
外媒评选世界10大轻型护卫舰 中国056位列第9



由Karlskrona造船厂建造,服役于瑞典海军。共5艘,用于防空,反潜,扫雷,巡逻。装备有Bofors 57毫米炮,8枚Saab RBS15反舰导弹,4枚Saab ASW鱼雷,反潜火箭。柴燃混合动力,最大航速35节,最大航程2500海里。

该级舰将快速攻击艇和高速巡逻艇的功能与反潜战舰艇和反水雷战舰艇的功能巧妙地融合在一起,是一种具有低空防御能力的多用途舰艇。舰上将配备8枚RBS 15 MKⅡ型舰对舰导弹、一门博福斯公司SAK MK 3 型57毫米炮、4具400毫米43/45型反潜鱼雷发射管、射程可达1200米的Saab公司的601型127毫米反潜深水炸弹发射炮以及各种先进的探测系统、作战指挥系统和通信系统,可执行各种反水雷战、反潜战、布雷、水面作战、水下防御和防空使命。舰上还将配备一架直升机,直升机可在舰上起降和加油。另外,在舰上还可配备一个临时机库。



2.德国K130 Braunschweig级轻型护卫舰

由Blohm+Voss等三家船厂建造,服役于德国海军,共5艘。用于水面巡逻,防空,近岸任务。装备有76毫米Ota超快炮,RAM防空导弹,RBS 15MK3反舰导弹。柴油动力,最大航速26节。






由Damen Schelde船厂建造,建造多艘,出口印度尼西亚,摩洛哥,越南(未交付)。用于巡逻,搜索,营救,反潜。装备有76毫米超快炮,飞鱼反舰导弹,TETRAL防空导弹,B515鱼雷发射架。柴油动力,最大航速28节,最大航程3000海里。








5. 俄罗斯Steregushchy级护卫舰

由Sevemaya Verf和Amur造船厂建造,服役俄罗斯海军,出口阿尔及利亚。用于巡逻,护卫,反潜。装备Kh-35导弹,3M-54俱乐部反舰导弹,Kashtan近防系统,柴油动力,最大航速27节,最大航程4000海里。






由Abu Dhabi船厂建造,服役阿联酋海军。用于巡逻,扫雷,防空,反舰。装备76毫米炮,飞鱼反舰导弹,ESSM和RAM防空导弹。有机库,柴油喷水动力,最大航速30节。









10. 印度Kamorta级护卫舰

由Garden Reach船厂建造,服役印度海军。用于反潜,防空,反舰。建造4艘,预计


On February 13, 2014, the United States "naval technology net" the selection of the current world's top ten light frigate. Light frigate as rookie navy in the world, now many countries are actively building. And this time the site selection of the top ten light frigate, developed by Chinese type 056 frigate made the list.

1. The Swedish Visby class light frigate

Built by Karlskrona shipyard, the Swedish navy. A total of five, used for air defense, anti-submarine, demining, patrol. Equipped with Bofors 57 mm gun, 8 pieces of Saab RBS15 anti-ship missiles, 4 pieces of Saab www.xzymy.com ASW torpedoes,

anti-submarine rockets. Wood burning hybrid, maximum speed of 35 knots, maximum range of 2500 nm.

The ship will fast attack craft level and the function of the high-speed patrol boat and

anti-submarine warfare ships and the function of the mine warfare ships skillfully fuses in together, is a kind of multi-purpose ships with low altitude defense ability. Ship will be equipped with 8 pieces of RBS 15 MK Ⅱ type ship to ship missile, a bofors SAK MK 57 mm gun type 3, 4, 400 mm type 43/45 anti-submarine torpedo tube, can reach 1200 meters of Saab type 601 601 mm anti-submarine depth charge firing cannons and all kinds of advanced detection systems, battle www.yzxyjx.net command and

communication system, can perform a variety of mine warfare, anti-submarine warfare, mining, surface warfare, underwater defense and air defense mission. Ship will also be equipped with a helicopter, helicopter and take-off and landing from a warship refueling. In addition, the ship can also be equipped with a temporary hangar.


