


David Smith

38 Western Street

Boston, MA 10084





1999 [email protected] (617) 276-6277 HARVARD UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINE SS ADMINISTRATION BOSTON, MA Candidate for Master in Business Administration degree, June 1999. Member of Management Consulting, Entrepreneurship, High Tech and New Media, and Business of Sports Clubs. MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY CAMBRIDGE, MABachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering. GPA 3.9/4.0. Elected dormitory treasurer ($16,000 budget) and athletic chairman. CHAINSHINE CONSULTING GROUP NEW YORK, NY

Summer Intern, International Department

Worked with client teams serving major international paper and industrial

products manufacturer.

∙ Analyzed product-costing process. Identified opportunities to improve accuracy of product costs by 5%.

∙ Researched and reformulated procurement strategy for primary raw

material input with team members. Constructed model

demonstrating potential revenue increase of $15million.

∙ Conducted client interviews and led focus groups as part of initial

phase of re-engineering initiative.

∙ Participated in two-week training program composed of 15 summer



1998 CUMMINS ENGINE COMPANY COLUMBUS, IN Technical Specialist, Automotive Customer Engineering Department 1995-1997

Pioneered and led the Market Segment Profile Project. ∙ Characterized various market segments within Automotive Business Unit and laid foundation for future work in other Cummins business units. ∙ Interviewed external customers to better understand both their spoken and unspoken needs. Collected detailed duty cycle data from end-user applications throughout the U.S. ∙ Developed standard market segment profile format with input from internal customers. Presented findings to engineering, marketing, and sales organizations for developing “value-packages” that give Cummins a comparative advantage in the marketplace. Senior Engineer, Concept Design Division LONDON, U.K. Designed entire diesel engine architecture concepts for products beyond 2002. ∙ Led design of virtual engine using Pro/Engineer computer aided design and finite element analysis tools. ∙ Demonstrated use of industry-leading technologies to help meet future emissions standards and more stringent product performance, reliability, and weight targets. ∙ Presented design concepts to senior management using quarter-scale stereolithography model. Senior Engineer, Product Design Division TORONTO, CAMADA

Designed various diesel engine subsystems for new product development programs.

∙ Led Cylinder Block Team in redesigning cylinder block for new

engine platform program.

∙ Concurrently engineered and integrated competing design

requirements as part of cross-functional team.

∙ Worked closely with suppliers and engine plant personnel to gain

broad background in manufacturing processes. 1991-1995

Personal Native speaker of Mandarin, fluent in English CET-6, some knowledge of Spanish.

comedy skits and cross talks.



David Smith

38 Western Street

Boston, MA 10084





1999 [email protected] (617) 276-6277 HARVARD UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINE SS ADMINISTRATION BOSTON, MA Candidate for Master in Business Administration degree, June 1999. Member of Management Consulting, Entrepreneurship, High Tech and New Media, and Business of Sports Clubs. MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY CAMBRIDGE, MABachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering. GPA 3.9/4.0. Elected dormitory treasurer ($16,000 budget) and athletic chairman. CHAINSHINE CONSULTING GROUP NEW YORK, NY

Summer Intern, International Department

Worked with client teams serving major international paper and industrial

products manufacturer.

∙ Analyzed product-costing process. Identified opportunities to improve accuracy of product costs by 5%.

∙ Researched and reformulated procurement strategy for primary raw

material input with team members. Constructed model

demonstrating potential revenue increase of $15million.

∙ Conducted client interviews and led focus groups as part of initial

phase of re-engineering initiative.

∙ Participated in two-week training program composed of 15 summer



1998 CUMMINS ENGINE COMPANY COLUMBUS, IN Technical Specialist, Automotive Customer Engineering Department 1995-1997

Pioneered and led the Market Segment Profile Project. ∙ Characterized various market segments within Automotive Business Unit and laid foundation for future work in other Cummins business units. ∙ Interviewed external customers to better understand both their spoken and unspoken needs. Collected detailed duty cycle data from end-user applications throughout the U.S. ∙ Developed standard market segment profile format with input from internal customers. Presented findings to engineering, marketing, and sales organizations for developing “value-packages” that give Cummins a comparative advantage in the marketplace. Senior Engineer, Concept Design Division LONDON, U.K. Designed entire diesel engine architecture concepts for products beyond 2002. ∙ Led design of virtual engine using Pro/Engineer computer aided design and finite element analysis tools. ∙ Demonstrated use of industry-leading technologies to help meet future emissions standards and more stringent product performance, reliability, and weight targets. ∙ Presented design concepts to senior management using quarter-scale stereolithography model. Senior Engineer, Product Design Division TORONTO, CAMADA

Designed various diesel engine subsystems for new product development programs.

∙ Led Cylinder Block Team in redesigning cylinder block for new

engine platform program.

∙ Concurrently engineered and integrated competing design

requirements as part of cross-functional team.

∙ Worked closely with suppliers and engine plant personnel to gain

broad background in manufacturing processes. 1991-1995

Personal Native speaker of Mandarin, fluent in English CET-6, some knowledge of Spanish.

comedy skits and cross talks.


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