
The preparation of alkali type copper carbonate

The first:the experiment purpose

1.Master the methods of alkali type copper carbonate prepared and principle

2.Through the design experiment to cultivate independent design ability and chemical research thinking

The second:the experimental principle

The solubility of Cu(OH)2and CuCO 3 are similar, With Cu 2(OH)2CO 3 solid precipitation in the solution.

2CuSO 4+2Na2CO 3+H2O==Cu2(OH)2CO 3↓+2Na2SO 4+CO2↑

The third:the experimental steps

1.Solution preparation

Disposes 0.5 mole of each litre acid sour coppers and sodium carbonate solution each 100 milliliters.

2.The feeding order and raw material compare the exploration

According to 2:1.6,2:2,2:2.4,2:2.8 allocated proportion, is accepted after passing an examination the surface disposition acid sour copper and the sodium carbonate solution, joins in separately 8 test tubes, joins rapidly the sulfuric acid copper solutions in the sodium carbonate solution, vibrates about other constant temperature ten minutes as for 75 degrees Celsius water baths in, the inversion feeding order recreates one time, the observation has the precipitation speed, quantity how many and the color,

discovers the optimum condition.

3.Temperature exploration

According to the above optimum condition, takes the acid sour copper solutions and the sodium carbonate solution separately under 50, 75 and 100 degrees Celsius responded that, discovers the optimum temperature.

4.According to 2, 3 step exploration optimum condition prepares the final product, and with the distilled water lavation, finally dries and calls heavily.(Enlarges ten times with conical flask to do)

The fourth:the experimental items

Instrument and material: The balance, the beaker, the glass rod, the V olumetric flask, the test tube, the filter flask,the Buchner funnel, the Erlenmeyer flask

Chemicals: Copper carbonate, sodium sulfate

The fifth:the experimental result

1.By the step 2, the observation phenomenon optimum condition is equal to for the cupric sulfate compared to the sodium carbonate 2:2.4, the feeding order for joins the sulfuric acid copper solutions to the sodium carbonate solution in.

2.By the step 3, the observation phenomenon optimum temperature is 75 degrees Celsius

3.According to the copper sulfate solution than sodium carbonate

solution is 2:2. 4, ten times magnification, alkali type copper carbonate was zero point five grams, according to the reaction equation calculation yield.

2CuSO 4+2Na2CO 3+H2O==Cu2(OH)2CO 3↓+2Na2SO 4+CO2↑

2 1

0.5*0.02 X



M [Cu2(OH)2CO3]=0.005*222=1.11g

Productive rate:0.5/1.11*100%=45%

The sixth : Questions

1. Which cupric salt suit the system to take the cupric basic carbonate? Answer:Cu(NO)3 or CuSO4

2. The reaction temperature has what influence to this experiment?.

Answer:The temperature excessively is low, the response speed is slow; The hyperpyrexia, the Cu2(OH)2CO 3 decomposition is CuO.

3. Reaction is carried out at what temperature will appear Brown product? What is the brown substance?

Answer: The temperature is equal to 100 degrees Celsius and this brown material is CuO.

The preparation of alkali type copper carbonate

The first:the experiment purpose

1.Master the methods of alkali type copper carbonate prepared and principle

2.Through the design experiment to cultivate independent design ability and chemical research thinking

The second:the experimental principle

The solubility of Cu(OH)2and CuCO 3 are similar, With Cu 2(OH)2CO 3 solid precipitation in the solution.

2CuSO 4+2Na2CO 3+H2O==Cu2(OH)2CO 3↓+2Na2SO 4+CO2↑

The third:the experimental steps

1.Solution preparation

Disposes 0.5 mole of each litre acid sour coppers and sodium carbonate solution each 100 milliliters.

2.The feeding order and raw material compare the exploration

According to 2:1.6,2:2,2:2.4,2:2.8 allocated proportion, is accepted after passing an examination the surface disposition acid sour copper and the sodium carbonate solution, joins in separately 8 test tubes, joins rapidly the sulfuric acid copper solutions in the sodium carbonate solution, vibrates about other constant temperature ten minutes as for 75 degrees Celsius water baths in, the inversion feeding order recreates one time, the observation has the precipitation speed, quantity how many and the color,

discovers the optimum condition.

3.Temperature exploration

According to the above optimum condition, takes the acid sour copper solutions and the sodium carbonate solution separately under 50, 75 and 100 degrees Celsius responded that, discovers the optimum temperature.

4.According to 2, 3 step exploration optimum condition prepares the final product, and with the distilled water lavation, finally dries and calls heavily.(Enlarges ten times with conical flask to do)

The fourth:the experimental items

Instrument and material: The balance, the beaker, the glass rod, the V olumetric flask, the test tube, the filter flask,the Buchner funnel, the Erlenmeyer flask

Chemicals: Copper carbonate, sodium sulfate

The fifth:the experimental result

1.By the step 2, the observation phenomenon optimum condition is equal to for the cupric sulfate compared to the sodium carbonate 2:2.4, the feeding order for joins the sulfuric acid copper solutions to the sodium carbonate solution in.

2.By the step 3, the observation phenomenon optimum temperature is 75 degrees Celsius

3.According to the copper sulfate solution than sodium carbonate

solution is 2:2. 4, ten times magnification, alkali type copper carbonate was zero point five grams, according to the reaction equation calculation yield.

2CuSO 4+2Na2CO 3+H2O==Cu2(OH)2CO 3↓+2Na2SO 4+CO2↑

2 1

0.5*0.02 X



M [Cu2(OH)2CO3]=0.005*222=1.11g

Productive rate:0.5/1.11*100%=45%

The sixth : Questions

1. Which cupric salt suit the system to take the cupric basic carbonate? Answer:Cu(NO)3 or CuSO4

2. The reaction temperature has what influence to this experiment?.

Answer:The temperature excessively is low, the response speed is slow; The hyperpyrexia, the Cu2(OH)2CO 3 decomposition is CuO.

3. Reaction is carried out at what temperature will appear Brown product? What is the brown substance?

Answer: The temperature is equal to 100 degrees Celsius and this brown material is CuO.


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