






《ISO 9000 standard profile (four) ISO90001:2000 "quality management system requirements" and certification》/Zhang Fang

Abstract:SO9001:2000 "quality management system requirements" provides four major processes: "management responsibility", "resource management", "product realization" and "quality, analysis and improvement", in accordance with the PDCA rules to improve the quality management system to achieve the effect of spiral type. It is both generic and can be used for internal use, and can also be used for certification or contract purposes. Enterprises through the implementation of GB/T19000-ISO9000 series of national standards, to carry out quality system certification work, is conducive to adapt to the economic system from the traditional planned economic system to the socialist market economic system, is conducive to economic growth mode from extensive to intensive change. Key word:Authentication,PDCA

《Juran’s Quality Handbook》/Joseph M. Juran

Abstract:Constitute the international economy of various industries: manufacturing, construction, various types of services, such as

transportation, communications, utilities, finance, health, medical, government agencies, etc.. To engage in various functional areas, such as research and development, market research, finance, operations, marketing and sales, human resources, supplier relationships, customer service, administrative management and support activities. Secondly, Juran stressed that this book not only to meet the needs of quality management personnel and quality professionals, but also to serve the entire process of quality management functions, it involves all

departments of the organization, involving all levels of organization. And all kinds of special personnel for quality plan, quality control and quality improvement process. In addition, for some although there is no direct relationship with the products and services of production and sales, but it is necessary to understanding the quality of the product (service) and side effects associated with the "stakeholder", to help. These "closely connected" including customers, investors, the media, the public and government departments.

Key word:Quality control manual,Paradigm

《Zero defect quality management》/Crosby

Abstract:Quality management of the standard is zero defect, it is the first time for each person to do the right thing, improve the quality of the recipe is to prevent, not after the test.

Key word:Quality Assurance,Basic ideas

《Quality management - theory, standards and cases》/Bai Baoguang Abstract:According to the logical relation of quality management theory and module of knowledge. The book is divided into eleven chapters,

including the introduction of quality management, ISO9000 standards and quality management system certification, quality control, quality

inspection and sampling inspection theory, quality function deployment, set the quality design optimization technology, quality cost management, customer satisfaction, service quality management, six sigma management, performance excellence model etc. the content. Taking into account the integrity of the content as well as for the readers to learn, this book except with the thinking and exercises, each chapter has been prepared with the specific case, to make up for the lack of the theory of the same kind of teaching materials.

Key word:Quality testing,Quality design optimization

《Deming on quality management》/W - Deming Edwards

Abstract:Dr. Deming in the book the first part (the corner out ofthe crisis) to you pointed out how to change, how to improve quality and productivity under the leadership of the top management. Dr. Deming proposed a new camp and theoretical framework proposed fourteen management points

(14Pointsfor Management) and seven kinds of malady of therapy and with abundant examples from customers, employees, management layer and the government's perspective to explore how to overcome the enemy of quality. He in the second part (new economic concept of the New Economics) depreciation of modern management system deficiencies in many painful needle, thus put forward the "profound knowledge system" (a system ofProfound knowledge) serves as the basis for the thorough change of the theory. Knowledge system covers the concept of the system, the knowledge of variation, the theory of knowledge, psychology, and so on the four level is the essence of Deming's management thought. The second part describes the system and the application of the enterprise, education and government. To make the readers get a new perspective to analyze and solve the problems of the organization and enterprises.

Key word:Management points,Management system

《Total Quality Management》/Murgatroyd,S.

Abstract:Total quality management, that isTQM(Total Quality Management), the quality of an organization to take the full participation as the basis, the purpose is to achieve long-term success through customer satisfaction and all members of the organization and social benefits. In total quality management, the quality of this concept and the realization of all management objectives.

Key word:Economic performance,Quality Assurance

《Application of total quality management in business education》/ Daniel J; Koenig

Abstract:To improve the quality of education is almost one of the central themes of our country and the world education reform. This paper puts forward the theory and method of comprehensive quality management in the process of educational management. And try to carry out the significance,

characteristics, basic work and organization of the implementation of the comprehensive quality management of education.