The level of ship is the biggest characteristic of the new stealth design technology. Ship is not the conventional steel shell material, not ordinary glass, but carbon fiber sandwich materials, the use of special vacuum injection technology is built. In order to achieve the key performance requirements, shell must be as light as possible, and adopt the sandwich structure, composed of PVC sandwich and carbon fiber laminate vinyl ester, it not only has high strength and durable sex, but also has excellent shock resistance.

2. Germany K130 Braunschweig stage light frigate

By the builder Blohm + Voss three shipyard, such as the German navy, a total of five. Used to patrol the water, air defense, nearshore task. Armed with 76 mm Ota super fast cannons, RAM air defense missiles, RBS 15 mk3 anti-ship missiles. Diesel, maximum speed section 26.

The main task of the K - 130 is used for near sea anti-ship combat and reconnaissance. Its more than 148 such as the boat also advanced is that it has certain ocean operational capability. K130 small frigate displacement of 1580 tons, captain of 88 meters, the platform itself and operational management system to achieve a high degree of

automation. Propulsion system including two diesel engine, the range of 2000 ~ 3000 nm,

speed of 25 ~ 30 knots, has good speed performance, endurance on the sea for 7 ~ 10 days, prepare the crews of 70 people.

K - 130 light frigate has stronger attack capability and advanced equipments, small boat "gun", "fist" is very hard. It equipment of ship-borne weapons systems including 1 76 mm naval gun, two mauser company 27 mm MLG27 ciws, 8 pieces of vertical launch

"Cyclops" short-range optical fiber guided missile, 8 pieces of NSM (or use the "spear", Sweden RBS15MK3) long-range anti-ship missiles. Another 21 unit 2 is "ram" ship to air missile launchers, each carrying 21 "ram" rolling projectile missiles; Mine and bait launchers and four track; Ship carrying 2 drones and 1 helicopter.

K - 130 "eyes" is very sharp. It will be equipped with modernized multifunctional TRS - 3 d radar, using 3 d multifunction phased array antenna, to many targets at the same time three-dimensional search, tracking, recognition and classification, according to the threat level assessment to command the weapon system, guide their missiles. "Ba" adie

electronic defense system of the ship's equipment can detect threats, which can identify the target signal and then start the active subsystem by interfering with or against deception.

3. The Sigma level light frigate

By Damen Schelde shipyard, built more than, exported to Indonesia, Morocco, Vietnam (delivery). Used for patrol, search and rescue, anti-submarine warfare. Armed with 76 mm super fast cannons, flying fish anti-ship missiles, TETRAL anti-aircraft missile, B515

torpedo launcher. Diesel, the maximum speed of 28 section, maximum range of 3000 nm. Level 4. Turkey Milgem light frigate

Built by Istanbul shipyard has built two, served in the navy, Turkey, patrol, anti-submarine, air defense. Equipped with a 76 mm gun, 8 harpoon anti-ship missiles, RAM air defense missiles, MK32 torpedo launcher. Wood burning hybrid, the maximum speed of section 29.

The level of ship's main gun for 1 door Italy otto mai laila is made by authorization of the 76 mm 62 times the diameter of the stealth super oerlikon, guided by the fire control radar and photoelectric systems, 120 rounds per minute, 16 km range, is used to deal with the surface of intermediate and short-range goals, it is a high degree of automation, cannon on unmanned, remote control, for play, launch, shell full automatic operation.

Short-range air defense weapon for MK 1-31 21 units "ram" missile launchers, 21 pieces of RIM - 116 - a/B type air defense missiles.

Anti-ship weapons is 2 x 4 league outfit harpoon anti-ship missile launch system, 8 harpoon missiles.

Equipped with two American 324 mm MK - 32 type 3 league outfit torpedo tube, MK - 46 type torpedo can launch.

Secondary weapon is two kind of Turkish military electronic industry company produces 12.7 mm remote control machine, can be automatic or manual operation, the short-range small surface ships.

5. Russia Steregushchy class frigates

By Sevemaya Verf and Amur shipyard builded, the Russian navy, export of Algeria. Used for patrol, escort, anti-submarine warfare. Kh - 35 missile equipment, 3 m - 54 club

anti-ship missiles, Kashtan nearly prevention system, diesel, maximum speed 27 section, maximum range of 4000 nm.

