
一.To express the ability-neng/hui

1.neng: the inborn ability,don't need to learn

e.g. I have eyes,so I can see.

I have ears,so I can hear.

I can take care of myself.

I can’t hear you. ---- A trap.☆

2. neng : the ability is up the a level or extent.

He can learn 50 words by heart one day.

He can swim 300 meters one minute.

3. neng: lost some ability for the moment, because of some

reason or recover the ability.

e.g. He hurt his hands, so he can’t play basketball now.

His foot is recovered, he can walk again.

There is no flour, so I can’t make cakes for you.

Now you are back, I can make cakes for you again.

4. hui: not inborn ability. Emphasize the skill.

e.g. He can play basketball.

I can cook.

She can dance.

I can make cakes.

二.Express possibility-neng/ hui

1. neng: emphasize the objective possibility

e.g. He knows a lot of people,he can help you.

Things are cheap here, 100 yuan of money can buy many things.

He has a meeting, so he can’t come today.

2. hui: emphasize the subjective possibility

e.g. He is kind-hearted, he will help you.

I will miss you.

Believe me, I will not cheat you.


1. express ability: only used when the ability is up the a level or extent.-“keyi/neng”

e.g. He can learn 50 words by heart one day.

He can swim 300 meters one minute.

2. express posibility:

① ask for posibility or permission-“keyi/neng”

e.g. May I use your book?

May I come in?

Can you help me?

② express objective possibility-keyi

e.g. It is getting warm, you can swim.

This bag is big, you can put a lot of things in.

③ no possibility-“buneng”

e.g. I have an exam tomorrow, I can’t go shopping with you. He has a meeting, so he can’t come today.

④ prohibition-“buneng”/”bu keyi”

e.g. You can't do like that. (forbidden)

You can’t smoke here.

You can’t park here.

⑤ advise-“keyi”

e.g. If you have any question, you can ask your teacher. You can take a bus to get there.

Tips: “bukeyi” is only used to express prohibition.

“buneng”is used to express imposibility, because of some reason.

一.To express the ability-neng/hui

1.neng: the inborn ability,don't need to learn

e.g. I have eyes,so I can see.

I have ears,so I can hear.

I can take care of myself.

I can’t hear you. ---- A trap.☆

2. neng : the ability is up the a level or extent.

He can learn 50 words by heart one day.

He can swim 300 meters one minute.

3. neng: lost some ability for the moment, because of some

reason or recover the ability.

e.g. He hurt his hands, so he can’t play basketball now.

His foot is recovered, he can walk again.

There is no flour, so I can’t make cakes for you.

Now you are back, I can make cakes for you again.

4. hui: not inborn ability. Emphasize the skill.

e.g. He can play basketball.

I can cook.

She can dance.

I can make cakes.

二.Express possibility-neng/ hui

1. neng: emphasize the objective possibility

e.g. He knows a lot of people,he can help you.

Things are cheap here, 100 yuan of money can buy many things.

He has a meeting, so he can’t come today.

2. hui: emphasize the subjective possibility

e.g. He is kind-hearted, he will help you.

I will miss you.

Believe me, I will not cheat you.


1. express ability: only used when the ability is up the a level or extent.-“keyi/neng”

e.g. He can learn 50 words by heart one day.

He can swim 300 meters one minute.

2. express posibility:

① ask for posibility or permission-“keyi/neng”

e.g. May I use your book?

May I come in?

Can you help me?

② express objective possibility-keyi

e.g. It is getting warm, you can swim.

This bag is big, you can put a lot of things in.

③ no possibility-“buneng”

e.g. I have an exam tomorrow, I can’t go shopping with you. He has a meeting, so he can’t come today.

④ prohibition-“buneng”/”bu keyi”

e.g. You can't do like that. (forbidden)

You can’t smoke here.

You can’t park here.

⑤ advise-“keyi”

e.g. If you have any question, you can ask your teacher. You can take a bus to get there.

Tips: “bukeyi” is only used to express prohibition.

“buneng”is used to express imposibility, because of some reason.


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