
中国电梯标准的 发展与现状

The Development and Present Situation of China’s Elevator Standards

标准:对重复性事物和概念所做的 统一规定。它以科学、技术和 实践经验的综合成果为基础, 经有关方面协商一致,由主管 机构批准,以特定形式发布, 作为共同遵守的准则和依据。

Standards specify repeatability things and concepts. Based on achievements in science, technology and practice experience, agreed by concern parties and approved by competent authorities, they are issued and used consistently as rules, guidelines, or definitions of characteristics.


Standardization Law of The People's Republic of China specifies:


☆ The state shall encourage the active adoption of the international standards.

保障人体健康,人身、财产安全的 标准和法律、行政法规规定强制执行的 标准是强制性标准。

☆ Those for safeguarding human healthy and ensuring the safety of the person and of property and of property and those for compulsory execution as prescribed by the laws and administrative rules and regulations shall be mandatory standards, the others shall be voluntary standards.


☆ Mandatory standards must be complied with .


The Condition of Elevator Production in China

90000 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002

杂物梯 扶梯 货梯 客梯 □Dumbwaiter Lifts □Escalators and Passenger Conveyors □Freight Lifts □Passenger Lifts


The Condition of Elevator market supplies in China

3% 9% 1% 3% 2% 4% 4% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1%1% 20%

10% 17% 2% 2% 3%



上海三菱 西子集团 珠江富士

广日集团 大连星玛 浙江巨人

上海永大 苏州江南集团 上海富士

沈阳东芝 苏州迅达 张家港富佳

上海东芝 中国迅达 京城中奥

华升富士达 通力电梯 上海爱登堡

中奥集团 蒂森克虏伯 其他

□Shanghai Mitsubishi □Guangzhou Hitachi Group □Shanghai Yungtay □Toshiba Shenyang □Toshiba Shanghai □Huasheng Fujitec □Otis China; □Xizi Otis □Dalian Sigma □Suzhou Jiangnan □Suzhou Schindler □China Schindler □KONE □ThyssenKrupp; □Zhujiang Fuji □Giant □ Shanghai Fuji □Zhangjiagang Fujia □Jingcheng Zhong’ao □Shanghai Edunburgh □Others


The Condition of Elevator Import and Export

8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0





1998 出口总数

1999 进口总数






of Export □Sum of Import


China Elevator Standardization Technical Committee


The Main Responsibilities : a. 向全国标准化管理委员会提出电梯标准化工作的方针、 政策和技术措施的建议; a. Put the general and specific polici

es, technical measures for China’s lift standardization work to Standardization Administration of China (SAC);

b. 按照积极采用国际标准和国外先进标准的技术经济政策, 提出制、修订电梯国家标准或行业标准的规划、年度计划的建 议; b. Bring forward the comprehensive program and yearly plan for working out and revising national or professional lift standards according to China’s technical economy policy of actively adopting ISO standards and foreign advanced standards; c. 根据计划,组织协调电梯标准的制、修订工作,以及组织 对电梯标准送审稿的审查,提出结论性意见,并对标准所涉及 的技术内容负责; c. Coordinate the work about formulating and revising lift standards, organize the examination of their first drafts, propose final amendment suggestions to them, and be responsible for technical contents relevant to them;

d. 定期复审已发布的电梯标准,提出继续执行,还是修订 或废止的意见; d. Reexamine the lift standards at regular intervals, bring forward the suggestions for a lift standard to be executed continually, revised or eliminated; e. 负责组织电梯标准的宣讲、解释工作;收集对已颁布标 准的意见;并在电梯产品质量监督、检验、认证等工作中承 担电梯产品标准水平评价和认可工作; e. Be in charge of organizing publicity and explanation of lift standards, collect opinions on the lift standards issued, undertake the approval and evaluation on the standard level of lift products and the acceptance in supervision, test and identification of the product quality;

f. 接受省、市和企业的委托,承担与电梯标准有关的其 他技术性服务工作; f. Take on other technical services relevant to lift standards under the entrustment of a province, city and enterprise; g. 承担国际标准化组织ISO/TC178对口的标准化技术 服务工作。例如对国际标准文件的表态、审查我国的提案, 并提出开展国际标准化技术交流活动的建议等。 g. Undertake standardization technical services geared to the need of ISO/TC178, for instance, that it makes its position for a ISO document, examines China’s motions and puts forward the suggestions for carrying out the interchange activities of international standardization technique.


