

During the summer vacations, I went to learn how to swim.

When I went to the swimming pool, I saw many children swimming happily. The teacher taught me how to hold my breath. I was frightened at first, but gradually, I could stay in water for a long time. After some days, the teacher taught me leg- movements, hand- movements and so on. After ten days of training, I learned how to swim at last. Now I can swim freely in water.

How happy I am!


In summer, the weather is very hot. Swimming is popular. I like swimming, too. I think swimming is a very interesting sport. It helps us build a healthy body. And it makes us cool in the hot summer days. Besides, we can call several friends to swim together. Also, we can play and have fun in the swimming pool. Anyway, swimming is a joyful activity in the hot summer.


More hot days, the public swimming pool has become a favored place, leisure Xiaoshu, we can feel good fitness. A pool of blue water, has a lovely, but there is also potential danger. When launched, it is necessary to strengthen self-protection, can not be taken lightly.

Children can not be launched personal, leisure areas and should have his or her parents; swimming beginners should be 1.4 meters below the shallow waters, and not alone in the pool practicing "Bieqi" so as not to choke water accidents, not in shallow water , The water in the region, "Zha Mengzi" to prevent head impact the bottom or wall are dangerous.

Special needs to be emphasized is that alcoholics do not swim. Because people in the consumption of wine, after dinner, more blood will flow of movement of organs and skin, which will make brain blood supply shortage. And alcoholics in the water to breathe, his head constantly about swing and the head, bow, coupled with wave Dangyangguanru ears, the brain will be to stimulate the vestibular organ, causing dizziness and loss of balance, are dangerous.


Swimming is my favorite sport.

I like swimming very much. It can make me strong. In summer, I swim in the sea. In winter, the weather is very cold. I go swimming at the swimming pool. Every Sunday I go swimming with my parents.

If you want to be strong, please come with me!


Yesterday is Sunday. The day's weather is so hot. This afternoon, I went to the swimming pool with my father and my brother.

I put up the swimming suit.When I saw the people who is swimming,I wanted to swim very much . So I made up my mind to learn swimming today!

At first, I could not swim at all. My father was very patient. He He encouraged me and taught me how to swim.Though I was hard to swim ,I didn't give up learning swimming ! My father taught me how to breath in the water first. Then , He threw me into the deepest part of the swimming pool . That time I was so afraid ! I tried and tried to swim .After a moment , my father take me back . Three hours later,with the help of my father, I dared to swim myself. I could swim by myself. Although I couldn't swim very well, I was very happy.

Yesterday I not only learned how to swim , but also learned to be brave !


During the summer vacations, I went to learn how to swim.

When I went to the swimming pool, I saw many children swimming happily. The teacher taught me how to hold my breath. I was frightened at first, but gradually, I could stay in water for a long time. After some days, the teacher taught me leg- movements, hand- movements and so on. After ten days of training, I learned how to swim at last. Now I can swim freely in water.

How happy I am!


In summer, the weather is very hot. Swimming is popular. I like swimming, too. I think swimming is a very interesting sport. It helps us build a healthy body. And it makes us cool in the hot summer days. Besides, we can call several friends to swim together. Also, we can play and have fun in the swimming pool. Anyway, swimming is a joyful activity in the hot summer.


More hot days, the public swimming pool has become a favored place, leisure Xiaoshu, we can feel good fitness. A pool of blue water, has a lovely, but there is also potential danger. When launched, it is necessary to strengthen self-protection, can not be taken lightly.

Children can not be launched personal, leisure areas and should have his or her parents; swimming beginners should be 1.4 meters below the shallow waters, and not alone in the pool practicing "Bieqi" so as not to choke water accidents, not in shallow water , The water in the region, "Zha Mengzi" to prevent head impact the bottom or wall are dangerous.

Special needs to be emphasized is that alcoholics do not swim. Because people in the consumption of wine, after dinner, more blood will flow of movement of organs and skin, which will make brain blood supply shortage. And alcoholics in the water to breathe, his head constantly about swing and the head, bow, coupled with wave Dangyangguanru ears, the brain will be to stimulate the vestibular organ, causing dizziness and loss of balance, are dangerous.


Swimming is my favorite sport.

I like swimming very much. It can make me strong. In summer, I swim in the sea. In winter, the weather is very cold. I go swimming at the swimming pool. Every Sunday I go swimming with my parents.

If you want to be strong, please come with me!


Yesterday is Sunday. The day's weather is so hot. This afternoon, I went to the swimming pool with my father and my brother.

I put up the swimming suit.When I saw the people who is swimming,I wanted to swim very much . So I made up my mind to learn swimming today!

At first, I could not swim at all. My father was very patient. He He encouraged me and taught me how to swim.Though I was hard to swim ,I didn't give up learning swimming ! My father taught me how to breath in the water first. Then , He threw me into the deepest part of the swimming pool . That time I was so afraid ! I tried and tried to swim .After a moment , my father take me back . Three hours later,with the help of my father, I dared to swim myself. I could swim by myself. Although I couldn't swim very well, I was very happy.

Yesterday I not only learned how to swim , but also learned to be brave !


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