The patrol ship main task for the water level, seizing illegal and reverse osmosis intrusion, electronic equipment, such as the available radar detection, monitoring and airspace

around the sea. Ship can be equipped with 30 to 100 mm artillery and form a complete set of radar/photoelectric control system, and can according to the mission requirements and metamorphosis ship weapons and equipment, such as anti-submarine equipment, aft is equipped with relevant equipment to pay the charge, storage space of illegal facilities. Ships can carry helicopters and boats at the corresponding level, can chase speed ships between 20 and 25 knots.

6. Russia Buyan class frigates

By the Almaz shipyard, the Russian navy. Used to patrol, shallow water and river. Equipped with A - 190, 100 mm gun, Igla anti-aircraft missiles, A - 215 multi-function rocket, AK - 306 near the system. Diesel, the maximum speed of 28 section, maximum range of 1500 nm.

7. The united Arab emirates Baynunah class frigates

By the Abu Dhabi shipyard, the united Arab emirates (uae) navy. Used for patrol,

demining, anti-air and anti-ship missiles. Equipped with a 76 mm gun, flying fish anti-ship missiles, ESSM and RAM air defense missiles. A hangar, diesel hydraulic power, the maximum speed of 30 knots.

"Worship nunavut's" plan is put forward in order to let the united Arab emirates (uae) navy has continued in the Persian gulf sea the ability of a variety of combat missions, i.e. in the territorial waters and exclusive economic zone patrol, surveillance and intelligence

gathering, maritime, execution of land support in wartime, mine cloth and anti-ship combat defense combat mission. Naval tactics according to its demand, and puts forward the ship endurance to achieve 2400 nm / 15 section, to ensure that the combat radius part covers the Persian gulf and even the Arabian sea waters.

Naval demand for operational capability is based on a series of potential threats from the sea and underwater, these threats include the offshore facilities in the united Arab emirates (uae), coastal areas, and sea lanes of attack by the attacks. In order to

effectively deal with these threats, "worship the nunavut's" class must have the surface (ASW) mission, air defense, mine warfare (AAW) and fire support and other capabilities. Therefore, the navy decided to "worship nunavut's" purchasing equipment long-range anti-ship missile, helicopters, ship to air missile, mine cloth device, sonar detect system, and used for air defense, anti-ship, and firepower of the medium caliber naval gun. In addition, the united Arab emirates (uae) using the principles to be followed in the navy "worship nunavut's" class must and other naval vessels, maritime patrol aircraft, as well

as shore-based command and control system, interconnection, so must be equipped with Link11 and LinkYMK2 data link.

Grade 8. Oman Khareef light frigate

Built by BAE systems, served in the navy Oman. For the patrol, disaster relief, intercept. Equipped with 76 mm Ota cannons, flying fish anti-ship missiles, Mica anti-aircraft missiles, a hangar. Diesel, the maximum speed of 25 knots, maximum range of 4500 knots.

Radar USES multiple edges and stealth design, both sides, and the superstructure is fully enclosed design. Using radar absorbing materials building hull and superstructure, greatly reduce the radar cross section, ascending ships stealth performance.

Weapons and equipment, including 1 otto mai laila 76 times 76 mm diameter super quick shot naval gun, 2 type door MSI defense system company DS30M 30 mm gun. The bridge before the two vertical launch system, for 12 MBDA "mika" short-range air defense

missiles. Naval midship is equipped with two anti-ship missile launching system, prepare MBDA MM40 anti-ship missile, "flying fish" block3 anti-ship combat missions. Build a flight deck ship stern, capable of carrying 1 super puma helicopter, maritime patrol,

transportation, and search and rescue mission. If add anti-submarine equipment, also can enforce the port operations. The ship is equipped with one lane metal company guns division provides more ammunition soft killing bait system.

9. The Chinese navy type 056 light frigate

By four shipyard in China, the Chinese navy. To offshore patrol or multi-function frigates. Equipped with a 76 mm gun, YJ - 83 anti-ship missiles, FL - 3000 n anti-aircraft missile, torpedo launcher. Diesel, the maximum speed of 28 section.

