













Mountain Tai Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen,

Welcome to Taian .Taian is well known in the world becase of Mountain Tai .Are you ready ?Let'go! The name of Mountain Tai was first recored in BOOK OF SANGS.Many friends have ask me why Mountain Tai .

Mountain Tai lies in center Shangdong Province .With the magnificent sea to the east and the long yellow river to the western towing in Shandong .Its mean peak rising 1545 m above sea level.

Mountain Tai has a profound cultural connotaion.Since ancient times it has respected by Chinese and it known as the

Ok! My friends the ancient building in front of us is the Bixia Temple. It is the most perfect building in Mountain Tai .It's the temple to the Mountain Tai goddess Bixia yuanjun. The Bixia Temble was first constructed in Song dynasty in1009.The arhitedtural complex is well-arranged. Grandus and it looks like a palace in Heaven.

Who is Bixia yuanjun ?In legend she is a fairy lady.Her statues in Taoist is very high.She will give lucy and happness when people pray in front of her.

The Bixia temple is devided by the main gate into two courtyards.The front courtyard has a tower for singing and dancing .two atices in the east and the weste. the bell tower and the drum tower respectively on the left and the right.Under

the tower for singing and dancing is a fire floor called

Now we look at the four bronze the statues of Black dragon.wight tiger .Zhaogong ming and Liuting are enshrined inside the main gate .

Now we come to the courtyard.Two amperior stilis written by emperor QianLong of qing dynasty.Respectively erected on the east and weast.

The main building in the rea courtyard is the hall of Bixi yuanjun which houses the gilded bronze statue of Mountain Tai Bixia yuanjun .And hands the two large plaques

Now give you some time for free visit half an hour later we will visit the next attraction














Mountain Tai Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen,

Welcome to Taian .Taian is well known in the world becase of Mountain Tai .Are you ready ?Let'go! The name of Mountain Tai was first recored in BOOK OF SANGS.Many friends have ask me why Mountain Tai .

Mountain Tai lies in center Shangdong Province .With the magnificent sea to the east and the long yellow river to the western towing in Shandong .Its mean peak rising 1545 m above sea level.

Mountain Tai has a profound cultural connotaion.Since ancient times it has respected by Chinese and it known as the

Ok! My friends the ancient building in front of us is the Bixia Temple. It is the most perfect building in Mountain Tai .It's the temple to the Mountain Tai goddess Bixia yuanjun. The Bixia Temble was first constructed in Song dynasty in1009.The arhitedtural complex is well-arranged. Grandus and it looks like a palace in Heaven.

Who is Bixia yuanjun ?In legend she is a fairy lady.Her statues in Taoist is very high.She will give lucy and happness when people pray in front of her.

The Bixia temple is devided by the main gate into two courtyards.The front courtyard has a tower for singing and dancing .two atices in the east and the weste. the bell tower and the drum tower respectively on the left and the right.Under

the tower for singing and dancing is a fire floor called

Now we look at the four bronze the statues of Black dragon.wight tiger .Zhaogong ming and Liuting are enshrined inside the main gate .

Now we come to the courtyard.Two amperior stilis written by emperor QianLong of qing dynasty.Respectively erected on the east and weast.

The main building in the rea courtyard is the hall of Bixi yuanjun which houses the gilded bronze statue of Mountain Tai Bixia yuanjun .And hands the two large plaques

Now give you some time for free visit half an hour later we will visit the next attraction


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