



















  Happiness Lies in Singing Yue Opera Arias

  By Liu Wen

  Jin Suwen won the first place award in a competition of top 10 amateur Yue Opera singers in Hangzhou, held in 2006 in celebration of the 100th anniversary of Yue Opera. The citywide contest attracted aficionados from all walks of life. From the very beginning of the free-for-all preliminaries to top 120, top 60, top 20, and finally to top 10, the young teacher with Hangzhou Chongwen Experimental Primary School was favored by jurors for her singing and performing.

  For Jin Suwen, taking part in the Yue Opera singing contest was joy, but winning against all the competitors was more than joy.

  Born in 1974 on an island in Yuhuan County in southern Zhejiang Province, Jin was gifted with a pleasant and resonant singing voice even as a baby girl, who inherited the voice and passion for Yue Opera from her mother. A super fan of Yue opera, her mother sang Yue opera arias even when she was darning fishing nets. Influenced by her mother, the two-year-old Jin Suwen was able to sing Daiyu Comes to Stay at the Splendid Home, an aria in the Dream of Red Mansion, from start to finish. As the baby girl grew, she became a devoted fan who nagged her mother to buy a VCR, a luxury few people on the island could afford at that time, so that she could learn from tapes of Yue Opera arias, which she asked people to buy from outside the island. By learning from the tapes, Jin Suwen built up her singing repertoire and became a skillful singer.


  One day she learned that the county’s Yue Opera troupe was recruiting youngsters. She signed up and she was enrolled. In two years, she mastered all there was to be learned and became the best graduate from the two-year training course. But she was not qualified as a young actress at the troupe simply because she did not grow tall enough during the two years. She came back to the island to continue her normal education. Then she went to Wenling Teachers School.

  In the school she became a star overnight by singing a Yue Opera aria at a students’ gathering. Amazed by the beauty of the Yue opera and the way she sang, many of her classmates fell in love with the opera. From then forward, her singing an aria was part of the repertoire at school’s celebrations. The school principal was so proud of Jin that she regarded Jin as a star student.

  When Jin Suwen graduated as a top student, a primary school in Hangzhou came to recruit promising young teachers. She was recruited. A few months later, she came to Hangzhou and became a Chinese language teacher.

  Her passion for Yue Opera found a good stage in a more convenient cultural environment both at the school and in the city. The young teacher organized an amateur troupe at the school and taught pupils to learn Yue Opera. She bought video discs of Yue Opera performances and organized young enthusiasts to watch. To better teach the opera, she learned from experts about how to teach youngsters to learn the opera. To broaden her experience in local operas in Zhejiang, she even learned some other folk operas.


  Jin Suwen met her Mr. Right through Yue Opera activities in the city. Her husband Zhang Daquan is an assistant to the principal and music teacher in another primary school in the city. He came from Shengzhou, where Yue Opera originated 100 years ago. As a youngster he even played the Erhu* as an accompanist in a local Yue Opera troupe. The husband and wife can hold a family concert to stage Yue Opera singings. Their eight-year-old son now plays the flute to accompany his mother’s singing.

  Jin Suwen also owes her success at the contest to Wang Hangjuan, a national-award winner with the Yellow Dragon Yue Opera Troupe who gave her tips for better performances.

  * a two-stringed bowed Chinese musical instrument

  (Translated by David)




















  Happiness Lies in Singing Yue Opera Arias

  By Liu Wen

  Jin Suwen won the first place award in a competition of top 10 amateur Yue Opera singers in Hangzhou, held in 2006 in celebration of the 100th anniversary of Yue Opera. The citywide contest attracted aficionados from all walks of life. From the very beginning of the free-for-all preliminaries to top 120, top 60, top 20, and finally to top 10, the young teacher with Hangzhou Chongwen Experimental Primary School was favored by jurors for her singing and performing.

  For Jin Suwen, taking part in the Yue Opera singing contest was joy, but winning against all the competitors was more than joy.

  Born in 1974 on an island in Yuhuan County in southern Zhejiang Province, Jin was gifted with a pleasant and resonant singing voice even as a baby girl, who inherited the voice and passion for Yue Opera from her mother. A super fan of Yue opera, her mother sang Yue opera arias even when she was darning fishing nets. Influenced by her mother, the two-year-old Jin Suwen was able to sing Daiyu Comes to Stay at the Splendid Home, an aria in the Dream of Red Mansion, from start to finish. As the baby girl grew, she became a devoted fan who nagged her mother to buy a VCR, a luxury few people on the island could afford at that time, so that she could learn from tapes of Yue Opera arias, which she asked people to buy from outside the island. By learning from the tapes, Jin Suwen built up her singing repertoire and became a skillful singer.


  One day she learned that the county’s Yue Opera troupe was recruiting youngsters. She signed up and she was enrolled. In two years, she mastered all there was to be learned and became the best graduate from the two-year training course. But she was not qualified as a young actress at the troupe simply because she did not grow tall enough during the two years. She came back to the island to continue her normal education. Then she went to Wenling Teachers School.

  In the school she became a star overnight by singing a Yue Opera aria at a students’ gathering. Amazed by the beauty of the Yue opera and the way she sang, many of her classmates fell in love with the opera. From then forward, her singing an aria was part of the repertoire at school’s celebrations. The school principal was so proud of Jin that she regarded Jin as a star student.

  When Jin Suwen graduated as a top student, a primary school in Hangzhou came to recruit promising young teachers. She was recruited. A few months later, she came to Hangzhou and became a Chinese language teacher.

  Her passion for Yue Opera found a good stage in a more convenient cultural environment both at the school and in the city. The young teacher organized an amateur troupe at the school and taught pupils to learn Yue Opera. She bought video discs of Yue Opera performances and organized young enthusiasts to watch. To better teach the opera, she learned from experts about how to teach youngsters to learn the opera. To broaden her experience in local operas in Zhejiang, she even learned some other folk operas.


  Jin Suwen met her Mr. Right through Yue Opera activities in the city. Her husband Zhang Daquan is an assistant to the principal and music teacher in another primary school in the city. He came from Shengzhou, where Yue Opera originated 100 years ago. As a youngster he even played the Erhu* as an accompanist in a local Yue Opera troupe. The husband and wife can hold a family concert to stage Yue Opera singings. Their eight-year-old son now plays the flute to accompany his mother’s singing.

  Jin Suwen also owes her success at the contest to Wang Hangjuan, a national-award winner with the Yellow Dragon Yue Opera Troupe who gave her tips for better performances.

  * a two-stringed bowed Chinese musical instrument

  (Translated by David)


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