10. India Kamorta class frigates

By the Garden Reach shipyard, the Indian navy. Used for anti-submarine, air defense, anti-ship missiles. Build four to 2014-2017. Equipped with a 76 mm gun, 3 m - 54 club anti-ship missiles, Barak, anti-aircraft missiles, AK - 630 - m nearly prevention system, anti-submarine rocket, the torpedo. Diesel, the maximum speed of 25 knots, the maximum range of 3450 nm.

外媒评选世界10大轻型护卫舰 中国056位列第9



由Karlskrona造船厂建造,服役于瑞典海军。共5艘,用于防空,反潜,扫雷,巡逻。装备有Bofors 57毫米炮,8枚Saab RBS15反舰导弹,4枚Saab ASW鱼雷,反潜火箭。柴燃混合动力,最大航速35节,最大航程2500海里。

该级舰将快速攻击艇和高速巡逻艇的功能与反潜战舰艇和反水雷战舰艇的功能巧妙地融合在一起,是一种具有低空防御能力的多用途舰艇。舰上将配备8枚RBS 15 MKⅡ型舰对舰导弹、一门博福斯公司SAK MK 3 型57毫米炮、4具400毫米43/45型反潜鱼雷发射管、射程可达1200米的Saab公司的601型127毫米反潜深水炸弹发射炮以及各种先进的探测系统、作战指挥系统和通信系统,可执行各种反水雷战、反潜战、布雷、水面作战、水下防御和防空使命。舰上还将配备一架直升机,直升机可在舰上起降和加油。另外,在舰上还可配备一个临时机库。



2.德国K130 Braunschweig级轻型护卫舰

由Blohm+Voss等三家船厂建造,服役于德国海军,共5艘。用于水面巡逻,防空,近岸任务。装备有76毫米Ota超快炮,RAM防空导弹,RBS 15MK3反舰导弹。柴油动力,最大航速26节。






由Damen Schelde船厂建造,建造多艘,出口印度尼西亚,摩洛哥,越南(未交付)。用于巡逻,搜索,营救,反潜。装备有76毫米超快炮,飞鱼反舰导弹,TETRAL防空导弹,B515鱼雷发射架。柴油动力,最大航速28节,最大航程3000海里。








5. 俄罗斯Steregushchy级护卫舰

由Sevemaya Verf和Amur造船厂建造,服役俄罗斯海军,出口阿尔及利亚。用于巡逻,护卫,反潜。装备Kh-35导弹,3M-54俱乐部反舰导弹,Kashtan近防系统,柴油动力,最大航速27节,最大航程4000海里。






由Abu Dhabi船厂建造,服役阿联酋海军。用于巡逻,扫雷,防空,反舰。装备76毫米炮,飞鱼反舰导弹,ESSM和RAM防空导弹。有机库,柴油喷水动力,最大航速30节。









10. 印度Kamorta级护卫舰

由Garden Reach船厂建造,服役印度海军。用于反潜,防空,反舰。建造4艘,预计


On February 13, 2014, the United States "naval technology net" the selection of the current world's top ten light frigate. Light frigate as rookie navy in the world, now many countries are actively building. And this time the site selection of the top ten light frigate, developed by Chinese type 056 frigate made the list.

1. The Swedish Visby class light frigate

Built by Karlskrona shipyard, the Swedish navy. A total of five, used for air defense, anti-submarine, demining, patrol. Equipped with Bofors 57 mm gun, 8 pieces of Saab RBS15 anti-ship missiles, 4 pieces of Saab www.xzymy.com ASW torpedoes,

anti-submarine rockets. Wood burning hybrid, maximum speed of 35 knots, maximum range of 2500 nm.