Key word:Total quality management,Application

《Concept of modern quality audit toward achieving TQM and ISO9000 certification》/Rotab Khan

Abstract:In how to deal with the relationship between ISO9000 standards and the implementation of total quality management, the quality management has a certain degree of confusion, which affects the

development of enterprise quality management. Implement the ISO9000 standards and the implementation of a comprehensive quality management are carried out for the implementation of the quality management

organization, there is a system of activities, and the two complement each other, mutual promotion. Therefore, to carry out quality management work, must not be separated from the two, and to combine the two closely together, in order to adapt to the development of China's market economy and the integration of international trade development requirements.

Key word:QA,Quality Assurance

《Quality is free》/Crosby, Philip B

Abstract:In Crosby's initiative, the "zero defect" has become the international excellent enterprise working standard. This series is Crosby "zero defect" journey of holographic recording, the masters of wisdom in China for the first time the perfect present. It will focus on the quality management of readers to show the success stories of

well-known enterprises, for those ambitious commitment to improve the quality of the Chinese enterprises to improve the quality of the "zero defect", the source of profits and competitive advantage!

Key word:Zero defect,HPA

《Juran On Quality》/ J.M.JURAN

Abstract:Design quality is defined as the use of the user's purpose, the economic situation and the internal conditions of the enterprise to determine the required quality level or quality of the design. It reflects the degree of perfection of the design objective, which is expressed in various specifications and standards.

Key word:Product concept,Quality requirements








随着我国物流业的快速发展,物流市场出现了多种类型的物流企业,传统运输、 仓储、货代企业开始向物流领域拓展,新兴物流企业大量涌现。国外物流企业也看好中国的物流市场,加快在中国市场的拓展速度。物流业形成了多种类型物流企业共同发展的格局。但与物流业发达的国家相比,我国物流业仍处在发展初期,物流企业发展还很不成熟,主要体现在现代物流理念淡薄,经营观念落后,缺乏现代物流服务模式的开拓创新。随着市场竞争的加剧,不同厂商的产品


伴随中国经济的快速发展和经济全球化步伐的加快,商品贸易规模迅速扩大,物资空间移动的广度和深度也随之扩展,因而对于物流活动的效率、物流的快速反应能力以及信息化程度都提出了更高的要求。同时,物流需求的个性化、多样化和高度化,要求物流服务企业必须不断改进和优化企业的经营模式,有针对性地开发新型物流服务,以适应物流市场的变化,提高企业的竞争力。 现代物流的本质是服务,物流企业的目标就是要满足货主企业向其客户提供物流服务的需要,传统物流企业仍然主要在提供运输、仓储等功能性物流服务,通过比拼功能服务价格进行市场竞争。要改变这种状况,一个重要方面就是要超越传统物流服务模式,在服务理念、服务内容和服务方式上实现创新,无论是在服务能力上,还是在服务质量上都要以货主满意为目标。随着工商企业物流理念的成熟,他们在要求提供运输、仓储等一般性服务外,还希望物流企业提供物流网络设计、库存管理、订货管理、流通加工、定单处理、信息服务等一系列的增值服务。






我国物流理论研究的两大领域—物资流通和交通系统,不论是物流战略规划还是物流经营管理理论的研究,都从研究者固有的立场和视角出发,片面地强调某个局部的功能要素,缺乏综合性,导致了人们对物流认识偏差。直到20001年4月,我国物流的 基础性国家标准《物流术语》才正式发布。对于适合我国国情的物流理论尚缺乏深入研究,同时部分理论研究与实践严重脱节,理论成果的可操作性不强。








中国企业要按市场规律构筑适合自己的一体化物流战略,离不开完善的宏 观环境和外部环境。中国政府要加强和完善物流法律、法规建设;应采取积极的财政政策、税收政策、金融政策等;要为物流企业、物流服务企业在跨地区经营的工商登记、办理证照、统一纳税、交通管制、进出口货物查验通关等方面创造良好的经营环境;要扶持、引导物流企业、物流服务企业引进先进装备,改善物流设施,进而提高物流绩效和物流服务水平;要积极鼓励和扶持有一定基础的大型货运企业或储运企业完善服务功能,实现向物流服务企业的转变,推动第三方物流服务市场的形成;要健全社会保障和就业机制,促进生产性和流通性等企业更多地使用社会化物流,既提高经济效益又提高社会效益。