The Condition of Lift Technical Standards Adoption of the International Advanced Ones









我国现行电梯标准目录 —— The List of China Present Lift Standards

1. GB/T 7024-1997 电梯、自动扶梯、自动人行道术语

Terminology of lifts, escalators, passenger conveyors

2. GB/T 7025.1-1997 电梯主参数及轿厢、井道、机房的 型式与尺寸 第1部分: I、 II、III、类电梯 eqv IS04190-1:1990

Lifts-Main specification and the dimensions, arrangements for its cars, wells and machine

rooms Part 1: Lifts of classesⅠ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ

3. GB/T 7025.2-1997 电梯主参数及轿厢、井道、机房的 型式与尺寸 第2部分: IV类电梯 eqv IS04190-2:1982

Lifts-Main specification and the dimensions, arrangements for its cars, wells and machine rooms Part 2: Lifts of class Ⅳ

我国现行电梯标准目录 —— The List of China Present Lift Standards

4. GB/T 7025.3-1997 电梯主参数及轿厢、井道、机房的 型式与尺寸 第3部分: V类电梯 eqv IS04190-3:1982

Lifts-Main specification and the dimensions, arrangements for its cars, wells and machine rooms Part 3: Lifts of class Ⅴ

注: I类电梯——乘客电梯 II类电梯——客货电梯 III类电梯——病床电梯 IV类电梯——载货电梯 V类电梯——杂物电梯

Note: Class I—Passenger Lifts Class II—Passenger- Goods Lifts Class III —Bed Lifts Class IV —Goods Lifts Class V—Service Lifts

我国现行电梯标准目录 —— The List of China Present Lift Standards

5. GB7588-2003 电梯制造与安装安全规范 eqv EN81-1:1998

Safety rules for the construction and installation of electric lifts

6. 7. 8. 9. GB/T 10058-1997 GB/T 10059-1997 GB/T 10060-1997 GB16899-1993

Specification for lifts Lifts-Testing methods Code for acceptance of lifts installation Safety rules for the construction and installation of escalators and passenger conveyors

电梯曳引机 自动扶梯和自动人行道的制造与安装安全规范 eqv ENll5:1995 电梯安装验收规范 电梯试验方法


10. GB/T 13435-1992 11. GB/T18775-2002

Traction machine for lifts


Specification for the service of electric lifts

我国现行电梯标准目录 —— The List of China Present Lift Standards

12. JG 5071-1996 13. JG/T 5072.1-1996 14. JG/T 5072.2-1996 液压电梯

Hydraulic lift

电梯T型导轨 eqv IS07465:1997

Guide rails for lifts--T-type


Guide rails for lifts--T-type inspecting regulations

15. JG/T 5072.3-1996 电梯对重用空心导轨

Hollow guide rails for elevator's counterweight

16. JG/T 5009-1992 电梯操作装置、信号及附件 eqv IS04190-5:1987

Lift-Control devices signals and additional fittings

17. JG 5010-1992 住宅电梯的配置与选择 eqv IS04190-6:1984

Passenger lifts to be installed in residential buildings-Planning and selection

现行电梯标准目录 —— The List of China Present Lift Standards

18. JB/T 8545-1997

Step chains, fittings and sprockets of escalators Dumbwaiter Lifts Steel wire ropes for elevators

船用载货电梯 电梯钢丝绳 杂物电梯 参照BS5655 part3 eqv IS04344:1983


19. JG135-2000 20. GB 8903-1988 21. GB/T 3878-1999 22. GB/T 12974-1991 23. YB/T 5198-1993 24. GA 109-1995 25. GB50310-2002

Ship goods lift General specification for a.c. lift motors

电梯钢丝绳用钢丝 eqv IS04101:1983 交流电梯电动机通用技术条件

Steel wires for el

evator ropes


Testing methods for landing door fire protection


Code for acceptance of installation quality of lifts, escalators and passenger conveyors


Thank you!