The ship will fast attack craft level and the function of the high-speed patrol boat and

anti-submarine warfare ships and the function of the mine warfare ships skillfully fuses in together, is a kind of multi-purpose ships with low altitude defense ability. Ship will be equipped with 8 pieces of RBS 15 MK Ⅱ type ship to ship missile, a bofors SAK MK 57 mm gun type 3, 4, 400 mm type 43/45 anti-submarine torpedo tube, can reach 1200 meters of Saab type 601 601 mm anti-submarine depth charge firing cannons and all kinds of advanced detection systems, battle www.yzxyjx.net command and

communication system, can perform a variety of mine warfare, anti-submarine warfare, mining, surface warfare, underwater defense and air defense mission. Ship will also be equipped with a helicopter, helicopter and take-off and landing from a warship refueling. In addition, the ship can also be equipped with a temporary hangar.


The level of ship is the biggest characteristic of the new stealth design technology. Ship is not the conventional steel shell material, not ordinary glass, but carbon fiber sandwich materials, the use of special vacuum injection technology is built. In order to achieve the key performance requirements, shell must be as light as possible, and adopt the sandwich structure, composed of PVC sandwich and carbon fiber laminate vinyl ester, it not only has high strength and durable sex, but also has excellent shock resistance.

2. Germany K130 Braunschweig stage light frigate

By the builder Blohm + Voss three shipyard, such as the German navy, a total of five. Used to patrol the water, air defense, nearshore task. Armed with 76 mm Ota super fast cannons, RAM air defense missiles, RBS 15 mk3 anti-ship missiles. Diesel, maximum speed section 26.

The main task of the K - 130 is used for near sea anti-ship combat and reconnaissance. Its more than 148 such as the boat also advanced is that it has certain ocean operational capability. K130 small frigate displacement of 1580 tons, captain of 88 meters, the platform itself and operational management system to achieve a high degree of

automation. Propulsion system including two diesel engine, the range of 2000 ~ 3000 nm,

speed of 25 ~ 30 knots, has good speed performance, endurance on the sea for 7 ~ 10 days, prepare the crews of 70 people.

K - 130 light frigate has stronger attack capability and advanced equipments, small boat "gun", "fist" is very hard. It equipment of ship-borne weapons systems including 1 76 mm naval gun, two mauser company 27 mm MLG27 ciws, 8 pieces of vertical launch

"Cyclops" short-range optical fiber guided missile, 8 pieces of NSM (or use the "spear", Sweden RBS15MK3) long-range anti-ship missiles. Another 21 unit 2 is "ram" ship to air missile launchers, each carrying 21 "ram" rolling projectile missiles; Mine and bait launchers and four track; Ship carrying 2 drones and 1 helicopter.

K - 130 "eyes" is very sharp. It will be equipped with modernized multifunctional TRS - 3 d radar, using 3 d multifunction phased array antenna, to many targets at the same time three-dimensional search, tracking, recognition and classification, according to the threat level assessment to command the weapon system, guide their missiles. "Ba" adie

electronic defense system of the ship's equipment can detect threats, which can identify the target signal and then start the active subsystem by interfering with or against deception.

3. The Sigma level light frigate

By Damen Schelde shipyard, built more than, exported to Indonesia, Morocco, Vietnam (delivery). Used for patrol, search and rescue, anti-submarine warfare. Armed with 76 mm super fast cannons, flying fish anti-ship missiles, TETRAL anti-aircraft missile, B515

torpedo launcher. Diesel, the maximum speed of 28 section, maximum range of 3000 nm. Level 4. Turkey Milgem light frigate

Built by Istanbul shipyard has built two, served in the navy, Turkey, patrol, anti-submarine, air defense. Equipped with a 76 mm gun, 8 harpoon anti-ship missiles, RAM air defense missiles, MK32 torpedo launcher. Wood burning hybrid, the maximum speed of section 29.

The level of ship's main gun for 1 door Italy otto mai laila is made by authorization of the 76 mm 62 times the diameter of the stealth super oerlikon, guided by the fire control radar and photoelectric systems, 120 rounds per minute, 16 km range, is used to deal with the surface of intermediate and short-range goals, it is a high degree of automation, cannon on unmanned, remote control, for play, launch, shell full automatic operation.

Short-range air defense weapon for MK 1-31 21 units "ram" missile launchers, 21 pieces of RIM - 116 - a/B type air defense missiles.

Anti-ship weapons is 2 x 4 league outfit harpoon anti-ship missile launch system, 8 harpoon missiles.