《ISO 9000 standard profile (four) ISO90001:2000 "quality management system requirements" and certification》/Zhang Fang

Abstract:SO9001:2000 "quality management system requirements" provides four major processes: "management responsibility", "resource management", "product realization" and "quality, analysis and improvement", in accordance with the PDCA rules to improve the quality management system to achieve the effect of spiral type. It is both generic and can be used for internal use, and can also be used for certification or contract purposes. Enterprises through the implementation of GB/T19000-ISO9000 series of national standards, to carry out quality system certification work, is conducive to adapt to the economic system from the traditional planned economic system to the socialist market economic system, is conducive to economic growth mode from extensive to intensive change. Key word:Authentication,PDCA

《Juran’s Quality Handbook》/Joseph M. Juran

Abstract:Constitute the international economy of various industries: manufacturing, construction, various types of services, such as

transportation, communications, utilities, finance, health, medical, government agencies, etc.. To engage in various functional areas, such as research and development, market research, finance, operations, marketing and sales, human resources, supplier relationships, customer service, administrative management and support activities. Secondly, Juran stressed that this book not only to meet the needs of quality management personnel and quality professionals, but also to serve the entire process of quality management functions, it involves all

departments of the organization, involving all levels of organization. And all kinds of special personnel for quality plan, quality control and quality improvement process. In addition, for some although there is no direct relationship with the products and services of production and sales, but it is necessary to understanding the quality of the product (service) and side effects associated with the "stakeholder", to help. These "closely connected" including customers, investors, the media, the public and government departments.

Key word:Quality control manual,Paradigm

《Zero defect quality management》/Crosby

Abstract:Quality management of the standard is zero defect, it is the first time for each person to do the right thing, improve the quality of the recipe is to prevent, not after the test.

Key word:Quality Assurance,Basic ideas

《Quality management - theory, standards and cases》/Bai Baoguang Abstract:According to the logical relation of quality management theory and module of knowledge. The book is divided into eleven chapters,

including the introduction of quality management, ISO9000 standards and quality management system certification, quality control, quality

inspection and sampling inspection theory, quality function deployment, set the quality design optimization technology, quality cost management, customer satisfaction, service quality management, six sigma management, performance excellence model etc. the content. Taking into account the integrity of the content as well as for the readers to learn, this book except with the thinking and exercises, each chapter has been prepared with the specific case, to make up for the lack of the theory of the same kind of teaching materials.

Key word:Quality testing,Quality design optimization

《Deming on quality management》/W - Deming Edwards

Abstract:Dr. Deming in the book the first part (the corner out ofthe crisis) to you pointed out how to change, how to improve quality and productivity under the leadership of the top management. Dr. Deming proposed a new camp and theoretical framework proposed fourteen management points

(14Pointsfor Management) and seven kinds of malady of therapy and with abundant examples from customers, employees, management layer and the government's perspective to explore how to overcome the enemy of quality. He in the second part (new economic concept of the New Economics) depreciation of modern management system deficiencies in many painful needle, thus put forward the "profound knowledge system" (a system ofProfound knowledge) serves as the basis for the thorough change of the theory. Knowledge system covers the concept of the system, the knowledge of variation, the theory of knowledge, psychology, and so on the four level is the essence of Deming's management thought. The second part describes the system and the application of the enterprise, education and government. To make the readers get a new perspective to analyze and solve the problems of the organization and enterprises.

Key word:Management points,Management system

《Total Quality Management》/Murgatroyd,S.

Abstract:Total quality management, that isTQM(Total Quality Management), the quality of an organization to take the full participation as the basis, the purpose is to achieve long-term success through customer satisfaction and all members of the organization and social benefits. In total quality management, the quality of this concept and the realization of all management objectives.

Key word:Economic performance,Quality Assurance

《Application of total quality management in business education》/ Daniel J; Koenig

Abstract:To improve the quality of education is almost one of the central themes of our country and the world education reform. This paper puts forward the theory and method of comprehensive quality management in the process of educational management. And try to carry out the significance,

characteristics, basic work and organization of the implementation of the comprehensive quality management of education.