中国电梯标准的 发展与现状

The Development and Present Situation of China’s Elevator Standards

标准:对重复性事物和概念所做的 统一规定。它以科学、技术和 实践经验的综合成果为基础, 经有关方面协商一致,由主管 机构批准,以特定形式发布, 作为共同遵守的准则和依据。

Standards specify repeatability things and concepts. Based on achievements in science, technology and practice experience, agreed by concern parties and approved by competent authorities, they are issued and used consistently as rules, guidelines, or definitions of characteristics.


Standardization Law of The People's Republic of China specifies:


☆ The state shall encourage the active adoption of the international standards.

保障人体健康,人身、财产安全的 标准和法律、行政法规规定强制执行的 标准是强制性标准。

☆ Those for safeguarding human healthy and ensuring the safety of the person and of property and of property and those for compulsory execution as prescribed by the laws and administrative rules and regulations shall be mandatory standards, the others shall be voluntary standards.


☆ Mandatory standards must be complied with .


The Condition of Elevator Production in China

90000 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002

杂物梯 扶梯 货梯 客梯 □Dumbwaiter Lifts □Escalators and Passenger Conveyors □Freight Lifts □Passenger Lifts


The Condition of Elevator market supplies in China

3% 9% 1% 3% 2% 4% 4% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1%1% 20%

10% 17% 2% 2% 3%



上海三菱 西子集团 珠江富士

广日集团 大连星玛 浙江巨人

上海永大 苏州江南集团 上海富士

沈阳东芝 苏州迅达 张家港富佳

上海东芝 中国迅达 京城中奥

华升富士达 通力电梯 上海爱登堡

中奥集团 蒂森克虏伯 其他

□Shanghai Mitsubishi □Guangzhou Hitachi Group □Shanghai Yungtay □Toshiba Shenyang □Toshiba Shanghai □Huasheng Fujitec □Otis China; □Xizi Otis □Dalian Sigma □Suzhou Jiangnan □Suzhou Schindler □China Schindler □KONE □ThyssenKrupp; □Zhujiang Fuji □Giant □ Shanghai Fuji □Zhangjiagang Fujia □Jingcheng Zhong’ao □Shanghai Edunburgh □Others


The Condition of Elevator Import and Export

8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0





1998 出口总数

1999 进口总数






of Export □Sum of Import


China Elevator Standardization Technical Committee


The Main Responsibilities : a. 向全国标准化管理委员会提出电梯标准化工作的方针、 政策和技术措施的建议; a. Put the general and specific polici

es, technical measures for China’s lift standardization work to Standardization Administration of China (SAC);

b. 按照积极采用国际标准和国外先进标准的技术经济政策, 提出制、修订电梯国家标准或行业标准的规划、年度计划的建 议; b. Bring forward the comprehensive program and yearly plan for working out and revising national or professional lift standards according to China’s technical economy policy of actively adopting ISO standards and foreign advanced standards; c. 根据计划,组织协调电梯标准的制、修订工作,以及组织 对电梯标准送审稿的审查,提出结论性意见,并对标准所涉及 的技术内容负责; c. Coordinate the work about formulating and revising lift standards, organize the examination of their first drafts, propose final amendment suggestions to them, and be responsible for technical contents relevant to them;

d. 定期复审已发布的电梯标准,提出继续执行,还是修订 或废止的意见; d. Reexamine the lift standards at regular intervals, bring forward the suggestions for a lift standard to be executed continually, revised or eliminated; e. 负责组织电梯标准的宣讲、解释工作;收集对已颁布标 准的意见;并在电梯产品质量监督、检验、认证等工作中承 担电梯产品标准水平评价和认可工作; e. Be in charge of organizing publicity and explanation of lift standards, collect opinions on the lift standards issued, undertake the approval and evaluation on the standard level of lift products and the acceptance in supervision, test and identification of the product quality;

f. 接受省、市和企业的委托,承担与电梯标准有关的其 他技术性服务工作; f. Take on other technical services relevant to lift standards under the entrustment of a province, city and enterprise; g. 承担国际标准化组织ISO/TC178对口的标准化技术 服务工作。例如对国际标准文件的表态、审查我国的提案, 并提出开展国际标准化技术交流活动的建议等。 g. Undertake standardization technical services geared to the need of ISO/TC178, for instance, that it makes its position for a ISO document, examines China’s motions and puts forward the suggestions for carrying out the interchange activities of international standardization technique.