Equipped with two American 324 mm MK - 32 type 3 league outfit torpedo tube, MK - 46 type torpedo can launch.

Secondary weapon is two kind of Turkish military electronic industry company produces 12.7 mm remote control machine, can be automatic or manual operation, the short-range small surface ships.

5. Russia Steregushchy class frigates

By Sevemaya Verf and Amur shipyard builded, the Russian navy, export of Algeria. Used for patrol, escort, anti-submarine warfare. Kh - 35 missile equipment, 3 m - 54 club

anti-ship missiles, Kashtan nearly prevention system, diesel, maximum speed 27 section, maximum range of 4000 nm.

The patrol ship main task for the water level, seizing illegal and reverse osmosis intrusion, electronic equipment, such as the available radar detection, monitoring and airspace

around the sea. Ship can be equipped with 30 to 100 mm artillery and form a complete set of radar/photoelectric control system, and can according to the mission requirements and metamorphosis ship weapons and equipment, such as anti-submarine equipment, aft is equipped with relevant equipment to pay the charge, storage space of illegal facilities. Ships can carry helicopters and boats at the corresponding level, can chase speed ships between 20 and 25 knots.

6. Russia Buyan class frigates

By the Almaz shipyard, the Russian navy. Used to patrol, shallow water and river. Equipped with A - 190, 100 mm gun, Igla anti-aircraft missiles, A - 215 multi-function rocket, AK - 306 near the system. Diesel, the maximum speed of 28 section, maximum range of 1500 nm.

7. The united Arab emirates Baynunah class frigates

By the Abu Dhabi shipyard, the united Arab emirates (uae) navy. Used for patrol,

demining, anti-air and anti-ship missiles. Equipped with a 76 mm gun, flying fish anti-ship missiles, ESSM and RAM air defense missiles. A hangar, diesel hydraulic power, the maximum speed of 30 knots.

"Worship nunavut's" plan is put forward in order to let the united Arab emirates (uae) navy has continued in the Persian gulf sea the ability of a variety of combat missions, i.e. in the territorial waters and exclusive economic zone patrol, surveillance and intelligence

gathering, maritime, execution of land support in wartime, mine cloth and anti-ship combat defense combat mission. Naval tactics according to its demand, and puts forward the ship endurance to achieve 2400 nm / 15 section, to ensure that the combat radius part covers the Persian gulf and even the Arabian sea waters.

Naval demand for operational capability is based on a series of potential threats from the sea and underwater, these threats include the offshore facilities in the united Arab emirates (uae), coastal areas, and sea lanes of attack by the attacks. In order to

effectively deal with these threats, "worship the nunavut's" class must have the surface (ASW) mission, air defense, mine warfare (AAW) and fire support and other capabilities. Therefore, the navy decided to "worship nunavut's" purchasing equipment long-range anti-ship missile, helicopters, ship to air missile, mine cloth device, sonar detect system, and used for air defense, anti-ship, and firepower of the medium caliber naval gun. In addition, the united Arab emirates (uae) using the principles to be followed in the navy "worship nunavut's" class must and other naval vessels, maritime patrol aircraft, as well

as shore-based command and control system, interconnection, so must be equipped with Link11 and LinkYMK2 data link.

Grade 8. Oman Khareef light frigate

Built by BAE systems, served in the navy Oman. For the patrol, disaster relief, intercept. Equipped with 76 mm Ota cannons, flying fish anti-ship missiles, Mica anti-aircraft missiles, a hangar. Diesel, the maximum speed of 25 knots, maximum range of 4500 knots.

Radar USES multiple edges and stealth design, both sides, and the superstructure is fully enclosed design. Using radar absorbing materials building hull and superstructure, greatly reduce the radar cross section, ascending ships stealth performance.

Weapons and equipment, including 1 otto mai laila 76 times 76 mm diameter super quick shot naval gun, 2 type door MSI defense system company DS30M 30 mm gun. The bridge before the two vertical launch system, for 12 MBDA "mika" short-range air defense

missiles. Naval midship is equipped with two anti-ship missile launching system, prepare MBDA MM40 anti-ship missile, "flying fish" block3 anti-ship combat missions. Build a flight deck ship stern, capable of carrying 1 super puma helicopter, maritime patrol,

transportation, and search and rescue mission. If add anti-submarine equipment, also can enforce the port operations. The ship is equipped with one lane metal company guns division provides more ammunition soft killing bait system.