Key word:Total quality management,Application

《Concept of modern quality audit toward achieving TQM and ISO9000 certification》/Rotab Khan

Abstract:In how to deal with the relationship between ISO9000 standards and the implementation of total quality management, the quality management has a certain degree of confusion, which affects the

development of enterprise quality management. Implement the ISO9000 standards and the implementation of a comprehensive quality management are carried out for the implementation of the quality management

organization, there is a system of activities, and the two complement each other, mutual promotion. Therefore, to carry out quality management work, must not be separated from the two, and to combine the two closely together, in order to adapt to the development of China's market economy and the integration of international trade development requirements.

Key word:QA,Quality Assurance

《Quality is free》/Crosby, Philip B

Abstract:In Crosby's initiative, the "zero defect" has become the international excellent enterprise working standard. This series is Crosby "zero defect" journey of holographic recording, the masters of wisdom in China for the first time the perfect present. It will focus on the quality management of readers to show the success stories of

well-known enterprises, for those ambitious commitment to improve the quality of the Chinese enterprises to improve the quality of the "zero defect", the source of profits and competitive advantage!

Key word:Zero defect,HPA

《Juran On Quality》/ J.M.JURAN

Abstract:Design quality is defined as the use of the user's purpose, the economic situation and the internal conditions of the enterprise to determine the required quality level or quality of the design. It reflects the degree of perfection of the design objective, which is expressed in various specifications and standards.

Key word:Product concept,Quality requirements








随着我国物流业的快速发展,物流市场出现了多种类型的物流企业,传统运输、 仓储、货代企业开始向物流领域拓展,新兴物流企业大量涌现。国外物流企业也看好中国的物流市场,加快在中国市场的拓展速度。物流业形成了多种类型物流企业共同发展的格局。但与物流业发达的国家相比,我国物流业仍处在发展初期,物流企业发展还很不成熟,主要体现在现代物流理念淡薄,经营观念落后,缺乏现代物流服务模式的开拓创新。随着市场竞争的加剧,不同厂商的产品


伴随中国经济的快速发展和经济全球化步伐的加快,商品贸易规模迅速扩大,物资空间移动的广度和深度也随之扩展,因而对于物流活动的效率、物流的快速反应能力以及信息化程度都提出了更高的要求。同时,物流需求的个性化、多样化和高度化,要求物流服务企业必须不断改进和优化企业的经营模式,有针对性地开发新型物流服务,以适应物流市场的变化,提高企业的竞争力。 现代物流的本质是服务,物流企业的目标就是要满足货主企业向其客户提供物流服务的需要,传统物流企业仍然主要在提供运输、仓储等功能性物流服务,通过比拼功能服务价格进行市场竞争。要改变这种状况,一个重要方面就是要超越传统物流服务模式,在服务理念、服务内容和服务方式上实现创新,无论是在服务能力上,还是在服务质量上都要以货主满意为目标。随着工商企业物流理念的成熟,他们在要求提供运输、仓储等一般性服务外,还希望物流企业提供物流网络设计、库存管理、订货管理、流通加工、定单处理、信息服务等一系列的增值服务。






我国物流理论研究的两大领域—物资流通和交通系统,不论是物流战略规划还是物流经营管理理论的研究,都从研究者固有的立场和视角出发,片面地强调某个局部的功能要素,缺乏综合性,导致了人们对物流认识偏差。直到20001年4月,我国物流的 基础性国家标准《物流术语》才正式发布。对于适合我国国情的物流理论尚缺乏深入研究,同时部分理论研究与实践严重脱节,理论成果的可操作性不强。








中国企业要按市场规律构筑适合自己的一体化物流战略,离不开完善的宏 观环境和外部环境。中国政府要加强和完善物流法律、法规建设;应采取积极的财政政策、税收政策、金融政策等;要为物流企业、物流服务企业在跨地区经营的工商登记、办理证照、统一纳税、交通管制、进出口货物查验通关等方面创造良好的经营环境;要扶持、引导物流企业、物流服务企业引进先进装备,改善物流设施,进而提高物流绩效和物流服务水平;要积极鼓励和扶持有一定基础的大型货运企业或储运企业完善服务功能,实现向物流服务企业的转变,推动第三方物流服务市场的形成;要健全社会保障和就业机制,促进生产性和流通性等企业更多地使用社会化物流,既提高经济效益又提高社会效益。




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