The Condition of Lift Technical Standards Adoption of the International Advanced Ones









我国现行电梯标准目录 —— The List of China Present Lift Standards

1. GB/T 7024-1997 电梯、自动扶梯、自动人行道术语

Terminology of lifts, escalators, passenger conveyors

2. GB/T 7025.1-1997 电梯主参数及轿厢、井道、机房的 型式与尺寸 第1部分: I、 II、III、类电梯 eqv IS04190-1:1990

Lifts-Main specification and the dimensions, arrangements for its cars, wells and machine

rooms Part 1: Lifts of classesⅠ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ

3. GB/T 7025.2-1997 电梯主参数及轿厢、井道、机房的 型式与尺寸 第2部分: IV类电梯 eqv IS04190-2:1982

Lifts-Main specification and the dimensions, arrangements for its cars, wells and machine rooms Part 2: Lifts of class Ⅳ

我国现行电梯标准目录 —— The List of China Present Lift Standards

4. GB/T 7025.3-1997 电梯主参数及轿厢、井道、机房的 型式与尺寸 第3部分: V类电梯 eqv IS04190-3:1982

Lifts-Main specification and the dimensions, arrangements for its cars, wells and machine rooms Part 3: Lifts of class Ⅴ

注: I类电梯——乘客电梯 II类电梯——客货电梯 III类电梯——病床电梯 IV类电梯——载货电梯 V类电梯——杂物电梯

Note: Class I—Passenger Lifts Class II—Passenger- Goods Lifts Class III —Bed Lifts Class IV —Goods Lifts Class V—Service Lifts

我国现行电梯标准目录 —— The List of China Present Lift Standards

5. GB7588-2003 电梯制造与安装安全规范 eqv EN81-1:1998

Safety rules for the construction and installation of electric lifts

6. 7. 8. 9. GB/T 10058-1997 GB/T 10059-1997 GB/T 10060-1997 GB16899-1993

Specification for lifts Lifts-Testing methods Code for acceptance of lifts installation Safety rules for the construction and installation of escalators and passenger conveyors

电梯曳引机 自动扶梯和自动人行道的制造与安装安全规范 eqv ENll5:1995 电梯安装验收规范 电梯试验方法


10. GB/T 13435-1992 11. GB/T18775-2002

Traction machine for lifts


Specification for the service of electric lifts

我国现行电梯标准目录 —— The List of China Present Lift Standards

12. JG 5071-1996 13. JG/T 5072.1-1996 14. JG/T 5072.2-1996 液压电梯

Hydraulic lift

电梯T型导轨 eqv IS07465:1997

Guide rails for lifts--T-type


Guide rails for lifts--T-type inspecting regulations

15. JG/T 5072.3-1996 电梯对重用空心导轨

Hollow guide rails for elevator's counterweight

16. JG/T 5009-1992 电梯操作装置、信号及附件 eqv IS04190-5:1987

Lift-Control devices signals and additional fittings

17. JG 5010-1992 住宅电梯的配置与选择 eqv IS04190-6:1984

Passenger lifts to be installed in residential buildings-Planning and selection

现行电梯标准目录 —— The List of China Present Lift Standards

18. JB/T 8545-1997

Step chains, fittings and sprockets of escalators Dumbwaiter Lifts Steel wire ropes for elevators

船用载货电梯 电梯钢丝绳 杂物电梯 参照BS5655 part3 eqv IS04344:1983


19. JG135-2000 20. GB 8903-1988 21. GB/T 3878-1999 22. GB/T 12974-1991 23. YB/T 5198-1993 24. GA 109-1995 25. GB50310-2002

Ship goods lift General specification for a.c. lift motors

电梯钢丝绳用钢丝 eqv IS04101:1983 交流电梯电动机通用技术条件

Steel wires for el

evator ropes


Testing methods for landing door fire protection


Code for acceptance of installation quality of lifts, escalators and passenger conveyors


Thank you!


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