9. The Chinese navy type 056 light frigate

By four shipyard in China, the Chinese navy. To offshore patrol or multi-function frigates. Equipped with a 76 mm gun, YJ - 83 anti-ship missiles, FL - 3000 n anti-aircraft missile, torpedo launcher. Diesel, the maximum speed of 28 section.

10. India Kamorta class frigates

By the Garden Reach shipyard, the Indian navy. Used for anti-submarine, air defense, anti-ship missiles. Build four to 2014-2017. Equipped with a 76 mm gun, 3 m - 54 club anti-ship missiles, Barak, anti-aircraft missiles, AK - 630 - m nearly prevention system, anti-submarine rocket, the torpedo. Diesel, the maximum speed of 25 knots, the maximum range of 3450 nm.


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  • 仗剑行四方:环球军事2014中国军力发展报告
  • 刚刚过去的2014年注定是不平凡的一年,部分国家开始撕下和平的伪装,或利用代理人,或赤膊上阵,在世界各地频繁出手,点燃战火,播散动乱种子.中国虽然没有被直接卷入战火,但是国家安全面临严峻挑战,部分国家或明或暗试图损害中国核心利益.而伴随着中国海外利益的不断扩展,维护海外利益也成了中国国家利益的合理延 ...

  • 预测截止2015年底的中国海军规模
  • mqwusy2013/8/8 21:15:11收藏分享 > 86139 下面以2015年底为时间节点,预测中国海军的大致规模: 一.主力作战舰艇: [ 转自铁血社区 http://bbs.tiexue.net/post_6898330_1.html/ ] 前苏联1124.3型"瓦良格 ...

  • 中国第一型隐身护卫舰:054型的基本数据
  • 054型首舰"马鞍山"号 054型护卫舰是中国第一型真正形成量产的隐身护卫舰,又称"江凯"级护卫舰.该舰拥有较强的防空及反舰能力. 舷号525的首舰于1999年12月在上海沪东厂开工,2003年9月11日下水,命名为马鞍山号,基本型还有526温州号. 改进型0 ...

  • 世界武器资料库
  • 武器资料库 分类查询: -请选择- 空战武器 海战武器 陆战武器 制导武器 单兵武器 -请选择- -请选择- -请选择- V-22鱼鹰式倾转旋翼机 歼-20战斗机 071级船坞登陆舰 T-50战斗机 056型护卫舰 黑鹰主战坦克 "高波"级驱逐舰 "维克拉马蒂亚&quo ...

  • 中国舰用燃气轮机的"艰辛坎坷路"
  • 中国曾引进数台通用电气公司的LM-2500燃气轮机,后来由于禁运只装备了112和113舰. [ 转自铁血社区 http://bbs.tiexue.net/post_6467115_1.html/ ] 中国曾引进过数台LM-2500燃气轮机,图为112舰上的美制LM2500燃气轮机.(历经10多年从未 ...

  • 中国军事的和平贡献
  • 苏丹---非洲的土豪 苏丹军火库中中国色彩最浓,从85.96式坦克到歼-7.强-5战机,K-8教练机等皆是来自中国,而中巴联合研制的"枭龙"战机.K-15"猎鹰"高级教练机也预备出口到苏丹,另外该国2架运8运输机也已早入役,其他武器还有,122毫米榴弹炮和59 ...

  • 驶向南海的"猎豹"
  • 近年来,俄制先进武器(特别是先进战斗机和战舰)大量涌入东南亚国家,使南海周边国家,特别是越南,军力得到大幅提升. 众所周知,越南海军像其它东南亚国家一样,没有大型舰船,主要装备护卫舰和巡逻艇.绝大部分都是从国外,特别是俄罗斯采购的.为了加速海军现代化进程,提升近海作战能力和满足未来作战需求,确保对我 ...