你必须搜集相关信息,划定关键点,并且决定依照哪些步骤能够达到所期望的结果

4)Describe an instance where you made effective use of facts to secure the agreement of others. 举例说明你是怎样用事实促使他人与你达成一致意见的

5)Give an example of how you worked effectively with people to accomplish an important result. 举例证明你可以和他人合作,共同实现一个重要目标

6)Describe a creative/innovative idea that you produced which

led to a significant contribution to the success of an activity or project. 举例证明,你的一个创意曾经对一个项目的成功起到至关重要的作用

7)Provide an example of how you assessed a situation and achieved good results by focusing on the most important priorities. 请举例,你是怎样评估一种情况,并将注意力集中在关键问题的解决

8)Provide an example of how you acquired technical skills and converted them to practical application. 举例说明你怎样获得一种技能,并将其转化为实践


1). Describe an instance where you set your sights on a high/demanding goal and saw it through completion. 举例说明,你如何制定了一个很高的目标,并且最终实现了它

2) Summarize a situation where you took the initiative to get others going on an important task or issue and played a leading role to achieve the results you wanted. 请举例说明你在一项团队活动中如何采取主动性,并且起到领导者的作用,最终获得你所希望的结果。

3)Describe a situation where you had to seek out relevant informationdefine key issues and decide on which steps to take to get the desired results. 请详细描述一个情景,在这个情景中你必须搜集相关信息,划定关键点,并且决定依照哪些步骤能够达到所期望的结果

4)Describe an instance where you made effective use of facts to secure the agreement of others. 举例说明你是怎样用事实促使他人与你达成一致意见的

5)Give an example of how you worked effectively with people to accomplish an important result. 举例证明你可以和他人合作,共同实现一个重要目标

6)Describe a creative/innovative idea that you produced which

led to a significant contribution to the success of an activity or project. 举例证明,你的一个创意曾经对一个项目的成功起到至关重要的作用

7)Provide an example of how you assessed a situation and achieved good results by focusing on the most important priorities. 请举例,你是怎样评估一种情况,并将注意力集中在关键问题的解决

8)Provide an example of how you acquired technical skills and converted them to practical application. 举例说明你怎样获得一种技能,并将其转化为实践


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